Dates listed below are for one-oft shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least one week before publication. Folk and World listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.



I Weekly Ceilidh Dance The Ferry. Clyde l’lace. 9pm. £6 (£4). Tickets at the venue or iii advance from the Ticket Centre. Candleriggs. 227 5511.

I Ceilidh Dance Riverside. Fox Street. Off Clyde Street. 248 3144. Doors open 8pm. tnusic at 9pm. £5.

I Emerald Country Finnegan’s Wake. St Vincent Street. 248 498‘). ‘)pm. Free.


I Moscow Art Trio Queen's Hall. Clerk Street. 668 201‘). Credit cards 667 7776. 8.30pm. £7.50. £6 (concessions £3 one hour before the performance). h'loldavian song and shawm/clarinet in a spectacular musical trio blending jazz. folk and classical.

I Robert Fish Band Assembly Rooms. George Street. 220 434‘). 8.30pm—lam. £6 (£3). Tickets frorn Assembly Rooms box office. Two consecutive weeks with the popular Fdinburgh ceilidh band.

I llth MacDiarmid’s Haircuts: Bride‘s Centre. ()rwell Terrace. Dalry Road. 7.30pm. £6 (£3). Tickets in advance from 313 1550. Wild ceilidh dance and bagpipe boogie.

I Slip Jig Scruffy Murphy‘s. George W liridg -. 225 1681. 9pm. Free.



I Baby lsaacs Scotia Bar. sinektt-ell Street. 552 8681. 3.30pm. Free.

I Ceilidh Dance Riverside. t-‘m Street. oft'Clyde Street. 248 3144. Doors open 8pm. music at ‘)pm. £5.

I Urban Gypsies Finnegan's Wake. 7‘) Sr Vincent Street. 248 408“). ‘I'prn. l-ree.


I Tron Folk Club Tron Ceilidh llotrsc. llunter Square. 220 1550. 8.30pm. £3.

I Howlin’ Gael Scruffy Murphy‘s. Geo ‘_...‘ 1V Bridge. 225 1681. ‘)pm 1-‘z'3e.

I Absent Friends l-‘irrnegan's 'vy'akc. Victoria Street. 226 3816. ‘)pm-2arrr. Free.


I Macushla/Shoogley Peg Finnegan's \Vake. 7‘) St Vincent Street. 248 4980. 3pm and ‘)pm. Free.


I Liam 0' Flynn l’leasance l‘heattc Cabaret liar. 8pm. £7 (£5). lrckets and trrforrtratiorr from The Music Shop. Victoria Street. ('irassrrrarket. 220 0601. Presented by Open House Music. .-\n evening of tremendous Irish traditional music. from 1re1and's rrraster uillean piper. \v 1111 support from new Aberdeen-based trio Cornerhouse \ylroare l\\rrll11.'vl.\' lrish. and classy performers on fiddle. accordion. whistle arid guitar.

I Finn MacCooll Scruffy Murphy‘s. George W Bridge. 225 1681. 9pm. Free. I Sineag Finnegan's Wake. Victoria Street. 226 3816. ‘)pm—2am. Free.

MONDAY 20 ~ . 1


I Ceilidh Dance Class Riverside Club. Fox Street. off Clyde Street. 248 3144. 7.30-l0pm. £3.50. Bar. New season with regular caller Karin Ingram. and The ()ccasional‘s piano-aCCordionist. Freeland Barbour.

I Slip Jig Finnegan‘s Wake. 7‘) St Vincent Street. 248 498‘). ‘)pm. Free.


I Celtic Storm Finnegan's Wake. Victoria Street. 226 3816. ‘)pm-—2am. Free.

TDESDAY't ' Glasgow

I Emerald Country Finnegan‘s Wake. 7‘) St Vincent Street. 248 498‘). ‘)pm. Free.


I Hair of the Dog Finnegan‘s Wake. Victoria Street. 226 3816. 9pm—2am. Free.


Glasgow I Weekly Scots Fiddle Workshops

Stratbclyde Arts Centre. Washington Street. 7.30-‘).3()pm. £4 (£1.50). Information 636 1450. lain Fraser leads the workshops on Scots atrd Cape Breton fiddle styles. for more advanced players; other tutors lead the beginners and intermediate levels.

I 810 Ma Gael Scotia liar. Stockwell Street. 552 8681. ‘)pm. Free. All-women folk/rooters.

I Hair of the Dog Finnegan's Wake. \‘ictozia Street. 226 3816. ‘)pm—2am. Free.


I Norman McCaig’s Birthday Celebration Assembly Rooms. George Street. 220 434‘). 7.30pm. £8 (£5). Tickets from Assembly Rooms box office. For the great Scottish poet's 85th birthday. a tremendous turn-out of talent. Writers irieiuue Sorley Maclean. Douglas Dunn. Edwin Morgan. lain Crichton Smith. Derick Thomson. Alasdair Gray. Tom Pow. Kathleen Jamie. William Neill. Valerie Gillies. Liz Lochhead. Brian MacCabe atrd Meg Bateman. Singers and musicians include Gaelic singer lshbel MacCaskill. piper Allan MacDonald. Adam Mactlaughton. Margaret Bennett and Hamish Henderson.

I ALP Ceilidh Dance The Merlin. Morrringside Road. 8—11pm.£4 (£2). Weekly dance with caller/guitarist Dave Francis and fiddler Mairi Campbell. Cerlidlr Dance workshop 7-830pm. includes entrance to the later dance. lrrformation from the ALP Scots Music Group. 337 5442.

I Edinburgh Folk Club Pleasance Cabaret liar. 60 The l’leasance. 8pm. £4 (£3). ‘New Folk and Blues' promises the Yorkshire-based vocal/guitar and PCl'CUSSKHl duo of Mairead D Donnell atrd Lorna Bird augmented by bass player Brian Anderson.

I Crannachan Finnegan's Wake. Victoria Street. 226 3816. ‘)prrr—2am. Free.



I New Dawn Folk Club Glasgow Press Club. ‘)4 West Regent Street. 332 1674. 8pm. Tickets vary £3 -£5. Tonight. songs rooted 111 Ireland from Keiran Halpin.

I Urban Gypsies Finnegan's Wake. 7‘) St Vincent Street. 248 498‘). ‘)pm. Free.

3 I Ceilidh Dance Class Brabloch Hotel. ? Renfrew Road. 88‘) 5577. 7.30prrr.

t lnformatiorr 01505 61338‘). Weekly

7 dancing to live band with caller Peter

L Roberts.

5 Edinburgh

5 I Absent Friends Finnegan's Wake. Victoria Street. 226 3816. ‘)prrr—2am. Free.


; Glasgow I Weekly Ceilidh Dance The Ferry. cry-ire Place. ‘)pm. £6 (£4). Tickets at the venue or in advance frorn the Ticket Centre. Candleriggs. 227 5511. I Ceilidh Dance Riverside. Fos Street. off ('lyde Street. 248 3144. 15. Doors open 8pm. I Hair of the Dog Finnegan's Wake. 7‘) St Vincent Street. 248 498‘). ‘)pm. Free.

: Edinburgh I Robert Fish Band Assembly Rooms. George Street. 220 434‘). 8.30ptrr—1arrr. £6 (£3). Tickets from Assembly Rooms box office. Two consecutive weeks with the popular Edinburgh ceilidh band. I Urban Gypsies Scruffy Murphy‘s. George 1V Bridge. 225 1681. 9pm. Free. I Kings ot Pluck Finnegan's Wake. Victoria Street. 226 3816. ‘)pm --2am. Free.



I Sineag Scotia Bar. Stockyvell Street. 552 8681. 3pm. Free.

I Emerald Country Finnegan's Wake. 7‘) St Vincent Street. 248 498‘). ‘)pm. Free. I Ceilidh Dance Riverside. Fox Street. off Clyde Street. 248 3144. Doors open 8pm. music at ‘)pm. £5.


I Ceilidh Dance St Bride's Centre. ()rwell 'l‘errace. Dairy Road. 7.30pltt—tttitltriglrl.£51551. liar. Tickets from the Adult Learning Project. 184 Dalry Roar . 337 5442. .‘vltrsic by Da Hooley.

I Tron Folk Club Tron Ceilidh llotrse. llutrter Square. 220 1550.8.30prrr. £3.

I Bazaar Scruffy Murphy's. George 1V

Bridge. 225 1681. ‘)pm. Free. Band from Dublin.

I Urban Gypsies l-‘innegan's Wake. Victoria Street. 226 38 lo. ‘ipnr »2am. Free.

Glasgow I Bannoch/Shougley Peg r suit-yank

\‘MlLL. 1‘ 1‘51 \'lil K~ilt‘t‘ .. 1'» «‘N‘)

5pm and ‘iprrr. 11.;-


I Boys of the tough Festival Theatre. Nic‘oismr Slt't‘tfl. 52‘) ()0le 7.30pm. £9.50 £6.50 (concessions bl off ticket price). .\ltrsic for ‘1 Celtic and Scandinavian nrttlxyinter. featuring .-\iy Barn and the lioy‘. \\ rth top Swedish Iolk group Frifot. Sec .‘rlasie pte\ tea

I Woodside Now S: t'ttlfy .‘\l;tt‘p1~j~."~. (ieorge 1\ Bridge. 22.5 1681. 10pm Free.

I Sineag Finnegan‘s Wake. Victoria Street. 226 3816. ‘)prtr 2am. Free.



I Ceilidh Dance Class Rim side Huh. l'itt\ Street. Ul'l‘Clytle ‘ilrt‘c'l. 24S i144. 7.3l'r~-1()prrr. £3.50. liar. .-\T.’ \yelcorrrc to the new season which will rrrrr through to June with regular caller Karin lrrgraat. and The ()ccasiorrals piano-acctr:'.lrorrrst. Freeland Barbour

I Slip Jig Finnegan's Wake. ZR) St

Vincent Street. 34-5 4"“). "r‘m- lice.

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