
Awards for Individual Development

Assistance to makers to continue the development of their artistic, technical and busmess skills and to other appropriate individuals who present crafts to develop their knowledge of contemporary crafts.

Closing dates: 29 May and 13 December 1996. (There is a separate closing date, 30 April 1996, for those seeking assistance to attend the North/ands Creative Glass Conference and WorkshOp in Lybster from 16 to 20 September 1996.)

Exhibitions Assistance to improve the quality and quantity of craft exhibitions shown, initiated and circulated in Scotland. and to enable them to be shown more effectively. Closing dates: 11 September 1996 and 15 February 1997.

Special Projects

Support for development prOJects in the crafts in Scotland including the appointment and training of officers With respons- ibility for crafts, innovative community and special needs prOJects, and educational programmes. residencies and masterclasses. Closing dates: 11 September 1996 and 15 February 1997.

Start Up Grants

ASSistance to new craftspeOple who exhibit a high level of creatIVity and skill, and who have a viable development plan, to establish themselves as makers in Scotland.

Closing dates: 29 May and 13 December 1996.

Indigenous Crafts Development Fund

Support to crafts groups and organisations which present crafts for prOJects which promote the awareness and understanding of the indigenous crafts of Scotland.

Closing dates: 29 May, 11 September, 13 December 1996 and 15 February 1997.


SAC/HarperCollins Short Story Volume 1997

An annual volume of original short stories by Scottish writers or writers reSIdent in Scotland. published in conjunction With HarperCollins Publishers.

Entries to SAC by 5 July 1996.

Travel and Research Grants

Grants to support professronal, Scottish-based writers and translators who reqwre to undertake research, usually for a book. Closing dates: 3 May, 6 September 1996 and January 1997.

Writers’ Bursaries Bursaries to enable professronal writers and translators to devote more time to writing. Closing dates: 28 June and 20 December 1996.

Writing Fellowships Fellowships awarded Jointly With host organisations to allow writers and translators to devote more time to writing and to stimulate an Interest in reading. Closing dates: 10 May, 26 July. 13 September & 8 November 1996.

Combined Arts

Cross-Media Collaborations (with Performing Arts Department)

Support for the development of experimental and innovative work created through the equal collaboration of artists from more than one art form.

Closing dates: 1 October 1996 and 31 January 1997.

Development and Project Fund

Grants to support arts development. such as festivals and combined arts prOJects especrally in rural and urban areas With a high level of deprivation.

Closing dates: 9 August 1996 and 31 January 199 7.

Minority Ethnic Projects

Grants to encourage the development and promotion of minority ethnic arts for prOJects involVing a range of artists working in the performing arts plus other art forms.

Closing dates: 9 August 1996 and 21 March 199 7.

Performing Arts


Choreographic Development Award ASSistance for initial choreographic development of an indiwdual's or company's work Without the pressure of public performance. Closing dates: 31 May, 30 August and 18 October 1996.

Dance Bursaries

ASSistance to professionals working in dance in Scotland to undertake short-term or part-time training, or a period of study to extend their skills.

Closing dates: 31 May, 30 August and 18 October 1996.

Scottish Traditions Of Dance

Support for resrdencies, workshops and other plOJCCiS aimed at promoting and passmg on other skills wrthin traditional dance. Closing dates: 31 May. 30 August and 18 October 1996.

Drama and Mime

Mime Bursaries Bursaries to enable performers to make use of training opportunities in mime to improve and extend their skills. Closing date: 7 May 1996.

Training and Travel Bursaries: Drama Bursaries to enable theatre practitioners to extend their expertise in speCific areas of work through attendance at short-term or part-time courses. a period of study or a special piOJect. Closing dates: 13 May. 29 July, 30 September and 4 November 1996.


Music Commission Fee Subsidy As5istance to organisations. ensembles or indiwduals with the cost of commISSion fees for original composmons. Closing date: 15 July 1996.