
I The Fureys l'iestiy‘al 'l‘healre. Nicolson Street. 52‘) ()(illl). 7.3(lpttt. £l l..5l)w£‘).5(i and concessions. ()yer thirty years on the road. and the seminal lrisli l‘olk boys are still rousing audiences worldwide with tlteir sentimental songs. entertaining crack. and l-inbars \‘it'ltttiso uilleari piping.

I Rooleys Finnegan's Wake. Victoria Street. 226 38lo. 9pm 2am. Free.



I Ceilidh Dance Class Riy‘er‘side C‘lub. Fox Street. ol't‘Clyde Street. 248 3 l44. 7.30pm 10pm. Doors open 7pm. £3.50. Bar. Regular caller Karin Ingram and piano-accoi'dionisl Freeland Barbour.

I Weekly Scots Step Dance Workshops Strathclyde .-\rts ('enti‘e. Washington Street. 7.30 9.30pm Information (>36 1450. Scottish and Cape Breton stepping taught to live riiusic.

I Urban Gypsies Finnegan’s Wake. St Vincent Street. 248 498‘). 9pm. Free.


I Prodigal Sons Finnegan's Wake. Victoria Street. 226 38H). ‘)pni—2ani. Free.

Glasgow I Emerald Country Finnegan‘s Wake. St Vincent Street. 248 498‘). 9pm. Free.


I Penicuik EDIK Club Nay'ztztr Hotel. Bog Road. l’enicuik. 8.30pm. £4 (£3). Singaround.

I Cranachan Finnegan's Wake. Victoria Street. 226 38lo. 9pm--2arii. Free.





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Glasgow I Weekly Scots Fiddle Workshops

Strathclyde Arts Centre. Washington Street. 7.30—9.30an £4 (£1.50) Information 636 I450. lain Fraser leads the season of workshops.

I Alan Tall Scotia Bar. Stockwell Street. 552 868 l. 8.30pm. Free. Songs. patter. guitar. say and anything that comes to hand.

I Hair of the Dog Finnegan's Wake. St Vincent Street. 248 4989. 9pm. Free.


I Edinburgh Folk Club l’leasance Cabaret liar. ()0 The l’leasance. 8pm. £4 (£3). ()ne of Scotland's best new bands. based round the solid musicianship ol‘ accordionist Sandy Brechin. and the guitar and l‘iddle talents ol" ( )rkrtey’s Wrigley Sisters.

I ALP Ceilidh Dance The Merlin. .‘ylortiingside Road. 8~l lpnr. £4 (£2). Weekly dance with caller and live group. information from the ALP Scots Music Group. 337 5442.

I Prodigal Sons Finnegan’s Wake. Victoria Street. 226 38 to. ‘)pm--2am. l‘rcc.



I New Dawn Folk Club (ilas‘gow Press Club. West Regent Street. 332 l(i74. 8pm. £3—£5. Superb Scots song from the Mick West Band.

I Slip Jig Finnegan's Wake. St Vincent Street. 248 4989. 9pm. Free.


I Bert Jansch (,‘al‘e Royal. West Register Street. Information 557 4792. 8pm. £(i. Legendary guitarist and singer. See (ilasgow. Fri 1.




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Concerts are listed by date, then by city. Classical & Opera Listings compiled by Alan Morrison.


I 3C0 Wind Ensemble Stey'enson Hall. RS.-\.\ll). Renl'rew Street. 332 5057. lpiii. £2.50 l .50). The linsenible play .loachim Rails .Sr'ir/o/rrr'trrr ill I”. plus pieces by student composers Matthew RUtltllL‘ l.'\I‘r‘Ilrl) :tlltl (it'lllll Heggie ((‘m/r/rt/r (iii/trey ). These last two works will be rehearsed at a Tree masterclass iii the same yenue at l lam. I 8T Scottish Ensemble Steyenson Hall. RSAXH). Rt‘lli-l‘tWV Street. 3.33 5057. 7.30pm. £9 (£5). 1). (‘. lleatlt. the RT Scottish l‘insemble‘s composer-iii- residence. plays solo time in his new comiitission. The Rage. 'l'he programirre is cottipletcd by \'iy*aldi's‘ I’orrr Seasons. which w ill come to Me under the eley'en— strong lins‘emble's spirited attack. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra City Hall. .-\ll‘ion Street. 227 .55 l l. 7.30pm. £4.50 £14.50 (£2.50). Sir (‘hat'les .\lackerras gets things underway with two .\lo/'at'l l';t\‘()tll'ilt‘.\" ()l‘r‘l'llll‘t’.‘ I)o/t (iroi‘rrrirri arid Syrup/tony .\'u 4/ (Ila/titer") tlieti it's the Bruckner /\’('t/lilt‘lll. with the S(‘() ('hor'iis arid soloists .loaii Rodgers (soprano). l’atticia liai'don (alto). Barry ‘3anks (tenor) arid .\'eal l)ay’ies (baritone).


I Organ Recital Reid Concert Hall. Br'isto Square. (i50 2423. l.l0pm. Free. Richard Mander play s organ music by J. S. Bach. Sweelitrck and l’i'elleur.

I Piano and Vocal Recital l’almerston l’lace (‘hurclr l’almerston l’lacc. 7.30pm. £5 (£3) on the door. l)ay‘id Sangster (piano) and .-\listair l)innie (tenor) play piano works by Scarlatti. Beelhoy'ett and Debussy. and songs by llaydn. Schumann. l)uparc and Britten.

I lolanthe King's 'l‘heatre. l.ey‘en Street. 'l‘ickcts1-l42 l‘)l‘). King‘s 'l‘heatre. Assembly Rooiirs. l'sher llall. Queen's Hall or 'l‘icketlitic (220 4349). 7.30pm. £5.50 £9 (£0) (group bookings ay‘ailable). The (iilber't (y Sulliy'an Society of lidinburgh‘s annual production lor l‘)‘)(i is the per'enniai layourile lit/(l/ll/lr'. which tells ol~ air Arcadian shepherd who is elected to lead both British political parties at the same time. .-\lan Borthwick directs and [)ay'id l.. l.y‘le is musical director.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l‘sher' Hall. l.othian Road. 228 H55. 7.30pm. £(i £l‘).50. Highlight ol the night Is” the second l‘y‘l'l'ot‘ttiattcc ol' Gordon Mcl’hersoii's RS.\'() colttltiiss’ioti ()II If (recently premiered in Glasgow). Also on the bill is lilgar 's Ilium/ration (Tilt, sillr'g'l'r) and Sibelitrs's Si‘iit/i/tniiy' No 2. Alexander l.a/.arey' conducts and the Swedish-born. Aberdeen-based \':~’i~"lm-‘ll Quartet are special guests.

I Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers .‘ylcliwan Hall. Bristo Square. 7.45pm. £5 (£3) on the door. Noel ()‘chait conducts the lil‘RS and Scottish (iabi'ieli lfiiis’cnible in Victoria's Mural/r li’s‘pt’l'a‘ ol‘ l()0(). reconstructed for single. dotible and triple choir and instruments.

SATURDAY 24 Glasgow

I Children’s Classic Concerts (ilasgow Royal (‘onceit llall. Saticliiehall Street. 227.5511 2pm £2 (£3.50). ('onductoi' ("‘1 l-‘l‘d‘ll's‘l' lis‘ll presents a programme oi llttlstc ;ll)tl sntlg‘s ll'titt) \(HHL‘ ()l. the host l"\“'~l “l“‘l'«l\ 's‘\ L't‘ yy l itten. The ()r'chestra “l. Ss'Ullislt ( )peia arid the Royal Scottish National ()rchestr'a‘s .lunior (horns are yiHlHy‘tl l‘y soloist :\lison l)ugtrid for a spilt Iltt‘ottgh l{()ssllll.(i()llllt)(l.lil/Cl.\t‘l'(li;1n(l Ulltt‘ls.

I Organ Recital Art Gallery arid .lttsetrni. ls'elyiiigroye. 22l 9000. 2. 30pm and 3.1opm. l-ree. laiit .\lc(iirnehey explores a lights: l'.‘;‘t'll(‘ll.‘ ol organ

I Glasgow Chamber Orchestra sat-y etisott llall. RS;\.\ll). Reiil'i'eyy Street. 332 5057. T30pm. £5 (£3 I. .\le//o soprano Sandra llayy kins and baritone .lonatliaii llayy kins join the (i(‘() hit ’.>\ Night :\t The ( )pera‘. which l'eatuies alias and duets l)y .\lo/art. l)onr/etti and lit/et. and orchestral music by Humperdinek. among others.


I lolanthe King's ‘l'lieatre. l,eycn Street. Tickets: 442 NW. King's 'l‘lieati‘e. .'\.\\(‘llll‘l_\' Rooms. l'sliei' Hall. Queen‘s Hall or ’l‘icketlirie r220 4349). 2.30pm. £5.5(ir'£(i. :\lso 7. 30pm. £5.50 £9 1 Lo) (group bookings ayailable). See iii 23.

I Edinburgh University Chamber orCheStl’a l\)Cltl (Ullc’t'l'l Hall. lil'lslii Sqtrare. 7.30pm £5 (£2.50) t'rorii ()ueen‘s Hall ((ioS' 20l‘)). l'slier' Hall. .-\sseiiibl_V Rooms or on the door. William (‘otiyy ay conducts the l'.l (t) in .ludrth Weir's /\.'r .ilii‘rr/tr Mel/rt. llaydn's .St’rrr/i/runi .\o /().l. l)\()l‘;ii\'.s (..'r'( /l Strife (llltl lillllt‘ll's

/.(.'( /ll'\'lllrl(‘ (w ill) solo y iola Vanessa .\lc\atn.'ltl. a second year student at the tllily‘t‘hlly).

I Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra (‘)l|t‘t‘ll.\ Hall. ('lt't‘k Sll't'cl. ()(ib’ Jill‘) (credit card hotline (to? 777m. 7. 30pm £5 (£3 i. l‘our‘ layour‘ites by 2' Id) century lil'illsli composers: \aughati Williams‘s “ll/e Titty/H. linttei’woi'tlt's ’/'/i<' lirr/tky ()l The (in t’ll Nil/on. \\'allon's Syrup/nun .\‘u / and Britten-s [our Star /lr‘lt'l'/r’l(/t’\ lrom /’('lr'i' (/I'rriir'y.

I Harpsichord Recital s‘i t‘eeittas Hall. ('owgate. 7.45;)111. £8 (£2 £5) liom ()llc‘t'li'sll.tlli()()S201”).l'sltt‘l'llalllZJN l I55) and (ieorgian ('oncei't Society (22‘) HHS i. l.tsa (ioodc (‘t'ayy lord arid .\ltl/i .\leyeisori present a progi'arirrtie or music lor tyyo harpsichords by (‘oupei in arid (iaspai'd l.e Roii\ on y intagc instruments iron) the l‘iiryet'sity ol' lithnburgh's Russell ('ollectiori.


I City of Glasgow Philharmonic

Orchestra (ilasgoy‘. Royal ('onceit llall. Satieiriehall Street. 22" .55 ll Unfit) £17.5itrtlii5i) £13 it)» It's trot

T ‘xlll‘ill.

olten that you see Roll Harris ill the ('lasstcal .\lustc l.lslll‘.‘.'\. lat less (‘ooieel‘ear and the loch .\'ess Monster. but here they all are lot art audto‘y i aral concert by Hall} litiiillt (yy lit) also conducts) and Bob ( iray Nessie and our koala hero tray el l'iozti Scotland to Ireland to Wales to lungland. irieeting lantastical l‘r'rends on a tourney illustrated by 500 (it Riill llat‘t‘ls's colour slides

I Organ Recital :\ll (rattt-ty and Museum. ls'ely‘ingroye. 22l ‘)(i()() 2.30pm and 3. illt‘ttt l'rt .’\ll(llt'\\ Sutherland ot~ St Michael’s l’arish ('hurch iii l.rnlithgoyy plays liittsic lor‘ organ.

54 The List 23 Feb-7 Mar I996