Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Dates will be listed, provided that details reach our offices art least one week before publication. Rock and Blues Listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd

and Jim Byers.


I Maytest See separate listings.

I Bert Jansch The l’ress Club. West Regent Street. 332 1674. ‘)pm. £7 (£6). ‘Britain's Bob 1)ylan‘. as he's probably fed up being referred to. continues his monthly residency inspired by the success of a similar venture in London where \ariotis hip young gunslingers congregated to hear material from his latest albutn 117m: The ('t'rt'its Corner '12» lilll It.

I Catcher, Breeze and Geneva King Tut‘s \Vali Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £3.50. Catcher gig to launch their single ‘;\utumn' which tangles along poppily. while Creneva l‘repare for the release of their debut single and some support dates with The lilllt‘ltlllc‘\_

I Roundhouse and Birdman The ('.itliotisc. l'nion Street. 243 6606. Split.

I Cylinder anti Unabomber Mean Streets. The 13th .\'ote (downstairs). (ilas‘sford Street. 55.3 1638. S30pm. lace. Mean Streets indeed with an internationally infamous terrorist in the vicinity.

I Hey Zeus and Force Ten Bob Nice ‘n‘ Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. ‘)pm.

I Hermon X .\1c('huill's. High Street. 552 2135. 10pm. l‘ree. l.atin_ia//,.

I Stranger’s Cage arid Negative Emotion Tree The Rat Trap. Brown Street. 221 7233. 11pm. £2.

I Red Green’s Blues Band MaeSot-ley-s. .lamaica Street. 221 S4‘)‘). ‘)pm. l'ii'ee.

I Blackwater Blues Band The Brewhouse. John Street. 552 3801. ‘)pm. 15rec.

I Fat Betty Tw a (Rubies. Kilbowie Road. 01236 727473. ‘)pm. liree. Thin Lizzy

I Live Music ()‘Xeills. Sauchiehall Street. 353 0436. ‘)pm. liree. Celtic rock.


I Showaddywaddy Cavendish. West 'l‘ollcross. 223 3252. ‘)pm 3am. £5. Classic "0s pop from the people who brought you 'l’retty 1.ittle .-\nge1 1iyes' and “Why Do 1.o\ers Break 1€ach ()thers Hearts“ .\'ot to mention a tnean line in drainpipe trousers and Teddy Boy tiuiffs. I The Felsons Whistle Binkies. .\'iddry Street. 557’ 5114. ‘)pm. Free. lidinburgh's favourite country rockers swagger through tracks from their forthcoming album (file Step .'l/l('(1(/ ()t The l’mve.

I Nowhere Subway. Cowgate. 225 6766. ‘lpm. £2. local boys attracting interest with their powerful perky pop. Check their song ‘(iot l'p. (iot ()n. (iot ()ff' if you don‘t believe me.

I The Kaisers and The Wolverines (‘as Rock Cafe. West Port. 22‘) 434 l. 10pm. C3. SHIIL‘Sl‘ctt1-slylc1’tk‘k iTUllllilC inimitable Kaisers. The first ten punters through the door get a free copy of their A'tt/wt't //1.'\Hlt'."lt(l lil’. recorded l1\L‘ at CBGB‘s in New York during last year‘s .-\mertcan tour.

I Live Music Abbey. South Clerk Street. 667 3023, S30pm. l'ree.

Sir Bald Biddley And His Wigouts, Cas Bock. Edinburgh, Sat 4



I Maytest See separate listings.

I Glen Matlock The Cathouse. L'nion Street. 248 6606. 8pm. £5.30 plus booking fee. Tickets from The (iarage. Just the Ticket. Virgin. l'nion Street. 226 467‘) and Tower Records. Argyle Street. 204 2500. Is Glen testing the waters for the Pistols reunion with this tour'.’ let's hope their set isn’t as attodyttc as the tnaterial on Matlock's solo album 117m} He ’l'lii/t/t' He Is ll'lien He's :1! Home.”

I Apple and The Sires King Tut's Wah Wah llut. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £3.50.

I My Favourite Sneakers Nice 'n' Sleazy. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. ‘)pm. I Gazelle Blackfriars. Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30pm. l‘ree. Acid ja/z.

I Chaser The Hall Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 1210. ‘).30pm. l-‘ree.

I The Outpatients .\1acSot‘1eys. Jamaica Street. 221 849‘). ‘)pm. l-‘ree.

I Blackwater Blues Band The Brewhouse. John Street. 552 3801. 5—-7pm. liree.

I Itchycoo Park and Gypski The Brewhouse. John Street. 552 3801. ‘)pm. Free.

I Jeggro Wolbtirn's Wharf. Yoker l‘erry Road. ‘)5‘) 2016. ‘).30pm. liree. Reggae band featuring a cast of thousands.

I Big Wednesday and Easy East Kilbride Arts Centre. ()ld Coach Road. liast Mains. liast Kilbride. ()13552 61000. Spm. £3 (£2). Scotpop from Big Wednesday who recently released their 'Sliding In Like McCirain' single.

I Hugh Beed And The Velvet Underpants The Clyde Bar. West Clyde Street. llelensburgh. 01463 673 257. 10pm. £1. Promoting their genre-travet'sing album ’lizke .4 Hit/k ()n The (‘lvt/t'xi‘t/e.

I Live Music Kilkennys. .lohn Street. 552 3505. ‘)pm. liree.

I Live Music O'Neills. Sauchiehall Sll'CCi. .353 04.30. 913111. i‘TL‘L‘. (‘Clllc' sounds.


I Sir Bald Biddley And His Wigouts, The Busking Arabs and Shaking Spear Cas Rock Cafe. West Port. 22‘) 4341. 10pm. £4. The baldest man in rock 'n' H)” brings his merry pietnen to spread some raucous surf trash while promoting their new album. /)f(’(;(l.3ltlllftl.

I The Wolitones Venue. Calton Road. 557 3073. 6pm. £9. lrish rebel songs from a band w ho attract one of the hardest- drinkingaudiences e\ er know u to man.

I Resin Whistle Bink‘ies. Niddry Street. 557 5114. ‘)pm. late

I Charly Cavendish. West 'l‘ollcross. 223 3252. ‘)pm--3am. £5. Classic 70s- pop.

I Bo’Weevil The Merlin. Moringside Road. 447 432‘). ‘)pm. Free.

I The Hot Tomales Queen Street Oyster

Bar. Queen Street. 226 2530. 10pm. Free. l-lat'tnonica-flavoured blues.

I Live Music Abbey. South Clerk Street. 667 3023. 8.30pm. Free.


I Summertield Blues ()llerton Hotel. Victoria Road. 015‘)2 264 2S6. 8.30pm. £3. After four years. Suminerfield Blues have decided to split and this is to be their farewell gig. The band have enjoyed great support all over Scotland and their debut album [)(‘l'lf .‘l/It/ 'l‘lte I’I't't’e/imttui was nominated for the best 17K Blues Album in 1‘)‘)4 by the British Blues Connection. The band are also scheduled to play an accoustic session on Radio Scotland's Hill" show on Hi 12 May.


Glas ow

I M est See separate listings.

I What A Feeling - The Rock And Pop Musicals Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Sauchiehall Street. Spin/8pm. £16.50/£14.50/£12.50/£10.50 plus booking fee. Tickets from the box office and the Ticket Centre. Candleriggs. 227 5511. In the recent spate of musical revivals someone forgot that intrinsic sonic beast the 70s/80s musical. Fume‘s lrene Cara. Neighbours“ Felice Arena and our kid Sonia remind you of all your favourites from the likes of (ireuxe. Footloose. Fame, and Saturday .‘y'i'gltt Fever with some help from their dancing troupe. Go on. come out of denial now. You love it.

I Biders On The Storm The Cathouse. Union Street. 248 6606. 8pm. £6.30 plus booking fee. Tickets from The Garage. .lust the Ticket. Virgin. Union Street. 226 467‘) and Tower Records. Argyle Street. 204 2500. Doors tribute comes round again. When will they reach ‘The lind"? I Sir Bald Biddley And His Wig-outs, The Jamming Arabs and The Diablos The Bedsit. Park Drive. 33‘) 0432. 7.30pm. £3 An evening of swinging Limbo Loungesque action so don those bobby sos or Hawaian shirts (whichever takes your fancy) and prepare to surf on with ()xford‘s self-styled ‘demented surf raunch‘ merchants with a hair theme to most of their original tracks (although apparently their new album carries a pie theme. Support from Newcastle's answer to The Beach Boys and Glasgow's rumblers The Diablos.

I The Denim Lovers, Cylinder, The Blisters. Fenn, Unabomber anti Beatroot The 1301 Note. (ilassford Street. 553 1638. 8pm.



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