celebration of art and crafts tirade by local people in north Glasgow. both professional and amateur. featuring china. drawing. wood car'ying. tapestry and photography.

Springburn Retrospective Until 5 ()ct. A nostalgic look at how Springburn. Glasgow and the world have changed over the past ten years.

I BOURNE FINE ART 6 Dundas Street. 557 4050. Mon—Iiri ltlarri—oprrr; Sat l()am—lpm.

Spring Exhibition Until 17 May. ()ils. watercolours. ink works and sculptures by Sam Bough. Sir James Guthrie. F. C. B. Cadell. Sir William (.iillies and rrrarry

I CALTON GALLERY l() Royal Terrace. 556 ltllt). Mon-~l-‘ri ll)attt-~bpttt; Sat lilain—lpm.

Mixed Exhibition Until 30 Jun. .-\ wide selection of work by Scottish. British and liuropean artists. including Sam Bough. D. Y. Cartier‘ori. l“. C. B. Cadell. S. .l. Peploe. Sir David Murray and .-\leksander '/.yw. Also on show. and serving as the centrepiece of this exhibition. is John Maclauchlair Milne‘s ll(ll'l'(’.\'l 'lr'me. Sour/r (ills/THICK.

I CITY ART CENTRE Market Street. 52‘) 3993. Mon/rue. Sat ltlam 5.30pm.

Wed I-‘ri l()aiii—Spm: Sun llam «5pm. OuestForAPirate I'ntil It May, In I717. pirate Black Bellamy and his ship sank. along with all their treasure. off the coast of Cape Cod. (her 250 years later. when Barry Clifford discoyer‘ed the lost loot. all 7“ ll) pieces of which are on show at this fascinating exhibition.

The Borrowed Image Mon 13 May-30 .liiri. An exhibition by eight British contemporary artists who ‘bor'row' elements of work by other artists. including .‘yliclrelangelo. Rembrandt. Picasso and .lackson Pollock. to create their own interesting and innoyatiye results.

I CITYLAB 35 Dtmdas Street. 55o 7822. Mon~l~ri ‘);itii-—5pm.

Chris Close - On Location tTniil 31 May. A series of photographs by freelance photographer Chris Close. including panoramic yiews of the Scottiin Highlands. ady'ertising shots and book

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY 22--2S Cockburri Street. 22() l2(i(). 'l‘ue Sat l lam --5..‘~t)pirr. Rear View Sat 425 May. Specially selected paintings by four contemporary artists: .lohri .-\y.scouglr. Moyna lilannrgan. lain Dickinson and Robert Wilson.

I CONTACT GALLERY ('Irindlay Cotrrt Centre. Cirindlay Street Court. 22l ()72 l. Mon—'I‘hurs 10am ~1pm‘. l‘ri Intuit-2.30pm.

Echoes or The Spirit l'ntil 13 May. Photoflraphs by Chris Dorman. some of which were taken during the filming of the forthcoming feature .lllrlt’. and others depicting the often passionate beauty of the Scottish landscape.

I DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE .‘s Doune Terrace. 225 713‘). Mon l-‘ri 10am 5pm. Nina Kleivan Hi to May l5 .taa. Paintings and contemporary Danish craft by the l‘)‘.’5 'Copenliageri .-\rtrst of the Year". .-\lso on show. ceramics. sin er and glass by some of Denmark's finest crafts people.

I THE EDINBURGH GALLERY lSa Dundas Street. 557 5227. Mon Hi I lam -5pm; Sat l(laiii-lpin.

Big Seas. Back Streets And Blue Skies l'ntil 7 May. An exhibition ofoil paintings by lltigli Maclntyre. depicting the many and \ ar'red sights seen by the artist on his tray els around the world. The Tender Touch Sat ll May-2 .lurt. Paintings by four women artists: .losephine (.irahaiii. Sheila .-\r'not. Karen Mclnty're and Karen 'I‘ur'ribull.


23 l'rrion Street. 557 247‘). Tue Sat


Walking On A Thin Crust l'ntil it May. .-\ series of recent screenprints by prominent Glasgoy‘.'-based artist John Taylor. Published Prints 'l‘ue lJ-l? May .-\ mixed collection of prominent works including Barbara Rae's Ilrrll l-‘errr. Graham Dean's (‘ii/ii/nrrmrenrx: lln‘ Green Room. plus pieces by Jennifer McRae. lan McCulloch and others.

I FIRTH GALLERY 35 William Street. 225 2106. Tue-Fri llam- 5pm; Sat llarri----Ipm.

Flight OI Fantasy [mil 1 Inn. A solo show of surrealist oil paintings by young Highland artist Michael liorbes.

I THE FRUITMARNET GALLERY 2‘) Market Street. 225 2383. Tue Sat ()am -5. \tlpni‘. Strri noon» 5pm.

ln/Conclusive States Sat 4 May s .lun. Work by three l-‘r‘enclr artists working in the fields of photography. installation.

y ideo and pertorrrrarice. usmg autobiography. photri-docurrientar'y'. slapstick arid burlesque to explore a subjectiyc and obiectiy'e ‘r'ealrty '.

I GALLERY 41 ~Il Dundas Street. 557 456‘). Mon—Iii lllani-55tlpni; Sat Illarri—5piri.

From My Colouring Box l'ntil .s' May. Paintings. collage. sculpture and prints by selected artists. on show with new ceramics by Tony layerick and contemporary iewelleiy' by sl\ fenrale artists.

I HANOVER FINE ARTS 22a l)llllil;ts Street. 55o 2lS l. Mon- Fri ltl 30am opnr'. Sat 10am me.

The Dream 0t The Earth Sat 4 :5 May. Recent l’ictish-Celtic oil paintings by Margo li. l‘isli. an artist. poet and religious studies teacher from the l'S;\. who attempts to capture the 'internal cosmology" of nature in liei work. Spring Mixed Exhibition Sat 4 25 May. Mixed tiiedia works by Gallery artists. including br'on/es by \'alentm Zrioba and new marble sculptures by Mike Cairncross.

I INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE l3 Randolph Crescent. 225 53M» Mon Sun 9.30am till late.

The Rainbow Portraits & Balcon l’ntrl H May. Two specially corrimissioned works by photographer l.r/ Rideal. featuring a series ofcolour'ful. enlarged photo-booth

pictures which retect traditional notions of

self-portraits. and a photo-montage that attetripts to re-create a specilrc memory of the artist's grandmother’s Paris liome. See reyiew.

I KINGFISHER GALLERY 5 Northurnberland Street lane. 557 545-1. The Sat llam 4.30pm.

Into Spring l’ittil I? May. .-\ colourful exhibition featuring paintings. sculpture arid collage by six diyei'se artists.

I VINCENT KOSMAN FINE ART 8 Barge“ 'l‘er'race. (>62 0990. Mon Sat | lam 5pm. James Paterson that yo May. ()yer‘ :on pictures by .lanies Paterson. his friends (other '(ilasflow Boys t. artist r'elatiyes. arid liast .-\nglian painters who were influenced by the Scottish style.

I LEITH GALLERY 0% (Eiles Street. 553 5255. Tue Hi I lam bpiir; Sat

1 lam -~Ipttt.

Spring Exhibition l'ntrl It May. .-\ collection of major new works by renowned Scottish artist Bill (iilltill.

I MATTHEW ARCHITECTURE GALLERY I'rtiy ersity of lidinbur'gh. Department of .-\t'L‘ltiICCIUt'L‘. 2i) (‘ltdlttl‘c‘t's .Slt‘c‘t‘l. (W) 2542. Mon »l"r'i ll). Warn 4. illprrt.

The Other Burrell Collection wear it May- H Jun. .»\n exhibition of protects and buildings undertaken oy er the past ten years by design-led property deyelopeis 'l‘lre Burrell (‘orripany

I MYRIAD GALLERY 7‘) Mornitrgsirle Road. Info: 447 (N2~

Brave New Work l'iitil 2t) May.

Progressry e eny rroriiixental paintings by eiiiei'ging young Scottish artist Stey e Btrrrrctt. based on the theme of ‘Big Issues in Big Colour".

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. 556 802 l. Mon-~Sat Illarrr-5pm; Sun 2 5pm. The home of a fine collection or works from the Renaissance to Post- Impressionism. including Rembrandt. Degas and \an Crogli. plus .-\ntonro Canoya's beautiful sculpture The Three Graces. iii residence at the gallery until rm)? '

Awash In Colour l'ntil 14 Jul. The first major exhibition of 10th and early 20th century .-\riiei'ic.m w .rter'coloui's to be lteld rn Britain. l-eatuiing works by (ieorgia (l'ls'eel'e. l'.tl\\(ll".l llopper' and Winsloy‘. llorriei. See r‘eyicw.

David Le Marchand (1674—1726) I ‘ritrl 0 Ma). 'l'lie work of l~'i‘errcl‘.«bor'it ryot'} cary'er l.e Marchand. who during his career created tigizre sculptures front such illustrious sitters .is ()tieeri .~\rriie. George I. Sir Isaac \'eyy ton and Sir Christopher



(ieorge l\' Bridge. 22(i-1531. Mort—Sat ltlam- 5pm; Sun 2-5pm.

A Nation Divided: Scotland and the ’45 l‘ritil 3| Oct. The Jacobite uprising of INS/Jo was one of the most morrientous (and bloody i eyents in Scotland's history. and ineyitably. the truth has been somewhat overshadowed by legend. ‘A Nation Diy'ided looks at the real story behind the .lacobites. Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Battle of Culloden through contemporary writings and illustrations.

I NETHERDOW THEATRE ~13 ~15 High Street. 55b “57". Mon Sat lilam 4.30pm Here Comes Summer Mon :6 May. lixrrberarit and colourful pirnts by fiye Izdrnbtirgli printmakers. inspired by water. marine life. my Urology and flowers.

I OPEN EYE GALLERY 7.5 7‘) Cumberland Street. 557 MD“. Mon l‘i’r Illarrrbpni; Sat lll.tltl Iprrr.

The Moon Is A Balloon t‘ant s May.




pierrick SORIN olivier. ZABAT

4 May—8 June 1996

45 Market Street Edinburgh EH1 1DF Open Tuesday—Saturday 1030—530 Sunday 12.00—5.‘00 Free admission


l9l5 - l988 Pointer, Poet and Visionary

26 April - 25 May

plus Gallery Stod-r: Lardley 0 Banks 0 Howson o PepIOe o fergtissono Knox . Melasmart 0 Kay . Bellany o Gillies o Wart {and others.

148 West Regent Street. Glasgow (32 2W.) 0 l l l ~221 3095/ 0141-201 027%

:73 "n 33 S ~I E § "1 ~t “s; h R :u -<

'I‘III‘ l.lsl 5- H) May I‘l‘lfi