.\Iatlhe“ x. 97 mInx. Young SaIa Ix t‘orced to leave her piix'ileged life in India for a New Yolk giilx' hoarding xchool \\ hen WWI bieakx out. 'I'htngx ttIin lot the \xoixt. IIU\‘.C\CI_ when her father ix iepoited misxiiig in action and. pennilex'x. xhe Ix' xubiected to the citielt} ot' xchoolmtxtrexx .\IIxx \IIIIcIIin :\ moxie Will] a xenx‘e of real magic and hue ot' xttitstelliiig. that Ix beantil‘iill} designed and intelligently acted. (ilaxgoxx: ()deon. I‘il‘e. Kiikeald}: .\I(i.\l. Strathclyle: ()deon: .'\}l. l'(‘l. (’l}deb;IIIk.

I loch Hess tl't (John Ilendeixon. I'S. l‘)‘)5t led Damon. Joer Riehaidxon. Klixl)‘ (iraham. |()(l Ininx. .-\II .\lllc‘lledll xeientixt comes to Scotland to (le’l‘ltn e the e\ixtence ot~ .\'exx‘ie. btit is chatined by the place and the people. So fat. so Local Hero. But III itx later xtagex‘. this lannl} Iuo\ ie leaps into action. keeping you on the edge of _\otti' seat. Better tliati _\oti might expect. but not ietnaikably xpecial. liit'e: Adam Smith.

I The Maltese Falcon 1 Pt; l tJohn llttxtott. t‘s‘. I‘Hl I llninphte) liogait. .\IaI} »\xtoi'. Sidney (iieenx’tieet. l’etei l.oIIe. Illl nIIIIx lluxton'x l'nx't ttlm ix‘ a quintexxenttal. clatixtiophobic ti/in Ito/I. Bogart Ix caught in a \\cb ot~ deceit and betia}al ax the I‘at .\Ian uxex exei} ineanx. including Innidei. to get liIx handx on the eltixi\e ornament ot' the title I‘oigct the t\\ Ixtx and Hum ol' l)ax‘htell llannnett'x plot; cnio} Inx’tead tIIc daikl} eoiuic \xoild peopled by Sam Spade and Joel (‘atio Iidinbtiigh: liilinhouxe.

I Matador t IS) tl’edio :\lInado\a:. Spain. IUSOI .-\xxtinipta ScIna. :\llI0lltO Bandeiax. .\'anclio .\IaItinCI. I{\a (onto 90 tninx. l.e.x'x uproaiioux than the \xoth that extablix'hed hIx eoIIIIIIeI'eIaI Ieptttation. this is .-\|nIado\aI at hix inoxt Intensel} dark and ecstatic. 'l‘hemex‘ ol xe\ arid death merge aiouiid a pen). e\-bullt‘ighter. Ill\' xe\nally confused pnle and the latter's inuideiotis det'ence lav. _xei. Quite deliriotisl) amotal. lidInbngh: l‘ilmhoiixe

I Mighty Aphrodite ( l 5) (“body .-\llen. t's‘. I005) Woody Allen. .\Iita Soix ino. llelena lionham (‘aiter U5 minx. Spoiix miter l.enn_\ (Allen! and lIix bttx) aIt deaIeI \\ ile (Bonham (‘aitei I adopt a bab). but \\ lten the kid .x’tattx to xlttm iInttx'IIaIl) hIgh Intelligence. dad goex xeaiching lot the teal InotheI .I none too bright hooker and Porn actIexx (Son mot. ()xeai- “Inning Sonino ix the bext thing in the Iiioi Ie. eien It heI IoIe Ix iathci dubiotix. I‘lll Wood) ‘x a hit long III the tooth lot Iiix paIt. l'tllllt}'. btit a little tIIed Itdinbtitgh: (‘ameo

I les Miserables: I 12) t( ~latIde I.clotich. l‘iance. l‘)‘)5t Jean Paul Ilelinondo. .\Iichel

lioiiienah. Annie (iiiadot. I77 iIIitIx. .-\ \axtl} enioyrble 20th centtii} updating or the lltigo IIO\CI.\\IIIL‘I1;II\‘O examines the effects of trial.

ti ibiilation and coincidence on a xingle man tlielmondoi. Itx nnt'linching depiction ot' Frances tIeatnIent ot' the Jeu x under the Occupation pIItx lion in the moi Ie‘x‘ abundant xonl. (ilaxgon: (iHhVL'llUl.

I Money Train ( ISI tJoxeph Ruben. l'S. I‘N5I Wexley Snipes. Woody llatielxon. Robert Illake. Ill.i nunx. Ith buddy transit copx are great palx until the} tall lot the xante \Htlltdll. get tried. then team tip to Iob then boxx‘x iIaIn loaded \\ Ith IIIillIonx In latex, Woods 'x on poor l'oim. the patteI 'x' tedioux and the adInIttedl} xplendId ‘IiIII.I\\.I} tIaiII‘ climax takex too long in coming See In ie\\.(ieneI.Il teleaxe

I Mr Holland‘s Opus t I‘( it iStephen IIeIek. I S. l‘l‘l5t Richaid I)ie_\ttixx. (ilenne Ileadl}. Ia} l'IIonIax. I-I.‘ IIIinx .'\n old laxliioncd and \ct_\ xcntIIneIital iuelodiama xtaiiing the ()xcai nominated l)Ie'\t‘IIxx ax a teaelIeI \\ hoxe Illlt)\\ x lIiIIIxell Into hxi dIeani ot' coinpoxiiig a IIIaioI \xoik \xhen lIIx xon Ix diagnoxed ax deat. llccaxional tedItIIu ix Itttcd \HIII momenton emotion and lump in»therthioat poignanc). xo It'x not one It)! the cyntcx. See Iei. ie‘a. (ieneial It'lL‘du‘.

I The New Age I IS) 1 Michael lolkiti. I'S. I‘M-It I’etci Wellet. Ind} l)a\ Ix, .'\\I.llll Wext Ill? tiiIIix I‘UI hix xecond te;ttitie. the \x I Itei oI 'l’ln' l‘i'tiiei tIiIIix hIx attentions to the emptinexx ot‘ l.:\ li\'ex ax agent WelleI and graphic dexignei I).I\ ix look at then relationxliip WIICII tIiIcIuplo)IIIent xtaiex them III the lace l‘olkin Ielixhex the cool iIndeixtateInent \\ Ith v. lIIclI he iindetltnex IIIx chatactetx‘ hollou nexx_ but he doexn't II.I\ e the Iitlllllllaklll: xkillx to full} t'\.’ll‘.llllL‘ the gum xtj. Ie biIlIinIt on display See It'\ lth. lidinbtngh' I‘llllllltlllw'.

I Once Were Warriors t tsi (Ice ‘t'amatmi l. \c‘a /.ealand. I‘I‘HI Rena ()xxen. ICIIIIUL‘IQI .\loIiixon. \Ianiacngaioa Keir liell ‘)‘) IIIIiix ‘l'aIiIaIIoii‘x It‘illlllt‘ debut Ix a gIItt} I.oacli xt_\ le look at doinexttc \ iolence and deenl‘Ianehixentent \‘-lllllll .-\tickland'x \Iaoii undeiclaxx lt'x a ttlm about xtII\ l\.’ll ot' indI\ idualx. ol' t'aintliex. and ot Iace lt‘x alxo an tIncompIoiIIIxIng. xlioclang lilm that doexn't xenxationaltxc itx mateiiai ladinbtngh' l-iliIIhotixe

I Othello t I2Ht)II\eI l’atkei. IS I K. l""5l l.auIenee I'lxlll‘tlllk'. Kenneth litanagh. IIene lacob l2~l IIIInx. .r\ xe\Ier xtab at Sliakexpeaie tIIIectoI l’aIkei ieekonx the xtoi_\ ix an erotit~

tIIIIlleI \\ ith I’txlllllllllc‘ .i magnetic~ piexence ax

“‘5 l‘



A second series of "Scottish Men” is underway and we need intelligent and articulate men to talk about a range of subjects including; BALDNESS: Your worst nightmare or just a breeze? Do you prefer the single life?

Are you a Dad-to-be? * are you going to be at the birth or not?

* are you thrilled or terrified? If you are a Scottish .nan and willing to talk on any of the

above, please call Heather or Alan on 0141-300 3560 or 0141-300 3390


34 The List 17-30 May l‘)%

-. fingjdayfromgllfléy 3.0am - 4pm Stall lnformat


the .\looI \ihoxe Iealonxtex bIIng tiagetb to hix ne\x marriage. :\x Iago. lIlatlaglt Ix alloxx ed one too man} .Ixidex to the canieia. bttt xttccecdx III making the audience complicit \\ ith the plot. Incl} and accexxible I'IIL‘I .\daIII Smith

I P'Imal Feaf‘. IN! I( ilL'EfUl} IIUI‘III. I‘I‘Itil Riehatd (ieie. I .iIIia linne}. .lohII .\Ialtone\ IRH Ininx \IIogant la\\ )CI (icte takex on the caxe ol a be\\ ildeied )otiiig teenaget accuxed ot killing the Archbishop ot ( ‘lncago. but tindx hnnxelt III couit up agamxt hix t'oInIei loxei. Inxtead or getting IiIto a deepei xot'tal agenda. the Min xlIdex Into lIolI_\\\ood tlonx and Ioniantic malt}. lhe :\Ineiican line betueen iIIxtIce and enteitatninent contintiex to blur See ie\ rev. (ieneial ieleaxc.

I The Rapture 1 IN (\lichacl lolkIII. I S l‘t‘I2I \lIInI Rogetx. l).I\id Ilnehmit}. I).llllclx liaiiehati. Will l’atton IH2 nnnx .-\ telephone opeiatoi tIIex ol tII)x.ItIxI_\ Ing caxtIaI xe\ and etnbiaeex a neutoIInd beliet that the \xoild Ix tacing IiIIIuIIieIIt dexttnction I'olkin'x debut .ix \\||It'l dttectoi Ix a llaued bIIt pio\oc.ItI\c otleitng that IIe\eI letx tIx dthIIIxx the protagontxt ax a bible baxhtng ntitcaxe (ilaxgov. (il’l

I Richard III t l5! i lx'It lIaId I.oiIcI.'IIne.l K. I‘l‘l5t Ian \IcKellen. .\:IIIctte Ilening. .IIIII liioadbent ltti IIIIIIx l'pdatcd to I'ngland dining tlie .‘t‘x. Shakexlwate'x pla} Ix xeanbli tinnmed to coneenttate Hill} on the ctookbacked king'x lllllltlt‘lillh IIxe to the thione. .\IeKellei f..'t\cx a \'Ullllll.ll|iltli}1 petlottttance .IIIItdxt xotttc xxondeilul xuppotting ttIinx. \xlIIIe I.l‘ll\'l.llllL' eiIquex that the baId hax Iatel} been heated in xIIeli xplenditll} v. IIIeIIIatic teiIiIx. Ihe taxeixtie look ot the eoxttintex \I.‘(‘\ help .‘lat Itj. onIIe ot the dI\ IonIix in the te\t. (ilaxgtoix. (iioxxenoI. \l(i.\l Sanelnehall Stieet lidinbiugh: .\I(}.\l.

I Rob Roy i Iii l \liehael (‘aton .Ionex. l'S I'K. l‘t‘lal I Iain .\eexon. lexxica I aiige. I no Roth litl IIIinx thn he Ix bctia}cd b} the .\IanIiix ot \Ionttoxe t lohn Iltllll and a tnaltciotixl) I‘\_\c'lltl[‘(|llllc l'nglIxhiIIan Il<oth I. lx’ob Ro} \Iilc(il(‘;1\il Ix determined to \\ Ill back the Ilt‘tli'tlt ot hIx nanIc .'\l;lll ShaIp‘x chipt Ix llell out) and litetate. (‘aton Jonex'x direction tniectx a little at tioii. but doexn't pander to lloll} \iood. and all the [witoiinaiieex ate \xontleitul .\ xtiiiIng epic \‘-Illelt ietuxex to eoiupionnxe. making It one ot the best tilmx about Sgotlatid and the Scottixh [l\}c‘IlL‘ e\eI IIIadc deinbtitgli: l'IIInlioiIxe

I Rough Magic 1 l2 i t( 'IaIe I’cploc. I 'SII I.IIILC. l‘l‘}5n llIItlgel I‘onda. lx’iixxcll (‘Io\'.c. JIIII Iiioadben! Illl iIIInx When heI xoiillexx trance

It ll , i

f *2: ‘2. l t l: tribes

.. s


I Professional person im- llatxhare. large. “ell-titted t'lat. Sontlixide £17“ pciti plnx xiiare bills. l’lione Derek. oll'ice hours (ll-115523.552.

I fluiet room In pleaxant. \\ell equipped Sotithxide tlat. ('onxei'\';ttioII area. bttxcx and train nearby Stut prolexonIIal/ Inattire xttident. tolerant ol'catx. xmoktng L'lStt pcIII ~I billx. I’lione ()lJl Ht) (i385 ida_\t tlI-II ()3: 50V) (ewe).

I Room available III modern Wltiteittclt Ilat. Would xttit a non-.xmoking protexxtonal. liax} accexx to cit} centte. £225 pctu pltis bills plux depoxit. (i(‘ll. all mod conx. l’hone (ll-ll 357 ()573 latter 6me.

kIIIx hei magician boxx. ax‘x‘ix‘tant l'onda tleex to South .-\lllL‘lic‘£l. \\ lieie x'lIe'x pursued by IepoIteI' ("Io\\e. Ilie too tall in Io\ e aitd head tilt \\ Itli quack doctoI llioadbent. :\ lo\x»budget hotch- poteh ot' geniex that lIax a xenxe or fun. but ix pla_\ed too xtiaight b)‘ the cast. See ptex mo and Ie\Ie\\. lidinbtugh: ('aineo. l‘(‘l.

I Sebastiane t IS) (Derek JaInIan. I'K. I070) so IlllllS. 'l‘hix eail_\ JaIInan \onk. a homo erotic piece about an em ly (‘luisttan IIIait_\ I. ix nuuxnal IiI Itx tixe ot I aim tot dialogue. I'Ilmed nattIIalIxticall}. It xiicceedx' III iuexlIIng Itx themex. xo that it ix ell’ectn e ax a \\ hole and on Itx \.Ittotix Ie\elx (ilaxgou: (ill

I Secrets And Lies ( Hi I .\llle‘ t,t-i;:h. t‘tx'. l‘ler 'l IIIIotlI} Spall. Ilienda lilethsn. l‘h_\l|ix logan l-Itl IIIinx l.etgh'x lollou up to .\krki If lx .i gentlet. IIIoIe bitteix“ eet take on xtibtnban dotucxtic lIle Photographer Spall doex lux bext to piox Ide v. ite l.ogan \\ Itli a eomt'oitable home. but Ineatmlnle hIx xeou ling xIxteI Il\ ex cloxe to pn\c'll} ()tIIeI chatactetx caii} then oun xthpIotx In t_\pieal l etgh \I}IC. and it xlIoIIId pleaxe thoxe \xlto “aimed to the httniout and [ttttltox III /.Ih' /\ .\III'I'I. See lc\ Ic\\ (ilangM‘

(il’l‘ Izdinbingh‘ l (‘l.

I Sense And Sensibility (I i t.’\ng t‘sxt K. l‘)‘)5i limma 'l'hompxon. Kate Wiiixlet. .-\laii RIcanan. lltigli (liant. I35 tniIix'.

lhonipxon'x adaptation keepx the \xoidpla} engaginl} tatt and xlIaip-u Ittcd. but nexet onex xight ol. the pouc‘lllll l‘itIxtiationx xinIIneIing beneath the \ltlliilc‘t‘ lnlInitel} Inoie xatix‘t_\ Ing than )t‘lll t)pical t'ltit'l') period piece (ieneial


I Sgt. Bilko tl’tiItJonathan I.) nn. l'S. I‘l‘l5i Stc\c .\Iattin. I)an .»\}kio}d l’hIl llaItman W5 IIiInx. 'l'lIcIe are no xtIIpiIxex in tIiIx IoIitIne Stem \IaitIII \ehicle. Iit‘ted tIonI the Phil Silxeix 5M l'\' xhoix. Here the scam bo_\ .\Iaxtet Seigeant conttnttex hix' pIi\ate \endetta \\ ith .\IanI 'I hoin Ii) tIiIIIx limit} and boiiiig. the xeiipt |Iax too lllllelt sheen and no teal IIIL'PUWCI (ilaxgou' .\lti.\l Sattclnehall Stteet. .«\\i: ()deon,

I The Silences or The Palace t lsi t .\Iottltda I'latlI. 'lIInIxta/laance. I‘M-II l2~ nIiIix .\ _\oIiiIg \xoinan iettIInx to the palace WIICIC xlIe \\ ax born

and. In a xeitex ol I'laxlibackx. Ie|I\ ex het upbringing In pie Indeiwndence 'I'IIIIIxIa I‘c‘llldlc diIectoi .\Iontida ‘l'latli conxtIiIetx a complex

\ ten or a lL'[)IL'\\|\'L‘ Iegnue. \\ heie IntIIcate iittIalx chttce “omen to obieetx lot the pleaxtne ol the piIncex lidinbuigh: l'ilmhotixe


I Two rooms available in quiet central tlat. Suit responsible. non-smoking veggie persons. Large rootn t‘ l 55 pcm; xinaller room U35 pcni. Available t'i'om l.xt .\Ia_\'. Tel ()lSl 228 278‘).

I Ploughshare Housing Cooperative ix‘ looking tor a ninth member. We are a \egetarian honxehold and xlIaI'e III the communal running ot'otir houxe. l'Itendl}. gi‘egai'iotix perxon needed lntet'exted phone (llil 22‘) IIISI.

I Wonderful mews cottage on (’alton Hill to share with l‘rench poxtgrad x‘tndent. Room a\ailable Jul} ()(3. pt't‘lt‘l'dl‘l} tor quiet. older .xtttdent. .'\ll mod cons and a cute cat. £275 pcm. (ll3l 557 3380.

it i


'6 ’5 2‘3. 3',

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