creator ol’ the first dictionary and t’eryent anti-slayery campaigner and his young black nianseryant Francis Barber in this l.\\'T Plays On Stage .-\yy'ard-\yinning play.

The Best Of Feblest l‘ri 2(i-Sai 27 Apr. 8pm. £2.50 iL'l i. The pick ol‘ the bunch from this year's Edinburgh l’nry ersit‘y students“ new “thing liestiyal. including a tale of history re-yyrrtten hour a \yoriian's perspectiye. lire. and James Hay lin's stark. l'unny monologue set iii a dismal bedsit where a young Inc has gone badly \\ tong.

Clearance Wed 1 Sun 5 May. 8pm. £5 t£3.50t. Post-shoyy discussion Sat 4 May. Debut production from (irid Iron Theatre (‘oiiipany who set tip yiust six months ago \\ ith the intention ol‘ supporting yotriig Scottish \yrilers and theatre practitioners. \Vritten by .-\ntla Stilliyatt l./Il.\l ll'liori'y. (‘i'ily/II'Iig'l. this first shoyy l’olloyys llte lol'ltlllLN ol a young boy and a Woman \yhose innocent storytelling attiidst the chaos id at country house clearance ltas the power to cause paiti arid \ ioletice. See prey ieyy.

Archetypes And Angels Sat :7 .-\pr‘.

I l.3(laiii- ~l..‘~(lprii. £7.50tL5 l. liarly booking adyised. ()ne-day playyyritiiig \yot'kshop \\ ith Tom Mc(}rat|t. on the role ol the subconscious iii the making ol drama.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP Hamilton Place. :30 5-135. [:\Cc‘es\2 l’l’A. ST. R. l'acilities: \\'('. \\'S. H. (i. (I Help: .v\.-\l

Fly Out Of The Cage Thurs 25 Sat 27 Apr. 5 :(ll‘lll. l‘ree. l’ublic dress rehearsal Wed 3... 7.30pm. This maior Bosnian play. lirst seen here in 1905. torms part of a \yeek-lotig celebration l'or Bosnia. :\n international cast ioin (lbala Theatre. \ylio'\e itiiractilously managed to .\lll'\ rye throughout the \y ar. to pertorm this remarkable piece ol physical theatre \y ith ‘a iayy. haunting sinipltcity'. There's late- uight Bosnian music on Thursday and

l r'rday. arid a lillll-l‘ltnyll ceilidh on Saturday. We” \yorth supporting.

I CUMBERHAULD THEATRE Kildruiii. (‘uiiiberiiauhk (ll25(i 733887. [.-\ccess: l’l’.-\. l.. ST. R. l4acilitres: \\'(‘. \\'S. H. (i. (' Help: g\. \.-\l

AS YOU Like It Thurs IS -Sal Ill Apr. ".—l5pm. H W: I. l.ocal amateur company \ Productions \\ itli a lresh take on Sliakcspeaies classic comedy.

Paddy’s Market Thurs 25 Sat :7 .-\pr. ‘.~l5pni. it til i. (ieiiuine \yartiihearled comedy doyyn (ilasgoyy 's unique tlea market as (‘uiiibernauld Theatre's resident company take on this play l'rom li'n Slur/inc author Tony Roper.

I MACROBERT ARTS CENTRE l'iiixersity or Stirling. Stirling. til—73o .loltix I. lr\ccess: l’. l’l’:\. l . R. l‘acilities: \\'('. \\'S. H. (il

Little Shop Of Horrors Tue 23 than :5 :\l‘l 7. leiii. {0.5” t £5 i. The cult (ills musical about line. tlreanis. dentistry and a plant \\ ith stiange eating habits. brought to you by Stirling l'm\ersity .\lusrcal Society.

Pain Thurs 35 .-\pr. "7.15pm. to i L‘l.5(lt: .-\pe\ price :55“ i H t. See .-\rclies .l‘llL'Jllk'. (ilitsgtny

This section lists shows that are touring the Central Belt. There is a phone number tor each company should you require more information.

I Witch DOCTOT Tough. outspoken (ilasgoyy -based theatre company (‘at A t‘olloyy up a recent stretch of prison- dramas \y itli this blackly comic Silent e U/ The Imu/n-ty pe story that del\es deep into the relationship betyyeeti a prison psychiatrist and her patient. See preyieyy. l-"or more information call (NM 555 (i()l5. I’rity/t'r .-lrlr (I'll/re Fri 36 .-\pr. Spit]. Tour continues. arid includes Mayt‘est.


Dance performances and classes are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Shows will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Dance Listings compiled by Ellie Carr.

I KING’S THEATRE Bath Street. l’hone

bookings. Ticket (‘L‘lllliLfi (‘Qlllyllt‘l'lgg’\. see Ticket l.tttk details aboy e. I.’\CCL‘\\I l’l’A. l.. l‘acililles: \\'('. \\'S. H. (i. (i. Help: .-\.


Les Grands Ballets Canadiens Thurs 25—Sat 27 Apr. 7.30pm. £4v-L‘l75l). l-‘irst eyer Visit to the [K l'or this yital modern ballet company from Montreal. unot't'icial tlittlc‘c centre ol the world. Lookng a lot like the Canadian ansyyer to Rambert. the company - under neyy director |.a\yrettce Rhodes strides into too it \y ith 32 well- drilled classical/ciititeitiporar'y dancers atid a back catalogue ol' \york l'roiii some of the \yorld's greatest choi‘cographers including Mark Morris. .lirr Ky lian. (ieorge Balanchine. William liorsytlie. The (.ilasgoyy dates get neyy \yorks by current hot properties Mark Morris and Keyiii ()'Day and Hans \an \lanen's li’luik (like. created l‘or \ederlands l)ans Theater's .illtli anniyersary in We"). See preyieyy.

Maydance Thurs 3 Sat -l .\lay. Thurs t-‘n 8pm: Sat flint/8.30pm. L5 U5. (ilitter. tartan and tailcoats collide iii this ('onn' [)(l/lt the sly le daitce e\tra\ agan/a billed as 'Thiee \yoi'ltl champions in one slioyy '. Putting on the rit/ l'or (ilasgou each in their oyyti unmistakable styles are t\yel\e times reigning \yorld latin .Xlllc‘l‘lc‘dll datice champions and 'l \ 's best known dancers. (ilasgoyy -born Donnie Burns and (lay nor l-airyyeather. \yorld professional ballroom dance champions Marcus and Karen Hilton arid \\Ul'ltl lliglilartd dancing champions. l)eiyk and (iareth .\litclie|soii. ()n Saturday -1 May modern dance champions Timothy Hoyysori and Joanne Bolton replace the Hiltoris. Andy Ross and his 3t) piece orchestra pt‘o\ ide the syy trig throughout. See l‘l‘tllllllllc‘s l’art ot' .\lay lest Ticket hotltiie: 237 5000.

Shaping up: les Grands Ballets Canadiens in Black Cake at the King’s, Glasgow

Do you fancy being Crer in the Sta/is .




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The List l9 Apr-2 May I996 57