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Spring into Spring


__ W). tagmfi

Romance is blossoming at Seotlanrl's Premier Introduction A". Social Events Agent‘i/

(‘all its ttott‘ on 01 786 825777_/ort1etails o/‘ottr one to one ‘Introduetions' and ‘Occasions'

All members personally titl(’t't‘i(’tt‘(’(1

Initial Approach. 23 High Street. Dunblane FKI 5 OEE


l‘ecause we already have them! Sociallv active grottp ot

unattached prolcssionals would

like to inv ite like-minded individuals to meet us. Phone David on

0141 942 1455 evenings.

I Club Thirty-Plus Glasgow tor the unattached to meet it'ientls arid enjoy tnore social itle. \Veekly bar nights. dances. meals. parties. ill—pin bowlittg.

walks and lots more. Ring l)on

(i786 H2 i-I2(t.

UUEST (iay or lesbian and (‘atholicl’ So are we? Quest is a sell help support group. In times ol- cairn or crisis. telephone 0141 552 8328. i

liver}. Sunday between 7»-l()pin. 7

ARE YOU LESBIAN, GAY DR BISEXUAL AND UNDER 25? 'l‘hen Stonewall Youth is for you? \‘s'ttlt three lidinbui'gh- based groups and a support worker ol'l'et'tng individual advice and support. Stonewall is the place to contact. I’hone ill conl'tdence oti ’l'uesdays between 7.30pm and 9pm oti

0131 556 4040.


V Wacky male (34) humorous. intelligent. sensitive. owtt business. seeks 'l‘i'ee spirited. it‘lllait‘. linioys travel. cinema. languages. tootball loops!) and general reselt‘yl lio\ No 276/9. v Slim, pretty Epicurean 30$ girl returns lidi. \\'l.’l‘.\l ('ostner/( iat'cta. or - realistic sociable new i‘rtendsl 28 2‘85 (1’) loves impulsive travel. soullul music. cinema. dancing. books. att. Bring empathy. (iS()lI attd adventure. ios .\'o 277/10.

Email lOO747.34|


til' \llc‘ilcilc I’I‘it‘I-I't‘t' Ititik-ii-Iiis’cs t

v Proiessional, Edinburgh leniale. 28. slitti. pretty. warm arid witty. seeks good-looking male. 26 36. (iSOll. sincerity and genuine hope for special lt'ietidship/relationsliip. Box No 277/! |.

LONDON-BASED MAN itito travel. i'ilins. writing. l.atin America. literature.

l‘ootball. seeks peniriend tor l‘ii‘ty years ol‘ long letters.

Box Ito 277/4.

V Jazz loving English male academic (Silt seeks a lit. happy. pretty. n/s i'etnale soultnate (30 ~45) for gigs. movies. etc. I’hoto please. it possible. Box No 27S/I.

V Wanted: a sexy tall slim man for tun times. Must be 30+. educated and professional. Me: sexy. tall. slim woman. .itlish. (ilasgow -based. Box No 273/2.

v Spring has sprung, why spend summer alone - who ktiows what w inter can bring'.’ This girl is shy bttt wild. Box No 273/3.

v Bionde protessional female (25) new to (ilasgow seeks tiiale tour guide l'or tun arid adventures. Box No 278/4.

v Dark, good-looking Edinburgh male (-IOs) athletic. educated. adventurous. enioy s good things or city lite and great outdoors. Seeks attractive. intelligeitt ieinale (25 40) w ilIl sense oi humour and sexy smile. Hm Ni) 273/5.

V Unconventional, educated female 33. n/s, enjoys i‘resh air. walking. cycling. iilttis. theatre. interesting conversation. Seeks a man with a woolly jumper and a bicycle. Box No 273/6

THE LIST PERSONAL ADS are designed l'or individuals to meet other individuals.

We reserve the right to i‘el'use arty advertisement without e\planatton.

I Circulars. promotional literature aitd ottenstve iiiatet'tal are ttot forwarded where discovered. It you receive such material with your Box replies please let its know, Write. enclosing the material. to: Classified Ads at The /.t.vl.

98 The List 3-16 May 1996