I OOEON Cit-1k Sum-1. (\(17 7,13 l/(itix . . l osstbh opunng. replacing mo of the ; p0whlc “Deming. mmcmg “m, m m 3|0|. * “bm'c' j above:

Fri 12/Sat13; Provisional programme details only not i The 8”“ I I“ ’- _ i 3'0“!!! Arrow t l5). Cu” Cinema 1”“th ' 1 confirmed at time of going m press. Broken Arrow ( lb). I MAGNUM llarbonrsitle. Irvine. 0 l 294 I UCI Kinttairtl Park. Ktnttait'tl Roatl. om) I ALLANPARK Allilili‘ark RPM. Slil'lln‘é. I NEW PICTURE HOU.SE north SUCCI' 8‘ 27838" . 077T “17% ‘17“35 ; Andrews. 0133.1 47.3309 l The Pebble And The Penguin tt‘t. F“ 12/8” 13: I 1_ Broken Arrow ( 15). 1. Broken Arrow t to) 6.20pm. 8. 10pm. Broken Arrow t 15 t. can Cinema {m- dcmle i 2. Toy Story ( PG). 2- Toy Story (PC!) (3.40pm. : I OOEON Burns Statue Square. A} r. i I CANNON Princess Street. Palkirk, 0l33-i J"man" (POI z‘i-ISPm- (“393 304 01‘). 3305 Four Rooms ( I5) Wed only. llptn. | Toy Story (PG). - Toy Story (PG ), I I ROBINS Past Port. Dttnlertnline 01383 ; Dunston Checks In tl’t } t. Provisional programme details only not ' Stolen Hearts t 15 t. . 623 535. I Braveheart t 15). confirmed at time of going to press. ' Sgt, aitko (m ,. Toy Story (PU). t Jumanii (PC). I THE PAVILION Market Street. Y Balto (it) Balto (Lil. ; Trainspotting t Isl. (ialasltiels. 015% 75270.". l Trainspotting t 18). Small Faces t IS). Sense And Sensibility tt‘i. Toy Story tP(i l. gullmtmv Kids (‘tuh (gt ): A Little Princess l U). Possible opening. replaeing one ol‘ the Stale" Hearts‘ IS I- The M3Sk (PG) I0ant—12.30pnt. ; Sgt- 8mm (POI- above: A Pfincess (Ii). , Pug-“[1].; “paling. [‘Qpluging one of [hc Trainspotting l Brake" Anow l I. Cutthroat Island tl’(il. "hm... i i 5 Possible opening Kids Shows Sat: (‘all einenta l'or tletails. Broken Afrow ( [5). The Bruce ( 15 )I g I 'l‘ownheatl Slt't'el. Hamilton.

1 I MACBOBERT ARTS CENTRE sat-1mg Bmken Anew ( I 5). (new :83 so: i L'niversil); 01780 46108 I. Toy Story tP(il.

i Res ([3) Sun [-1. 7.30pm. _ Dunstan Checks In tP(it. v Living In Oblivion ( t5) Wed l7. 7.30pm. Tfalnspomng l W.

Rendez-vous In Paris (PG) Thurs ts. 1 Provisional programme details only not : Jumanji (PU). 7.30pm confirmed at time or going to press. , Small Faces t t5 l. I CANNON 'i‘itehl’ieltl Street. Kiltnarnoek. Possible opening. replacing one ol' the

Sgt. Bilko (PG). Broken Arrow t 15 l.

PTOVISIOOaI progfamme details only "0t Toy Story (PG). I UCI (‘thle Regional (‘entte (‘l\ tlebank.

; confirmed at time of going to press- Balto (U). 2 014] 951' 1949.‘ '

I I ADAM SMITH CINEMA BCIHM‘IU' Rmd- Trainspotting ( IS). i Expected programme similar to Week 1.

Kit'kcilltl)‘. 0150: lot) 4%. Stolen Hearts ( l5). 3 Call cinema to confirm.

Bebe (U) l‘t‘i 13/33! 13.3.30Plll-7PHL Saturday Kids (‘htb (LI )2 Possible openings:

; Elisa ( 15) Sun 14. 7.30pm. Ace Ventura2 (PG) I0ant—I2.25pm. Broken Arrow t is».

U _ B-rtailtii'r‘lgoATmzéys(é’fiéglxz IS. 7.3élpnt. Possible opening. replacing one of the | City Hall t 15 l. . . . . ; ‘htn'ch. treet. “hm-Lg y. . ; . S - .h _~ :3}: Aozgiienslflhwil \' : CilL‘lll'UliIL‘S. 01592 750 980 Broken Arrow t 15). :1 \I I” i i I kl” I ii Dunstgn Chegcitsilii (m. i 1' Toy Story (PG); I EAST KIBRIDE ARTS CENTRE S! Old » Expected programme similar to Week 1. pug-SN . U ,. ' U ".1, t, . ) f I x 2' Phone '9' dgta'ls- P h (‘oaeh Road. liast Ktlbrttle. 01355 Call cmema to confirm. tb Hi L “m”:- M Jun”- [m U m I I MGM H’gh 5m“- hlli‘culdy‘ (“592 261000. Possible Openings: 1 t C- _ . Zen 143. Trainspotting ( l8) and Shallow Gravetlxt : Broken Arrow ( i5). 33;??ng t IF >- I Toy Story trot. Sat 13. 7. l0pm tit/£3). . City Hoall (15>. I ROXY CINEMA Hmumml MM - Sgt. Bllkttlttl (o. _ Panther ( 18) Tue 10.7.30pm. . The Big Sleep ( 15) 'l‘ltttrs onl_\'. _ (“573 334 “09. BM. [D1 (.. g I )’ 1" ramqu "‘9 l IM- I I KELBUBNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. I WMR FILM CENTRE Bank Street. ll'\’lllL‘. . H -, . “WM t H) Balto (to. 0141 $39 “mt: 0139-1279900.

open Sat/Sun: ltlt‘/\\ Ckl. Sto|en "gang ( [5 )_ Toy Story “)0). ' Jumanii “)0) Sgt'B'lk0‘1)(”'. .. . Saturday Kids: ("luh (£1 )1 Dunston Checks In (PC). I Toy Story (mt. 58058 AMI Sensnbllttv t II l- Rookie Of The Year (PG) Il);tttl«l3.3()plll. Bravehean ( 15). Heat ( is).

The Posies *

Please Return It

, The Brand New single

April 15th OD and Cassette

Taken from the forthcoming album “Amazing Disgrace”

See The Posies live at King Tut’sion Tuesday 9th April

32 The List 5- l 8 Apr I996