ll.l5plli»—l2.15;im. Rescheduled documentary about the world memory champion. banned frorii every UK casino. who heads to Vegas to pit his card- drama series.

counting skills against the big boys of I Get Up, Stand Up (Channel 4) gambling. i l l.|5—-l l.5()pm. Another series of the

W black comedy show will] Malcolm

leading him astray while his dad (Robert Lindsay) is becoming increasingly distracted in Alan Bleasdale‘s excellent

' I Dosh (Channel 4) 8--8.30prii. New

user‘s guide to money presented by Shami Ahmed. founder of the hugely successful British clothing company Joe Bloggs. The first programme includes advice on how to haggle and how to renegotiate your mortgage.

I The Boss (BBCZ) 7.20-8. lOpm. Video diary from the head teacher of a large comprehensive in Derby which is about to receive a v isit from the government

. . . . . . . . : schools inspector.

l-rederlck. Chris ltiiiimrngs aiitl Angle l.e 5 I Casualty (BBC! ) xmflg'sspm. More

I Tools ot the Trade (BBCZ) ' the trendy liberals who previously ""SSmg h"? ";_D“l’ll”lc S r‘a’m Rm d . . .. _ , r ,, ,, . . r .- ., ...~ uncovers a ig mancra pro em instea . It). l()~l().3()pm. C oilipariioii series to the “mild” I ham \hlltltul Srllkt /! 1.!“ It) ll , e ) earlier Nirr' ll'rn'k. this programme looks they were paid. but what about his real (an I time Anqefson Talks Pack (Channel 4) :Tl'legx fighkC-J ?:Q.'4§dt)ltti. at the cornerstones of people's working base‘.’ The importance of such a hugely l0~ Oil l-l-‘l’m- M?‘fl””“‘¢ “‘lt'bmy “"f‘“ F“ d“ "l “i S“ F a “r U lives. starting with the desk. popular. mass market entertainer coming “Illa “'3” all“ "ll‘g‘fsn- _ gifappctapgtsltb I Mad Max 2 (BBCI) l()—-l l.35pm. out cannot be underestimated. on .0550 (B C ~l ' Ll)" l-flSPW- _ (s COWS}. ' Pm- George Miller directs his sequel to his I In the Company 0t Men (BBCZ) [I 5 59““ “"1" Jl’llillhil" R058 5 Cullllliumg COHCIUdlng part of Brotherly Love 'ipoc'ilvhtic r()'ltl adventure with Mel. ' 9— IOPm Acclaimed documentarv maker "lwa ‘0 8""m'l95‘ “"llgl" l'CEJlllfintl lht‘ Slamng RObb'c Cflllm'lc 3-“ “‘9 "‘aVCUCk «v e. It‘s . l .I - . f . . ‘1‘. . ‘. .i .8. Gibson battling for control of a precious i Molly Dineen contltines her look at the “hulu'mu‘J ",‘ '5 C‘U‘” "l PUIP' :lguall pqgshomgr: I ‘I 4 9 '0 oil refinery. . Welsh Guards. with whom she lived for i I ciapsmfin V'l'as(Cllil'1"Cl 4i u "‘9 99 (C am“ ) Pm I Damage (Channel 4) Itihm l” ()S'im eighteen months i l H54 l~~‘()P”‘- NC“ NU“ illlllllilml Repealed documentary "hm" "19"“)ch Or I ouis Vl'ille‘s erotic thriller \v'itlfJei‘cttly' i I‘Taggart (Scottish) ‘)--l()Pm. New three- l “Cries “m” “‘9 SI’U’MS [WNW “Mills Inc armed mm“ Who break the law and lrons as a Tory MP who icopar‘dises his. l parter with Jardine and Reid investigating l “hm” “1° “Mm” '"h‘lh'm'm “l ["l'ldml 1”.” SC”! I? the ‘lfcadc‘l ‘glas'fihousc ' -' - ~ ~ I l r - - ll'lt Voices hv J'tttc llol‘t'tX‘ks Alison I Homicide - lite on the Streets career by taking up with his son s i the death ol a pop star iii his own i f ~ . f . " _ _ Him-fiend : Rwimlmng p00] gugpiciuus 5 Steadman and Him Dexter. (Channel 4) l0—l l.()5pm. Howard is still ‘- ln the Shadow of the Gun (BBCU l 'Circumgt'tiices" You bet' 9 I Passengers (Channel 4) l 1.30pm. weak alter returning to work. but starts Irish Republican leader Michael Collins Repeat of the documentary about amateur Klmihcrlc." Didi“ “"‘l W)’ SUPCW‘WM . .ginle. gooldlsfox Guide; Tamar: '. who masterminded Irish resistance to the ; rocket scientists who are forever l"'}‘h“ li’“"'¥"‘*lA‘l- a. T . (melting) :- p'"""1‘f'"l— “if ("U British occupation iii the 30s arid is now l launching missiles from their back I 8 05mm“ may? "'95 N’lce _ l “r F “n9 “P in”? “m” ‘5 5“ the stlbicct of It t'c'nnrg mm turn-inn 1mm i gardcm ! (Channel 4) I2.2()—2.2>am. ()rrginal lirnr : therapy series which is currently on Nccwn" . i I Jakers ngless‘ (01mm. 4, ~ g : lCntwpelsltal-ring Lana [timer and John ! holiday looking for sun. sea. sand and sex. I Network First (Scottish) l(l-—l l. ISpm. Jake s imaginary (trend is "‘l 'L L W

- - Mar- : hi 7it it"llll' fr Hit (it * n' ti in’s f' v ) irit . Without walls (Channel 4) 940mm

I Paparazzo (Scottish) 8.30 - l()pm. Pilot 1 g t 3“ .‘l'i ‘i'! )l‘h Cf ‘l ‘1 H L Steve Coogan continues his investigation l0" 1‘ “CW N‘Ck BC”? VCll‘ClC “1 “'thh “C :ggralgnagce} m I I m itito our love affair with the car iri plays a tabloid photographer who gets the l I Football Fussba" voema' (BHCW) j ,_ _ H /l - . - f - Pm Automatic. fmmwcd by Fun With Wigs in ..|.hr['. } [pals “It. a”, .k l - JohiiCalids l\ adaptationol . -. . .' . -. . . .- , cc L il l) s to s in can it. ra r ac _ .. ._ . . . _ , which [)avid Baddlcl turns into a . . . . . . . . . , . 7J5 "3PM. lUlHL’lll S Ulllmll “l ills Shakespeare s [It’ll/T ll l’ai'ts One and - - colleagues gobstliacketl. :\s c\el. Berry ) t. t I t.) [B H n \ '00“ u m H , l . Restoration comic. opts not to act but to glL‘L-p_“;llk [humuh I (it Hit!) 1 ' t t _ 1 st c I L . lwo. \Nllll-thllc Holiocks. C oriri Redgrave I Rammg Stones (Channel 4)

. _ . . . '. _ r , .- f. mighty ltallan sides like litter and and Paul i-rlrlingtrm, . the wllolt. show. it inch is so hilariously l ~ ~ . . l0—l 1.40pm. Ken l.oach s excellent t, i. .5 'I y ,~ _ - Juventtls. I An Innocent Man (Scottish) - . r . hit its a most ccltalll to ht tolilltlissloncd I 10p Gear Motorspon (BBCU I 9 H ()5 I 1.”. I .H . liiovtc about a man trying to scrape , - - -- ntl ‘r'llllll'l "s; t - - .is .i pork—trim Stlldl. l L U ( mmé together the necessary cash to (inance his

8-—8.3()pm. More rally action with a new Tom Selleck as a man who is imprisoned dim ,htcr‘ fim HUI Communion 59”“ 0' the "WWW “"5 PJ'USWWUC after being lined up by the cops. but falls t“ ' y '

which features more whcclspinsthun , in with anothercriminal who has a break- Dagenham High Street.

out plan.

I Absolutely Animals (Channel 4) 8.3()~‘)pm. Dani Behr presents the last in this aniliial-loving series which features a

look at man's special relationship with the , ° . r. - chimpanzee. The Terry Christian jokes are I Anuesfion 0‘ .sport (BBCI l 8'30‘99'” , I The camom'le Law" (C‘llilllllCl 4) Chan sue (Sunmm 7-7'3‘0pm‘ Man SO Obvious. [hey-m it”?! um worth'lmknm David Coleman lronts another ser'iesol 9 l().()5pnl. Repeat of the racy adaptation ‘mdstuw Drum! m“ Stmml] an?!“ I Northern Exposure (Channel .1) k l “10 l0”5¢'95i'rl”“ll"8 TV *ll‘V— Sim“ “"lh of Mary \\'esle,\"s novel about an eccentric pk“ [he law"! p.0p news and Wdcm' l()—l().55pm. Joel is traumatised by the i perennial [cam capmllls Bl” “9““mm” L E‘lgll‘l‘ WWI." "W‘S [0 kCL‘P “er "PPS" I That Real "0"“, (Ch‘lnl'c' 4) dth “f .m Old mend .md mum" 'whilc and [art Botham wearing the l’l'rtigle - “pg sun‘dur-mu (he will; 3-30‘ )Pm' 'Gilbx RO-‘rlm WWW-S for. Maurice and Shelly are looking rocky. sweaters“ I Rory Bfemne' Who Else? (Channel 4) hummus-Cam? the.allmmgiwcsiouday f I The Shooting cane” (Chan‘ncl 4" r I Not the time 012ch News (BBC2) l().()5~l().45piii. Rory Brcmner is joined 5 up" w m 1 ":9 “d” t k V“ w "mtg 0 ' . (._.( i r ~‘-' )~ n i. \ , , . '. , ; Ul‘klllill' \r'ZlCil IUIICI‘S, I 1.35pm_3.15um. A "0“. $0350.10! ) ).3()pm. New stilts til rcpcalctl by the two .loliris. Bird and l oltunc. lor y

highlights from the seminal 80s sketch = more satire and impressions. I "onhem Exposure iCh“",'lc' 4)

show which launched the careers of I Tribe Time (Channel 4) l l. l5plll—4alll. “LIO'SSP'” Shelley ‘3 gm”?! "‘fr‘fuus as Rowan Atkinson. Griff Rhys Jones. Mel i The theme for tonight‘s excursion into the her baby 5 NW dwellcars' Wh'lc [1d S Smith and Pamela Stephenson. plus world of sub-cultures is ‘The Wild Ones' Shaman "Mlmg '5" t 20mg [00 S'llmthly' writers like Richard I-imr Weddings Curtis and it looks like this: Blood Sports tor All: I "‘9 “00"”?! 53"” (Channel ,4)

and Andy Dead Drinker Hamilton. I The Punk Kes ( l l.l5--l l.3()prri) Filiii by .1 l'35lmF2'4‘fium' Anomcr.w”.cc"0n 0f I Medics (Scottish) ‘)-l()pit‘. Gail and ' Carl llulitel'. formerly with Liverpool “ldg’cndcm “1er “WW Ol “(him have Jay‘s split escalates into violence when band The Farm. which looks at the urban p'Cl‘Cd up awards, at film, {csuvals around Robert becomes involved. hunters who use ferrets to catch rats. The [he world‘ mCIUdmg ‘Sm’wcr

' Warriors ( l l.3()pm- l.l5ani) Walter Hill‘s ('2‘457'2‘503'11)‘39'lc'shmshonaboma guy trying to hang himself. which won best short film at Cannes this year.

independent shorts from around the world featuring 80 films over eight weeks. Tonight's highlights include a couple of Scottish films: Joyride ( l2. lS-<12.3()am) Jiiii Gillespie‘s action short about a high speed chase. and Brotherly Love (2.15—3.15am) Tam Dean Burn and Russell Burn are two brothers whose relationship is explored on a trip across Scotland in Angus Reid‘s excellent film. Also worth catching is Drive Baby Drive

New York gang movie loosely modelled

( l l.55prrr-—l2.15am): another mud trip, on Homer's The Odyssey about a young this time featuring the sexual tensions antl gang "‘“l‘b” mng m milkc It back to 2 claustroPliobia of two couples cooped up “mm ulrl' Dog “gilt ( l.‘ 15'T1‘3()m") A in a car. look at illegal dog fighting in the I Hands UP (Channel 4) 3-830an New Potteries. Eight-Tray Gangster education series which encourages parents (l.3()—2.3()arii) Profile ofa l.os Angelcs to become more actively involved in their gangster who runs with the Crips. kids" SChOOllng. . : Awayday (2.30—2.40am) Short drama I In the Company of Men (BBQ) \ about a soccer casual. Cosh Boy 9— 10pm. Final part of Molly DlltCCll‘S. (2.40—4am) Classic 50s movie, the first documentary about the boys and men iii British film to receive an X certificate. the WClSh Guards. about a bunch of well-dressed lads who I 73993" (SCOttiSh) 9-10pm. Reidand fight for fun. Jardine continue their investigation into the death of a pop star. with special guest i I The Storm Chasers (Channel 4) I "idde" “ands (Channel 4) 8—9pm 9—l0pm. Repeat of this documentary o. r , Second part of this history of the darker about tornadoes in America. and [he I Heroes of Comedy (Channel 4) side of modernism. See preview. Obsessives who Chase after them with 9—10pm. More gushing tributes from the I Pride and Preludice (BBCl) video Camera; world of showbiz. this time for Max 9—9.50pm. Final part of Andrew Davies‘s I Jake's progress (Channel 4) Miller. who at tile high point of his career excellent adaptation ofthe Jane Austen (0.1 130p”), Am” Blcasdalc’s cpic was the top earner on the variety circuit. ; classic. domestic drama continues, starring Robert I Dangerfield (BBC I) (ma-- 10.20pm. 1 I london’s Burning (Scottish) 9—t0pm. Lindsay as a dreamer who refuses to grow ' The doctor has to deal with a suspected More drama With laddch and hOSCS in this up and his wife Julie Walters who worries -- \., TB epidemic at the surgery and jealousies popular firemen drama. on behan‘of the whole family. t over a woman at the police station. I Witness (Channel 4) 9:10pm. I [ate Edition (Scottish) 1 [pm_midnighL , ' I Have I Got News for You? (BBC2) Documentary about a British-bom Jiln White and Kim), Young present I Michael Barrymore’s My Kind 0 )0- lO.3()pm. Angus Deayton returns with choirmaster in Canada who was charged another sofa-b0und Show featuring chat, People (Scomsm 8'30"9P”‘- This "cw another series of the satirical news quiz with abusing thirteen choirboys. It later celebrities and studio bands_ Series Wm be me “3‘” “’5‘ "l. Barrymore‘s with team captains Ian Hislop and Paul emerged that church elders and parean I Get up, Stand up (Channel 4) popularity after his semi-voluntary outing Merton. had suppressed knowledge of the abuse 1 1.30pm-]23m, More black humour. in occupied newspaper “CildllnCS for days I Frasier (Channel 4) It) -l().30pm. for years until the suicide of a choirboy both senses, from Angie Le Mar. Malcolm “In” {his .Vcar- He “'0” “CW fill“ 3”“)"2 Frasier is innocently searching fora forced the crimes into the open. Frederick and Chris Tummings_

88 The List 20 ()ct-Z Nov l995 —+—