I HUHTLY HOUSE MUSEUM 142 Canongate. 529 4143. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm. Free. Packed with historic artefacts. this museum tells the story of Edinburgh's ast and its people.

I MUSEUM F CHILDHOOD 42 High Street. 529 4142. Mon—Sun 10am-6pm. Free. All manner of archive material and old toys relating to childhood through the


I PEOPLE’S STORY 163 Canongate. 529 4057. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm. Free. The sights. sounds and even smells of Edinburgh from the 18th century onwards. I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND 2 Chambers Street. 225 7534. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm (Tue until 8pm); Sun noon—5pm.

Heavenly Scent Until 21 Apr. A fascinating visual. audio and sensual celebration of the world of perfume. from the Ancient Egyptians who burned fragrances to please their gods. to today's multi-million pound industry. where the shape of the bottle is almost as important as what's inside.

I SCOTTISH UHITED SERVICES MUSEUM Edinburgh Castle. 2225 7534. Mon—Sat 9.30am—5.30pm; Sun Ham—5.30pm. Free. but there is an admission charge for the Castle.

For Your Freedom And Ours: Poland, Scotland and the Second World War Many Polish soldiers came to Scotland in the 40s. Their mark is left in this exhibition of uniforms. insignia and equipment. as well as drawings. prints and other personal materials.

I WRITERS MUSEUM Lady Stair‘s Close. 529 4901. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm. Free. A treasure-house of items relating to three of Scotland's most famous writers: Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott.



I DUHFERMLIHE DISTRICT MUSEUM Viewfield Terrace. ()l383 72 18 l4. Mon—Sat 11am—5pm.

Belgrade: Duntermline Until I} Mar. Powerful and eloquent work by members of the Belgrade Printmaking Circle. some of whom are in exile. including intaglio prints. lithographs and relief prints.

East Kilbride

I EAST KILBRIDE ARTS CEHTRE ()ld Coach Road. East Mains. 01355 2(il()()(). Mon—Fri l()am— lllpmz Sat/Sun noon-lOan

{tiff/f // .- i“ ' 2 4 t "- X y,’ ,1: ,s 1.2-3: V”; "1. a, '5' I,

Picasso: Late Etchings Until 17 Mar. Two suites ofetchings created by Picasso during his late 80s. The Magnificent Cuckold. featuring mythological characters. and 7711‘ Burial affair)” ()rgu: based on the paintings of El Greco.


I SMITH ART GALLERY & MUSEUM Dumbarton Road. 01786 471917. Tue—Sat 10.30am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.

A Sense Of Place Until 14 Apr. Work by members of the Society of Scottish Artists addressing the idea of Scottish heritage.

LECTURES mantis-

lectures are listed by city, then by date. Glasgow

Chila Kumari Bunnan Street Level Gallery. Sat 9 Mar. 1.45—4pm. The artist presents a live art event ‘Walk Tall'. on the closing day of her exhibition. Producing The Goods For 1999 Queen's Cross Church. Tue 1‘) Mar. 6—7pm. £3 (students free). The third in a series of illustrated lectures presented by the Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society. Tonight‘s speaker is David Harding. Head of Environmental Art at GSA.

Art In A Social Context 18 King Street. Wed 20 Mar. 2.30pm. Director of Art lll Hospital Barbara Gulliver discusses the work of Thotnas Crawford Mitchell. and the issues involved in practising art in a healthcare environment.


live Guides Throughout the British Art Show. guides will be available to offer information and discuss exhibitions at the following times: City Art Centre. Sat noon—5pm; Collective Gallery. Sat noon—5pm; Fruitmarket Gallery. Sat l().3()am—5ptn; Royal Botanic Garden. Sun noon—5pm; Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. Sat/Sun 2.30pm; Talbot Rice. Fri/Sat 1—5pm.

La Gloria National Gallery of Scotland. Fri 8 Mar. [2.45pm. Paul Stirton gives a talk on this work by John Phillip.

Kerry Stewart Scottish National Gallery ofModern Art. Mon ll Mar. 12.45pm.

Hypnotic statements: Jane and Louise Wllson discuss their work on Wed 13

Sculptor Stewart discusses lter contribution to the British Art Show. John Campbell, 4th Duke of Argyll Scottish National Portrait (iallery. Wed 13 Mar. |2.-15pni. Matthew Wellartl discusses the work of Thomas (.iainsborongh. British Art Show (‘ity .-\rt (‘enlre. Wed l3 Mar. ll.3()ant. .-\ guided tour of the work by 'l‘acita Dean. (ieorgina Starr and latte and Louise Wilson. British Art Show Talbot Rice (iallery. Wed l3 Mar. lpttt. 'l‘he gallery’s ettt't‘cnt exhibiting artists give a talk. St Jerome with St Peter at Alcantara National (iallcry of Scotland. Fri 15 Mar. l2.45ptn. Michael (Kissin looks at l’illotti's‘ work. Childhood Remade: British Art Now Scottish National (iallery ol Modern Art. Mon IS Mar. l345pin. lixhibition organiser Andrew Patrizio gives a talk on the British Art Show. Scotland's Mountains St Bride‘s- Centre. ()nvt'll Terrace. 'l‘ue l‘) Mar. Spin. Photographer and cartographer Jitn Renny giy es alt illustrated lecture. Tickets £3 (phone 220 4371 for details). Danny McCrain Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Wed 20 Mar. l2.45pnt. Robin Baillie looks at the work of Humphrey ()cean.


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76 The List 8-21 Mar 1996