for details. They’re behind you! Two big fellas from Clydebuilt Puppets’ collection discuss the relative pros and cons of having your puppet-master trail around with you all day. Run by Lee McCalister and Stephen Smart, Clydebuilt are a touring company who design, make and perform a wide range of shows using rod puppets, shadow theatre and body puppets, including a distinctive line in lite-size puppets like the

two jolly green giants pictured here.

Even when it’s cold and shivery outside, our at-a-glance guide will see you through. Events are listed under Glasgow and Edinburgh columns, and then divided by type at event. Kids listings compiled by Ellie Carr.



I Celtic Banners Muse-ant ot litlttcatton. 225 Scotland Street. ~l2‘) l2ll2. l'uttl Sat 24 I-ei‘. .\lon Sat Ill;tlti 5pm: Sun: 5pm. I‘ree. Iiig. hrtglit and colourtui c‘\l‘.ll‘lllttlt oiliautteis inspired It} ('eltic in_\tholog_\ attd hrotight to you he waj. iii an Arts aitd

lidttcatioit protect tor Arts l\ itiagie.

Music I Sing A Song Of Opera 't‘ht- (ilasgow

Royal (foncet't Hall. 2 Sauchieltall Street. Ticketline: 227 55l I. Sat 2-1 l-‘eh. 2pm. £7 t£4.5(I/£3.5()i: t'atnily ticket {IS The popular ('hildt‘ett's ('Iassic ('oncerts Series goes tor the top of the opera pops. witlt (‘hristopher Bell presenting and conducting. aitd the \ocal talents ol‘ Scottish ()pet'a soloist Alison l)tigtttd. Audiettce patticipatioii includes a chance to condttct tlte orchestra.

Theatre I Scottish Mask and Puppet Theatre

S III Balcarres Avenue. Kelx ittdale. 33‘) (\l.\'5. 2pm. £2.5(ItL‘I5tii.

Catalina And The Whale Sat 34 lieh. Ages .1 ~- I 2. .lack ()‘l.antern Puppet Company are the Visitors at this regular Saturday al'tet'noou puppet slot. with a Spattish I‘olk

tale ot the w teked aunt and horrihle cousin and their plot to kill the heroine (Ittalitia Jethro Jake The Pirate Sat 3 .\I;tl'. Ages l lls’t'antihes \Vhistlestop I’ttppets llt\ ite _\ott Io Itelp the {maltle iogtie ttttd the treasure thai‘s gone missing post- shipwreck. I Jack And The Beanstalk (‘outt-t 'I'lteatre. UR ll_\ttdland Street. ‘57 1S6. Sat 2-1 l-eh llztnt £2.50 : £1.5iit Ages 5 h. The tale ot' the ht'a\e little l;.d caIIe-I lack and the htg scat} giant at the top oi the heanstalk. as told h} I’hil Spellacy atid his ania/tng rod aitd g’M'e puppets. I I Giants, Magic and Mystery (‘ouict- Theatre. 93 ll_\'ndland Street. 357 3868. Sat 2 Mar. I latti. £2.50 (£1.5tit Ages 5 I2. (Inlel‘tltll I’uppets present an industrial-si/ed chunk ot‘ (‘elttc \.ltII)IL‘lllllg trout Scottish hero Tani captured h) the tttagic ol‘ the lilttn ()ueen to the ltislt tall tale ot' l'ltt' ’/‘/trt't' (it'ttltli See photo capttott. I Beauty And The Beast l’ili\lt‘\ .-\I Is (‘eittrtx New Street. SST Ililt) lv'tttil l‘l'l 23 l-'eh. 7pm. LII til I Ages 7 I l. ()pen Iland Theatre (‘tiliipttlty- the otitiit iespoitsihle tor the tun-tilled ‘lé'it In A [ml and /)(l/III\' 'l'ltt' Huttmmr return to l’aisley with their own Version oi the traditional tarry-tale. I The Stone Giant And Other Indian Stories liast KiIhride Aits ('eutre. ()ld ('oaclt Road. (II 555 2(iltlllli Iltttt's 2‘)

l-'eh, I().3i)ant; 1.30pm. £2.50. Ages 5 -I I. (‘l_\'dehttilt I’uppets conjure tip colourlul North American Indian legends using puppets attd ntasks. The story ot' the Stone (iiant introduces Skuitdy \\'und_\g the hoastlul warrior who is faced with the challenge of his life when the Stone (iiant threatens his Village. See photo caption. I Magic Bob Unplugged! Paisley Arts Centre. New Street. 887 Hill). Sat 2 Mar. lptit. 1.2 (U I. Ages 4 --l2. Scotland's l'atourite kids' magician rides again. with his world-laittous stepladder illtisiott attd other mind-boggling tricks.

Activities and Fun

I Ouickies For Kids Royal Museum of Scotland. Chambers Street. lidinhurgh. 225 7534. Sat 24 Feb. 2.15pm. l-‘ree. Blink and you'll miss the last of this month's l'ree lite-minute talks on tantiliat' esliihits in the tttttseuin. This time lilttl otit the story hehiud the giant toteitt pole that sits outside the cale.


I Quest For A Pirate ('in Art (Semi-e. 3 Market Street. 52‘) 3903. l'util Sun l2 Ma}: Moufl‘ue/Sat Itiatu 5.30pm;

Wed liri Itiaiti-Sptn; Sun 11am—5pm. £3.50 t £2); latitin ticket 1."). Plunder the (‘.-\(' for this w orltl I‘irst exhiliilion ol' genuine pirate treasure discovered It} real- We treasute hunter liat't)‘ (.‘lilioid itt I983 on the oceatt floor at (‘ape (‘od Ten thousand artelacts \t. til he on displa_\'. With the centres. g;tllei_\ transformed itito a pirate ship that shiver visitor‘s tttiihers h)‘ taking thetii hack ill ttzne to the ‘golden age' ol' piracy.

I Potatoes: The Spud-You-Like Royal Botanic Garden tlzshthition llall) 20A III\’CI'lCillt Row. Hooking: Sharon Kirk 552 7I7l est Jis’li. Suit 3 Mar.

li.3l)atn 2.30pm. I9ree. Dig deep into the c\otit‘ past and pale ittto the liltllll'l.‘ ol' the coiittnon otvgarden tattte III this tanttlt demonstration led ht tuenthers ot the Scottish (frop Research Institute.


(ie! tip attd go (ilasgov. -l‘ased street dattce posse. I’rojekt l 1:02 are looking t'oi people hstweeii the ages o: ten and eighteen to hunt a new sheet dance unit in the “TM lilltl ol' the cit_\. (‘lasscs Will take place on 'l‘htu'sday' e\ entngs l‘etw eeu

5 -7pnt at the (‘otttet 'I‘heatie. ‘).‘~ II_\l1tIl;llltl ls‘oad. (‘all I’rotekt II"): on til-ll 357 5‘itill lot" details.

123651 SCOT/fish Academy




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