
I Lunchtime Concert 111111111-111111‘ 111111. 2 1111:11311'1‘1‘1. 1.151‘111. 5211111111'1111111. 1’..1111111‘ l)1111se111-11111111111 Peter ,-\rg11n111//111g1111111‘1play 1‘.1lw111‘d \11'111111'1‘s [12111111111 1'. Schubert‘s 5111111111 111.1 .1/111111'1311/1111:111/11'V111111 1’1111'1'111‘1‘1111's.111'11111'1;’();1 /.“.\11.51111d 111111111111 11,11 :1 .111 .1.

I Linn Choir and Ave Canto (‘in 111111. ‘111111111S11e1‘1. 7.1011111. 11501111111227 5511 81’111111111111111113111111111111”111g1‘1111‘l‘ 1111 .1\[)1‘1‘1‘.il (111111111111 (.11111‘1‘1'1111 1111‘ (1111sg1111 —1111sed 1 11111 (.111111‘ 111111 the 21-1- s11'1111L' .-\1'e('.1111111111111P1111111.


I Randers Byorltester 111-111 (111111-11 111111. 1‘1111111S111111'1‘. 1 11111111. 111-1‘, The 1)11111s11 111111111111111‘1'111‘111'11111111 11.111‘ks111 \111/111'1. [)1'111‘1ik. Nielsen. 1111111111111‘ 111111 \1‘s1e1'g11111‘11.



I Lunchtime Concert 111~Ser1 11-1- Suite. .111111111111111(’111111111s.1'11111‘1's111 111' Stratnclyde. 121011111. 1’111111111‘ D1111 se and Peter:\1g1111di//a. S1‘1‘Tti1‘7.


I Ave Canto S1111‘111‘1'i111'e 1’111‘1s11('11111‘ch. 7 1111‘111. :\s p.111 111‘ then 1‘. 1‘1‘11—111ng 11s11 111S1‘1111111111. 1111‘ .111-s11'1111g 1".s11111111111'11111r 1‘1-11111‘111 11111111111‘11'11‘111‘1‘111111‘111 classical 1:1111 1'111111‘11111111‘1111 music 1111111 their 11111113111121!11111111111111111.

I Napier Chamber Orchestra 1111111 (‘11111'1-11111111.111‘zs111S1111111'e.(15112123. 7.4511111 L51-501,111g1111ght1111h1‘ (netting1s1111'1111‘11111‘1‘1‘111'Scottish-based 1'111111111s1‘r'11111itiiisicianl. S111111n1111111e1' \\.111\ H1111 /‘.-.«1 1/1111/1' (111.1 [1111111 (1111’ /1'1.11:;'.1111111111111111111 \111'11111s11111s11'111 \1}11‘\.1111‘111111111'1111‘11,1;t//.1‘1ll\s11';tl. .-\1111‘111111111111111111g11111111111111111111s111.The test 111‘1111‘ 111'111'1'111111111‘ 1‘1111\1\l\ 1115111111!- S111‘11s‘s (‘111'1111.1/()/ l/n 11111.1.111/1. .\111/1nt\ 11111111 (111111'1.'11.\'11.1‘ 111111 \':\.11111\ (21111 cm: [-111' [-11111‘ 1111/1111.



I Oick Lee and Anne Evans 11111111111111 111111s1‘. \Vesl (11‘111g1‘ 511'1‘1‘1. 12.~151‘111. £15013K]1.'1'111‘1111s1‘1111d1111111111‘1‘111111 [‘11) .1111‘1111‘s.\‘.'11.'1' [5111' ("111/11111.1111/ [‘1111111. 1111‘ (11111111111111’S11111e1‘t'(ir1‘1‘11 [1’1'11111‘ (1111111111111:.\‘11.'.'1' /"111' (71111111 {.1111/1’1111111. 511111111111's.\'111'1‘1111111111/11 111111 l.1‘1"s 111111 1111111111s1111111s. /.'1111'I1’1'1'.”111111.111fiS1/11/r /'1r1‘ [11111.

I Lunchtime Concert (111111-11 111111. 1111131011111(i111sg1111‘. 121011002.

1 1511111 1111‘. .~\ 11‘1‘11111111 student [11'111111111‘1'sl11nc1-1‘1‘g11s11n111111111‘1111111 R1111e11 .\1111s1111111;111111111

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (‘11111‘1‘1'1 111111. 111‘1111111‘11s1111g 111111s1‘.(‘)11een Margaret |)1'111‘. 7 1011111. 1111‘ tickets. 111'1‘1‘1111111g11111111111111)1111}'.111'1111s111l application (enclosing s111‘1111BB(‘ SS() (‘oneerts Secretary. BB(' Broadcasting 111111s1‘.1‘)111‘e11Margaret l)r1\1‘. Glasgow. (1121\1)(i. \1k111s 11'1111'1111111111111111111- BBC SS1) 111 l 111's—1‘1'1k 1.111‘ss1111's [’1111111'11/ 511.111 . B1‘1‘111111 en's /1’1111111111‘1 .\'11 2 111111 R1111‘1's 1.1111111111111111 111111 \1111'111 B1se11g11111‘1 1111 s111111.i1111111. 111111 111111111X .S111111'1.111111\ .\'11 \51 '11; [1’1'1111"1,

I John Williams and Timothy Kain (11.1sg1111 Royal ('11111‘1‘1'1 111111. Sauchiehall S11'1‘1‘1.Sp111.";7.50 11511-11132“ 5511. The 11111 .'\nstr.1h11n guitarists play 11 wide selection 111’ music. ranging 1111111 (11'1111111111s. [)1‘ 14111111111111 1\1111"‘111/111 Takenntsn 1111.11 S1111si11k11\i1‘11.

Dream drummer: Evelyn Glennie plays the world premiere of Ojango Bates‘s

My Dream

Kitchen at the Edinburgh Festival Theatre on Sun 5


I King’s c0n50n()111‘1‘li\ 111111.(‘l1‘rk S11‘1‘1‘1.(1(1S 2111‘111'31‘11111‘111‘111111111111‘(1(17 777(1). 7.4511111. ‘1'"1’17 11111151. The 11111 [11111 'l'eleinann's .1/11111/111 [)1711/1/1 11nd \1‘111111111 sky's/1'11/1’11'1:I’m 1211111111. Swim/11.1 51111115111111!” Pits/11111.1. :\1 11111111 11111111.(‘1111s11rt1111‘111111‘1's('1'1sp11111Steele-- Perkins 111111 Robert King present 11 inc 11111st1‘r1'111ss in 1111‘ s111111‘11‘11111‘.



I King’s Consort Steyenson 111111. RSAMI). 100 Renlrew Stt'eet. 71.212 5057. 11‘111. {2501111501. See Thurs ‘1 .-\ 1'1'1‘1‘ 111as1e1'c111ss1111early music 111111111s111 2pm in the same 1'1‘11111‘.

I Lucia Di Lammermoor (‘11111111-‘1 heatre. ‘13 Hyndland Street. .57 38(13. 7.10pm. £0.501L‘750‘1 See \1111‘1‘1‘s1 listings.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra King's ’1‘111‘1111‘1‘. 297 B11111 Street. 7.30an

£5 51250117501110)1111111227 5511. See 11111-11211 listings and feature 1‘111‘(‘raig :\1'111sir1111g.


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra MacRohert.»\1'ts(‘e11tre, l‘ni1ersity 111' Stirling. ()1711’(1.i(111).\‘l. Spin. £12 (£9.50). See 'l‘hurs 9. with 1111‘ 1111111111111 111‘ 11111111111 [)111111'1 ()1 (111/1111111.



I Organ Recital S1 \l1tty'slipisc11p111 (3111111111111 100(11‘1‘111 Western Road. 213‘) (1119]. 1pm. 1311145111111 1111‘ 1111111”. See .‘1111y1'es111s1111gs.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra King's '1‘111‘1111‘1‘. 2‘17 Bath Street. 721011111.

£5 £12.5liii7.5()/'L'11111'1'11111227 5511. See .\l11y1'est listings and 11‘111111‘1‘ 1111‘ (‘1'aig .-\1'111s1r11ng.

I Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (1111sgow Rt1_1'111(‘1111c1‘r1 Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 7.30pm. £15 £45 1111111 227 5511, ('111111111‘1111‘ Riccardo \11111 makes his (2111sg1111 debut with the world tamous orchestra. also making 11s 1'irst appearance 111 1111‘ city 11111111.1111‘11‘1111ly111111‘r Scottish [‘1‘1‘1‘111‘11111111‘1‘ 1111s111 the Edinburgh1‘1‘sti1111111 1‘152,.\111/111‘1's .\‘\11I_1’/111111'.\'11 531111111 Bruckners .11'111‘11/111/11' .111 711111111 up 1111‘ programme.


I Edinburgh University String Orchestra Re111(‘oncer1 111111. Brist11S11uar1‘. (150 2-12.21. 7.30pm. Tickets 1111 1111‘ 1111111". limre Araeiconducts1111‘111‘1‘111‘s11111n music by Saygun and \'i1'111di.

I Edinburgh Concert Band 131111-111 111111. (‘11‘1‘k Street. (1(1S 2(11‘111'1'1‘1111card 1111111111‘ (1117 777(1).75011111151111.Angela \‘1‘111‘11111(truinpet1is guest s1111)l\1 in a concert consisting 111 music 111 l)111'1d Bedlord. Richard Rodney Bennett. John Barnes Chance and P1‘rcy(3111111g1‘1'.

I Scottish Sintonia 111-11111111111 Kirk. (‘andlemakcrR1111,7.45pm.{(1115111501 li‘om Queen's 111111. L’sher 111111. King's Theatre and :\ss1‘111111_1 Rooms. Neil Mantle conducts 1111‘ orchestra in filo/art‘s .S1'111/1/111111‘.\'11.151‘l/111/111'1”). 1)elit1s's '1 Sun: l1’1 111/'1'511/11‘11'1’ and 51111111111 Kiwi/111'. R1‘1111‘ckc\ [7111c(‘11111'1'1'1111111111 \1)111|.\l Barbara Richerhyl 111111 1)1'11r1ik's Swap/111111 .\’r1 7.

Glasgow I RSHO Allander Ensemble (111111-1-

’l'11eatre. 1121 11111111111111Street. .157 111118. 1pm. 16.501.14.501. See Maylest listings. I Telemann Ensemble St Mary‘s lipiscopal Cathedral. 2100(11'1‘111 Western Road. 32196601811111. {5112311111 the 11111111See\11111'1‘s1hs1111gs,


I St Giles’ At Six S1 (1111‘s. ('athedral. High Street. (111111. 1‘1'1‘1‘. :\ 1'11111‘1‘11 111' Renaissance music.

I Garleton Singers (ii-e1 11111111 Kirk. ('11111111‘111aker Row. 7.30pm, £5 (LII/£21 1'1‘11111(‘)neen‘s 111111 ((168 20191 The Singers 111'1‘_111ii11‘d 111 organist .l1111n Kitchen 111111 1111‘ Brass linsemble 1‘1'11111 lidinburgh Youth()rchestra1'111'Rt1tter‘s (7/111'111. Walton's ("urn/111111111 'li' [)1'11111. 111111116}?1(1111111‘K[1’1'111//(’1I.111111.1/1111‘11 1‘)’ Bruckner ' I Meadows Chamber Orchestra Queen's 111111.(‘1erk Street. (1611‘ 201”11‘1‘1‘11111‘111‘11 111111111e(1(17 7776171511111. 111151.501. Peter 1{\';tlts conducts the ()rcliesrra 111 1i1111ard .‘111‘(11111‘e‘s .S‘1/11/1/111111'1'1 ()1 71111111. Beethoyen's .S‘1'111/1/111111'.\’11 7111111 Chopin's /’1111111 («111111111 .111 /. Moscow- 11111'11 pianist Anna 51111111111111. 11'111111‘1'111 1111‘ l111ern111111n111 .-\Rl) (‘11111pe11111111 111 .‘11111111‘11 111 10113,11111kes111‘r17K 111‘11111.


I Lucia Oi Lammermoor Cottier Theatre. 1)} Hyndland Street. 357 3868. 7.30pm. 1295011750). See Maylest listings.


I Student Composers Concert Reid Concert Hall. Bristo Square. (150 2423. Rpm. liree. Music by Peter ()‘Doherty and Han-earl Park.



I Lunchtime Concert Hutchesons‘ H1111. 2 John Street. 1.15pm. £22 1111 the door. Elizabeth Anderson brings a touch of 1.11111 11111111111. to 1111‘ harpsichord with music by Scarlatti. Couperin. Albeniz and others.

I Turandot Theatre Royal. 21 2 Hope S11'eet.332 9000. 7.15pm. £3,504,115. See Mayl’est listings.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra ("oncert 111111. Broadcasting House. Queen Margaret [)1'11'1‘. Free tickets. depending 1111 ayailahility. by postal application (enclosing sae) 111 BBC SSO Concerts Secretary. B B(‘ Broadcasting House. Queen Margaret Drive. Glasgow, (312 800. The BBC SS() is joined by the Scottish Festival Singers fora rare pert11rniance 111' \V’eber's 18 l() cantata Der Iii-111' 71111. The rest 111‘ the programme leatures Weber‘s ()1'1'1'1111'1'.‘ ()ltemn and 1111‘ Scottish premiere 111~ 22-year-old Andrew Sallis's [)11111'1'111' Wit/1 ('111'111111‘11/111'.


I Vocal Recital Reid Concert Hall. Bristo Square. (150 242.1. 1. 10pm. Free. .\le/./o-sopr11no Sandra Porter (accotnpanied by pianist Graeme .‘ylcNaughtl sings Schumann's Frauen- /11'/11' (711/ [111111 111111 Sally Beamish‘s (711111.



I Lucia Oi Lammermoor (‘ottier Theatre. ‘1‘1 llyndland Street. 357 3868. 7.30pm. £11.50 (£7.50). See Maylest listings.


I Edinburgh University Chamber Orchestra Reid Concert Hall. Bristo Square. (150 2423. 7.30pm. Tickets on the door. Peter Nelson conducts a programme 111‘111t1sic by Mahler. Prokofiev and Beethoven. which features vocalist Philip Blackledge and 1iolinis1 Celia McMichael.



I Lunchtime Concert Concert Hall, l'niyersity111(ilasgo11‘. .7130 4092. 1.15pm. l-‘ree. \‘iyian Tucker (flute) and Julia Lynch (piano) play Prokofiev‘s .8'111111111.\'112; Hamish White (oboe) will 111s1111e perl'orming.


I Electra-Acoustic Concert Reid Concert Hall. Bristo Square. (150 2423. 1.10pm and 7.30pm. 1‘ree. Two concerts ol’ electro-acoustic music composed and p1‘l'111l'lllc‘11 by students 111‘ Edinburgh 1'1111'1‘1'sity's 1‘11cu11y 111‘ Music.

I Ascension Festival St John's Church. Princes Street. 0.3011111. Free. Four days of concerts and services begins with Richard \1‘1’1111‘51'1111'11‘ playing Messiaen's /.'.11.111‘111'1'1111. 1’11111‘ short symphonic meditations 1111‘ organ which sets the

111111111 1111‘ the Compline which follows at 10pm.

The List 3-16 May 1996 53