Listings Venues 72 ~ -. - 1- Listings 74 beetland’s king or cult TV ~ CJIIICS heme- 3 haw? Mmg nun—Inhqu ; I-“Wfinm. DAYS m Einnmixgm mt t‘ttE. v , malts-nu. mm? 7‘ Fin; am an W mm r lilllllkmenmnmn Rheum. _. . , _ lTUlEuunnnnmjtmm. «0w rm'm 1”th 77 i ‘-3llisgn\vV'uIli ., lDr' Wim- rezmrns. 7| L ism - v I, glj‘MlIb'UhelLiimttttlt. ,7 ,. g. . . a. ' ; ' w , iikmnmmnnmtmwhnle-unimpmn Fin e—page braille-rs smile. i .9 wuhnun mcwmmmi . a z. i tmnumumutithcpuhllidim; in- :ree access. the t Wllilkmunmafirm.m “T . . i x - . . ~ l tttmnnunumcnnuunem'tmmm " "’ " ' REVIEWS u { :mumtlurmmilnfiumunmmn i ' -~ ; lcnnpnmspunmhiliitg'mnnnu- EVLA. L a :nnmumnmnnnniunrx. : ., ~ ' ,- " a Emu“, mm, , . i. want: maximum; Km: Animation: uspunmllillm' tin! uttanliuutzdt : :nnnumll. . ' u.- s! i ‘l"““"‘*lg';,“-”3“““““" {Gasman (timid: l Sm "Fowl H n ymrt 11mm) 5 . . 3' l I“) y -u- o... p ‘9 & W l ltmfiikiuihflllfl. ) 'A a“ e "E .1“ . l :. WEE“, :EUCAWN’. infill-‘1. "WHK lfummmm 5 Wmmmwmm. - 5:52 :ussar-m aemumltlear Patna .34. l . lg i


P“ Robin Hodge. Ea- Kathleen Morgan. m Elks Alan Maxim Jonathan Trev. Ell-H w Ellie Carr.

Preview of 1996

Guide to the year’s biggest events: festivals, theatre, music, art and more . . .


Michelle Pfelffer Blonde ambition: the

actress tells of survival in the Hollywood machine.


Bms’ mm The young Scots writer

pays tribUte.


Devil In A Blue Dress The White Balloon Video reviews Screen Test Film Index Listings Week One Listings Week Two



Rocket From The Crypt

Alison Krauss

Album reviews

Live reviews

Listings Rock & Blues Jazz Folk 8r. World Classical & Opera



Listings and previews 53 Gulliver's Travels g Reviews a Listings Theane 51

Dance R

Comedy 52 Ken Lum photograph

Semen van Manen phomgmphs Listings 6


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