“MM” Rom" “Odgc' I The Brothers McMu/len 17

Editor Kathleen Morgan.

Assistant Editor: Alan Screen Test 18

MonisonJonathan Trew. Video reviews, i

Editorial Assistant Ellie Carr, I s

Advertising Manger Lesley Film Index 22

La " . ' , ,

Adir‘eritctsing Assistant Nicky . l l d $00: gm

s n. s l s cc wo

ciie‘iiiatlon Manager Mino A SpeCIa emént. 1 e g

fights Manager Georgette Wlth preSSle Ideas'

R 'ck.

gain“ W'W‘Shci'a see centre pages“ Townes van Zandt 35

Classifieid 10 Kennedy. Evelyn Glennie

"9°53" "9 NikkiTumC". J k D Hank Marvin and Joe Satriani

:ffisgiiillfggiiohrkkhtlnrzwm‘ Album reviews 38

iiiiirii‘iié'tion Assistants Dave A CUlt comedlan Ponders Liv“: rcv'cws , 4"

Keen. Keith Jones. - LISilllSIS Rock (Sr Blues 41

h D l 0h f ~

Design Frankie Murphy. t 6 CC" ID is 0 Light

£35m Eddie Gibb. mainstream success. Jazz 47 K.thl ~ M . . ,

Booksn‘Kafhl’een (irigoargan. 6 FUN" & world

Classical & Opera 51


Classical Music Carol Main. Clubs Rory Weller. Jim Byers. Dance Ellie Carr.

Days Out Thom Dibdin.

Film Alan Mon'ison. Trevor

Johnston- , _ _ The War in Heaven 53 Fllm listings Thom Dtbdtn. . Salk Norman Chalmers. Cross Dressmg W Kcnny Ma'hicso'h in the Depression 53 Klds Ell"C . . aiuséc JohatiliIaTn Trew. . RCVICWS oc Fiona Shepherd..lim F Listings Theatre 55 B ..Al.t'Mbbt. ’3 gratin: A1311: :ibniionfn u Dance 59 e ev sion Edd'e G'bb. . . Theatre Andreiv Btirnet. amt- The smger branches out Comcdy 59 Carr. . - gamsra Edinburgh Make-up With a set of songs to Weill away the evemng David Eustace 61 Page 8 The Persistence of Painting 52 Listings 63 808 State 67 The sweet little mystery L‘S““g3 68 behind the Clydebank four. Page 10 Listings 76 ._ m, . Listings 77 Jack Dee Published by The List Ltd. HEAD OFFICE: I4 High Street. B Livingston FC lid' b "l mu ma. -. - . relinoil‘ii ‘559 1191. Lumgs 79 Fax: 0131 557 8500. - Humphnes TV ()ld Athenaeum Theatre. . LifebeyondDameEdna- is‘giiztziiiz‘izimp 2? Tel: 0141 332 9929. .‘ 0141 353 2803. Page ‘0 Channel Hopping 3‘ ©1995 The List Ltd. 14'5"”? 82

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Doris Lessing’s graphic novel 84

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for?niont(ii‘)56(l3 issues) Page 15 Dame Edna Classified (incl 1 Saw You) 86 . or year .. issues)

£65 312 ymfismucsi run JOBS IN THE ARTS, MEDIA, mu 1 ICIAL WORK Food . . 94 gas “jg,th Office. - see CLASSIFIED BECRUIT 86 Competitions 95

The List l-l4 Dec 19951