TIFUL ll'o‘u'lfi‘” Dwarf star

Since Matthew Priest, drummer for Dodgy, lives ‘in a community of about seventeen Matthews’, there’s no guarantee you’ll find the right one. But find him I do, and hear him, as he picks up the phone, cautioning another of the Matthews. ‘I don’t want you taking the piss,’ he warns.

In best Dodgy tradition, the band are finishing an album and setting out on the road just as the warmer weather kicks in. ‘I must admit, we are a Factor 13 band, we do like a bit of that. But it’s more a case of people a telling us we’re a real summer band, so it seems like destiny that our

im- Beat of the

Briana Corrigan: different ' direction

Bimini _(‘l":"li—'i“l‘* llzililg _ album’s coming out in the summer. ‘4 ‘Ddgy cm 0,, ,0, ,8 summer

$333.3{32:1.2:.2."::;i.2121i“"‘“ Wei"? not reanv a mamas or in

PM Hmmh 801:5?!” Dmsrontype band, we’re not on the you’ve got to hone this down.” But for

“H, “Emu-U] 5mm]. hm depressnve srde. Then again, we’ve got this album no one said anything to us,

UK. WU”! “N, mm... ,5 tracks on the new album that are quite so we just did what we wanted.’

nmi aiming in twiniaiitii melancholic, actually.‘ All going well, there will be another

hum-ii m- .l wit» pc-i-i‘m-nm- They’ve also got tracks that betray chance to see Dodgy in August when

in “U “W” "1;~'l‘l-il-‘“l“”ll one hell of a Who fixation, and Priest they’ll be touring in a circus tent. But

“6" U“ ‘1 "“=I'~")"f'l~ H” has risen to the occasion with some of not even that is enough for Matthew

1";“91'j'fil Il’"_"f:l\vl". the most Moon-indebted drumming of Priest. He wants a parade too. 1 h. B , M N M ' “l l“ ‘1‘“ 1‘ 'L “N his life. ‘I’ve got a thing about dwarves, you '3" aug '"9 0" c a

tit hci ilcbiit :ilbtitii. ll'lii‘ii

m M,“ “my M, ‘Dur favourite album, collectively, is see. I want dwarves and freaks and

lx’niiinl. :it thc ciitl of Mn): auadmpheniaa so that always comes wal’dos to parade through town l'hcic\ Ilt‘l iii;iii\ itctiplc \\ hti c‘tlll uct

an nu. mngc tn, my through, purely because when we saying, “Dodgy are coming to town!" 11.... At \t, “I, ,Utmitm, \\ m mm- Mi niitnm m mmc. cut-pi learnt to play our instruments that’s And a brass band playing our songs. A l.‘ll.llk(.l.k.\.‘ I‘m h mm A What we used to play to‘ The "St '0‘ 0' mus“: is too padesula" these iici'wn biit thcii ht) l\ lllllll l.l\ ci'piml

. ' l L'; . x ' , . . . rollhlfi'w “W mm h . albumOWas V8” eelecuc and we had to days- is ""5 man tak'ng “‘9 p'SS? ;iltci' all. .\lltl ltl\ iic\\ album I\ czillcil. ,H‘, il .11. m ‘m I. mum“ locus it on Homegrown to know where (Alastair Mabbott) 4””, Wm,“ H, m Hm“, 1;.ml.1\m.

ck l L t! i L‘ - 5-;- - x l x tl\\ll \tiiigx. tllltl thc} ;ii‘c ti :8 we” commg "am. 88""? u Dadgy play The garage' Glas‘qow 0” l‘l‘“ "" l""‘“‘””*‘“ “l “""’~'ll“'lf~' llll\it|t't‘ iii" things that it; omegmwn’ our manager sa'd’ Lock’ 53' 25 May- nixii‘itlci ’.-\ltci' all thc .’\l|lL‘l'ltttllit lll ll;t(l for ogcs. .iiiil tithcisl thc l;l\l ;ill‘lllll l \\;iiitctl lt‘ phi} lhc “'“lt' ll)" “1’” ~lll‘u'll- l “i” Scutixc c'lll'tl.. c\l‘l;iiii\ :1 lm i;il

which ciitlctl iii‘ L'tlllllllf.‘ in .llltl titling mm: ul' thc l\:tL'i\lil}1ll‘;tc'l\\. v. hich \\;i.\

gtititl. l‘t‘c‘dtlxt' thc} “SIC

mill} tightf Briana git-xx up li\tciiing

in .i [‘tllL‘lli but cclcctic iiii\tiii‘c iil' Mutmx ll. .-\bb;i. ’l‘hc l'iitlcitniicx .llltl cuuiiti'_\ lllthlc‘ l ‘iii_\ gldlltl-tldtl was ;i big .liii: Rcc‘xcw liilll' l. .lllkl ii that

ll\L‘tl lH pm on :ihntit him lhc} h.itl ;ib\tii'bcd :ill this .'\lll'c‘l'lc‘;tll lx‘ ‘n‘ It cm tlic} ll\L‘tl til :i imil \\cll. I lliltl llll\ iilcu that l ‘.\;l\ lhc iic\.t thing: alum): ti‘tiiii that and l ‘.\.’t\ picking up all thch iiilliiciicm (llltl \pcxx lll}_' thciii ntit.‘

.'\|ltl c‘lll‘x til;ilc thmc iiillticnccx hc t‘t'llttlltl’.illit'\..'\;1llllli‘\t.‘tlllllt‘ltl‘.lll. Spuriiiltil. \cil titling} Lllltl \;iii .\.lttl'l'l\l‘ll can bc caught nii

Even if the rumours that Luke Haines is chucking in The Auteurs after this

l/i I'U fit ml. }L'l thc \\ hulc l\

h;t_\ lgj't ;tjj\ “in ltlll\ tout to concentfate 0n Baader' c'lliil'llt'\\l} \lc‘.\~;tl‘l\‘\tjllt‘ \L'l t'lltll'l lcgocy iimi. it is llt‘l‘ lmc Meinhoff project are true, it would be v. ;l\ wiiicthiiiu hc cwtiltl [‘lll lll l'c‘\L‘l'\L' mi :1 gumi lliL‘lt)tl_\'. “Ci 3 great loss if people tired of him just v. llL‘ll pmnuimy hrs l;t\l .tll‘lllll 1/me FEM i‘vi'tiy‘mitig bind \W as ‘the difficult third album syndrome’ xiii .\ Ami-i. c‘iitli'tcxt Ml lllc' .tj‘pt‘;ll';lllc't' H" "\mh‘ll Rum“ “l” “‘1 is pitching him down some ml lcg'ciiilm }. i‘h_\ lllllt \ccliuii (‘ixi/j.

iiithc-ciitititi‘} utitl‘it lll .\'c\\c;i\’tlc txx hci'c \hc l‘..l\l gun-c in study l: litiiii thci‘c. ‘l'hc llcutitiltil South

extraordinary paths. The songs of New Wave and Now I’m A Cowboy seem as orthodox as a Muscovite kirk when

lltll\L‘ ml \cil 'itiiiiig' l;iiiic. .\ \lt'l'ctll‘} \ltixic l’ii/c iiuiiiiimtiuii cmi \‘.;lll/t‘tl

lil\ \‘.;t\

The Auteurs: farewell tour? imtnmt compared to those of AfterMurder tit-n ll j‘cwplc mm :nt- thcji hail to

Park, released in March to a flurry money for old rope, There are tom tit-.u ii lw 1m».- .1 l.ttl;,‘l! anti \c-t- ll itwuiti

'l troll) tsunami bciiig

in thc innit. .llltl l summi- 5 rather than a fanfare. Perhaps, in the songs on the aibum that are linked in twill n .iiifi‘ \l\'\;tl\l\ st.

lllcuin—il'ili m} iiib \\:t|i__ current climate, any album heralded that way. Some are murders, some ll' Kill". '1; hi“- h;il ;llt' \ no yum: ,. t . . , \ - s - , '.

:\i':'”‘j;lmi“l-‘hl‘l‘d‘until” '- by a Single called Unsolved Child aren L . l “it, MM, ,1“, “I, M MUN

m1,” WWI,” U“m_l.\‘m Mum” Wes "9V8? dQSlmed ‘0 be ‘The album ts really two albums in xi.) [mi iii [‘lt‘. .ni iltt' llt'\l nilmm

Jt t'l1\i.(-\.[\L~UHH\ NM “1;, 9W9" max'mum mtqthn- . 008, SO I guess it’s value for money!‘ \\cl| nut c\;ictl_\. hc .iiiiiitiuiicil hit :1

mi. mm MN “with It’s an uncompromismg listen, the he laughs. ‘It was going to be a punk mm. imp! mini mum up \\ nh lllt‘

1mm” ,l'k. 3mm 1,, m. Auteurs dynamic stretched to its rock album called Uber Hale, and ‘\llc:'lil'c ..i.;. Ix’iixxcll \lllliill .in In“

L'lltl i tiitin‘i i‘ct-i l \k‘.i\ brutal, logical limit by Haines and some of the harder songs remained anti l);tlllt'l \ll‘llilliJllt'l' on thumx

bciiig chullciigctl t-iititigh. l producer Steve Albini. The music iS when it mutated into After Murder .liixtilmbl}. \lc\obb l\ ci‘iitciitcil \\ itli

ml ' Milled 1” Wt: In) still fuelled by a vicious energy, but Park.’ in. hit. \‘t-i ht- tnii tam]. m hi\

9"" '_>_"‘L‘l5~t.'¥“'l‘jt‘l‘ ' ""“l‘ the singer reached into some even Haines didn’t don as many different llitlllt'li m. n Milt-n i ‘-‘-I‘li\ Ill lmntlmi l

i‘fiui'fs-‘I :1‘ull‘1ll‘1‘L‘q‘EZM m darker areas of his psyche for this personae as he has done on previous :ih‘. a; x m in mm HP '4" llk‘ \H‘L'M'Htl. 1m“[minim“mm one. Before release, it was touted as records. But what about that more it»: tlic tummy ht- t'\.]‘l.tllt\ ’l in“! “4,3,1.,~,,,,-H,,M“;jmc his murder album, which in a way it is. constant aspect of his writing? Does l.tllltll in [mi clitiii‘clili‘. c- .mti

inc-i that in] n Winn” \\ n. There are a few deaths on it. But not, he put his spiteful hat on when he sits lbcull} «it icntzitczl. I cum l‘ll div-:1» am...“ going in tin thtit he’d like to stress, in a Nick Cave way. down to write? ‘Never comes oft.l bc lhc \lclw'} l‘L‘;l\l \‘icc unt- Li‘

My“ 41}? «Kcnnx ‘llo, ’cause I think it’s kind of a kind of carry that around with me. but ilimn iii ill;lltl\t\lll

;;4I‘:‘lllll“l'\(“_ll,lnmm PM“ kitsch thing that he’s done. He’s I’m aware of it and don’t think it’s Am: .'./i .\..:/v/; ,n/oit "/i'ii i; no. .

KW In“ W “W W probably done loads of that necessarily so bad. (Alastair Mabbott) It/ui/x-iupv. m .I. A / it it//. (wanton-h

murder/religion nonsense: the usual The Auteurs play King Tut's on Sun 19. it;

44 'l'hc l.i\l l7-‘3ll .\l;i_\ NW1