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I Modern Times: Househusbands (BBC 3) 9—9.50pni. One in five women are now the major hreadwiners in British households. This programme examines three families where. for various reasons. the men stay at home and look after the domestic sphere while the women bring home the bacon.

I Postcards From The Country (BBC 2) ‘).5()—- l(l.3(lpni. Iivocative. eight-part series which examines the changing social and natural history of Britain in the last St) years. The first programme in the series looks at vanishing village life and the way in which once self-sufficient communities are now hollow shams of themselves.

I Cheers (Channel 4) ll.3()pm~iiiidniglit. When Sam's goddaughter .loyce moves to Boston to attend college. Sam decides that Woody will be the safest bet to cliaperone her around town. a decision he soon regrets.


I Airport (BBC I) S.3()—‘)pm. l‘ly-on-the- wall look at a working day at lleathrow. the world's busiest airport.

I The Real Holiday Show (Channel 4) 8.3(l—9pni. A couple from Scotland take their two young children on holiday to 'l’urk‘ey while a London couple discover the delights of Skye.

I Hollywood Pets (Scoritsiii 8.3(i..<)piii. More absurdity from the world's biggest and richest circus. Watch out for Toby the surfing cat and Daryl the pink donkey

I Witness: Trying Tadic (Channel .1)

<) - l()pm. l)nsko 'I'adic is the first man to face an international war crimes tribunal iii 50 years. Is he really a war criminal or a convenient scapegoat'.’

I Absolutely Fabulous (BBC t i

9.30- l()pm. The slags hit Morocco tisiiig a fashion shoot as a thinly-veiled excuse for a jolly.

I IIYPD Blue (Channel 4) lt)--l().55pin. The squad are after a child rapist/killer who throws ltis victims tiff rooftops while Martinez and Russell disagree about a case involving a woman who claims she was raped by her teacher.

I The Poisoned Chalice (BBC 2i

9.30- 10.30pm. Start of a series esaiiiining Britain's relations with liurope. See preview.


I The Transatlantic Sessions (BBC 2) 7.3()—Sptti. Top fiddlers :‘xly Baiti. .lay Ungar and Mark O'Connor are joined by Martin Bennet on the pipes and accordionist Phil Cunningham to play the Bill Monroe bluegrass classic .S'i'ot/(irirl. I Murder Most Horrid: Girl Friday

‘) 9.30pm. Dawn French returns as the most dangerous woman on television in this third series of her comedy vehicle.

I Father Ted (Channel 4) 0.30 l()pm. [ii the final programme of the series the holy trio are flying back from a visit to a holy shrine when l‘atlier liay. the Monkey Priest of Killybas‘ltangel. goes triad in the cockpit. Disaster is imminent and there are only two parachutes in the plane.

I 999 (BBC ll‘).3() l().2()piii. More real life dramas reconstructed for the viewers’ education and edification.

I Eurotrash (Channel 4) ll.l(l l |.~I()pni. Who could resist meeting the Italian stallion \Valtei' Nudo. singer. actor. tuner and the most beautiful man in the world. or the king of Italian tramps who runs a school to teach others the tricks of the trade.

I Flava (Channel 4) ll.4()piii l3.l.<aiii. Illc‘ hest ol'conteiiiporai'y black music.


I Cutting Edge (Channel .I) 8 UPI“. Documentary on the council workers who ltaye to ttlcttllfy the liotltcs of Iliiise \\ lltt die w ithout anyone knowing who they

I Dirty Dancing (Channel 4i l().()5pm--l3.05am. Patrick Sway/e stars as the iiiove-niaker and heart-breaker of the dance floor.

I Night or The Living Dead (Channel 4) l().30pm- l2.25aiii. (ieoi'ge .-\. Romero's classic low budget shocker about corpses that return from the gray e as killer cannibals.

I Encounters: Lost Paradise (Channel »Il 8- 9pm. Robert l’erkiiis follows in the footsteps of Scottish naturalist .lohn Mttii' and drives 1000 miles through southern .-\iiiei‘ica. Along the way he humps into some colourful characters such as fundamental Christians. motorbike fanatics and wealthy landowners.

I Music And The Mind (Cltatiticl .ti

0 —l()pni. Second in the three part series which looks at the links between music and the brain. See prey iew.

I The Clive James Show is‘eoirrslo

It) ltHSpm. James introduces more clips from the hi/ai‘re world of global lc‘lL‘Vtsttitt.

I Don’t Look Down (s‘miitstii llpni—niidnight. Keith Bruce presents another look at the Scottish arts scene with particular reference to May fest.

I NB (Scottislii 7' 7 Wpiri. New series of the Scottish arts programme.

I Karaoke (Channel it It) ll (Hpni. Dennis Potter’s drama continues.

I Painted ladies (Channel -1,

().3()-- l()pm. l-‘irst ofa three part series in Which Vivienne \Vestwood e\aiiiriies the links between fashion and art.

I The Boys or St Vincent (Channel It

It) ll.45pni. first of a two part drama looking at the se\ual abuse suffered by children at a church ruii orphanage and its aftermath years later w llc‘l‘ those responsible were brought to trial.


I Sharpe (Scottislit S lllpiii Sean Bean swashbuckles and induces a few more

I Friends (Channel -It It li.,‘\ll[‘l‘.l. Rachel reunites with her duplicitous e\- fiance while Chandler agoiirses over a woman who doesn't call llllll .rlter .I lost date.


I I‘IDIIYWDOII PETS (Scottrslii \ Ill ‘ll‘lll. More tails of vanity and cosiiiettc surgery front the pets ol the stars .tilil the pets who are stars iit their own right.

I Witness: Rwanda The Betrayal (Channel 4) ‘) l(lpiii. IllC Rwanda atrocities saw the highest leyel ol genocide since the Holocaust .loiii'iialist l.indsey llrlsnm asks how it could have happened and revisits scciies of slaughter

with those involved . 'w .' . . r W

Best buddies: Friends, Wednesdays. Channel 4, 11pm

88 Tile I.isl 3 lb .\l;t_\ l‘l‘lti