V I saw you again. Chris of Barony/Hart Street. at Barony Bar. end January. As before. we were with other people. Want to talk. just us‘.’ Jenny. Box No [.1/272/31.

V I saw you and bedded you. after Bennet's. Fri 26. I'm the tanned. linglish guy with the dancer friend. who went home to London. but I‘m back to find you Dave. Box No [7272/32. V I saw you drinking coffee on your own in Bar 10. drinking wine on your own in l)els. You're handsome. fabulous eyes. Leave that crossword alone for once. xxx'.’ Box No [7272/33.

0 I saw you in C.C.‘s. You. gorgeous. darkhaired hunk with cute smile. Me. drunken. friendly stud! Let your love handles engulf my thighs! Box No U/272/3-I.

V I saw you Subway. 20/1/96. You: Zoe. gorgeous. witty. intriguing. Me: amorous. fascinated. Thought we connected! lixams over‘.’ Looking for fun'.’ Take a chance. keep a promise. Call me! R. Box No [1/272/35.

V I saw you Burns supper. 27/1/96. You beautiful and curvy. Me sad and far away. Show me your nceps and you can mash my taittes. you beastie. Box No [,1/272/37.

V I saw you Miriam. we met behind the bar at T In The Park. You had just graduated in linglish from Glasgow. I'm doing a Pl-ll) at Strathclyde. Fancy a drink sotiietime‘.’ Rich. Box No [7272/38.

V I saw you QMU barstaff. then two years later. iii my shop. Yoti. wearing blue and eating chocolate. Me. the girl wearing brown. Want to shop in Harvey Nichols together"? Box No [7272/39.

V I saw you iii the Basement. Sat 4 Feb. around I()-- l lpm. You: dark hair. dark eyes. green top. Me: short dark hair. black leather jacket. red and black shirt. Was it me you kept looking over at. or was Damon Albarn siaiiding behind me?! Want to meet tip for a closer look‘.’ Box No ['/272/-13.

V I saw you French. blonde and sexy girl in the Eurolines bus 3 from London to Glasgow. 7/1/96. Me: a French blond and blue-eyed guy not far behind you. Hope to hear from you. Box No U/272/40.

V I saw you Je t'ai vu acheter des ('ume/ (moi j'achetais Le .Iltmt/t'). puis les fumer au Malt u/it/ Shovel en ecoutant du jazz. Tu es Francais. 35-40 ans. lunettes ovales. petite queue de cheval nos regards se sont croises. veux-tu qu'on prenne llII cafe'.’ Box No U/272/41.

V I saw you my ‘Valeiitin'. 1 send you all my love from France where I am waiting for you. I miss you so much. Lovely kisses. your ‘Valentiiie'. Pepette. Box No U/272/42.

V I saw you Darren at CC. Blooms with Gary and (firahaiii. We talked about PCs for most of the night. l.et's meet again and I can show you my PC. l)ave. Box No U/273/5.

V I saw you working at Grapevine Mobile Phone Shop. Tollcross. You: tall. slim. brown hair. Me: blonde. curly hair. You still make me feel funny -- Can we do this forever"! Box No L'l273/6.

V I saw you at Jeff Buckley. 20/6/95. You saw me. The Mission. 3/11/95. You again! In The Crown and Cushion. 3/2/96. You: Joy Division shirt. sultry. Me: red hair. giddy. Next time'.’ Box No L‘/273/7.

v We saw you in Nepal. We were going tip you were going down (unfortunately). How did the white water rafting go'.’ l.et's meet and swap travel stories. Box No [1/273/8.


Thanks to Snapple, I SAW YOU adverts

are FREE of charge. Just till In the classified form and send It all.


v I saw you at Woodside.

You're dark with sideburns and

a perfect breaststroke. Where do - you park your bike now'.’ Come back. Meet me in the steam room it's time we broke the ice. Box No U/273/I.

V I saw you you need to know the sky will fall so one day you can make that leap of faith. I hope I can make it too. Box No l’l273/2. 0 I saw you John 15/12/95 at Fever. You're 23. an ex-army lad inow diver) fi'oi't‘. Hong Kong. (your sister lives iii .‘y'loi'iiiiigsidel. recognise yourself?! We didn‘t swap numbers - regret that! Please contact Pauline soon. Box No [-7273/3.

V I saw you you: guy. short peroxide hair. Me: small. blonde girl. Eyes have met twice at Tesco. Canonmills. 2/2/96 and Broughton Street. 4/2/96. Fancy i finding out who the other is‘.’ 1 Box No [5/273/4. '

V I saw you working in James Thin. Sotitli Bridge. Friday 2/2/96. 7.30pm. You talltish). long brown hair. 3rd year liconoiiiics. 1 interrupted your phone call. bought some books. chatted bttt left without asking for your number. My mistake. Box No [i/273/9.

V I saw you at La 'l'raviata. 30/1/96. I was solo in the circle. and on the stairs. You caught my eye. me yours‘.’ l.et's duet sometime. Box No [7273/lll. 0 I saw you Bill I.;t\\\'c‘ll lookalike. browsing 111 Avalanche Records. West Nicolsoii Street. 31/1/96. Who are you'.’ I need to find out. Box No [7273/1 l.

V I saw you on the way to the Caiiieocinema. In fact. I asked you for directions! You: black hooded sweatshirt. .\le: denim jacket. Friends‘.’ Box .\'o [7/273/12.

V I saw you Saturday 27 Jan in Berties. You verified vodka sign. Your friend was Ruth. See you again‘.’ I'd like Iol Please write. Box No [7273/l3.

l V I saw you walking up York i l.ane. Saturday 3/2. 2pm-ish.

We: looking at each other. Me: red coat. You: most likeable. Fancy '()ver the Rainbow” for a hot ehocolate'.’ Box No [7273/14.

V I saw you Bunney. \‘ictoria Wine. I'ye remembered who

you are. I hurt yott. you needn’t

liye my nightmare forever. I can help. (ioing .~\uslralia soon. don’t delay. please get in touch. F. Bo\ No [7273/15.

V I saw you We met by chance

' again. same table this time.

brielly iti Madame (iillespie’s‘ on Sat 3 Feb. You beautiful Norwegian. .\1e jtist a humble Scot. ()ur eyes met. our lips

touched. we talked. we smiled.

we danced and then we were interrupted forgive me please! The bul/ is still there - do you remember me'.’ Can we get ill touch again‘.’ I)/('(l.\'('. Bo\ No [7273/16.

V I saw you three beautiful women in red (Cavaliet".’l. Saturday 10 February. From Barnton to New Town. you toyed. l swerved. l.et's crash into each other for real. I‘ve got it .sol'l lop for you. Box No [7273/17.

0! I saw you liwan witlt 20-20 vision. l0/2/96. We teased each other with our sttiile. All w as confirmed later that evening. if you remember my date of birth.

~ you have my number! Box .‘\'o

[7273/13. ‘0 I saw you Cafe Sattli. 8/2/96. You: smiling eyes. red jersey.

Me: cropped hair. waistcoat.

bill—less. Were we smitten‘.’ I am still!! Can I gale into those eyes

Box No [‘/273/l‘).

‘0 I saw you lintla-S. workittg

in Property Sery ices. lidinburgh.

You smiled. my knees wobbled. .‘ylc. tall. attractive and in awe. l.et's meet tip so I can wobble some more! Box No [7273/20. V I saw you I see you. i hope I always will. You make me happier than I've ever been. You're so cool. you're so cool. you're so mull Your Celtic charmer. xxx. Box No

[7273/2 l.

V I saw you S.l’. minctng through the Tesco aisles. l was all embarassed smiles. your llowery shoes atid red striped hair. will we make a ‘social Pearl" Find out! Box .\'o



V I saw you Sharon. Beer Bar. 2/2/96. Lets get together again and discuss cling film. l)on't laugh too loud into your shandy. Wimp! Box No L'/273/23.

. I saw you l’eler'.’ Used to work at ;\1(i.\l.often ill QM. \Yottld like [o lttlk. Watch this space. Box No [7273/2-I.

V I saw you Hospitality Illll. Burns Supper. 23rd .lan 96. l was at top table. You were smiley man at front table who spoke to me. Want to speak some more'.’ Box .\'o [7273/25. V I saw you Delhioniea‘s. 10/2/96. You wearing 5()/‘s and grey T-sliirt. You with four other gals. me wearing red tartan shirt. white jeans. 1 was alone. siaiidiiig near phone. drinking /)/(IIIIIIII(/ II/Ifft’. 'Hurry". Box No [,3/273/26. V I saw you Corner Bar. Saturday l0/2/96, Yoti: sat at bar 111 foursome. stunning. He: not quite so lovely. short blond hair. inexplicably drawn to meeting for a drink at least. l).ire you! Box .\'o l 7273/27. V I saw you enjoying 'l‘hai toast. wine and playing Skipbo on our rainy California holiday. That's how I love seeing you ' rela\ed. affectionate . . . liappy'.’ I need cuddlage - see you soon'.’ Box No [7273/28. I v I saw you Celtic Connections. Fine Tunes. You fair hair. smart. with friend. sat at door. .\le denim shirt. T—shirl. jeans. orange juice. dark short hair. ()ur eyes met l'm smitten. please write. Box [7273/30. V I saw you . again! Bvres Road. Tuesday 6 February". Safeways has been our meeting point. You stopped to talk. l.et's meet again! Box No [7273/31. 0 I saw you lligli Slieel. l/2/96. You: passenger. white Selt't‘occ‘w 1’1. gorgeous eyes. stunning smile. .‘yle: driving too Yott caught me staring. Way ed goodbye at Pear Tree. (ioI to see you! l-ancy a spin" Bo\ .\'o 17273/32. V I saw you in Portrait class. You wore black. I wore white. let's make .. [7273/33. V I saw you I'il'ltiil} 9. Barber Shop. lidinbui‘gli. You imale. came Ill early to get your shoulder length blond locks cut and waited w IIII black dog. whilst all mine was chopped. I.U\ t' I“ meet. liii\ Ni) [’/2'.'3/3J.

grey. lio\ No


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a The List 23 Feb-7 Mar I996