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THINGS TO DO IN DENVER when you're dead (18) 1.05, 3.40. 6.15. 9.00pm

MIGHTY APHRODITE (15) 12.35, 2.45, 4.55, 7.05, 9.25 pm

SMOKE (15)

1.20, 4.00 (both not sun), 9.10 pm




12.40. 2.45. 4.55. 7.05. 9.25pm

THINGS TO DO IN DENVER when you're dead (18)

1.00, 3.40. 6.15, 9.00pm

Trainspotting (18) 2.55, 5.20 (both not Sun). 7.35, 9.45pm




v I saw you sits le. :o \l;l!."l‘l. , 'I‘llc Roc'silr lI()I\t’. You hlond. physics. .\Ie. sllolt. curly. let's meet again fora heavy metal \yall/ or call me for coffee llooltttl l3o\ No l‘,"2fi))/l.

. I saw YOU Beltane l'csll\ al You \\ ere up the \\ rong lagged little hill? lane} setting the standard \\ Ill) another cold shower.) r\p()lt))_'lc\ It) .-\..\I.l Btu \o LOTS)".

0' I saw you .1! shell Sewn. Queen‘s llall. You, drop dead gorgeous Ill checked slm't. Me in \ylilte \Illl'l and dentin skill I‘m in low. please get in touch’ I3()\ \ll I'D-WI

O I saw you Russ .\Ie_\el' t’lllclx .ll lztlilllrttrgl‘. l-esln .ti ('lulr (last August?) You: ll\ ing \\ reckless -:r.ear (‘lummy ('hungasu .\Ie: riding lnelr. tartan zaeloel. hut til)!_\(‘lc.lll_\ sheepish. It'jmu \r..ilrl uild hung last. .liox. Not ‘25)). I.\

v I saw VOUI .‘;‘.ll LKIEJI’U. t'j-t‘tl same 22 Wu). 3 30pm l‘esllessly Illiilllll}: your t‘l{l\l\t‘ pm .unonr' dusty tomes. In your t‘}ll'.‘. your lover I‘lilllitlf't‘ tllsll’actlngh displayed Io \xlroln" ( In: x). e go lIo\ \o I' 2“) I" V I saw you I ondon Road l‘us stop. Saluttlay -I,"5. You: lrluc leans. .\Ie: lcatlrertaclxel and E'I‘JIL‘L‘ I‘LKII'tl. \Vt‘ II‘_\L'\I ‘1‘. III) each other hut your hus ealne. l'.ine_\ lireellug again \\ ilhout pulrllc transport. lio\ \o

l' 2"“21,

.r. L‘tHliIlllL"


I I Saw You ads appear in the Classified section of every issue of The List (see page 9(7). The I Saw You columns are a FREE service to readers. l5or inclusion in next issue. just fill in the form on page 94.


WEEK ONE Friday 17—Thursday 23

Readers are advised that programmes may be subject to late change at any time. [0] indicates that wheelchair access is available, though prior notification is advisable. [E] indicates the availability of an induction loop for the convenience of hearing aid users. Film Listings compiled by Thom Dibdin.

Please note: All Cannon and MGM cinemas, apart from the MGM Parkhead, are in the process or transferring to nec cinemas.

I CANNON 3S0 (‘larkston Road. Muirend. (r37 204 I. .‘2.\'() (£2 Irefore 5pm). Student: £2.20. Child/HAP: £2.

1. Mr Holland’s Opus (PU) l.2()plll (not Stilt ). 2.05pm (Still only). 5pm. 8pm.

2. Sense And Sensibility (ll) l.-I()pm (not Sat/Sun). 5. I0pm. S. 10pm.

3. Executive Decision ( 15) («rpm (not Sat/Sun). 5.20pm. 8. I0pm.

Toy Story (PG) I.I0pm (Sat only). 3.20pm (Sun only).

Dunston Checks In (PG) l.l0pnl (Sat only). 3.10pm (Still only).

I CITY 5(1 chficltl Street: 332 34 l 3 (24 hour info line: 0H2 (r93 34 I 3). Bar. [D] screens 2. 3 and 4. £4 (£3.25 hefore 5pm). Student/tilt“): £3.25. Child/(MP: 2.7.5 (£2.50 hefore 5pm). Superior seats (no concessions): £4.50 (£3.75 hefore 5pm). .-\d\ ance hookng on Access/Visa/Sryitclr hotline: 333 9551 and at box office from Hall) 7pm.

Toy Story I l’(}) noon (Sat/Sun only). 2pm. Ipm.

Sense And Sensibility (I'l not Thurs. 5.30pm.

Trainspotting ( ls) l.30pm (not Sat/Sun). -Iplll. (r.30pnr (not Thurs). 9pm (not Thurs) alld late.

Jumanii ll’(i) Sat/Sun only. l.30pm. Dunston Checks In (I’(i) Sal/Stilt only. I.|5pm.

The Birdcage ( 15) (rpm. S.-I5pm.

Copycat ( IS) l2. l5pm (not Sat/Sun). 3pm. 5.45pm. 8.45pm and late.

Things To Do In Denverl ls) 12.30pm (not Sat/Sun ). 3. I5pm. (rpm. «S.-I5pm and late. White Squall t I2) not Thurs. l.45pm. S30pm.

Mr Holland’s Opus ( l’(i) 1.45pm. 5pm.

S. I5pm.

A Little Princess ( I ') Sat/Sun only. I2.-I5pm.

Primal Fear ( IS) 'l'llurs only. (rpm. 0pm. To Die For t I5) Thurs only. l.-I5pm.

I I 5pm. (r.3()pl)). ()pm.

See also (ilasgow l.alcs.

I GLASGOW FILM AND VIDEO WORKSHOP .3l'tl Hour. .34 .-\ll‘l()l) Street. 553 202”. Cinema 100 events:

Hilary Harris master class. l‘ri l7. (rpm. I'IL‘L‘.

New Visions Mon 20. (r.30pm. l‘i‘ee.

FDI' \k'trl‘kslltrp. Inc 2 l. l0anr 5pm. £20 (£I0).

Community Video talk and screening. Tue 2]. 2pm. lirec.

Cate Flicker screening. Wed 22. 7pm. l‘t't‘t‘.

The Silent Bark entertainment. Thurs 23. .S‘ rm. £-I (£3 ).

I GRDSVENDR Ashton l.ane. lIillllead. 330-1298. £3 I £2 hcfore (r.30pm and all day “(Ill/TIM“ ). (‘lltltl/I ).-\l’ E l ()0. Seats can he hooked for last eycning and late screenings. lio\ office open I lam 7pm. 1. Dead Man Walking I I5) III/Sill: 1.45pm. 4.20pm. (r.-I5pm. 9.30pm:


Sun—Thurs: 2pm. 5pm. 7.50pm.

2. Richard III ( I5) 2.10pm. 5.I0pm. 8pm. See also Glasgow Lates.

I MGM FILMCENTRE 32(r Sanchiehall Street. 332 1592/05 l 3. Two hars. £4.30 (£3.20 before 5pm). Student/()AI’: £3.10. Child: £2.80.

Executive Decision ( I5) (50pm. 5pm. 8.10pm.

Kids ( 18) 1.15pm. 3.40pm. (rpm. 8.45pm. 12 Monkeys ( I5) 1.20pm (not Sat/Sun). 5. I0pm. 8. 10pm.

Small Faces ( I5) |.20pm. 8.25pm. Richard III ( 15) 5.50pm.

Money Train ( 18) 1.30pm (not Sat/Sun). 5.30pm. 8.30pm.

Toy Story (PG) Sat/Sun only. l.l5pm. Sgt. Bilko (PG) Sat/Sun only. I.40pm.

I MGM PARKI‘IEAD The Forge. I’arkhead. 556 4282 Access/Visa bookings. 054I 5(r05(r2 24 hour information line. [1)]. [liltscreens I. 3 and 5). £4. I0 (£3 hefore (rpm Mon—Fri and 4pm Sat/Sun). Student: £3. Child/()Al’: £2.60.

Money Train ( l8) l.20pm. 4.05pm. (r.55pm. 9.35pm and late.

Mr Holland’s Opus (PU) noon. 3.10pm.

(r. I0pm. I). I 5pm and late.

Executive Decision ( IS) l2.30pm. 3.25pm. (r.3()pm. 9.25pm.

Copycat ( IS) lpnr (not Sat/Sun). 3.55pm. (r.-I()pm (not Wed). 0.30pm.

The Birdcage ( l5) 1.30pm (not Sat/Sun). 4.15pm. 7pm. ‘).40pm.

Things To Do In Denver ( 13) l.l5pm (not Sat/Sun). 4.05pm. (r.-I()pm. 0.20pm and late.

12 Monkeys ( 15) 7.05pm (not Thurs ‘). 9.50pm.

Toy Story (PC) I I.50am (Sat/Sun only). I2.50pm. 1.50pm (Sat/Sun only). 2.50pm. 4.50pm.

Babe (U) Sat/Sun only. I |.-15am. 1.45pm. Dunston Checks In (PG) stir/Sun only. l2. 10pm. 2. l0pm.

Primal Fear ( ls) 'l‘lrtus only. 7pm. Saturday Kids Cltlh (£1 ):

Free Willy (t‘) IIIam- l2.3()pm.

See also (ilasgow l.ates.

GLASGOW FILM THEATRE 12 Rose Street. 332 8128. (‘afe/har open noon—0pm (Sun: 2-9pm). All performances hookahle. [I)]. [Ii]. Matinees £3 (concs £2). liycnings £4 (cones £3 except Sat evening ).


1. Blue In The Face ( I5) Ipm. 3pm. 5pm. 7pm. 0pm.

2. Stonewall ( I5) 2pm. 4. I5pm. (r.3()pin. 8.45pm.


1. King Kong (I’(i) 2.3(lptil.

Blue In The Face ( l5) 5pm. 7pm. 9pm. 2. [es Diaboliques ( 15) 2pm.

Stonewall ( l5) (1.30pm. 8.45pm. SUNDAY 19

1. The Rapture ( )5) 2.45pm.

Blue In The Facet 15) 5pm. 7pm. 9pm. 2. Stonewall ( I5) 2.30pm. 8.45pm. Cyclo ( IS) (rpm.


1. Blue In The Facet l5) 3pm. 5pm. 7pm. 9pm.

2. Cyclo ( IS) Ipm. 8.15pm.

Stonewall ( I5) 3.45pm. (rpm.


1. Blue In The Face r l5 r 2.30pm. J. 3Ilplll. (r.3(lplll.

land And Freedom ( I5) mom.

2. Sister My Sister ( ls) l.3()pm. 3.45pm. Cyclo ( I8) (rpm.

Stonewall ( )5) 8.45pm.


1. Land And Freedom I I5) 2.30pm.

Blue In The Face I I5) 5pm. 7pm. 0pm. 2. Cyclo ( is) 1.30pm.

Stonewall ( I5) -I. I5pm. (r.30pm.

Sister My Sister I ls) 8.45pm.


1. Blue In The Face I I5) Ipm. 3pm. ‘Ipin. Dillons Book Talk: Keeper of the Genesis (r30pm.

2. Stonewall ( I5) I.30pm. 8.45pm. Sister My Sister ( ts) 4.30pm. (r,.l5pm.

36 The List l7-3t) .\Iay low»