Exhibitions are listed by category, then alphabetically by city and venue. Please send details to our oltices at least ten days before publication. Art Listings compiled by Kelly McMenamin.

I ART EXPOSURE GALLERY I‘) I’arnie Street. 552 777‘). Mon—Sat llitlll-6plll. The Glasgow Show Until 28 Feb. Mixed- media work by twenty artists and architects living and working in the city. depicting their personal view ol‘ Glasgow. Showcase Until 2S I-‘eb. Now in its seventh year. this annual showcase gives first-time exhibitors or artists new to Glasgow a chance to show their work. The Glass 0t ’95 Fri l--27 Mar. Printmaking. paintings. jewellery and ceramics by newly graduated students front the four Scottish art schools.

I ART GALLERY & MUSEUM, KELVINGROVE 22I ()(llll). Mon—Sat l0aiii—5prii; Strn llarii--5piii. Cafe. [D]. Voluntary guides are available free of charge to conduct parties or individuals round the main galleries. Ask at the enquiry desk.

St Kilda Explored Until 25 Atrg. A fascinating look at the island or St Kilda. which was evacuated in I930. exploring the natural and cultural world or both the land and its inhabitants.

I BAR IO 10 Mitchell lane. 221 8353. Mon -Sat I laiii~iiiidnight1 Sun (iprn—iiiidnight.

Gareth Hamer-llodges Until 2 Mar. Paintings of insects by Duncan ol Jordaiistone graduate Gareth llamer- Hodges.

I ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART 134 Blythswood Street. 332 4027. Mon—Fri 9.30arn-5.30pm; Sat I()aiir—lpm. Valentines Until 24 Feb. Romantic contemporary jewellery by some ol‘ Britain's leading designers including Malcolm Appelby. Molly Bullick and Jack Cunningham.

Carlo Bossi: Paintings of Italy Sat 2—26 Mar. \"iews ot‘ Venice and Tuscany. and still lil‘e paintings of the litib of Italian life. the dinner table.

I THE BURRELL COLLECTION 2060 l’ollokshaws Road. 04‘) 7 I 5 l. .\loti--Sat I0am--5prii; Still I lam v 5pm.

Visions or Spain Until l4 Apr. (‘onsitlerett to be one oI‘ the littlest groups of Spanish paintings in Britain. this collection ol~ over 30 works by the likes of Goya. I'll (ireco and Velasquez will leave the walls of I’ollok Ilotrse and take tip temporary residence at The Btirrell Collection while

the former Maxwell home undergoes repairs.

I CATHCART GALLERY I l l (‘lai'kston Road. (>33 I344. Mort—Fri 0.30am -5pm; Sar 9.30am—4pm.

Mixed Exhibition Until I2 .\lar. Romantic work by Lin Cunningham l‘ioria Graham. Jim Wylie. Laura lltinter. Jonathon Robertson. I-Ilspeth Roberts and others. I CCA 346-354 Saucliiehall Street. 352 752l. Mon—Sat I lam -(ipm; Suli Ilt)otl~'5plll. Care. [1)].

Phenomenal Until I0 .\lar. A mixed- rnedia art event featuring Simon Grennan arid Christopher Sperandio's .Illl lt’nlurt/ .'lll't'.\()lll(’. 3D pictures detailing real-lil‘e supernatural incidents experienced by Glasgow people. l’lus new work by liva Rothschild which explores meetings with other worlds. and lz’r‘l't/t'lit't'f’. a collection ol‘ photographs It‘ltllll'lllg llying saucers. ghosts. stigmata and the mystery monster licrsell‘. Nessie. See review.

I COLLINS GALLERY I'niversity ol‘ Stratliclyde. 22 Richmond Street. 552 4400 ext 2682. Mon» l-‘ri I0ain--5piii: Sat noon-4pm. [1)].

La Commedia Until Io Mar. Sixty large woodcuts and marble sculptures by Japanese artist 'I'stigumi ()ta. illustrating the complete tale of Dante's /.(l ('nrrinit't/rti.

I COMPASS GALLERY 173 West Register Street. 22I (i370. Mon-Sat I0am- 5.30pm. Celebrating Robert Burns Until 2s lieb. Paintings and drawings by us er 40 invited artists celebrating the 200th anniversary ol' the poet's death. Included Ill the exhibition is work by .loliii Bellany. l.ys llanseii. Steyen Cariipbell and James

ill“ eedie.

Mixed Show Sat 2 5| Mar. An eclectic mix of contemporary Scottish paintings and prints.

I FRINGE GALLERY Castlelnilk Shopping Centre. Castlemilk Arcade. (r34 260i. Mon Sat l0arii-5pin.

Alan Gurral Until 9 Mar. A collection or videos by artist-in-residence Alan (‘iirral. detailing people in everyday situations. I t. GARNER GALLERY 4 Manic Street. 552 4585. Tue Sat Illariir-5prii: Strri noon—4pm.

Out of the Ashes Until 2s l‘eb. An exhibition ol ceramics created using the ancient Japanese ‘Raku' technique. which involves plunging the tired pots into leaves or sawdust at very high temperatures to produce unique and colourful results.

Emilia Garbo Sat 2 .‘il Mar. large-scale sculptures by Spaniin ceramic artist limilia Carbo. whose vessel-like work apparently takes on an 'almost human pi'eselice.'

I GATEHOUSE GALLERY Ronken (ilen Road. (iil‘l‘nock. (>20 0235. .\Ion Stili I..‘~0 >5..‘~0piii iclosed IIIL‘ l.

Mixed Exhibition Mon 4 3s .\t;n-. Still Ill-e and liguratlve paintings by Laura llarrisoii. some or which was created during a \islt to Ari/ona. plus pottery by



SCOTTISH PRINT OPEN The best of contemporary Scottish printmaking February 17th - March 23rd Open : Mon - Sat 10am - 5.30pm


Saturday 2nd March 11am 5pm



Australian artist Tony r\'eylan. whose work is strongly influenced by Iiastci'n art IUI‘IIIS.

I CYRIL GERBER FINE ART I4S \\‘est Regent Street. 221 3005. Mon Sat l)..‘s0arii«5.30pm.

Recent Acquisitions Until I5 Mar. Newly acquired works by Cameron. lltinter. (lilies. Iiardley. Baiiks and others.

I GLASGOW FILM THEATRE (‘al'e Cosmo. l2 Rose SII'L‘L‘I. 552 S l 2S. Molt Sill rititrli-~‘).3()piii; Still 5 - 9.30pm.

Allure l‘litil 2‘) lieb. Photographs by GSA graduate and winner of first prize at the Scottish Students I‘iliii and Video l‘t‘sll\‘ttl llilary' Buchanan. lt'itllll'lllf.‘ traditional and glamorous pictures ol‘ women. accompanied by text which inserts the images.

Wim Wenders as a Photographer I St .‘ylar. l’anoramic landscape photographs ol‘ the American Sotitliwest arid Atlstralia. taken by the director while scouting l'or locations to film I’trrlx 'lt't'trx and ('nlr'l 771clirn/U/"l‘ltc llirr/tl,

I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 22 King Street. 552 0704. .\Ion Sat 10am 5..‘~0ptii. Scottish Print Open 5 t'ntiI :7 Mar. l-‘ollowing an open submission w liicli allowed any printmakei in Scotland to stibiiiit one piece or work. three ~itidges Iiave whittled down the entries to 50 prints. on show at the Studio prior to touring the country.

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART 167 Renl'r'ew Street. 355 4500. Mon I'l'i 9.30am 5pm: Sat I0ain noon.

Environmental Art .\lon 3t» l‘eb I .\lar. Work in the Newbery (iallery by students Irom tlle Department or liiiy iroiiiiierital Art.

Philosophy in the Bedroom Sat 24 lieb in Mar. Recent paintings by Tony Benn (the young artist. not the politiclani and Claire .loy‘,

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY I'niycrsity' ol' (ilasgow. l7riiyei‘sity Ayeriue. 1395.65 e\t 54%|. .\loii Sat 0.30am 5pm. Mackintosh House .\lon it .\lar llaving

w elcoliied nearly three quarter ill a million visitors. the tamotrs house closed in Noveliibei' ()5 tor a spot ol‘ polishing and rc-carpeting. .\'ewly invigorated. the house Iias reopened in good tinre l‘or the Rennie Mackintosh celebrations in ()(i. Also on show. the Old Masters and Whistler collection.

I LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. Mililgavle. 943 3247. Mon I-‘r'l I0am-5pm;Sat/Strri 2 5pm.

Next? Artists, Residencies and Hospitals Hull 3 Mar. An e\liibrtion ol' work by

liy e coiiteliiporaiy artists w Iio lia\ e undertaken residencies in Scottish litrspllitls.

I MCLELLAN GALLERIES 2‘0 Satrclirehall Street. Til IS54, .\loli Sat l0am 5pm: Sun llam -5pm.

Fuse ’96 l'ntil 25 l‘eb. Set tip tour years ago. this Iiugely sticcessl'til protect allows recent graduates liitsetl ttl (ilasgoyy to create work \\ ill] the help Ill. sltltlio space. materials allowance etc. This year's show l‘eatures conteriiporary art by 3‘) past exhibitors. resulting in an e\cltllig and diverse collection ol~ work by some ol (ilasgow‘s most talented young artists.

I OUNCAN MILLER FINE ARTS I44 \\'est Regent Street. 204 0708. INC l'It'l

Ilaiir (rpm; Sat lll_.5ll‘tlll lprii.

Works on Paper tfntil :4 tit-ti. .-\ collection or works on paper by some of Scotland's most pl'tlllllt.‘ artists including I’eter Ilowsoli. .Iohn Byrne and the Scottish (‘olotrrlsls

I EWAN MUNOY FINE ART 2l l \Vesi (ieorge SII'L‘L‘I. 243 97.5.5. .\lon -S;tl

l0am 5.30pm.

Glasgow Boys and Glasgow Girls limit 9 Mar. Paintings by the legendary Glasgow- Boys: Sir John l.a\'ery. James I’atersoii. Ii. A. Iloriiel. Stuart Park and Joseph Crawliall and Girls: Blathcrwlck. Katharine Cameron. Ii. Moore Robertson and M. Hamilton to name btlt some.


Square. 48 Buchanan Street. 227 199‘).

Mort-Sat l0arii~—7pin'. Stilt lI..‘\0aiii--5piii. Contemporary Norwegian Architecture 1990-95 Drawings and models illustrating the dill‘erent building types evident in a country witli a climate not dissimilar to ours. See lectures.

I NS GALLERY 53 (‘t'esswell Street. 334 4240. Mon Sat I0am 5.30pm: Sun noori- 5pm.

lovers Lane t‘niil 3| Api'. The .\'s (iilllL‘H extend the spirit or Valentine's Day on i into April with roliiaiitic work by Helen \Vilson. George \\'yllie and (‘oliri \\‘ilsoii among others.

I PRACTICE GALLERY 5S \‘irgiiiia Street. 552 7722. 'l‘tie/Wed ‘)am (rpm; 'l‘htil's llam opin; l‘rr/Sat 0am (iplll.

Julia Jetlrey L'ritrl 7 Mar. A collection of autobiographical paintings inspired by the artist's childhood lireinories ol‘ the l‘ear and wonder e\oked by storytelling.

I IS All‘ltill SII’L‘L'I. .552 2822. Mon I-‘ri l0am 5pm.

To The Point l‘ntil I5 .\lar, An exhibition ol- work made during I’roiect ility's Arts I)e\clopliielit l’rogramiiie r‘N5/‘)o. I SCOTTISH MASK ANO PUPPET CENTRE S It) Balcarres Ayeiine. Rely indale. 35‘) olS5. I’Iione l'or opening hours.

MGSNS lillltl 2() Mill. .-\ t‘tillec‘lltrtl til Si masks by Niliian Kiriliier-\\‘ilson. mask- maker tor the Royal Shakespeare 'l‘lieatre. (’eiitral 'l'\' and York .\ltiseum. ('ieated Ir'oiii leather. ceIastic and papier-ziraclie. eacli mask is lndiyidtially cral'ted. and may be made to order.

I ST ENOCH SHOPPING CENTRE St l-inocli Square. Buchanan Street. ltilo 334 4713. Trans Action Public I'ntil :s‘ I-eb. An e\ploratioii oI‘ city Inc by Canadian I’ierre Allard and Glaswegian l);l\'ltl Michael Clarke. tlsing large scale photograplirc installations.

I STREET LEVEL 20 Is'ilig Street. 552 2I5I. .\loli Sat I0am 5.30pm.

28 Positions In 34 Years trail 0 Mai: Since her emergence in Britain iii the early Slls. photographer (‘liila Ktllllill'l Btrrman lias becorire a key figure in black art. dealing principally in areas or cultural identity. representation and gender. 'l‘liis maioi solo show leatures botli a retrospectiye. and a selection or new work including a video installation. See review. I TRAMWAY 25 Albert l)i'i\e. 227 55l l. .\Ion Strii noon (rpm.

Sugar Hiccup l'litil 24 Mar. An exhibition esploring space and architecture. teatiir‘ing l'r‘cncli artist lili/abetli Ballet‘s large-scale metal 'enclostires'. Aineiican photographer Sam Sariioie's pictures and test based on tairytales and Scottish painter Richard \Vliglit's varied work ranging lioiii large abstracts to small designs. See i'e\iew.

Instant l'ritiI 24 Mar. 'l‘rariiway catches lottery I'eyei‘ w tlll this video installation by nine young British contemporary artists. 'l‘oiicli an icon tilt the monitor and pot luck decides which \ ideo short trangmg lIl time l'rom 30 seconds to three nillititcsr appears on the screen.

Jim Harold l'ntil 24 Mar. l.arge black and white photographs ot‘ the death masks ol‘ I7th I‘)tli century luminaries Isaac Newton. lidmuiid Burke. .lean-I’aul .\larat arid Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 28 King Street. 552 4Sl3. 'l‘tle Sat llain 5.30pm. 21 Days OI Darkness I'litll 24 lieb. local and international artists take a look at the darker side ol‘ lil‘e lll this ‘(iotliic lixtravaganza'. celebrating all things strange with iiiultt-media art work. tilm screenings and per't'ormalices.

With Love Filthy Swan Mon 5 13 Mar. Work by a sell-sly led boy art group (set to step into 'l‘ake 'liliat‘s dearly departed slioesl. all ol' whom are recent graduates ol' (ESA. on show alongside a new project by Joanne 'latliain in the cellar.

I TRON THEATRE (r3 Trongate. 552 42o7. .\Ion Sun llam -midniglit.

Girls On Film w'cti 3s ten-20 .\Iar. work- by all-telltale photographic group ‘(iii'ls ()n liilm'. including portraiture. still we and landscapes.

70 The List 23 Feb-7 Mar I996