I BRITISH JUGGLINC CONVENTION Fri 12-Sun 14. Various venues around Edinburgh.

I).\\ II IIS

0131 226 6991. The ninth annual British Juggling Convention brings a spot of that carnival atmosphere to town. Besides the sessions exclusiver tor the 2000

delegates (what ‘do those juggling fools get up to behind closed doors?) there will be two events for the public. The ‘Juggling 0|ympics’ (free) takes place on Sat 13 at 12.30pm in Princes Street Gardens when participants will compete in such zany events as 100m juggling, backward sprint, unicycle jousting, long distance club passing and endurance haggis juggling. The Lob’ster Circus (26) will be in the

Meadowbank Sports Centre on Sat 13 at 7.30pm. Included in the international lineup

will be the American juggling troupe: Blink.

This section gives details of selected events taking place in and around the central belt of Scotland this fortnight. Events are listed by area and then alphabetically. All submissions should reach our Edinburgh office ten days before publication and be accompanied by a contact phone number for our information. Days Out compiled by Thom 0ibdin.


I EASTER LAMBS AT LEGERWOOD Sun 7. 3 5pm. Meet at l.egerwood tai'rii trail car hark tttrrn eaxt till the :\o‘). two IllIIt‘S north ot‘ I'Iai'lxtoni. L‘l r5t)pr. HIS}.S S3028 l. .-\ chance to see what your joint of Easter lamh looks like hel‘ore it gets

introduced to a howl or riiiiit sauce its well

as to take a close look at the day to day running of a working Borders tai'rir. \\'clly boots are atlyisalile and Ieay e the dog at home.

I RE-ENACTORS MARKET Sat IS/Suri H. USO—5.30pm. 'I‘raqtiair Ilottxe. Innerleithen. I’eehleshire. ()lSUo S3032}. £1.50 til I (UN) including entry to house). It. yoti'ye eyer fancied a hit ol

hoiidage in chain mail or Sk’llllilxlllltg with

your pike iii list. then get ye Iierice to Traquair. where the re-enactors w ill he setting tip camp to trade their authentic period artit'acts. .»\nd w hen the yarioux merchants. joiii‘tieyiiieri. .\\\itt‘tl.\lttillt\ and armourer‘s Iiaye dorie w rtli the selling will he donning the hattle garh ol' the liarl ot~ I.otidoii\ Regiment of l‘oote tor a spot ol‘ Sktt'lillxlllltg and drilling. .-\I\o present will he the Roy ale I'.L‘tt.\.\iit.\. happy to he out of lfngland where they liay e to spend their time in chains. .-\nd when all that re-

enactrirerit is done. ilrey will no doiiht turn

their elhows to the traditional tjuatt'ing ol~ a few l't‘othing jugs too many or that Traquair ale. 'I‘ratjuair is now open daily for the StlllilliL‘l'.

. they co'ripuiirig ll‘c'c‘tl\ w ithiir scientific t‘t'.t\t)ll


v CENTRAL & rrrvsrors

I CRAFT AND DESIGN FAIR Sat l3. Illarii 4.30pm. .-\lhert Ilall. I)iiriihartori Rttittl. .Sltl'litlg. ()I.‘\l (itil (itillll. (itlp t-lllp), I DUNDEE SPRING FLOWER SHOW Sat o. Ill.3ll;tllt S..N)piii/Strii 7. Haiti 5pm. (‘aii‘d and .\Iarryat lIalI. ('ity Square. Dundee. OHSZ 13-1797. E I .50 l U :.

Spring ix ~pr'arrg. the sun ix i‘i/. and il. yotr \\titlilet'etl \yltL‘l'c‘ lltt‘ I‘ltl“ er‘iex IS. the”

look no l'urther than Dundee's annual Spring IItt\\'c‘t'\l1tt\\. Rexidex the hiilhx. honsai. orchids and alpine\. there'll he plants tor \ale. a craft lair.

denioristrationx talks and kids entertainment.

I EASTER FUN DAY Sun 7. noon .lprii. (‘ariipei'down (.‘otriitry I’aik.

(farirpei'down. Dundee. HIRSZ 43.137. I'ree rcar park Slip». A day Mr all the taiiirly. with hiiiigee running. and air-llai'e. \tt‘eet t‘tllt‘l'ILtllIL‘IS. .xrde \tallx. niii\rc it'r‘orir the Radio 'I'ay Road Show. iio lexxt and more. .\lucli. riiuch more.


I BRITISH JUGGLING CONVENTION Hi I: Sun I-I, Various \t’lltlt'\ around Iidirihurgh. See photo caption.

I COMPUTER FAIR Sun 7. Iltani ~Ipni. Royal Highland Centre. Inglixton. £35“ rt‘lfihr. 01358 7.13585t25irrelfitii. I-iyei'ytliing you dexire tor your home

aid in I’(' t'orriiat. all under one root.

ltlarii -l..‘\t)piii. 'I‘owri Ilall. St Andrew» olfit oot (moo. (illp isopt

I CRAFT AND DESIGN FAIR Strii t-l. llaiii 5pm (ileir I’ayilion. l’rttencriett I’ark. thlllt‘llltlilt-fi. til.‘~| (yol (iotitt. ottp

i3()p r’


Itlaiii 4.30pm. St (“atliei‘inek \Vy rid.

j L‘itttl'SL‘ t'rorri rirrd-.-\piil to the end ot' \Iay

; tor unpaid workers. I’horie them on the

ahoye rrirnihcr or \ l\tl tlie ottrce on Mondays. Illarii noon and l

dieer unity operating. a chance t'or ticket

i I)tllllt‘l'lllllllt‘. I‘r'ee. “13.21 Tltilol. .»\rt\ i I and cral'ts stalls. street entertainment and iliying history e\etll.\ at thrx tiredre\al

street litttt‘.

I SCOTTISH KIT CAR SHOW Sat IR/Stin I4. lilatii~ 5pm Royal Highland (\‘trlt'e. 'rlnglisaori. Iiditihiirgli. HIT"; 713 litti. £5 itkitlx and car park t‘i'eer. Red hot kit car iaetiotr is pr‘oirrixed. wrtli IlliillS‘ttIltlS ot' kit

fears. maritrI'aettirerx Sltttttlx. cltrh doplay .\. i classic replicas. concept car\ and more on display. ()uside. the kit car ow iiei\ L‘Itll‘\

i will he proudly showing on their ell'ortx

i and there \hould he more than enough

I accessory and trade .xtandx to \.tll\ly the

i ltlthl deriiaiidiiig t‘llllltl\l.t\l. I'l1'\ltlt'\l\'\‘llli_' l plenty ol‘caix tor \alc. the racing ciictirt

I will he iii lull wheel-\pitining action

I throughout the weekend \o yoa can try

hel‘or'e you huy‘ -l‘tII Icaye your pla\trc at home it you can't alt'oid to he tciiipted.

I WELFARE RIGHTS BASIC TRAINING Iiroii‘r ltlttI .-\pril. 'I'lie Rrglitx ()tt'ice. lipw'ortlr llallx. .\'icoI\on Siliiare. til}! (itiS lll‘ll. I'IL't 'I‘he Rrglih t )ttice as planning a \e\eii week weltaie training


I ENTHUSIASTS DAY AT STRATHSPEY STEAM RAILWAY Sat (i. ‘) filatii S itlprir SlltllllSjit'y Station. |>a|lhahei Road.

-\\ ieinoi‘e and Boat ol (Batten Station

til-ll") S Iii—PIS. LS .eir all day unlimited

ti'a\cl. .-\ tlltl\l tor railway enthirxiaux. Ilexidex the \tcani lllllIS. there will he

holders to look around the locoiiiotzyc \hed. and \olunteei.\ on Il.tllil to tlixcum all the tt\|‘t‘L‘l\ til kt‘t‘j‘lltg .i \I


earii railway

I ACORN CRAFT FAIR Sat o .\loii .\.

ll)..“ll.tlll 5.30pm. ('ul/ean ("mile and

(‘oiriitry I’ar'k. .\layhole. .-\_\l\lt:lt‘ Li . rtL‘t Stir. olofifi Titojm (‘tal/t-ati lackx on

the 19% SL‘tISUII with llIZS ciatt tar: in the Stone Ilat'ti. ililie caxtle and ;.'io=.:;itl\ pt‘oyide quality l)r.'i \ ()a.’ iiiateital tor l.llIIIll‘c" with me: 3‘)'l.1c'l;'\ttl\‘.itiitil.illtl. \cadiore. gardenx j-ttll.l\ and \Ili'aillS to get mucky in. ax well ax ad\eritt:i'e playground. \;tl'ttttl\ c\lithrtion\ and a garden \Itop. There are guide-.5 \‘..ilk\ ot

the grotiiidx c\ery day at _‘ .ittprn until Sat It). The (Kixtle. reckoned hy the National

. 'l'riixt Iot' Scotland to he then Illtc‘xl

property. IS open daily at an e\tia cth ol Lijllttlhllt,

I BADGER WATCH e\ .‘t'_\ lite and 'I‘Iiut'x in

.-\pi'il. 7.30pm. I‘allx of't’lyde wanna.-

Rewrw. .\ew lanaik “£555 (iti‘flil. U i

«£3 i. (‘heck out the local l’u'ock population with the help ol’ an e\per'ienced guide. I FORTH & CLYDE SAILING CLUB Stiii "

lwlj‘lll. I riliill llaxin. (il.i\gow hrancli ot the I'oi'tli .\ ('lydc canal. “HI “I ‘)I I* r e\t. I‘) l'ree. .-\ ‘coiire and My \exxion Irorii thix new cltrh. oigaiiixeti l‘y the hull)- and (‘lyde (‘anal (‘oiiniaztity l>exeloriieiri Project. .-\II welcortze. w lietlie: e\peiic3iceal or a l‘egiririer. hut .lorft torget! to take \pare clotirex to change into when

you [all HI. I

i eggciting. eggxtray agant. egeytratirdinary.

e\ent\'.’ ’I”lier'e\ eggx. hunniex and


to tind the egg\ hidden in the riia/e while \oir wander round the Ilitthc'.

g '- EASTER ECG SPECIALS in 5 Mar 3.



: I The Traquair Maze: 3 perfect venue for the kids to scramble around looking for , Easter eggs.


7.3lll‘nr. .\Iotlrer\\ell (‘iy ic (‘entre 'I‘Ireatre. (IISIIS .SIISI.S iattei' hprrrt. £3 (£3). A programme ol railway noxtalgia IIIIIIS put on hy the .-\\.\t\c'l;tllttl‘i ol' .‘ylodel R'ulway' Societrex in Scotland including .I /./l.'(' /or'.l.’.' Stator/rt a pictorial \l.‘\\ in the ‘t\'e\t llrglilarid Irrie. lit/lit (TH/e the re hirildrrig ol' (ilaxgow l'rrder'gioirrid and .-\tgy Ie line and IIi/r \ .It run {/It li'ul'rr’t 1' the electiil'icatioii ol the \\e\t (‘oaxt .\Iaiiilirie.


\Vhat do you need to know ahotit all these

eggxtr'a-specral and dow nright eggxaxperatrngly piiiitiiiig liaxter l)ay

powihly the odd chicken. :\tid that's no

I EASTER EGG EXTRAVAGANZA Sun 7. 3.3” -Ipiii. ’I'ratiuair Iliitl\t'. Iririerleitlien. IIIS‘Ni Sillili. E I fill t {I t. Send the kids

llani 5pm. Bone“ and Kirineil Railway. l'nrorr Street. Ho'tiew. (Ilil ll? I933.

L'l Stir Meet the l-axter Runny on the train. I EASTER FUN Sun "’x’.\lon S. llani 5pm. lariar'k \'r\:to:\ ('eiitre. \ew I..inar'k.

{'45. .‘ttp ‘I'icastire trail. I-.a.\tei' l‘ttlllltt‘S and egg»


iroon Ipiii l'iiion ( 'anal. IIarrrxori l’ark Slipway. l‘,.Illtl‘tillet. L'I Flip) Hooking necexxal} or: ttl 3| 55o is”; Search tor pirate Ilt‘.t\tlle on the canal.

I EASTER TREASURE TRAIL Stiri 7/.\Ioir S. Iltatri (rpm. lzdriihirr'gli /.oo. (‘or'storplrine Road. Iidinhirrgh. tll3l ii-l ()I7I. £5.50 tLZSHt Iiollow the L'IIIL‘S to claim your L‘L'g.

I GUEST FOR THE GOLDEN EGG I'l! 5 Stiii H. ltiaiii opn: Relhuri‘. (‘otintry ('eritre. South t )t't'rcex. I'.t|t'lle. LII 1L: Ftti. lltiiit tor the tokenx hidden around the centre. write an entry tor the I‘.;t\lt‘l poetry coriipetrtioii. roll your own hard horled and check out Relhtirrr'x riiany itllt‘ac‘ltiiIh.

I ROLL ON EASTER Sirti 7. I \Iiigdock' (‘ouiiti'y I’ark. ('iargend \'r\itoi\ ('eritie. t'raigallrar‘. Road. .\'r .‘.I:Iiig;i\ re. (ilasgow (ll-II 05o ()lllll. I'tee Iigg

painting and rolling ttake your own hard


l‘ttllt'tl '.

'I‘he I.i~t .i-IS .-\pr NW) 59