i starring Irish singer 3:1de Kelly and : Dead in S~Sat 9 Mar. 7.30pm. £0 (1.3).

l Cline‘s old buddy George Hamilton IV. S“. Dun“. and pram“.

. , l I . . . .

: mac" Ch'm" M0” “‘3‘” 33 M“- Public Playwnting Workshops Sat 0 Mar;

Mon—Fri 7.30pm; Sat Spin/8pm; Wed mat Si” N, Mm: “younpypml £15 (i [m 2.30pm. USU—£12.50. Susan l-lampshirc Bunk an.” Km. Swlmh plmwrium stars in Lesley Storm .s‘.pt).s‘l-\\'lll‘ classic of Mikv (.UH'CH' “mm”. 0’. Th" (2”, “Ed .17“, a family thrown into crisis.

- , . ('o/li'i'tiiui. leads these beginners' guides

I. OLD TOWN “All Mussclbulé‘yh' “CE-ms to dramatic structure and subtext dyer two

2:33l3l'tlllttllt T heatre box oltice: 665 i finscwmr Wyckcndg .

u I . _ e Monday Lizard Mon ll Mai.

Earth crac.‘ I.” 15‘5‘” ’H’ M”- 7‘-’()pmg Spniltlfitlpiu. The Monday Lizard is

£4 t£3). Brunton h’outh Theatre tackle this hack 0” “k. “(mm MUM”; m-mch

weighty number from John-WINS. month with an unite to Scottish

describing the siege of Stalingrad by the Pimwwigh“ and mm. audicncc m L.“ rm]ng {OI-CC" M Na“ German-V {hi-“ugh together and ill”! in the relaxed. bolto

l “W CFC“ “l. “V” Ch”er “h” find E surroundings of the 'l't'ayerse (‘afc Bar.

themselves catapulted from the hail of the § Miss Julie T\\’L‘(l 20 Sat 33 Mar. 7.30pm. crossfire to a far-distant place and time. : {'3 “~11 ,_ rim.“ WWW “Hm my much-

I PLAYHOUSE THEATRE (ll-SUN“ mac“- acclaimed Actors 'l‘ourini.’ coilipany. with i 557 3590- [ARCS-‘3 R- l-~ a bristling new 0th reading of August

4 “mimics: \VC‘ “'8' (j‘ (‘1 Slt'ittill‘c‘t'g's class. .sc.\ and \ ltllk‘llCC'

The Phantom of the Opera Until Sat 25 (mu-ic- iiiasiert‘is‘ss .\lay. .\lon—-Sat 7.30pm. Wed/Sat mat

2.30pm. £5—-£37.5(). The public demanded it! Lloyd Webber's blockbustiiig musical m

about the beautiful opera singer and the I CUMBERNAULD IHEATRE Kimmm‘

disfigured young composer hiding otit iii : (‘Umlmmmm“13%“3337 “(new i the sewers below the Paris Opera House pi“. i” g'p R. iswmnw: WC W3. IL (3‘ 3 has had its mammoth run extended. Some ; (j iii-1P; ,\. AM folks have been four times. apparently -- Dank; i'nm 331931;”. Wisp,” Lit iggr ' no satisfying sotne people. eh'.’ (‘nmbernauld Youth Theatre boldly go to g I ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irindlay the filial frontier with John (iardiner's Street. 23‘) 9697. [Acessz l’. l.. Facilities: Star Trek parody about Staiship Stmburst WC. W'S. H. (i. C. T. Help: .A. AA] and its mission to transport the Home

Montrose liri S-Sat 23 Mar (free preview World l’resident's daughter to finishing Thurs 7 Mar) 7.30pm; Sat lb/ch 20 Mat : school.

2.30pm. 1' 14:13. Not to be outdone by the I MACROBERT ARTS CENTRE l'niyersity cinematic triumph of BlYll‘U/M‘UI‘I. Rob Ray of Stirling. Stirling. ()I7So 40103 I.

1'! it]. the Lyceum company stirs up the |.-\ccess: l’. l’l’A. l.. R. Facilities: W(‘. rousing legend oflames Graham. Marquis WS. H. (il

of Montrose. Royalist rebel and romantic I Diversions Dance Company l'Tl S Sat ‘) poet. seen by the people of Scotland as ; .\lar. 7.30pm. Lo H.115“); apes price £5.50 eitltcr heroic warrior or bloody traitor. The (£4). See Dance.

claymore-wielding new play has been

commissioned from Robert liorrest and v m_

directed by Kenny Ireland. See preview. . . . . - - This section lists shows that are town I ()I'W‘c‘ll 'l‘c‘t‘t‘ttCL‘. the central There is a phone 9

3.4“. 1.4.03 [’i‘c.““:‘:. HT’\‘..1"..S'IE R‘ . , ' number for each company should You i‘llClllllL‘SI W C. W S. (i. C ] C loscd Suns. require more intormation.

u ' . .. _ . . . The hOTtGSt male i “Chaim” 33” 4349‘ , , . I Artist Unknown A new' play - a i A Sl'ghtcase M‘urder “Cd H‘s“! '6 ciiiiiiiiissiiiiieil from Sue (limit/tiger“ Mar. 7..~()pm. L) (H). Local amateur (“mt-rm (il;ts:1i)\\"s'[“.\(; 't'm-uu-C company lidinburgli Theatre Arts get out ' I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 Hamilton ' Sgiillish company Wildcat follows up [hp l’lils‘s‘. 3:“ 5435- [ACCC-‘N Pl“. ST. R- success of47 with a new one-titan

HOME-‘3 WC W3 H- U. (i- “Cll‘i -’\"\l musical comedy about a singing. dancing 8 t h - ‘l O t h M a r C h 7 3 O p m Reel “Ck/Straight With 9""?5 hi ' story-telling busker. Written by .»\nderson ° 15‘5"“ ‘7 Mil“ xl‘m- LON) ‘5 ’- 5W with Wildcat's artistic director l)a\ id DUWC- .\lacl.cnnan. l‘or further info call: (ll-ll

Q Flesh Fly 'l'liurs 3| - Sat 33 Mar. Spin. 331 (fiery £6.50 iL'R). (‘onfrontational new '/'/1e l’i'imr [Hit/trite. (intuit Mon 15 Mar. I c e £ 6 £ 3 ; adaptation of Ben Jonson‘s classic 5 imp,” comedy \irl/mm'. about the bored. rich Spring/MN (hm/“mu” “UH. lemmjflyh,”

and despicable inalingerer \‘olpone and TM. ii) MM“ lupin. his equally nasty servant Mosca. (“Hp/pn/Nluh [Hy-m.» ( yum, \y'r-rl 3i)

B O f f . O 1 3 1 2 2 8 'I 4 O 4 : performed in highly yisual and typically Mar. 7.30pm. 0 X I C e uncompromising fashion by liurope‘s top Tm”.Willi”le

baby boy design I photo by kenny bean

('oinpany. In keeping with the Art School \‘t‘tltlt‘. the play looks at Scottish women artists and attempts to draw parallels

' between late artists like Margaret .\lacdonald Mackintosh (RL‘ltltlL‘S wife)

the spats' and pinstripes for this lesser known SOs-style gangster musical by Damon Runyon of (;ll\'.\‘ .'\H(/ Dill/r fame. featuring Marco and his liigli—falutin' hoodlum mates on a day out at the races Md Jmm Mum“: and H“, m“ New ? m sawmill x" , 3 working today. lior further info call: ()Hl I \\L‘(l -(l .\iilli. or) a\7-f r..y()[iiii. L5 ico. A. tale ot emigration I “mm Hum/1,. [yin/WNW”! MU” H Mi”: troni l‘)tli century Scotland to( anada and H Hm]. ypm finally New /.ealand under the guidance HIM/M. '4’.“ (-mm, Tm Is Mm. ls‘Upnr of anti-church rebel Noritian .‘ylaclcod ot 7pm

) . | s .- .' \ ..\ssynt. lcttoimcd by [by National (iaclic “(WWW Hum/1,. [JIM/th H12:

Arts l’roiect tl’roiseact .\an l‘.(ll;tll) with ; H.” \Hm , f , ' . . i i y ' (.iaelic title latghean .\a Maia. Sec Tm” (“mummy prcncw‘ I Barking llaye Anderson of stalwart

disabled theatre company. (iraeae. See I Like A Virgin Hut] 't‘mgt; 't‘ticaii'c. the PWVTCW- company who brought you the classic I TRAVERSE THEATRE (“"1‘l‘lldilc SUL‘C“ chronicle of l‘riday night otit on the 33‘ “(H- iACW-‘V L- “Winn”: “(h randan li'uu/ii'eri. i‘ettii'n to (ilasgow with

v ' W8. 11' U' (‘1' “mm Mm” 1 this high-octane romp through the

I a The Amhitem um” sun m Mm“ 8pm“ 57 : obsessions of female teenage life: the pop 1 (“fin/£3). NOW play by bright-spark stars tin this case Madonnai. the boys and

5 young Scottish writer l)ayid (.ireig. whose lhc Hmkpun pm. “Hum. in“) “I”: Usz prc‘ylntls’ Sll()\\’\' [imp/n, and ()m, Hle 2:480“- . . i .‘y‘ll'r't’l'llilyc been big hits at the 'I‘Hnrhcl H. 1/ MM Hymn/l lylmww’” THU 13 Cambridge Sireei ' Edinburgh 1 i This time (ireig's modern-day hero is an Zilli‘ngmm.

i “WWW ‘Sl't‘Pi‘L‘. ‘Ul'l’li-‘s‘l MIN wart/trigim (mini wt-ii l3 in is .\lar. buildings and family are all crumbling 3PM around him. See [veyiew i (MT/M A A,“ “HIM SM m Mm: 7‘30pm.

55 The List 8-21 Mar 1996