Hogmanay Venues Ticket Information

A All tickets and Information on all events available from the lidinburgh & I I I I I I Scotland Information Centre. 3 Princes Street (Waverley (‘entre Plaza). QUEEN 5m er CREDIT CARD HOTLINES CHARLOTTE g g 5'; ANDREW figfig licks inlo ccntre (H31 553 lo72. 'l‘icla-ilmc om norm. 'I‘octa (list 557 (sum. L); '5 2 O OTHER OUIIHS Q0 '50 r - Il”k“"l.ll”'\ss' bl'Ri) s(")‘u‘§“‘ SQUARE Murine U, SOLAR: SCREENS c Li L . cm _\ um. . IL( tgc . Itul pom! ‘3 2:733:23?" Vl'gl”. Megastore Princes Street 0 O R! \ r R". ‘( -- y \ llnjr— PRINCES STREET .ppmg Mics South Btltlgc .. Playhoase (ireenside I’Iace. (ll 3| 557 3590 . O SCREENS o . . é Queens Hall South ('lerls Street. (ll31 603 2(ll‘) i 5 Usher Hall I.othian Road. um 22s llSS 5 5"“““‘""“‘“ 3:. -_-.'.:-.s~ - % NOTE: All credit card orders carry a booking l‘ee. E 8 Information on all events available at the llo‘gmanay lnl'ormation ('enlre. E '“ liast Princes Street (iardens. ()pen 20th - .llst Dec Illam - (ipm (not cliristmasl. ’° I STR ,T _ we . rvrnr ncm 0mm 0 . . . .. . . . . '- 8 lcrcl"'gr‘.t l'.&$ lnlo( cntre. \ irgin. Ripping. l'orth I'.\l. \\ aterstones E ll’rinces St/(ieorge St I. Scandic ('row n Hotel. Safeway s BREAD ST , g ARTHUR'SGI ((‘omely Bank. Morningsidel 2 SE“ llcg'nariay Cut; teas Inl’o ('entre. 'l‘icketline. Virgin. Ripping A/G /\ *“ 'Sall re St.;)pe' li&S lnl‘o (‘enire ipaid ot'dcl'l. 'l‘()(“l‘.-\ A RLLL to Rea Ceilidh. lites lnl'o ('entre. 'l‘iclsetlilie

I ?Il‘l P'iil“|t?li? Party Ii&S lnl‘o ('cntre. 'l‘iclsetline. I‘ilmhouse

I Fifty/[RSI IIII‘.:\I.RI‘I('IU.I3 -t)(i 13 III IIIIRRIII‘.’ lllIi'IIRI Kid's llognianay Ga,y G! “e, “(‘8 In“) (.Cmrc. lehnuw. “(Ruling Tum“. Virgin. l bAI IIRl COURT Saltirc- Supper Isl {ill III I) RAI I OOII lhe llogmanay( lth Ripping 0mm“ “a” i 3 WI” I‘m-L ‘.°”"““‘ N“ “""1 1‘? IIIMIIOUSI "3"3' "".‘.“‘."" """"" (lancer: w: the Ga'dens li&S trim ('cntre. I’IthItollsC. ’l'icketline. 'l'octa. Virgin. llandel s' Messiah . ~ II) RI DI ,»\I.I IlllwthI lsid s Ilogtttattay Ripping. Quwm Hull‘ 3 ENERIII‘IEl'lE‘S‘ ""RDI “SI ("m‘ “"14" Wil'llyijgéig‘ml(Ilfoliri'llljmlan: in Cafffea'a lites lnlo ('entre. :l:icl\etlinc. omens I'lall. curricular Slurp 4 R088 BAIIDSIAIII) (‘onccrts m the (mat-us lliilvrootl J ' ' i Rev” “5‘5 “ll” “HW- “t‘ks‘l't'kfi '“sm- \'”‘:~'m- Ruining Him” ‘.'."r"\II Rt 00 Pl -'s(:l' (‘arniyal 19 R: t v Cl lllRl l’l iii/ii wait-rigs . I , , “I ,4.""".I‘°".‘””I . t i . . 6 ASSN-.181 Y ROOMS liood ran-z Real Stage: Ice Rink; li/ili i-‘matt- II,","T(s‘I"‘I’ 3d '3‘“. IN.” (.C”“" ‘.l’.‘.“‘I “'II“ ’: I‘M” .. . . . (14“th Ruck 20 CM m” mil “W Hmwl Cl...) J6 links lnlo( entre. liclsetlme. locta. \ irgm. Ripping. / M0 I‘ll) SQULRI launch ('ercmonv: ' s Q -. .- . ray erse I'mII' HI SW“. . (I 'l‘IiiiIiIililIir: llelr i\:’kl;\ill\lt:(;|lll\\ Dd" Jet/z Real licks lnl‘o ('entre. 'l‘iclsetline. 'l'octa. Virgin. Ripping. 8 (IIIY CHALIRI RS llogmanay Ball Queens Hall 9 Ple IN.” lll SOU-‘~.RI Start ol"l'orchlight A "X Ni} Y-fiélf l'sher llall. 'l’iclsctline. litkS Inlo ('entrc l’l'tts‘s'\\i0" and l'i/Ilil KM“ llttilnlémél} O I)'.?""£i":?"i I: as llan-zi-i‘; hie-swab l‘sliei- Ilall. ’l‘iclseiline. licks lnl'o ('entre to St Gll IS (Infill UHF-«l Bank of Scotland 0 , i K Magi :: Bet) teas Itil‘o ('entre. 'I‘iclselline ('élmlls‘lil (it‘lls‘s‘l'l ' Happy 08%; lickS Inlo ('entre. 'l'iclsetline I I IROII KIRK KI‘I" “(ll—“"3"” I'ans.‘ am ..i: puss -.-.;;; "is-gestural: s.;:~.:.-.~. J P.3(IC e::..::< MRS lnl‘o ('etill‘e. 'I‘iclsclliltc. \clllcrbow 'Iihcall'e l2 lilUlll.l»'~.RKl I (3,21 l l' RY CllY PIRIS m: \i...~..:..v 2.: ;‘.-.:l\;::.‘ mus-s: “l’ostal applications for Saltire Supper and llo?mana}' Ball to 'l‘()("l‘.v\. l’() Rm l.\’(l. Cl lllRl Music l’oi- New Yeat'\ D3!) lidinburgh. until lst l)ec only.

Lothian and Borders Police Well over l()().()()() people will be in lidinburgh city centre for the llogmanay celebrations. We want this to be a happy occasion which everyone will enjoy and remember for good reasons. Police

officers will be there to ensure public safety. We would appeal to revellers to assist us by following police advice il‘ we need to issue guidance. We would also urge people to enjoy themselves without V . , . causing distress to other people. .-\nd. I‘inally. don't drink and drive. It could cause misery to you I.“ “I” RM” (II-Ink and mm" . and other innocent people. so organise alternative transport. Happv New Y 'ar. Special l-Rl'l: llogmanay buses w ill operate in the early morning of lst January I‘No l'rom S'l~ .-\.\‘l)RliW‘S SQI'ARI‘. to most city suburbs and surrounding areas. These services are BIO U Q W U sponsored by I.othian Regional (‘ouncil in association with lsle ol‘ Slsye 8 Year / ()Id Blended Whisky. \o lines will be /

charged on these buses which will / f “I”, _/ LOTHIAN

operate between “(HS and 0315 (ll-HS within tnost ol lidinburgh city area). / .1 Vs u I: u l o s \ l. «r (it \ (' l l, I.othian and

See press for l‘urther details on these and

other services over the l-‘estive period or . . Edinburgh linterprise


'l‘R.-\\'lil.l.\'li Limited I.othian Regional Council. St (iiles Street. Iidinburgh

(llfil 225 3858

Opening Times: IHlIl-Z‘Mll 8.30am - 5pm. r Than ks to 0 Lu 8 O n80 rs ZStIi/th closed. 30th 9am - 5pm. Blst SUDDO tad p l()am - 4pm.

I’ll-ASE .\'()'l‘li: All other night buses throughout (‘hristmas V and the New Year ' -

mxor scomxm mix“:

period will operate

from Waverley Bridge ) ' Q . s as usual - check with {Hilfiglfifififi m 0H

'l‘raveliue or operators for titties.

Created, produced and directed by )




l" nay: Rhinos-st. ('()I .\'(‘ll. ~EVENTSj