May test runs l'rom Thurs 2 to Sat 2.5 May. 'I'hese Iixtings coyer eyents during the tirxt two weeks. I’or tletials ot the linal nine days. see our ne\t issue. published on Thurs to May.

Tickets l'or moxt eyentx can be purchased tronr the Ticket (‘entrta (‘andleriggs 227 5511. or call the Maylest ticket hotline. 287 5000.

‘)am~ 0pm. The Ticlxet ('entre is open tor bookings in perxon. 9.30am (1.30ptrr.

I Arches Theatre in Midland Street. Ell 97%.

I CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street.

2 752 l.

I Citizens‘ Theatre il‘l (itlll‘JIS Street. .130 (toll.

. I Cottier Theatre llyttdlantl Street.

l v“

': \(it‘x.

I Glasgow Film Theatre 12 Rose Street. 332 8128. I King’s Theatre 204 Bath Street. 287 55] l. I Mitchell Theatre 7 (iranyille Street. I 327 551 l. I Old Athenaeum 17‘) Buchanan Street, 332 513.“.

I DId Fruitmarket Albion street. is? 55 I l.

I Paisley Arts Centre New Street. Paisley. SS7 l0I0.

I Pearce Institute 5110 (joyan Road.

4—15 I‘M l. I Bamshorn Theatre 98 Ingram Street. 55: 5-139.

I Bentrew Ferry moored at (‘lyde Place. 956 5 “$70.

I SECC l‘innieston Quay.

24S 990‘)~

I Tramway '35 Albert l)t't\c‘. :27 FF 1 l. I Tron Theatre ’l't-uttgtttc. 551m)“.

I University of Glasgow (meet-aty- .I‘oenue. 33‘) SS55. j

Theatre I The Buck Run '1 he :\rt'hex, 0. I5pni. £(i (£0 Iiaxt Ix'ilbritle'x Kilit ) 'l‘lteatre Company present a xhow with xongx by Billy Iiragg. the st nxtttonal .-\le\. Ilarxey. playwright (terry \lcllugh aral collaborator Ray Illtllltl llnt'sc. which centrex on the hie .irid aspiratioth ol xocrety'x xtree' torrte: Srrtatrax the I‘USlslt‘I-\ lt‘l

I How Dear To Me The Hour When Daylight Dies (‘(v\

American :‘ettozriianct‘ 1"» ~a;‘ ( toat Island

‘lll‘ ll. L5 'l..- .',

who made their \l;ty text tlt'i'"lI an WWI present the cuhtnztatzort ot .t two month rexitlency at the ('(‘.~\. which thaw x its mllireticex th‘lll llitehcocl; lx’enorr. tliglrt pioneer -\t'..elr.t I'Ltrhart and a late up a \Velsh trtountani. I \peet the ur.e\pectetl. I Lovers The \rchex Brian Intel's (larlt r'oritaric-' about a

teenage couple ll: Northern Ireland rx

T Sllraivl "(yti it

t‘l'csclllctl I‘_\ (lltl\\‘_'\l\1~'l\.l\'\.\l.Iiliiiilllsx (ialore. directed by \lnirearni Kelly ‘».\.'_I. strong petlot‘rita.:e:x by its tw (a xlroztg cast. Rectt'nrrientled,

I Prydain (The Impossibility or Being British) ’I‘rartiyyxt“ Split f. I ’l ( £5' Radical Welsh theatre group Ptrrth (tot are “tel. with a new show about the (Ionnnatrot: ot (‘cltrc cultnrex w rthin tire I'ls' by .\x usual. .1 I‘Tt‘. (Iattgerotix. messy pertorinancc style to the -:\tent that the audience 'w Ill be rxxuetl with wateiptoot mer'clotlnttg.

I Salus Populi Suprema Lex Ratnxltt »t it 'I‘lteatre. Thult‘llt. if '92 Silt \tht'itl premiere ol a new play by [outlonbasetl Torn Kenrpntxkt (best known tor Hint l-‘trt' ()llt'l. wlnch concernx rtxeli with the

I inland.

ix pronnxetl

struggle tor democracy. Ill both the lqth century and the present day Ihe title translates as ‘tllc iltg‘llcV (ltltV (it goyermnertf i\ the weltare (it See PIN lc\‘..

I The Threepenny Opera (il;t\}_'ti\‘.

'.I‘1L' th‘wt‘ld

School (it. .»\t't. l..illptll; 7

(£3.50: £l xtantlingl. Hertolt lireclrt and

Kurt Weill's moxt celebrated collaboration based on John (iay's lft'eetrr'x U/w'tt

is brought to lite in a unique collaboration

..‘~0pm. £5

between students trom (ilasgow School ot

.-\rt. (tlasgow' I'niyer‘x'ity and the Royal Scottish Academy ol' .Music and Drama. See preyiew. I The Verge Studio Theatre. l’niyerxity ()t'(}lasgow. 7.10pm. £5 (£3.50t. Pioneer .~\rnerican dramatist Susan (ilax‘pell ix the sablch oI all international cottl'er‘etlce at (ilasgow ‘x uniyerstties. and her 1‘): I play [in \i'ret' w hrch depicts a woman on the cusp between madness and brilliance ix presented by a xtudent/prolexxional cotrrpariy to tie in w ith the conference.


I Maydance King'x ’l'heatre. Spm. £5; £101£5,~; £20t£l5l (ilitter. tartan and tarlcoatx collide in this ( 'ttnrt' I’d/rt irre- xtyle (lance t'\tt‘.1\'.ig;tti/;r billed as "Three world champions in one show '. Putting on the Kill tor (ilasgow are reigning world latin American (lance championx and T\”s bext known dancers. (llaxgow-born Donnie Burns and (iaynor l'all'wcatllcl’. world t‘r'ol'exsiot‘tal ballroom dance champrotix Marcus and Karen Hilton. and world Highland dancing championx l)eryk and (iareth Mitclrelson. .-\ntly Ross and lnx ill-piece orchestra proyide the xw'ing throughout.


I The Best or So You Think You’re Funny Rerrt‘rew I'erry. Spin late. £7. The littlest laughter leaders t'rom the cottrpetition ol chuckles t'eaturing Rhona Cameron. Dylan Moran and Lee Mack. Part ot The Big I5ringe.

I Elaine With Attitude ()ltl liruitmarket ".30pm. £10 4 £5 I. (ilesca's owrr Iilaine (‘. Smith abandonx the .‘x'exhitt houxehold tor 70x lax'lnon. shunning. childbirth and l)orrx Day in a solo comedy/nursic show with backing trom her own band.



I The Clydesiders ('ottters Bar. [0.30pm. I‘ree. Sporting a brand-new riddle-player. (ilasgow's long-established t‘olk outlit hoe on down with tracks from their new album. ('nmrne '/'/rt' lr’tm/t'r. due out in .lune.

I Lucia Di L’Ammermoor (‘tttttet- 'l‘ht-att-c. 5. illptn. £0.50 ( £7501. ()pera ( )n A Shoestring present their [.'.II'\‘tl‘tlH\‘1 n rendition ol'I)orrixett1‘s 10th century hotbed ol betrayal. tnxanity. tnurder and all the tixual opera staples. based on a Sir Walter Scott tale.

I Silent Noise The Old .-\thenaeum. Spin. LS (£(il. The RT Scottish Iinxemble proyitle the musical accompaniment. scored by Matthew .-\llxop. to this montage ol lilm old and new to celebrate cinema'x glot‘iotrx centenary.

I Roy Williams Pi//a lisprexx; 9pm. £5. 'I rad ra// trombonist ol~ repute.


I Mayfest Club ( )ltl l’ruitmarkct.

l0, l5ptn. £2 50. A re\ italixcd Maylcst (Tub. cotripletely redesigned by last yearK designer ('ampbell Mcx‘xllixter [‘ctlect tor some post-show xclmtoo/rn and boo/in Tonight: I‘unky I‘eetnx and lights ()ut Ily Nine. See preyiew.


I How Dear To Me The Hour When Daylight Dies (‘(‘.,\. 7.30pm. £5 (21. See Thurs I.

I Prydain (The Impossibility or Being British) Tramway. Spm. £ I0 I £5 1. See Thurx 2.

I Lovers The .-\rches 7. illpm. £(r (£3 t. See Thurs 2.

I Rag ,n’ Bone Man ('ottlcr‘ 'I'heatre. Spin £11.50(£-1.50l. TRAM Direct. the local company which emerged at last year's May text with 7711' l’it't/ l’t/ur ()f Hut.'ht'xtrttluit/r. return in collaboration with Youth Action liellaxt will: a play about a tatetul decixron made by a young man in the (10x.

I Salus Populi Suprema Lex Ramshorn Theatre. 7.30pm. £5 (£3501 See Thurs 3 and preyrew.

I The Stronger The .-\rchex. 7pm. l‘ree. .-\ litteen-nnnute curtain-rmser presented by the lirether Sisters prior to l‘t‘t'lttl'lllttllCt‘s‘ ol lane/‘1 (xee Thurx Z l. Adapted t'ronr Strindberg by l)a\'itl (ireig. thix dark comedy encounter III a swish cal'e tackles


., born great... . "greatness... . and scream stltt

{totalling their expenses..."


those gloomy Swedishemotions with Clreig‘s customary Hair for resonant dialogue.

I The Threepenny Opera (tlttsgtm- School of .-\rt. 7.30pm. £5 (£2.50; £| standing). See Thurs 2 and preview.

I The Trick Is To Keep Breathing 'I‘ramway. 7.30pm. £7.50 £0 (£4~£()l. The Tron Theatre company in a re-w'orked reyiyal of their 1095 hit. which has just toured (‘anada This line adaptation of lattice (ialloway's noyel about a deeply traumatised young woman trying to drag herselt out of the despair ot bereavement will be Michael Boyd's final production as the Tron‘s artistic director.

I The Verge I'niyersity ()l' (ilasgow. 7.30pm. £5 (£2.50). See Thurs 3.


I Maydance Kings 'I‘heatre. 8pm. £5: £ I0: £30. See Thurs 2.


I Comedy Night Pearce Institute Spin. £1.50. (iary Hagen and pals attempt to tickle your ribs.

I Elaine With Attitude ()ltl l-‘tttitttttttket.

7,.i0pm. £l0 See Thurs 3.


I Good News Choir .-\delaide‘s (fate. 7.30pm. £3 t£l.5(ll. Among the repertoire is a modern cantata. Stilton/1

I Silent Noise The Old .'\thenaeum. 8pm. £8 (£(il. See Thurs l.

I Song Circle liniyersity ( )l'(ilasgow. 7.30pm. £5 (£3.50). The a cappella octet per‘loriri in the impressiye environment of the university chapel. with a set comprising Ioth century Spanish pieces and Parry‘s Suites of l-trrt'rt e/l.


I Reel To Reel (ilasgow I-‘ilm 'l‘heatre. 2.30pm. :\ panel ol iudgex will assess short films in drama. documentary and animation.

I Smoke (15) Glasgow l’ilm Theatre. See under (EI‘T in Film listings.


I Club Ecosse (‘aledonian Princess. Rpm 4am (doors close laml. U1. The Tuxedo Prineexs has been transformed into the ('aledonian Princess tor the latest (‘eltlc grotwes'.

I Maytest Club ()ld Iiuitmarket. 10.15pm. £5. With The S4 ('1 Men and Shari. See Thurs 2.


a new black by Morag Fullartor;

10-11 EAST KlLBRlDEVillage Theatre 01355 248669 14-15 JORDANHILL Crawford Theatre 5 21-25 GLASGOW Citizens‘rhe'atre

0141 950 3438 0141 429 0022

The List 3- to May l‘)‘)6 21