
The following details are for regular weekly dates: see main listings for one- off shows. Gigs are listed by city, then by day. Residencies will be listed, provided that up-to-date details are supplied to us. Jazz Residencies listings compiled by Kenny Mathieson.


I Live Jazz at the Joint The Roast .loitit. 305 Sauchiehall Street. 332 7182. 8pm. Artists vary.

I Graham Ness Yes. xx'est .\‘ite s‘ti-eet. Spin. Piano.

I Jazz Piano Baby (irarrd. 3/‘7 Iilmbaiik (iarderis. 248 4942. 10pm. lounge pianist. I live Jazz lllll on the (ireeri. 2.3 (ireerihead Street. Bi'idgetoir. 9pm. Artists vary. usually traditional.


I George Penman’s Jazzmen (‘tn-negie‘s. 142 St Vincent Street. 226 3S33.

2.30 5.30pm. 'l‘raditioiial.

I MU Blowing Band 1.auder\. Satrclrielrall Street. 2 5pm. Informal big band.

I Harry Margolis and His Band I...-\11;lel‘te. 27 \Villel'ltrtr Street. 22I .32 Ill. 2 5pm. varrig.

I Bill Fanning’s Big Band The iron Iltil‘s'e. 115 West Nile Street. 2 5pm. Big band.

I Dissen Tango’d Brexvei'y 't‘ap. 1055 Sauchrehall Street. 339 Shoo. 9pm. .1a//. funk.

I Live Jazz at the Joint 't‘tte Roast John. 305 Satrchiehall Street. 332 7182. Split. Artists x ary.

I Graham “855 Yes. West Nile Street. Spin. Piano.

I Jazz Piano Baby Grand. 3/7 lzlrnbank (iar'deris. 243 4942. 10pm. lounge pianist. I Live Jazz Inn on the (ireeri. 23 (ir‘eerihead Street. Bridgetoii. 9pm. Artists vary. usually traditional.


I George McGowan Big Band the Parade. Meadoxvpark Street. 2.30 4pm. Big band jazz.

I Live Jazz at the Joint 't‘Iie Roast limit. 305 Sauchrehall Street. 332 7182. 2pm and Spin. Artists xar'y.

I Jeannie Maxwell and the Glaswegians ('urlei's. 250 By res Road. 334 12S-l. Spin. 'I‘i'aditiorial.

I Blacklriars Trio titttckr't-itns. 3t» Bell Street. 552 5924. 9pm. Resident trro featuring Chick l.y;tll and lam Copeland. pills gttesls


I Fionna Duncan and Friends Mc(’huill‘s. 40 Hiin Street. 552 2135. Spin Traditional and mainstream singer. I Live Jazz at the Joint 't‘tte Roast limit. 305 Sauchiehall Street. 332 7132. Spin. Artists xai'y.

I Live Jazz State Bar. 14S Holland Street. 332 215‘). 9pm. Artists x ary tinusicraiis \vairted r.


I George Dgilvie’s Dixieland Jazz Band Bosxxell Ilotel. 27 .\I;tnsioriliouse Road. l.arigside. S30pm. Dixieland.

I Alan McPike and Pat Keating Alpeii lodge. 25a Hope Street. 221 404s, Spin. Hammond organ and \ocals.

I Live Jazz at the Joint 't‘tte Roast .IUltll. 305 Satrcliieliall Street. 332 71S2. Spin. Artists vary.

I Jazz Piano Baby Grand. 3/7 lilmbatik

Gardens. 248 4942. 9pm. Lounge pianist. I live Jazz Inn on the Green. 23 Greerihead Street. Bt'idgeton. 9pm. Artists vary. ustrally traditional.


I Live Jazz at the Joint 't‘tte Roast .1011”. 305 Satrcliieliall Street. 332 7182. Spin. Artists vary.

I live Jazz Inn on the Green. 23 Greerihead Street. Bridgetori. 9pm. Artists vary. usually traditional.

I Stephen McDutt Yes. \x'est .\'ile Street. 8pm. Jan. singer".

I Jazz Piano Baby Grand. 3/7 lilmbarik Gardens. 248 4942. 9pm. lounge pianist.


I Tap Duartet Brexvery Tap. I055 Saucliiehall Street. 339 Sb‘oo. 9pm. 1-‘eaturiiig Chick l.yall. Kevin MacKeri/ie. lid i\lc1~'ai'lanearid Iaiti(‘ope1arid.

I live Jazz Blackfr'iars. 3o Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30pm. Modern.

. Stephen MCDU" Yes. \Vesl .\'ile Street. Spin. Iii/.1. singer.

I Ella Crawley Quartet The Three .ludges. I41 1)triiibartori Road. 337 3055. Spin. Mainstream.

I Live Jazz at the Joint 't‘tte Roast limit. 305 Sauchiehall Street. 332 7182. Spin. Artists vary.

I Jazz Piano Baby (ir'aiid. 3/7 liltiiliarik (iarderis. 248 4942. 9pm. lounge pianist. I live Jazz hm on the (ireen. 23 (ii'eeiihead Street. Bridgeton. 9pm. Artists \ary. trsually traditional.

Fridays I Live Jazz I’illlll Iliilel. .i-i Bread Street. 221 9919. Spin. Mainstream.


I Alex Shaw Trio Drum and Monkey. S0 Queen Street. 538 S1 1 1. 1 3pm. Mainstream to hop.

I Liz MacEwan with Toto and the Dexters Harry's Bar. Randolph Place. 539 8100. 3.30 5.30pm. .\laiiisti'earii.

I Edith Budge Nobles. 44a Constitution Street. l.eitl‘t. 554 2024. 9.30pm. Singer. I Bill Kyle’s Jazz Pool (‘etltn Bar". Chambers Street. 220 429S. 10.30pm. Modern ia/x.


I Diplomats of Jazz Royal t-ittitek Hotel. 13 Iittr'ick Road. 22S MM. 2 30 5pm. 'I‘raditiorral.

I Jack Duff and Friends with Wendy Weatherby Braidbui'ri Inn. 200 .‘xlaytield Road. («)7 3So7. 3 5pm Mainstream.

I Live Jazz Maison Hector. .1.“ 1)eaiihaugh Street. 332 5325'. 4.30pm. Mairrstreaiir.


I Swing ’95 Mail Shoxel. ('ocklnrrri Street. 225 (iS43. 9pm. Sxx mg.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band .\';t\ .lt'tt' House Hotel. 12 May field (iar‘dens. ob" 2528. 8.30pm. 'I‘raditronal.


I Charlie McNair’s Hokum Band tttnty \ Bar. Randolph Place. 5 39 8100 9pm. 'l‘i‘aditioiial.

I Live Jazz Henderson's 25 Thistle Street. 225 2(i05. Spin. Artists \ary.


I Spirits Dt Rhythm Brardburn Inn. 200 Ma). field Road. ()(lT 380-... .\.3(1ptil. ’I‘raditronal.

I Live Jazz Henderson's. 2.5 Ililtlslle Street. 225 2(i05. Spin. Artists \ary.

I Templehall Stompers 'I‘elllt‘lellall Hotel. 77 Promenade. 0(‘9 42o4. S30prn. 'l'raditioiral.

FOLK & WORLD maime-

Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Pertormances will be listed, provided that details reach our ottices at least

one week before publication. Folk and

World Listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.


I Ceilidh Dance Tire berry. Clyde Place. 9pm. £6 (£4). Tickets at the venue or in advance frorn the Ticket Centre. Caridleriggs. 227 5511.

I Ceilidh Dance Riverside. hos Street. Ul‘f Clyde Street. 248 31-14. Doors open .S‘pm. music at 9pm. £5.


I Edinburgh Folk Festival Tickets and Information: The l-olk Festival takes place at Teviot House. Bristo Square. There are bars. a r'estauraiit/cafeteria. records. music and instrument stalls. rooms for xvot'kshops. and a creche on xveekerrd afternoons. Some concerts and all of the dances take place in the Debating Hall at the top of the brrrldirrg. During the Folk Festival. Tex rot House is open

10am ~2am. except .\Ioii---\\'ed. xvlren the closing time is larrr. Please note that entrance to Tex iot House is free during the day btrt after 7pm is by Tex iot ticket. Tickets are ax .rilable at Tex iot Ho\ (“free The Queen's Hall Bos ()ffice. 0131()bS2019;(’reditCardHot-line 0131 ()(i7 777(i. Concerts in Tex iot House. unless otlierxx rsc stated. are free to holders of that evening's Tex'iot ticket. available at the Box Office III the foyer. (i50 4(r73. A ticket for one of the Queen's Hall concerts is also \ alid for entrance to Tex iot on that iirglit.

Children are not permitted in the bars. and animals tescept guide dogs) are escluded from the buildings.

I Northern Ireland Tourist Board Workshops Dining Rootri. 10am. l‘ree. Edinburgh Folk Festival

I Adult Learning Project Classes. £25 0212). Call AI.P for erri'olriierit details (0131 337 5442 i. l‘iddle xx itli Maire It'reldirig. Mixed (ir'otip xx tth ('ori'iiia llexxat. Song xxith (’hristrire Kydd. (itirtar xx llll .Iames Malcolrii. Percussion (bodhran on Saturday) \x itli .lrm Walker.

I Smallpipes Masterclass 10.3(Iaiii. £20. With maker and player Hamish Moore.

I Andy lrvine/Nollaig Casey and Arty McGlynn Queen's lI;tll. (ilet'k Street.

7 30pm. £3.50 H271. Since Plaiixty. Andy Irvine has beeii at the forefront of the Irish music scene as a singer and instrumentalist. See Music preview. He shares the concert with txxo of the fittest musicians Ireland has ever produced -— fiddler Nollaig Casey is one of the top players of her instrument in a country which abounds with great fiddle players. She‘s also a superb singer. Arty McCrlyirrr. through his xvork xvith Patrick Street. l)e Damian. and Van Morrison. has established himself as Ireland's iirost sought-after guitarist.

I Jock Duncan The Authentic Tradition Park Room. 9.30pm. £8 (£71. A first album is just being released by Buchan- born singer .lock Duncan a great Bothy Ballad singer. in the North Iiast ster but also heir to many older traditional songs. He appears in a special concert with his son Gordon Duncan. the piping genius.

l 1 1 l




and all-women song quartet Palaver. Also on stage. Jock's record producer Brian MacNeill. and Springthyrne Records boss and musician Pete Shepheard with Tommy Bonnar.

I Ceilidh Dance Debating Hall. 10pm. £6 (£5). Music from the Cutting Edge. Angus innovators building up a great reputation.



I Whyte Spirit Scotia Bar. Stockvvell Street. 552 S681. 3.30pm. Free.

I Ceilidh Dance Riverside. I‘os Street. ol't'Clyde Street. 248 3144. Doors open 8pm. music at 9pm. £5.


I Edinburgh Folk Festival. For concerts and xvorkshops listed beloxv see Folk Festival Information. Fri 5.

I Northern Ireland Tourist Board Workshops Dining Room. 10am. Free.

I Adult Learning Project Classes.

10am 4pm. £25 (£121. Call A1.P for enrolment details (0131 337 5442). l-‘iddle xvith Marie Fielding. Mixed Group with (‘orrina Hexvat. Song xvith Christine Kydd. Guitar with James Malcolm. Percussion (bodhran on Saturday) xvith .Iim Walker. See Fri 5.

I Annual Cauld Wind Piping Competition St Anne's (.‘otnmuirity Centre. Cowgate. 10am. Belloxx's-bloxvrt Small pipes. loxvlarid pipes. Border pipes. songs with pipes. other instruments xvith pipes. pairs of pipes. These guys only bloxv iii a bag xvheir breathalysed.

I Songwriter’s Workshop. Sportsman's Bar. 2pm. I‘ree. Anything goes.

I Piping Concert BBC Queen Street. 7pm. Tickets 1-‘ree from BBC Reception l)esk.

I FlukellFishut Debating Hall. 7.30pm. L7 (to). Txvo of the finest new bands to emerge in the past year are the astonishingly talented little and xvhistle player Brian Finnegan‘s- group Fluke. and the equally improbany named Fishut. featuring percussion and cittern player Jim Sutherland. inelodeori maestro Andy Cutting. and grirtar'ist‘s guitarist Ian Carr. I Scottish Folk Directory (‘rni‘ts Rtitnn. ()flicral release of the 30th Anniversary liditrorr. Presented by Blackfriars Music Shop.

I Joe Burke Park Room. 9.30pm. £7 (£6). 'l'xvetity years ago his name xvas synonymous with Irish accordion. and Joe Burke is still a great player. and very entertaining.

I Ceilidh Dance Debating Hall. 10.30pm. £0 (£5 i. The Bette Star Band. t-Lx-(feititttt Collective. a iiexv all-xvornari dance band. I Tron Folk Club Tron Ceilidh House. Hunter Square. 220 1550. S.30pin. £3. Musical member of Northern Ireland’s fariiotrs singing Sands I‘ariiily. Joe


it‘s all thanks to Planxty: Andy Irvine plays at Edinburgh Folk Festival on Fri 5

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The List 5-18 Apr 1996 43