014755235577 63

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(under the bookies).

Ve etarian meals WI h a difference

Pasta in Ai'tielx il<e Swiee, Qalertes iiitl) Blue ( Elieese and \Vcilni it lh't’ssing. “Foeueeizi” Bread ititli 11min is delicious fillings (is in Cream Cheese with RtXLSI l )el )1 )ers. Desserts am he Hot Chaplsz Fudge C like in ( :(O‘tmte’l Apple Pie ii'i'i‘li erttini.

We are open 7 days.

Mon-Sat 9-6. Suns l l-5.

imme— In the family wa

_ lop lidinhtirgh delieatessen \«';il\'t>ii;i and

(_‘i‘t)lltt. has opened tip a e; lie that will delight the

;eapital‘s eapptieeino

etinniiissetirs. Jonathan

'l‘rew says ‘C‘iah. hella.‘

'l‘he iinpaet \xhieh \‘etitxltaliaiix ha\ e inade iin thix \‘i‘ttllll'_\ 'x eating hahitx ix huge. l’inni the iee ei'eainx tll eliildhiitid thriiiigh the tixli and eliipx tll tttlidt'Mt‘lit‘t‘ lit llle‘ sitt‘lltsllealetl tltlttll pleaxiiiex «it a \e'll\tlitll\ expi‘exxti. iitii' palates lia‘. e lieen enli‘. ened ax the range tit Italian piudiiee .i\ail:ilile liax e\paiidetl_ \al\ 011a and (iltllltl. v. hieh ll|'\l t‘l‘L'tlL‘tl tlx tllllll\ ttl ll! l-i. ll;l\ l‘t'e'll inxti'ninental in xpieading the gimd neux :ilniiit Italian eiiixiiie in l‘:tlt|tllttt'§_‘ll

'l‘lieii‘ delieatexxen en l'.llll lx’tm liax. in er the geneiatinnx. lieeiinie a h} utn'd t'tii eiilinarj. iiinmatitin. and tlii'iitigh

then taxtingx. etitilter} elaxxes and

“0054 93'“

deintinxti'atitinx tlies ha\ e instrtieted and suggested ntiinei‘titis i‘eeipex tti eiitintlexx giitii'inets. With the opening iit' their eate the} ean llt“.\ put their land \\ here their etixthinerx’ iniitithx are and xer\e people the \ei'} inealx that the_\ ha\ e heen adx ixing Ull t'in' )L‘th's.

'l‘he eale ix xittiated at the haek til~ the deli. tip a xniall tlight Ul xtairs train the \i. ine xeetiini. \atiii‘al light penis in tln‘iiiigli \\ttitltt\\\ xet in the sltiping eeiling and ietleetx tlll the \\ liite \salls and gleaming etittee niaehinex: the mei‘all inipi‘exxitin ix one at pristine L‘le‘tiltllttesx. lest llttx tlll \eeltts Lt lltl elinieal. the green tahles and ehaii'x add a ltllle'll tit hright liiinielinexx. l’i'ide tit plaee giiex iii the xetilpted \\tlt)tl \\ hieh the t'aniilie‘x iinele hax titted ’l‘he einintei‘ ix inade limit a llL‘Ltltllltll pieee iil' ~\‘lmakian tiak \\ hieh has heen xeaxuning in the a\ iinetilar haek garden Iiii‘ the laxt nine _\eaix heitne heing lii\ ingl} ei'al’ted and xhaped lt‘ hunt a hat \xhieli ltmkx ax thtiiigh it \*.ill still he xtanding ‘.\hen the l‘iii‘th Bridge ix a distant nieninr}

(iixen that \almna and (‘mlla'x lx the i'exiilt til the interinari iage tit inn l‘lillllct'\ t'iuiii tine tannl} \\tllt tun \l\lL‘t'x limit the titlier t'aniil}. then it eiiinex ax nu xiirprixe that a strong l'eeling «it kimhip pei\adex Illi‘\l axpeetx «it the eale. t'niixtiall}. t'tir e\ en the llltl\l enlightened extahlishiiients. there ix a nihilier and hahiex mum and.

l“ n t"

Edinburgh’s ceii ial Sea 00d Res auran and Wine Bar



Fabulous variety of Scottish produce. 3 Hunter Square, Royal Mile, Edinburgh GB] 220 4447 Home Farm, Brodlck, Isle of Arran 0|770 3028t0

J().\'.r‘\'l'l l:\.\' 'l'Rl-LW

All you can eat at Valvona 8: Crolla‘s

e\ en inure ad\aneed_ there ix alxii a separate lilillll t'iir liainhiniix and their lathei‘x.

‘l'he t'aniil} ennneetiiin e\tendx in the menu an utter \\ hieli e‘t‘lllpl'l\L‘.\ a \L'leellttlt til the \’al\iina and ('i'iillas' launn'itex llenee the pr/niii i'u/ninun'. tir lii'eaklaxt. \\ liieli rtinx twin 5’ Haiti. tittei‘x an ltaliaii ltlle‘ 0!] a eiitiked lirealxt'axt tir xte\\ ed traits and )tightii'ts t’iii‘ thiixe \\ ith a more delieate k'tlll\llll|llilll in the morning. ‘l'hitiiighniit the da} lningi‘} iii/tininit/us tit la ti’tia (’ lli'ii' ean tiiek lllltl [Hi'llt’lt’li/tl. \\ hieh ai'e hieadx haked in a stone m en and tilled \\ ith ltl;l\lL‘tl th'llcllille‘\. eiild ineatx and peppei'x .-\lternati\el} the} ma} he teinpted h} the iiix'ti/ti/ii t/l ninjg'tn‘t Hit in .I'iiilnx’ti. \i. liieh ti'anxlatex‘ as a litillalii tlltllx iiiti//ai'ella xalad. 'l'he iiiii/arella l\ inipinted litini ltal_\ ewry three da_\x lair the x\\eel-tiiiithed \' & ("x pim idex diet htixtei'x xiieli ax their mu n ieeipe .";'Iii'/i!i’\;'! niade \\ ith iiiaxearpiine. .\lai’xala and. tit entii‘xe. exprexsu l’iii \itltlelltttl}1 lighter ti‘_\ the eieain} pit/xiii; ( Him. and lot sniiiething etiinpleiel} sell-indulgent attempt the ehuetilate ealxe tin It; til ( met tint/ii that iixex elitietilate enntaining a \\ hopping Till Ik‘l' eent (01‘th \tllltls.

\tm. getting hold iiteating ehueulate that litiaxtx "it per eeiit enema xiilidx ix nii eax} taxL lllltl\l elitieiilate harx are ltiel\_\ it. the} mntain inure than a t‘itllt')' 3“ per eent i. and \i. hen it ix axailahle it diiex nut etinie eheaply 'l‘liix i'etiixal [0 eat euineix ix appaieiit aertixx the menu

the iili\ e nil used in the xalad dressing ix a pine antl peppei} \ intage tirxt piexxiiig and [index xi. ell hit the \enttii'e’x xtieeexx ,-\t NUS tin” a puistilt ttii' e\aiiiple_ tlie etixtiinierx aie net pa} iiig lhintigh the niixe tn ha\e tlieii ultaettii} iiiganx tielxled,

the deli hax mei lt‘. e hiindied ltaliaii \\ inex in ,xtnek. from simple tahle wines to rare and rieh Vintagex‘ that \muld make any eininnisseui' drntil. In the eal‘e eiistiiniei's ean drink any UIIL‘ tll. the eellar's treasures with their meal and pa)’ a £2 handling eharge Ull top (it the pi'iee til the hhttle. A considerable dillerenee l‘i'inii the l()() -2()() per cent mark-tip \\ hieh the tippler is eharged in most restaurants. ()n that note. there is little more to he said than 'Bth appetito.‘

102 The l.ixt lh Ma} l‘lllti