O m MUSIC P'°5°"'5

{‘Qe AI MEe ManN idiniwrgh 12th April Queenifiokgj

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Glasgow 17ih March Cathouse



mutsuav 2 .3.96@ the comer "may 29.3.96 @ the traverse [late show]

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m PANCHO VILLAS LAXTON’S smcg 1888 monuav1.4.96@meeoniet ' SUPERB sumieamre observations and Glasgow 315i March Coihouse THE 'mflumnmmmce mm“ _‘-:: a _ .‘i:3;?§:::5:5:5:§:5:;::;€°Tj"?'?3§?;33533§533§- .;;‘.‘f' . : I I II :I I: I ., ' .923 ' . A: . ' .; .' o :1“: II!}‘ 'I . 240 CANONGATE . ._ 12“! April . comer [01 3513868 - H .33 {:t 3’ The Calhouso ROYAL MILE ficleuin“ 412 1551 en“ ;k;.~;..:.;&::-5222.53?1't m.“ w . 5' M b h EDINBURGH traverse $11 12 8140 " °§Z.;?.I"J§EL°.§..;3£°§Z’.n3’3fi¥«?§ oufioé‘cfloi'flss'i 69.290'9 19L 013] -557 4416 [00m [01 1 57 6 69]

Limited edition iaH-iile‘“ 7” (3mm) reaming garbaee remii of [leg New ineiis. available en iwu [Us (Uliii/fliilZii) with eeelusiue lireadzene and fled Snapper remines and previouslu Uli-I‘ElEflSEd ireeiis.

[in Tour in Helen: Zi [ilesgew flarmwlands

Men from The album sari. flee

The List 8-21 Mar 1996 41