'l‘ H E A T R E Nod 17 Apr 7.3 The Counterfeit


Take a trl from the dandty‘éo’s of Paint it Black and Satls action throu h e psychedelic 70’s to

arousing tones finale! Tues 9 May 7.30pm

.\ It'll its liille' Liillll|‘lll\ present Arabian Nights

Spellbinding full length ballet Fri 10 5 Sat: 11 May 7.30m trar nspotting Irvine Welsh’s black comic play

Sat 18 May 8.00pm

Sat 25 Mar 8m

DION“ m.

Improvisation comedy with Eddie lilard, Steve Frost, Neil Mullarkey a Suki Webster

BOX orrrer: (01592) 260498

Kirkealtly District (‘oimeil Leisure & Direct Seryiees

'I'Iii Iiiiliii Iilll l’iiI IliiiI Sliiii

I THEATRE WORKSHOP .i-I llatttilton Place. 336 5435. [.-\eeess: l’P.-\. S'I‘. R. Facilities: WC. \\"S. H. (i. C. Help: .-\.-\I Don Juan Until 8:110 Apr. spin. £0.50 (£3). An impressive cast litiltihc‘l'tllg ex- mernbers ofTheatre de (‘omplicite and Trestle Theatre Company pool talents in clowning. text-based theatre and puppetry for Cornnrotion's 'passionate. hilarious and sweaty' take on the classic tragedy. I TRAVERSE THEATRE (‘arnl‘n'idge Street. 33S I404. [Accesst I.. Facilities: \\'(‘. “'8. II. C}. C‘]. Closed Mons.

All People How Living (Detail) t'niil Sun 7 Apr. 7.30pm. £5 t£3.5t)i. llp-and-coming Scottish playwright Dayid Ilar'rower iof ls'liii‘es In l/(‘llV faniei. young Scottiin company KtC’ and director (itiy Hollands giye conventional narratiye a body swerx e in this ofll‘eat. te\.t~i':cli tale of a photographer w ho comes iiome after a long journey to fznd Iris Iodgcr Iias taken met his life. See reyiew.

Elegies For Angels, Punks And Raging Dueens Until Sun 7 .-\pr_ 8pm. £3 (£4). All proceeds to Scottish AIDS charities. Simple. unsentirnental show offering testimonies from over ill performers on AIDS and its effects. through music. theatre and poetry. A timely trrhute in the month that Scottish .-\IDS Monitor lS.-\.\l) was forced to close its doors.

limbo 'l‘htirs ll -Sun I-l :\pt'. 3pm. £7 (£3.50). More experimental. cut-and-paste style drama from well-grounded Scottiin company Benchtours. as they reyiye their tale of a girl whose attempts to unrayeI her own mental chaos turn into a nightmare journey to a cra/y place called I.imholand. See I'rontlines.

The Writing Game The i) wed in :\pr H).3()am~l..‘s()pm or Iltlil's‘ I I- I‘ll I3 .»\pi' I().3()arn—4.30pm. £3.50 for two-day session. Call (‘Iaire Beatlie on 33S” 3333 for details. 'I‘wo-day playwiiting workshops for l5 ~ IS-year-olds. drawing on the format of Channel I iinproy sIltl\\ Il'lrme lane Is I! .-\/1\'irir\'.’ and

Best Choreography Olivier Awards I995





. 30x OFFICE 0131-529 6000

Department and decorum: Commotion’s Don Juan at Theatre Workshop

hoardganies like Scruples atid (‘Iuedo Participants will deyeIop a short piece of scripted work to he performed at the end of the second day.

The Monday Lizard Mon s .-\pr.

3— ll).3()pin. ('all IiIla Wildi‘idge on 33S 3333 for more details. Informal jazz and theatre iam held on the first Monday of each month in the decidedly lounge lizardesque surroundings of the 'l'r'ayer's‘e har. aimed at proyidiiig a new platform for Scottish playwrights and their audiences,

Resurrection wc-tt I f -Sat 3o Apr. 7.30pm. co (£3). .»\ satirical tale of liberal yalues threatened III the face of prejudice. from London-Itased touring company Paines Plough. Maureen I.awrence rekindles the friendship Iietween Dr Samuel Johnson. creator of the first dictionary and ferxeiit anti-slaxery campaigner. and his young black manser'yant Francis" Iiarher in this l.\\”l‘ Plays ()n Stage Award-w inning play. See preyiew'.

I CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Kiltlf'tllll. (‘uinhernauld 01336733887. |.-\ccess': PPA. I.. S'I'. R. I‘acilities‘: WC. \\'S. Il. (i. (‘. Help: .-\. .»\.i\l

Human Tales t-‘ri I3 .-\pi'. 7.45pm. to (L5 i. See Dance.

AS You Like It 'I‘htii's IS -Sat 3() Apr. 7.45pm. £4 (£3i. local amateur company X Productions with a fresh take on Shakespeare's classic comedy.

I MACRORERT ARTS CENTRE Ifiiixersrty of Stirling. Stirling. l)I.".S(r -I(rl().\‘ I. [Accessi P. PP.-\. I.. R. Facilities: \\'('. \VS. ll. (il

Ol' Faustus Iir'i l3 —Sat 13 .-\pi'. 7 ilipm. to (£4.50); L550 ti-I l. Respected touring outfit (‘ompass 'I'Iieatre (‘ompany w ith (‘Iirrstopher Marlowes \ i\ id \‘c‘l'sltlli of the classic tale about a scholar who sells his soul to the dey iI.

. This section lists shows that are touring

the Central Belt. There is a phone number for each company should you require more information.

I Barking I);l\t‘ .-\iitlc‘t'stllt til slttlwtlll Scottish company \Vrldcat follow s tip the success of 4." w ith a new one-niaii musical comedy about a singing. dancing story -teIIing huskei'. \Vi'itteii hy Anderson w illi \Vildcat's artistic director I)a\ id .\IacI.eiinan. l'or further info call: III-ll 33I 075‘).

[fail Kil/irir/t' .l/.'\ ('t'iir'rt' I‘ll 5 .'\pr. Spin. III/re I)’\'I't' Ali/It rim: .Sr' xlltrli‘t‘ii'l Sat (l -\pt. Spin.

(Vi/tier il/It'llllit', (i/irieiiii 'I‘tie ‘) .-‘\pi'. 5pm.


Dance performances and classes are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Shows will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Dance Listings compiled by Ellie Carr.

I COTTIER THEATRE 035 My ndlaud Street. 5.57 iSfiS

Golden Suites Sun 3 Apr. Spin. Hi I L31). 'I‘Ire .\lo\'einent and Dance company i.\IaDi I‘iings together eight dancers for this one—offdouliIe-hiII of contenll‘oral'." work from e\-.\Iichael (flark dancer and clioi'eograpliei‘ Matthew Hawkins and Belgian cIior'eographer Pol (‘ousseninef I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE New Street. Paisley. SS7 Ililll. [.-\ccess: PPA. I.. R. I’acilities: \\'(‘. \\'S. H. (i. (‘. Help: .-\. .-\.-\]

Human Tales Sat 13 .-\pr. spin. co (£1 i. Scotland’s only permanent contemporary dance company. Scottish Dance Theatre. continue their launch tour under newly- appointed director Neville (‘amphell ifor'nrerIy of Phoeriis i. The all new team of dance recruits look strong. fresh—laced and committed. hut the choreography ~ four pieces. all (Kiriiphells own *— is Iacking in sttl‘sttttlc‘e and creatiye spark.

I ASSEMBLY ROOMS 5‘. (ieorge Street. 330 INS. Itcketline: 33ft I‘ml‘). Golden Suites \IonSWI'tie 9 :\pr. (5 4 (3 I. Rare opportunity to see many of .Sc'ollalttIs I‘t'tglllesl tIallcc lalc‘llls tllttassc‘d for a single protect. as this eight-strong team get their aI‘Ie Iinrhs around a hi'a\ e new .IouIiIe-I‘ill of Iiuiopean work from Belgian choreographer Pol (’onsseinent and Iiritish danceinakei .\lattIrew Hawkins.

I DANCE BASE .-\ssemhly Rooms. 51 (ieorge Street. 335 5535. 'I‘ickelline: 330 454‘). I.I\ccess‘. SI. R. l‘acrIilies: \\'('. \\'S. (i] Swan Lake Workshop w'ctt ll) Apr.

3pm ~Ipm. i; It) i LXS’ i. Participants must hay e at least two years” i_‘\perience in hallet. tan or conteiiipor'ar'y. (iai'ath (iriffiths of top-llight tirin~oI'-;i-kiritl dance company .-\d\e:rtures in Motion Pictures. takes a workshop liased round .-\:\IP's current feather-i'ufiling. gender-hendirig take on Suit/i hike. Sec I‘rontlines.

I EDINBURGH FESTIVAL THEATRE I3/3‘) \Ic‘tllstlll Sll‘t‘t‘l. 53‘) (\IIlIII. [:‘sc‘c‘c‘s‘si I.. I‘aciIities: \\'(‘, “S. .-\S. II. (I I. Help: A] SW3" Lake Itie ‘l Sat Ii .v\pr'. 7.30pm; ’I'Irtirs niat 3pm; Sat niat 3.3Man

{-1.50 L355”. It‘s Nari/1 /.4.'r'\'i'. I‘tll tltit as we know ll. Matthew Iiotii'ne ofofllieat hut unpretentious I'ls' dance company .-\d\enttn'es iii Motion Pictures turns the tahles on the traditional gender setup I‘y putting the hoys iii the feathers for his \eision of the classic haIIet. The New I.on.lon ( )rcIresti'a play s 'I‘cliaikoy sky 's sumptuous score. design is It} the inspired I.e/ I‘lrotheistone thest known for his work with NIH”: and guest star Adam ('ooper of the Royal Iiallet leads a inusclehotrnd cast. See I-‘rontlines.

I CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Is'ildrurn (‘uniI‘einauII “330 733SST'. (Access: PP.-\. I.. S'I'. R. l‘ac‘lIIIIL‘sI \\'('. \VS. ll. (3. ('. IIeIp: .-\. ;\.'\|

Human Tales I'ti 13.>\pi1.".-15pm.Unfit. See Paisley .-\i‘ts ('entre.


52 The List 5-18 Apr l‘)‘)(r