Border landscape: 3 rec

Seven lliitil 3 Jun. 'l‘yy'o sei'ies of black and white photographs by Tom ls'eeire taken on industrial sites. exploring notions of construction and deconstruction.

I PORTFOLIO GALLERY 4 2‘ ('andlemaker Row. 22() IO] I. 'l'ue— Sat noon 5.30pm. Gone To Earth l7iitil lis’ May. large. colour photographic works by Helen Sear based on childhood memories of the countryside and animals. esploriiig man's decreasing relationship yy itli all things natural as technology dey'elops. See rey'ieyy‘.

I ROMANIAN CULTURAL CENTRE loo High Street. otf i397 'l‘ue- Sat

l()am- ofstlpiii; Sun 2-5pm. Contemporary Romanian And Scottish Art l’iitil Rt) Apr. .\lised media yyork by five artists.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lllH‘l'lL‘llIl House. I|l\'t‘iIc‘tlll Royy. 552 7l7l. Mon—Sun lilaiii 5pm.

The British Art Show tiiii'il 2s .-\pi‘. Damien Hirst‘s infamous foi'iiialdeliyde offering .'Il\'(l\' I‘m/ii l‘lit' Not A' is on show here. aloirg \y ith a stunning installation of flowers by (ilasgoyy-born artist Anya Gallaccio exploring beauty and decay Also featured is Mat (‘ollisliayy 's compelling siioyy stortii yideo projection and USA graduate Douglas Gordon‘s y'itleo installations 'l'ri'eeer l-‘ingi'r and Hyyti'i'ii‘ttl.

bioSCIENCE In Scotland tiiiiil 3t Aug. liiter—actiy'e's the name of the game at this science and technology C\Illbili()il. fCaturing computer displays. Videos. 3-0 models arid hands-on exhibits.

I RIAS I5 Rtitlaiid Square. 22‘) 75-15. Mort-Fri ‘)aiii~-5piii.

Out or The Shadows: Aspects Of Antipodean Architecture Mon :2 :\pr—- t4 Jun. The Royal Incorporation of Architects In Scotland play host to Scotland's first exhibition dedicated to contemporary Australian architecture.

I ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings Gallery. l()(l Princes Street. 225 l5()l. Mon-Sun ltlatir (rpm.

I Love, Love: Damien Hiist’s butterfly on paint at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art as part oi the British Art Show until Sun 28 Apr

ent work by Claudia Petretti on show at the Open Eye Gallery,

Edinburgh until Wed 8 May

“one” Iiillil 28 It”). A .\‘L‘i'lc‘S til. still life paintings featuring fruit. flesh and clothing. designed by the artist to make the viewer ‘question the picture.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY Princes Street. 225 (i(i7l. Mon-Sat Illani 5pm; Sun 2—5pm. £1.50 (75p).

170th Annual Exhibition Sill 3n Apt .lul. Paintings. sculpture prints and architecture by some of Scotland's most prominent liyiiig artists. on slioyy alongside yy‘orlss by iny-ited yotiiig contemporary Scottish artists.

I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY lo l)uiidas Street. 558 I200. .\lott l-ri ltlaiii (rpm: Sat l()atii~--ipiii.

W Barns-Graham fruit :4 .-\i‘t‘ .\ tic“ collection of mostly abstract works on paper by one of the [Rs most important painters. still going strong iii her Sits Ann Gram Mon 2‘) .-\pr 2‘) May New paintings by artist .-\tiii ()l'dlll.

I SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Belford Road. 55o S92 l. .\loir -»Sat ltlaiii- 5pm; Sun llatii 5pm. The Rl’itiSh Art Show l‘irtil 2S .-\pr. The Work of eleyen artists is on sllti\‘. here. including l)aiiiieii llii‘sr‘s iridescent btitterllies. Kerry Steyyart's stereotypical figure sculptures and air installation by l.ucia Nogueiia featuring (soon pieces or glass chandelier.


Queen Street. 550 3‘): I. Mon—Sat Illam 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. .-\ stunning collection of portraits of faiiiotis faces from the lotlr century to present day. plus the national photography collection.

I STILLS 23 (‘ockbtirn Street. 225 9S7o. Tue—l‘ri llam-opm; Sat Ilaiii 5pm. The British Art Show lliitil 28 .-\pi Sensual photographic work by lleriiitone Wiltslrire. \VIIU enhances images through the use of additional materials such as glass and plaster.

I STUDIO ONE It) Stafford Street. 22o 58 l 2. Mon Sat Illani 5.30pm.

Other Places l'ntil 27 :\pi‘. Photographs exploring notions of presence arid facade by recent graduate of lidiiiburgli (‘ollegc of :\rl. l‘rasei Stables.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'niy ersin of Edinburgh. ()ld ('ollege. South Bridge. (i5l) 22l l. .\loii--Sat lllani 5pm.

The British Art Show l'ntil 2S :\pr. lush colour photographs of the insides of cinemas by Bridget Siriitli. yy liicli capture not just the interiors. but the fantasies created there. ambiguous and intriguing sculptures by Marcus 'l‘ay loi. an installation sculpture by l’eiiiiiiida Kain exploring cultural fragmentation and yyoi'k by Gary lluiiie. one of the feyy painters eyident iii the British .-\rt Slioyy.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP 3.1 Hamilton Place. 225 79-12. .\loii Sat

9.3(laiii 5.30pm.

Kanu Gandhi’s Mahatma t'iiiil .‘su .\i‘i'. .-\ collection of almost loo [stuck and “ink-

photographs of Mahatma Gandhi. taken by his nephew Kanu. the only Indian photographer permitted to document an important period in the inspirational leader's life.

I TORRANCE GALLERY 29b l)undas Street. 556 (i366. .\loti ~l"ri llaiir-(ipiir; Sat 10.30am 4pm.

Mixed Exhibition Until 27 .-\pr. Paintings by Margaret Ballantyiie. on slioyy alongside gold and silyei' ieyy ellery by Sheana Stephen

I WASPS GALLERY l’atriotltall. off llaiiiiltoii Place. 225 I2“). .\loii Stiii

lr 7pm.

Models l‘ri 1930 Apr. Miyed media paintings by Grays School of Art graduate Ross l-‘letiiington.

I GEORGIAN HOUSE 7 Charlotte Square. 225 2 l(i(). :‘ylon—Sat ltlam -5piii; Sun

2 Spin. See how the other half li\ ed iii this elegant lStli century New Town dwelling.

I GLADSTONE’S LAND l.ayy riiiiarkct. Royal Mile. 226 5856. Mon Sat

Illaiii 5pm1Sun 2-5pm. .\ superb e\aiiiple of home life in l7tli century ()ld low” lidinburgli.

I HUNTLY HOUSE MUSEUM I42 (‘ariongaltu529-ll-13. Mon ‘Sat

Illatii opni. l‘ree. l’acked \y itlr liistoi'ic artefacts. this museum tells the story of lidinburgli's past and its people.

I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD ~12 High Street. 52‘)-ll-l2. .\loir-Stiii Illaiii ()pill. l-‘ree. All iiiatinei‘ of archiye material and old toys relating to childhood through the ages.

Captain Pugwash t'iiiir l2 .\lay. See Kids listings.

I PEOPLE’S STORY lti.i ('anoiigate. 52‘) 4057. Mon Sat 10am (ipiii. free. The sights. sounds and men smells of lidiiibuigli tolk fioiii tlre lStli century oiiyyards

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND 2 L‘liaiiibeis Street. 225 '75 H. .\Ioii Sat Illttlli 5pm t'l‘ue tiiitil Spirit; Sun

noon 5pm.

Heavenly Scent t'iiiit :I .-\pi~. A fascinating y isiial. audio and sensual celebration of the \yoild of per fiiiiie. Steinway Grand Piano .\‘w I} acquired by the .\luseuiii. this unique turn of the century instrument yy as decorated by Scottish artist l’lioebe 'l‘i‘aqiiair on the theme of Rossetti‘s sonnet ll'i/liiii IIiH’t/ atid the Suite or Sit/onion.

I WEST GRANTON STORAGE AND RESEARCH CENTRE 2-12 \Vcsl (iratiioir Road. 2-17 -l2l‘). lllaiii 1.30pm

Open Day Sat 27 :\pr. :\ rare chance to

\ ieyy the .\Jatiotial .\ltiseiiiiis storage museum featuring lS2tls railyyay \yagons. te\tile iiiacliinei’y. iiiaiine specimens and much more.

I WRITERS MUSEUM lady Starr 's (dose. 52‘) «Will. .\Ioii Sat Illatii opiii l-‘ree :\ treasure house of Items relating to three of Scotlaiids most faiiiotis \yiiters: Robert l.oiiis Steyeirsoii. Robert limits and Sir \y'altei' Scott.



l’ertli Road. t)l.its‘2 i-l520l. .\loii l-‘rr 0.30am S..‘s()piii‘. Sat ‘) .iflani 4.30pm. Shadows In The Water t‘iiiit ll .\lay. Work by iiitie tip and coming contemporary artists. including recent ('(‘A eyliibitors Dal/tel and Sciillioii. .-\lso on show. photographic \york by Helen Robertson.


I SMITH ART GALLERY 8i MUSEUM l)tiiiibartoii Road. ()l7.\'(i .17 l‘)l7. 'l‘iie ~-Sat ltlfillam 5pm: Sun 2 5pm.

Mountain, Meadow, Moss And Moor Sill 27 Apr l Sept. .-\ retrospectiye e\lribitioti of artist .los‘eph Denoy'an t ISJ l -li\"l(\l. Scotland's foi'eiiiost painter of Highland cattle.


Lectures are listed by city, then by date.

Boxer Sat 27 Apr. 2pm. l-ree (’(‘-\. .loliii (Sill. curator of the current (‘(".v\ esliibition. giyes a guided tour.


Live Guides 'l‘hroughoiit the liritisli .\rt Shiny, guides yyill be ayailable to offer information and discuss eylribitioiis at the folloyying times. ('it_\ .'\ll ('cnti‘e Sat

noon 5pm; ('ollectty e (iallet'y Sat noon

5pm; l’i'iiitniarliet ('iallery Sat Ill Wain

5pm; Royal liotanic (iarden Sirii noon 5piii1Scotlis‘li National (iallery oi .\loderii .-\it SatStin 2 illpin; 'l‘albol Rice l-rrfSat l 5pm. Landscape with Apollo and the Muses I'll l‘) .-\pi'. l2.-l5ptii. National (iallei'y of Scotland. l‘ree. (,‘oliti (‘rtiise discusses the yyorl. of Claude.

Enchantment and Menace .Sc‘tilllsli National Gallery of Modern -\it Mon 22 Apr. l2.-l5piii. l‘iee. (il';|_\ \Vatsoir giyes a talk as part of the British .-\it Slioyy. British Art Show \yt-a 2-i Apr. i i strain. l-tee. (‘ity .-\rt (‘eiiti'e .\ guided tour of lli'c \york of 'l‘actta Dean. (ieoi'giiia Starr and Jane and l.ouise \Vilsoii.

King William’s Mary Wed :4 .\pi. l2.-l5piii. l'i'ee. Scottish National Portrait (iallery. Rosalind .\laislrall giyes a tall.. Jack Diamond lit 20 .\pr. 5 illpiii Department of .-\icliitecture. I'myersil}‘ of l‘itltiibiri'gli. (i5t) 2322‘. The celebrated ('aiiadiaii architect gty es a lecture. Figures in Bronze by Lipchitz and Zadkine .\lon 2‘) Apr. l2.-15piii. l-iee Scottish National (lallery of Modern .\it \licliael ('assin giyes a talk.

John Gibson Lockhart with Charlotte \yt-a I .\lay. l2¢l5pirr l-‘ree. Scottiin .\atronal l’oi‘ttait (ialleiy. .-\ilsa ’l‘tiiiiei looks at this work by Robert Scott lander.

At sea: a watercolour by Edward flapper to feature in Awash In Colour: Great American Watercolours From The Museum oi Fine Arts, Boston, which also includes work by Georgia O’Keeffe and Winslow Homer, at the National Gallery, Edinburgh Fri 26 Apr until Sun 14 Jul

74 The List l9 Apr-2 May 1996