.\ fl: l CALTON GALLERY It) Royal Terrace. Catch the best Art this tortnight. I .. 7 1 ’53" 556 l()l(). Mon~Fri l()aIIi--(ipiii; Sat .- _- l()am— l pm. ~ Mixed Exhibition Until 29 tit-h. Paintings. watercolours. sculpture and prints by artists from home and abroad. including I". C. B. Cadell. Katharine Cameron. S. .l. Peploe and Pierre-Jules Metre. CAMEO CINEMA Home Street. 228 41-“. Mon—Wed ()—l l..‘~()pin; Thurs 4pm-1 I am. Sat lpIn—lam; Sun l~| l.3t)pin. Images of Bosnia Until t5 let». An exhibition of photographs and drawings by members of the Workers Aid Conon which travelled through Bosnia to 'l‘uzla

I 21 Days Of Darkness The

gruesome but no less human side of

m Chrisnmx life is revealed in this multi-media

I CHESSEL GALLERY Moray House. Show. \lot a pick-me—up. but

Canongate. Mon- l‘ri l()attl—~l._‘i()ptit. definitely unmissable. See review. Star signs: Elle Horoscope Capricorn by Zara Slattery on show at the Edinburgh Gallery Fm" women Ad's“ commumcat'ng I" THULS‘NILS'A‘IUN (Jul/er)“. G/(ISJWW- Ullli/

Paint, Clay and Pastel I‘Tl was Feb. The S“, 24 [stay

lovers Lane S’tl l() Feb-21 Apr The M . - -. i . . . . ' , ' _ women behind this tlesciiptiye. and . g I Gallery extend the spirit ol Valentine's W incredible long‘ title m1- chg-c Helm, I new scou's" A" calm the names

Day on into April with romantic work bv [)m-imh 10mm,” Virumi.‘ xinum and 0’ “’mO'TOW W'Ih 3" CXthmO" 0'

Helen Wilson (ieoru Wvll' ' ' l C l' ' I Am GALLERY 8‘ MUSEUM’ : i i ' ‘E i i - - works by it) just graduated or soon-

w- _ ' °t - 'L “m O 1” KELVINGROVE 33] ohm \10” e.“ Mare Yamah. who have combined lorces ~ , - ; - o t t s.

I IIIHIEINIAIEIHIRINICSIIUP 7 K lll'iiii-«Spm' Sun I l'ttll—<llltl ("Ife [DI A m WNW". ‘1 (“vch C‘hihimm “I “Wk mgmdumc SCOtlund-basm “ms”. --5 'lllfl Sll'ccl. ‘. " '. '. . ' . .. . .. l)(’I71(ll") 3) ' " -',

gm 1294 Nome.” Hhmfi m wondertul permanent collection ol work “Nonng numb” “I mum“; _ _ , U [(“mi‘m‘f” ("pf/If,"”'

i ~ ' " pm' I CITY ART CENTRE Market Street: 52‘) Admitting/I. Until Wed 25 felt.

Valentine cams Um” 3t) Fm. Hug“ by such names-as Rembrandt. Monet and 3991 Mum-gm Hmnmpm. Hallmark. if you care enough to send the \‘m .GOgh‘ I)h"\ Immm‘ll . wry be”. scribble your les‘mmmc pm“. artelacts‘and animal displays. and ‘\\ee onto an original print card. lovingly Beam.“ " a” lmcmuilc dlxlflu} crafted by members of the (ilasgiiw Print 'C‘l“”"”‘=' u plmhm'q m ”‘.“‘”9b"““' Studio. selection of ardour-related Sifts amnmls' SC“ gallium“ gmdc Im- Current

. I Bertien van Manen Taking in one“ For A PM“! Um” I I Mil)? I“ I7I7~ nights on the town to tenement pirate Black Bellamy and his sl‘ip sank. along with all their treasure. off the coast of Cape Cod. Over 250 years later. salvor Barry Clifford discovered the lost loot. all

kitchens. van Manen‘s photographs are real life scenes of the former USSR. Portfolio (in/left: Edinburgh.

1m.ulsummlublc‘ temporary exhibitions. . .Hg . I .‘ I q _ i .‘ UN,” 5“, l7 [xv/L I PRAcrIcE GALLERY SR mono Street ' “"55"” 0‘ “MSW” KC'V‘" “““- 3:35.353? (liliitilidit‘m (m 5M M “m - H , A r.“ ' 1- . 71 t 15‘ 1 cc" 0' . . - ??2 77(22. hire/fiscal ‘)ain— (rpm: Thurs [IEQIKMSISSLiétfiii Uni] ):’{:)1(1)]' Sgtfiufslllm I cn’ylAB 35 Dump“ SUCCL 55(, 7333. Throughout l-ebruary. all three floors}of mm mm; ‘l'l .‘at Uam—(Y rm, . -. J b tli ' I-‘oundation will bi filled with Iiiti ti- Julia Jelne l; [.l 7 “I . I\ g H h . . crammed with buses. trams. lire engines. MO” I“ )‘Im fipm' . . . .H , . L. . , . y .n i . at. .' co cction ol Dan and Karen hotter [Inn] 3}. My iiitt Iaon iy young contemporary

ships atid other transportation. devoted to

autobiogi'aphical paintings inspired by the . . ' the history ol transport. Also on show. a

. . Pictures documenting a kayak expedition artists. including digital imagery and artists childhood memories of the fear and

from John o' Groats to the Faroe Islands. installations.

“mdcr cmkcd by sum-tam. "‘“P'” "' ”P“““'“«"“'“‘-‘ "““”1~' “"‘m "“‘ I coLLEcrivE GALLERY 22-28 Cockburn I EDINBURGH COLLEGE or A!" Lauriston I PROJECT ABILITY Is‘ Albion sum. 552 9‘“"‘-" 9“” 0' “‘L‘ “‘"W'l‘ “’ l"""“‘”‘ "“«‘" Street. 220 1260. Sun/Mon 1—4pm; Place. 22l 6000. Mon —Thurs 10am—8pm; 3833- M‘m‘HI I‘)“”"‘5l"ll~ "WWII"; [he mccm'y (“1an A” Tue—Sat [lam—5.30pm. Fri lllaiii~5lunz Sat 10am-3pm.

To The Point L’nnl l5 Mar. An exhibition g1”'t‘t’5“g}l° m " Ass - . M Suspended Animation Until 17 Feb. Images 20: The Best of British

“I. “""k mildc during "MINI Ability‘s co '8 -oo( (3-. . ~ , “Iago” ~ "sew-n Mixed-iiietlia work by innovative duo Contemporary Illustration Wed l4--2‘) Am [‘kVCIRP'IIC'" PIVSHHHHIC NOS/96. ml“ UM” ] UL. in“?! Cflllbiuom m Helle Hannes and Michael Fischer. who Feb. An annual showcase of work.

I ST ENOCH SHOPPING CENTRE St linoch [ml' pimmgmpm find “mum” intend to ‘Create chaos and disorder' in featuring It)() pieces by the best

Square. Buchanan Street. info 334 4733. muim'uhllm’ 1“!de lip m “w planned the g'illerv illustrators in Britain. chosen from over “325 Action Public [mm 28 [Th A” Elational Museum ol l-ootball at llaiiiptleii Aoige‘ Far-{en Um” 17 Feb. Curdbmrd mm) \ubnmxium m 35 MPH.“ m mC exp oration of city life by Canadian Pierre i ' a H v z z ‘2 t . " . .

Allard and Glaswegian David Michael PEOPLE’S PALACE MUSEuM ('luggow gl‘lftfilfvogglli'luRn tI'LIEHE EDINBURGH GALLERY l8a Dundas Clai'li'le. using large scale photographic 2'31] ;::::X)‘[ $11025?! .giilmffim Centre Grindlav Street Court: 22‘) 7941. Street. 557 5227. Moir-l‘ri l lam—5pm; insta ations. 1‘ ‘- - 1' L‘- ‘S \ 'C ' ' ' . - - ~. .

I 313551 LEVEL 36 King Sm“. 553 : loved institution is currently undergoing a rigonqjlgg loam—me' HI Mm] 17 Feb” Mar 2'5 l‘ Mfm‘s‘” I()"”"‘5-3“P”‘- lawn“ and is. due I” ligiupcil in [mm mi. A HER-Io Tihleliiaintorest Mon 1” Feb—7 New work by emerging artists Zara . 28 Positions In 34 Years THC .3 pch 9 its centenary .n 1098. lhe tits-i stage ol Mar 1 ,1ch scale acrylic painting; on Slum”. “mm Pun‘um‘us take an

Mar. Since her emergence in Britain in the m“ “Wk has “:1”.th wmplcum' and the canvas‘ produced during workshops at the entertaining look at life. and Christopher curly 80-“- I’III’II’SIIIPI‘CI Chil“ Ku'm‘” m“ mp “Um m"le ‘1 [93.05 “milk-cud Grindl'i Court d'ly centre by artist lain Waite who‘creates distinctive figurative Burma" has bccmnc ‘1 kc." figure m “1le hmm‘ {m}! Cglcmmmn 0’ (HHS-gm" S Dallas‘alid members of the group. drawings. L

an. dealing PFI‘WIP‘M." in arm “ICU'WI 1”” "'-‘""“E"'°" . . . I oAitisu CULTURAL iitsrirurE 3 Doune I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKEBS woRitsuoP identity. rcprcscmution and studs“ The I "0"“ s [OBDSH'P -‘ ( M" NW“ T‘rr'ic' “is 7189 Mon—Fri taint—Spin ‘1 Union Street «7 km Tue-Sat major 50“) 5m)“. femur“ hm“ ‘1 22' 060” MU” H! “mm 5pm; 8”“ Kiiren Beg-e" Sat It) Feb—l5 Miir. I . Illannohtii. i I ~ .

" t w w v - ~ \ ~y llaiii —5 int. 'l'lie oIIlv surviving iiIedieyal .. . . . _ . . . . , , Y .

“"05”qu ‘1”de SLIHHUH m m“ m [k ' “WW ml (uric-tum Inn]! in H7] p .n )d l‘tgttrative orl paintings and prints by artist Mixed Exhtbttton I'lllll 24 l-eb. A ILIRIHthWlAT‘gLfiotlI-iml[Ilium M7 ll room tlislil'iysi"iiiite from lfitlt) I‘) l s Kare" chcu' Who“) 5”]ng use 0‘ wmcmm m Imms' (hmwngs and cmhmgs -. / crt live. -2 1‘ m _ i . - t.

\1 g ( I 81’ MUNGO MUS‘EUM 0F RELIGIOUS “FE colour and contrast has led to her work by Workshop members. most of which are .'oii-. un noon— rpm. . ,~ , ~ , , , ._. “.8111,-

Sugar Hiccun Sm Ht Feb-34 Mm: «\n A“ “I.” 3 ‘* “*“L‘ 5”“ 33' “"0” 33135333: it‘lilenyiiiii‘lll “WW I THELFRUITMARKET GALLERY :9 Market exhibition “plum”: wan. and Mon -Sat l()ani 5pm; Sun llam- 5pm. . DERMRCO M". FOUNDAIION gt Marv.“ gum 3 .g , gm THU 9”

architecture. featuring French artist “99' [DI A muscum miwmm mm“ 9 .l 1 Y k l ' - \lb' Ii Stre't i I III “lint-ii ~it) Iii Sunn ion-S rm Elizabeth Ballet‘s lurk-scale metal ‘F‘““”"“i-' 7“” 14“"“L‘” l"'“‘°'°‘*‘ “'1 MM“ kl mi}: ills-131i a y. L i i noné‘a ooEdtlicati‘on Utitil lilies Worl ‘incl()gur.\~‘ “lyric?!” ,homnrwhu. gum, trom the world's six iiiaior religious. On— H . ‘Im II ' . . q . l . . ' .’ L L‘ ' L I 3 ‘I New Scottish Artists Hi 2——._8 I‘eb. l by members ol the public. created In

Samore's Dictures and text based on Dull“ (7”7-‘7 WSW/1’sde “II/I" ("W-"V

fairytales and Scottish painter Richard “"9 “‘6 SIM." “I '1'“ng "1 SCUIIIWI Wright‘s varied work ranging from large “FOUi—Zh “(WIS and pictures. I _ abstractS [0 small designs. Hinduism Until 27 Mar. A celebration ol O I I I S S : l Instant Sm m Febajmar. Tramway IlIIIdu art and worship. exploring the catches lotterv fever with this video ' mm"). "I III'I‘IUNH ”‘ “W VII.“ “I W - ' - ' - 7 0. ‘lasvow. 7 installation by nine young British 0 : I78 west regent st. glasgow g2 4r! scotland. (HI-22! 6370 fax: 041-248 I322 contemporary artists. Touch an icon on the . scan-AND STREET SCHOOL MUSEUM . [nonnor and pot luck decidcg “'hich yidcu SCOIIZIIILI SII‘CCI. Mott-Sal W0ka OI short (ranging in time from 30 seconds to Illillll‘Slmll 5U” 3-.‘Pm- Cult-5 ID]: three minutes) appears (m mc SCI-cc”. Designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh Jim Harold Sat |() Feb—2.1 Mun Lame and now home to archive material on . ' . . . . . . , , , black and white Photographs of the death education in Scotland from 1872 onwards. wlth ‘m exmbmon OI SPeUdlIy COmmIS-SIOIICLI Paintings by masks of l7ih—19ih century luminaries Reconstructed classrooms give a flavour 40 prominent Scottish Artists. Isaac Newton. Edmund Burke. Jean-Paul of Victorian. lidwardian. World War II Marat and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. and 1960s school days. __ I rRAIIsuissmii GALLERY 28 King I SPRIRGRuRII MUSEUM Atlas Square. 3 28 February Street. 552 4813. Tue-Sat llaiii—5.3()piii. 557 1405. Mon-Fri l().3()aiii—Spiii; Sat . . . . . . . 21 nay; of nanmess Um“ 34 Feb. Local itmmmigopm; gun 3-5m". [D]. This exhibition Will tour later in the year to and intemational artists take a look at the F0“ For 1110119"t Until 3' Mar- A Graceficld Arts Centre, Dumfrics & Galloway darker side of life in this ‘Gothic collection of postcards designed by Chris , Extravaganza‘. celebrating all things Bacon exploring the rich diversity of Rozelle HOUSC‘ A)” strange with multiancdiu art work, film food. from production to preparation to 5“ 0r , . .. . . . . , . _ . ted . i ' t t I - - . screenings and permmmnccs. the best pan _ mnsumpmm pp by (110in (,1!) C uuncil and Dani/rigs & (ml/(may Arts factual

The List 9-22 Feb I996 69