I MGM FILMCENTRE Saueliieliall Slreel. MONDAY 29 Braveheart I IS).

| 333 l5‘)2. 1. Sale I IS) lpni. 1.30pm. (rpm. i Small Faces I IS). 12 Monkeys I I5 ). ~ 2. Withnail & I r IS) 2pm. 8.30pm. I Before And After I 12). Get Shorty I IS). Nelly et M. Arnaud I 15) 7.30pm with ; Possiny opening. replacing one ol aboxe: Trainspotting I IS). discussion. The Birdcage I I5). Small Faces I 15 ). TUESDAY 30 See also lidinburgh I.ales. m Toy Storyle. ream in. mp... StenioE’sceme no...”rm...

Possiny opening. replacing one oi above: Withnail 8i I I 15)!)151‘”). ~ : 2. Nelly et M. Arnaud I IV l..§()plil.

Friday 25-Thursday 2 “I'm”

Madre Muerta r ls" ~lI‘li). Matinee SIIOT‘ISIU)S;1I27. llalii. O o l I t \I. ) ~ . I ~. 3 See under Week 1 tor details at ticket casfle 0' Pun” I“ \ - l W“ 0‘" “claim” (I l 3") ~7- 3W"- prices, opening hours, facilities etc.

I WEDNESDAY 1 The Quiet Man an sir :7. spin. GLASGOW CINEMAS

l 1. Sale I IS) I me. .\. me. 3 I UCI Kinnaird Park. Kinnaii'll Road. 06‘) Details are provisional - phone cinema

I Nelly et M. Arnaud I ISr-Ipm. Ii.l5pili. ()7l I/(ili‘) ()777. [1)],

g 2. Madre Muerta I IS) 3pm. 8.45pm. Expected programme similar to Week 1. to contirm programme and times. I CANNON Clarkslon Road. M liii'end. (>33

346 HOS. [l)|. Jane Eyre I I2) Fri 36. l..‘sl)pni. ll Postino iii) Hi :0. spin.

1 THURSDAY 2 Phone cinema tor programme and times.

l1. The American President i I2) 1.30pm. PQSSiblV Walling: \ lmflpm Mighty Aphrodite I IS ).

3'33. - iNelly et M. Arnaud I )5) 4pm. (i.l5plll. The Birdcage I IS). Toy Story (PG). . 5 ~ Sate I 15) 3pm. 8.30pm. Sudden Death I la). 12 Monkeys I IS). Madre Muerta I IS ) (rpm. I See also lilliiibnrgh lates.

Broken Arrow ( I5 ,).


nunston Checks In (PG ).

Gel Shorty I IS). I l.olhian Road. 228 2088. Possibly opening. replacing one of above: ' . cf” cam“ 0050" Rem-WM 3mm. FRIDAY 26 The Birdcage (l5). 333 370'. , 1. Sale I 15) 2.30pm. (rpm. 8.30pm. I CITY CENTRE ODEON Reiil‘ield Street. Fri 25/3“ 27: : 2. Declaration Of Love I [3) 3pm. 9.15pm 332 870i. . phone cinema for details, The Human Cannonball I 12) 6.15pm. TOY Story (POI I GRDSVENDR Ashton lane. 33‘) 4208. ' SATURDAY 27 Broken Arrow I IS)... ' ~ v . m 36/3.” 37‘ ; 1. I Thought It Was Love Il’(i) and The 59",“ And,58"8'b""v ‘1")- Richard III r l5 ). 1. The Birdcage .. IS) «mom. . Wars 01 The Lord (I’m 1.30pm). T'a'nsponmg ( H“ I MGM PAHKHEAD The Huge. Parkheall. 2. The Wild Bunch 1 lb‘) 10.25pm. sale l '5) DP”). 330D”). B'a‘lehea" I ’5 ’- 556 432/4343. I MGM PARKHEAD The l-‘orge. l’ai‘kheatl. 2. To Sir With love (PG) and Hell IS A City 12 Monkeys r I5). 556 szszmii. (PU) 3P”)- Small Faces r 15). Fri 26/Sat 27: : Periera Claims I 15) Whim- Broken Arrow I IS i. Phone cinema for details. Libefa I ISIS-‘15P”)- Toy Story Il’(i I. ' SUNDAY 28 Dead M3" walking l5 '- i 1. Sale I IS) 2.30pm. 8.45pm. Cet Shorty I )5 ). . . . I h . A Middle Class Hero I IS) (rpm. with P. .-\. Trainspotting I IN i. "eta"s.3'° P'°"'$'°"a ' p 9"" “"8"” 2. Dellamorte Dellamore r rm and Fatal Dunstan Checks In m; ,t to confirm programme and times. ! Frame“ 18) 2pm Summit!) Kids Club In " CAME" “W 5W; 3-2 ill '- The Meter Beaderl I8) (r.3I)pin. The Swan Princess I l.‘ I Illani 13.30pm, 1- WWW ARh'Od'fe ‘_' -" ‘--j;‘l"“- Me And The King l izr 8.45pm, Possiny opening. replacing two of (ll‘lI)\ e: ‘i‘l‘m- 'l-D-‘l‘m- r-‘l-‘l‘mr (I—v‘l‘m 41ml MONDAY 29 The Birdcage I IS). “""’"- , . . : 1.38181l5)2.3())lil.lmlil. sudden Death ( 18p Ulysses Gaze Il’( :) Sun onl}. l.\I)piii. E loca' “em (PG) Lung”.

I ‘I <I 1i . - _ 2. Smoke I In) l.lI pill. .. )pm. Ir. I pm. 2. The P'ano ( D) 3pm 0. “pm.

0.10pm and laIe. P - . . . , , g . ersuasron (I )X.-l>plil. 3. TfalnSpoIllng l ll\l I-.. (ll‘lll IIIUI SUI] l.

.‘~.I)5pin Inoi Sun i. 5.20pm. 7.35pm. _ 1. sate ( '5) 3.30pm 8.30pm.

See also (ilasgow l.aIes.

l2 Rm.» Sum. 33: R128. 9'43"” . , . I . local Hero II’G) (1pm. FRIDAY 26 SW all“) hlmhlngh LAND; H - 2. Persuasion Il’) 3pm. 9pm. , I DDMINIDN ;\ewl‘aIIlc lciiace. 4-1.

1. Sale l l5) lpni. 3.30pm. (rpm. 8.30pm. «MU

Dead Man Walking I IS ). 2. Nelly et M. Arnaud I 15) 4pm. I). I 5pm. _ [,m Nun”, pmmmw mum, (WW I“

City Hall I 15). Fatal Frames I l8) 2pm. I lpm. cum-“i!” “mm 5 ;

Belore And Atterl I2). Dellamorte Dellamore r l8) s-Ispm. 1 the Birdcage . m .m gpm Rpm

Possibly opening. replacing lwo of above: SATURDAY 27 2' Broken Arrow: 1g)? 5.1;”, g. 5pm

The Birdcage I I5). 1. Asterix Conquers America Il‘) 1.45pm. (“Pm ”' "‘

Mighty Aphrodite I15). Sale I IS) 3.30pm. ()piii. 8.3I)piii. i Sense And sensibility ,1 ) a “PM

See also Glasgow Lales. 2. Nelly et M. Arnaud I IS) 3.30pm. (“pm 3 “Pm I i i

I GHDSVENDH Ashlon Lane. Hillheatl. 5.45pm. MGM‘I blimnkmd H.) mm.

339 4298. Middle Class Hero I IS) 8pm with I’..-\ i i u .,,

Provisional programme -- phone cinema lo SUNDAY 28 . '

conl'lrni times. 1. The Bridges 01 Madison County I )2)

1. The Birdcage I 15) Fri/Sal: 1.30pm. 3pm.

4pm. 6.45pm. 9.30pm: Sun-Thurs: 2pm. Sale I 15) (rpm. 8.30pm.

5pm. 7.45pm. 2. Nelly at M. Arnaud I 15 ) J. l 5pm. :

2.12 Monkeys ( 15) l.5l)piil.-1.45plii. (1.30pm.

7.50pm. The Ways Of The Lord rm) i.4.<pm. I

See also Glasgow Lilies. Pereira Claims I 15) 8.45pm. JlAccuse: The Piano '5’ (mm.


1. Local Hero ll)(il 3.30pm.

Sate I IS) (rpm. 8.30pm.

2. The Connection I Isl 3pm. Persuasion Il’) (r. 15pm. 8.45pm. THURSDAY 2

1. Sale I 15) 2.30pm. opm. 8.30pm.

2. Persuasion Il'i 3pm.

The Connection I IS) ().3()plii will) pocli} t‘\c‘l)l.


This superb Scottish restaurant has been the recipient of ; :02?!“ “mm “ML 333 4 '4 I‘ ll)" 3 12 MonkeySI IS). " '

man awards for excellence since bein established in . ‘r r v ' Y g my "a" ( 15 L 1. Strange Days I IS) II. or m and Point

1971. The newest award is a Michelin Red M, an award - Get Shorty ( [5,. gfesak Ik15ll3fIII;-l _ _ . mo eI 5) Dipni.

eeel : a mum; .6 {El millig- Ubiqaitoas Chip 5


never before bestowed on a Glasgow restaurant. I TOY 5‘0” (PG) 3 Mi my A [Home ( ls) l l 4; m, Possiny opening. replacing one ol‘ above: s'at 2-3. p i ' i l ' MICHELIN RED M, 1995 :'%";gg;"(fli~l‘_Q-Wl W WW 1.Beservoiroogsl IX) n.0,... The ' ' Two Jakes ( I5) |.2()alii. 2 l0]. . . 12 ASHTON LANE Tel 0141-334 5007 0mm“ 2 and 3 see F" 26'

Toy Story (PU ). "ms 2:

Broken Arrow I I5 ). . . _ Sense And Sensibility (U r. 3'3; li-i‘glé'.”

34 The List [9 Apr-2 May I996