Hatchet job: papier maché heads from Christine Borland’s Black Museum. Housed in a portakabin in the grounds of the Scottish National Gallery at Modern Art. it forms part at the British Art Show and is open to viewing until Sun 28 Apr.

Stanley Reilly: Celebrity Photographs Until 30 Apr. l-rom I.iilu to l.iherace. Dick and Betty Burton to Bond guys Roger Moore and Sean ('oniieiy. Stanley Reilly has snapped them all, Also on show'. coiitetiipoi‘ai’y photographs highlighting lidiiihurgh's gay iiioyemeiit oy er recent years.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnyerleitii House. lnyeileith Row. 553 TI"? I. mixed work hy (iallei'y artists. including Mon—Sun l0am 5pm. paintings. contemporary crafts and

The British Art Show l'iitil 38 Apr lttL‘lLtl\\‘tit'l\.

Damien llii'st‘s infamous formaldehyde I SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY OF offering .rlu'ur Fro/ii Ili/lt' Hm I is on show MODERN ART liellin‘d Road. 550 S931. here. along with an equally delightful Mon- Sat l0aiii-5pm; Sun ll.iiii--5pm. demonstration of piitrefaction in progress The British Art Show l'ntil 3S Apr. ()ne of hy (‘ilasgow-lmrn Anya (iallaccio. .\lat seyen \‘L‘llllt‘s around the city playing host (:ollisliaw‘s snowstorm yideo Princeton to the fourth Britiin Ail Show. The work might help settle your stomach attei‘ those of eleyen artists is on show here.

two. while (.iSA graduate Douglas including Damien llirst's iridescent Gordon presents two \ ideo installations hiitterflies. Kerry Stewart's stereotypical 'I'ri'eeer /-'i'itei'/' and //\'\.'t’l'lt iii’. figure sculptures and an installation hy bioSCIENCE In Scotland 1 mil ‘rl Aug, lf lucia Nogueria featuring (3000 pieces of you thought the world of seieizee and glass chandelier.

technology was hoiing. think again. lnter- I SCOTTISH NATIONAL PORTRAIT

actiy'e compute: displays. \ ideas. R-l) GALLERY Queen Street. 556 S93l.

models (including a giant midget and Mon-Sat l0am 5pm; Sun 3~5pm. hands-on eshilnts make tor a fascinating The JOINT K0bal Photographic Portrait exhihitioii. Award l'iilil 30 Mar. l':\l£tl‘ll.\llt‘tl three

I ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE BAR (it indlay years ago. the Kohal Award aims to Street. 339 9(i97. promote portrait photography and

Games With Colour I Tim} 9 Apr. ("olourful encourage aspiring young photographers mixed-itiedia paintings l‘y Sara in the genre. The eshihition features 73 of Doyy'nltam, Work by [he ;ll'[lsle‘;1|t(tlstil\c the hest entries in I995. including the viewed at the l‘jleeine hog on (“with-am winning photograph hy (ilasgow-horn Street and ('ommon (iiouiids on The Kale lthgow'.

Mound. I STILLS 33 C‘ockhurn Street. 335 9870. I ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE landings ' '

l‘ue—Iiri llam- (rpm; Sat (jallery. I00 Princes Street, 335 l50l. The British Art Show Until 38 Apr. Mon—Sun l0am opm.

Sensual photographic work by Hermione Nick Walker lintil l7 Apr. Walker draw s Wiltshire. who enhances itiiages through on the traditional slill lire gmre to c‘l'L‘dlt‘ the use of additional materials such as yihraiit paintings w hicli explore modern glass and plaster. ()n show as part of the herccption and experience. fourth British Art Show. I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY lo Dundas I STUDIO ONE 10 Stafford Street. 336 Street. 553 I300. Mon -l"l'l Iliam opm; 53D. Molt-~81” liltittt- 5.30pm. Sat l0am—4pm. Other Places Tue 3 ~37 Apr. Photographs Mixed Exhibition linti 37 Mar. A group exploring notions of presence and facade of 50 new paintings by lidinhurgli-horn hy recent graduate of lidinhui'gli (‘ollege Gordon Bryce. including dramatic still of All. Fraser Stahles. lifes. a series of small oils done 'on the I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l‘iiiyersity of spot' hy the artist and new s of lidinhiirgli. ()ld College. South Bridge.

lidinhurgh. l)iinottar (‘astle and .\lorai'. Also on show. work hy Spanish ceramicist lisperaii/a Romero. w ho uses slipcasting and handhuildiiig to produce unique and unexpected results.

W. Barns-Graham .‘yloii l~ 34 Apr. A new collection of mostly ahsti'act works on paper hy this seasoned Scottish artist. still going strong in her Sits. Also on show.


L) n IV ' l a d SCOTLAND AND THE '45 5

Exhibition 1 MARCH-31 OCTOBER 1996

National Library of Scotland George IV Bridge

Edinburgh EH1 16W

Tel: 0131-226 4531


The National Library exists to acquire l



liI10.OO-17.00 Sat 10.00-17.00 Stilt 14.00-17.00

Admission Free anu preserve the printed and manuscript record of Scotland’s culture

650 23l i. Mon—Sat l0aiii--5pin.

The British Art Show Until 38 Apr. Lush colour photographs of the insides of cinemas hy Bridget Smith. which capture not just the interiors. but the fantasies created there. aiiihiguous and intriguing sculptures hy Marcus 'l‘ay lor. an installation sculpture hy l’ei'iiiinda Kaur esploriiig cultural fragmentation and work hy (iary Hume. one of the few painters ey ident iii the British Art Show.

I TORRANCE GALLERY 39h I)undas Street. 55o (riot). .\lon l5ri liam (rpm; Sat l0_30aiii 4pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ntil (i Apr. A ioiiit e\liihition featuring recent paintings hy I’am (‘arter and liiiid lioote Watts.

I WASPS GALLERY l’ali'iotliall. oft llamilton Place. 335 I3S9. .\lon -Siin l--7pm.

Moyna Flannigan t'nut :3 Mar. An e\hihitioii of paintings hy this multi

aw aid-winning. lidinhurgh t‘ollegc of Art attd Yale l'tii\ersity graduate.

I HUNTLY HOUSE MUSEUM l~l3 (‘anoiigate 539 J I-l‘x. Mon Sat

l0am opm. l-‘rec. Packed with historic artefacts. this museum tells the story of lidinhurgh's past and its people.

I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD -12 High Street. 539-1H3. Mon-Sun |0am (5pm. l'ree. All manner ofai'cliiye material and old toys relating to childhood through the ages.

I PEOPLE'S STORY no (Xmoiigate. 539 .1057. Mon Sat l0am (ipm. l’ree. 'l‘lie sights. sounds and eyeii smells of lidinhurgli folk limit the 13th century onwards.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND 3 (‘hamhei's Street. 335 i5.~~l. .\lon Sat 10.iin>-5pnit'l'iie until Spmi; Sun

noon -5pm.

Heavenly Scent t'nul 3] Apr. A fascinating \ isual. audio and sensual celebration of the world of perfume. featuring tliree-diiiiensioiial odoramas. computer games. yideo terminals and Iilectronic Fragrance ()rgaiis which test your recollection of eyeryday smells.

I SCOTTISH UNITED SERVICES MUSEUM lidiiihurgh ("astle. 335 753-1. .\lott~ Sat 9.30am 5.30pm: Sun llam» 530pm. l‘ree. hiit there is an admission charge for the Castle.

For Your Freedom And Ours: Poland, Scotland and the Second World War .\laiiy' I’olish soldiers came to Scotland iii the 40s. 'l’lieir mark is left in this eshihitioii of uniforms. insignia and equipment. as well as drawings. prints and other personal materials.

I WRITERS MUSEUM l.ady Stair 's Close. 539 490l. .‘ylon~Sat l0am--(ipm. liree. A treasure-house of items relating to three of Scotland's most famous writers: Rohert Louis Steyeiison. Rohert Burns and Sir Walter Scott.

W Haddington

I PETER POTTER GALLERY It) The Sands. lladdington. ()lo30 833080.

Our Friends From the North lintil 4 Apr. With a title nearly as charming as the work itself. ()rkney artists John Hunter and (‘aroliiie lltiiit are huilding tip quite a reputation for theiiiselyes. with their distinctive humanist paintings. oil on glass and photographic works.

East Kilbride

I EAST KILBRIDE ARTS CENTRE ()ld Coach Road. East Mains. 0|355 361000. Mon—Fri lilain—l0pm; Sat/Sun

nooii— l 0pm.

Circumstantial Evidence Sat 23 Mar—3] Apr. Sculptural pieces and photographic work by Sihylle Van Halem. inspired by a life-long fascination with archaeology.


Lectures are listed by city, then by date.


The Human Motif Sal In .\ lpm. Street level (iallei'y. Simon llerhei't leads a tour of the gallery‘s current e\liihit:on hy /.ofia

Kulik. Edinburgh

live Guides 'l'liroughout the Biilisli \it Show. guides will he ayailahle to offer information and discuss eshihitions at the following times: (‘ity Aii (‘entre Sat tiooti 5pm; (‘ollcciiye (ialiet’y Sat noon~5piii; l'ruitiiiarket (iallery Sat l0.30am~5pni; Royal Botanic (iarden Sun iioon~-5piii: Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art Sat/Sun _..i(ll‘tii; 'l‘aihol ls‘ice liri/Sat l 5pm.

From Brueghal to Rubens in :2 Mai. l3.~l5pm. National (Viallery of Scotland. .lulia Lloyd Williams discusses the (iallei'y's current eshihition ol l-leiiiish drawings.

Space 1996: Installation & Environment Mon 35 Mar. I3.-l5pni. l’iee. Scottish National Gallery of Modern Ait. lidinhiii'gli ("ollege of Art lecturei Ken .\'eil giyes a talk on elements ol the lit'ilislt Art Show.

Gillian wearing 'l‘ue 3h .\l.ii‘. noon. ('ollectiy'e (iallei‘y. (iallery diiector Sarah Munro giy es a tour of their current British Ait Show L‘Xllll‘llltill British Art Show Wei! 3“ Mai. ll_.‘ ('ity Art ('eiiti'e. (itiideil gallery tour of the work oli'l‘acita Dean. (ieoigma Stair and .laiie is Louise Wilson.

The Entrance of George W at Holyroodhouse win :7 Mat. 13.45pm. Free. Scottish National Portrait (ialleiy. Stephen l,loyd gixes a talk on this woik hy Dayid Wilkic.

The New Spirit Mon 1 Apr. |3.-l5pm. lii'ee. Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. lireelance writer .iiid lecturer l.ihhy Anson giyes a talk as part of the British Art Show eyeiits programme.


i M's/E 85v?“ (En-{LI—i‘éo AS H“ :‘Ly rNthCI

s\ Q69

Public announcement: photograph from a series by Gillian Wearing on display at the Collective Gallery, Edinburgh as part of the British Art Show until Sun 28 Apr.

72 The List 22 Mar-4 Apr 1996