I Everclear and Hum The (‘ttthnustx tiniorr Street. 248 6606. Spm. £5.30 plus hooking tee. ’l'icketx hour The (iarage. Just the Ticket. Virgin. l'nion Street. 22.6 ~16") and low er Recoi'tlx. Argyle Street. 204 Zitlti.

I Kazoo Club Gong Show The Nth Note. (ilasxl'ortl Street. 553 I633. 9pm. l'ree. BavcallV the idea rx that a number ol‘ haittlx get a limited time to imprexx w ith their tier} a\e lickx helore the iur} pelt them w ttli rotten \egetahiex or demonstrate more other xign tliai the}

w ixh to hear no more.

I Moniker, The Soubrettes antl Papa’s Roses The (ilor_\ Btu. (’urlers. liyrex Rtitttl. 55—1 lZS-l. .\.5llt‘ltl. l't't‘t‘.

I Captain 22, The Bundys antl Chaser 'l’lte li'e\‘.liouxe. .lohit Street. 552 .iSlll. ‘lprti l'ree.

I Vagabonds Klllxt‘llll}\. John Street. 552 35H5. ‘ll‘lll. l'l't‘t‘

I Glasgow Songwriters featuring Alex Osborne lilackl'rtai'x. llell Street. 552 592»! l)..‘\llpiit. late the

xirrger/xotigw rrter promotex his current ;tll‘tlltl [1,2,6 Hint/r li'lll'lJ/H .l/t'l't'. l’lux open mic.


I Ian McNabb and The Trashcan Sinatras \ertue. ('alton Road. 557 NW}. ‘lpm. to. l-oimer lctcle \Vor'kx l'rontman and all- round Scouxe gee/er on tour to promote hix .tmuxmgly titletl llerxt'i/it'tiil alhum \\l!ll 3.1x hacking lxtiitl 'l'he -\l‘terlile. With support from the e\ er popular 'l‘rasltcatrs w ho .tre puxhing their new xmgle "l‘w ixtetl .\lltl lient' which ix taken trom their lortlreoiriing thirtl .tll‘tllll .l l/tt/t/rr I’m Let. I Songwriters’ Showcase and Workshop l'ron l'.t\ei‘n. llunter Square. S30pm. L'l. lnloitnatton: 22S S245. \Veekly t'ortnn tor l'.lllll‘tll_\_‘ll l‘axetl xmger»xoirg\\ritei'x. \\llll .tnyl‘otly welcome to pei‘t‘orni .t 15 minute xet One local xongx‘.iiter ix highlighted at it! .illpm each night, lloll} l)ear'tlen guextx tonight.

I El Supremo (.nteett Street ()_\xler llar. Queen Street. 22h 25 ill. ‘iprii. l-r‘ee. llig llert pl.t_\x \\ ttlt liimxell'. .tx it were.

I The Jaggernauts \Vllhllt‘ lllltlle‘S. \rtltliy Street. 55“ 5l l-l ‘lpm. l‘ree. 'l’lrrce piece .tcouxtrc l‘ltrex combo play mg .t t:ti\tute ot ctwetx antl tlieit ow ll rir.iteii.tl.


I The Silencers ’l'he \lat‘tell. litiitihank l<o.itl.lll121ti2l"(H.Spm L“ ll] .ttl\.tnce. LS on the tloot Special .icotixttc \lltl\\ from We Sileizcei'x ahead or their two xell out g'igx on the lx’ent'iew l'eri} «ltlllllg‘ \l.t'\lt‘\l



I Mayiest \et‘.il.!l'c‘ ltxtiirgx

I The Cure Sl t‘(‘. l'tllltlt‘\lt‘ll Quay 2A1\ mm; t'os‘i‘trtm-ii '

I Transglobal Underground 't'lte (iatagt‘. Saucltreliail Sheet. “2 lljll " itipm,

1" ill plux hooking: tee ‘l'tcketx l'rom 'l he (Lirage. luxt tiie licket. \trgm. l'nioti Street. 22h iii-"l and lower Recortlx. \tpyk \.7_1\‘t\'[. jitt :Stlt), \\tit'ltl l‘eat coriilm w liu cotrihine eleiiientx ol tlance. '\!.tl‘2.tll .tiitl ltitlran muxrc to produce l‘.t.tt‘:lt.tx to: the lllllltl .tl‘nl teel. '\ cozripelliirg line e\i\'r!erice. l‘t'otherx .tntl

I Ian McNabb & The Afterlile and Trashcan Sinatras Km; 't‘tttx \Vall \\'.t'it llut. St \ incent Street. 22} 52"" S illpni

"5 lickstx limit King 'l’ttt'x .tzrtl luxt tire

lake-Z. \i!‘._'!!‘:. l rzzoir Street. 22(i-1tiq" ll‘e tootx\ Scotixer' ‘w lel the hie \otce ix l‘ :c}. with .t new album ll: Ht Wt m: and

x.;pport Iioiii the l\'iiiii.trnocl. conith xtill

from their xt.trriiig role in the xlioit \i'lt

ltlm ’-"i.'.'i/.'t 'l‘he} tlo .t cracking "lo

Sir With Love these days.

I Napoleon 4 and Concorde (ilasgow School ol‘ .-\rt. lh‘iiti'ew Street. 3 i2 il6‘)l. 8.30pm. Free.

I Acoustic Session The 13th \ote (downstairs). (ilassl‘ortl Street. 553 I638. 3.30pm. Free. Regular monthly xessioti ot‘ ot‘li-the-wall acoustic per'l‘or‘iiiaiicex from all your noise pop latex;

I Gods 0t Glam Kilkennyx. John Street.

552 3505. 9pm. liree. l'aee glitter a-go-go.


I Appendix Out, The Mongers antl Transistor \‘entte. (‘alion Road. 55" so“ I. Si‘ltt. 9.2. Three local lo-li l‘LllltlS battle it out ill The (‘ooletl

I Clannad and Brian Kennedy t‘xhet- llall. l.otliian Road. 223 l 155. (i..‘\llplii. til (£12). The original \ew -\ge (’elttc rockerx haye long xtnce outgrown their hippy xtatus and gone on to bigger and better thingx. 'l‘lteir album /.t'rt' ix xelling predictably well and thix xhow w ttli Hellaxt‘x young xtiperxtar lit ran Kennedy - \\ ho wax a trernentloux xuccexx at thix _\‘t‘;tr".x (‘eltic ('onnectioiix l'exti\ al ix xttt'e to .xcll last.

I Groovetunnel (‘ale Royal. \\'ext Rt‘glslt‘l‘ Sll't‘t‘l. 550 .l l ll. “Millpltl. l'l'et‘. litlinhtirgh l'unkxterx xhowcaxmg material from their debut album lit tit l'p’.

I Gin Goblins, Newtown Grunts and The Wilderbeasts (‘ttx Rock. \\'ext Port. 32‘) ‘1.“-ll.‘)[‘lll.i.‘.ll~lll'L‘L‘Ul-lll€ \t'.ttlt‘\l. noixiext. moxt scii//_\ handx on tlte planet tw ell. litlinhurgli at leaxt i come together. with The Newtown (irttritx ptixhiitg their xupei‘hl} titletl ‘.\'o Soap In (ilaxgow lil’. lienetiit tor the loithcomrng liuropean ('11) ()l' l’unk celehi‘ationx.

I Mystery Juice \\‘ltixtte ninttex. Nttlttry Street. 55'.’ 5| l-l. 0pm. l'i'ee. l’opular hand on the local gig circuit w itli loatlx ol' tunex and a nice line iii electric \ iolm.


I T-Rexstasy and Lieutenant Stardust 'l'he .\lartell. Burtrl‘ank Road. lll iZ-l oil 764. Spin. ‘5. 'l‘-Re\ tribute band w ttli support from local glam rockerx. See Mon :0.


I Maytest See xeparate lrxtmgx. I Manic Street Preachers .mtl Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci ll.ll‘l'tt\\ lantl. (i.tlltt\\;‘.tlt'. 552 lotll. "_ itlpm. St )I l) ( )l. l. llack .tx .t trio with a great big iiionxtei'l l’

lit t'ru/mte .l/tfl.’ (iii and the x.:rrre paxxioit lit/.iiie choice ol' xtippoit limit the htppy pop collectn e (iotky 'x /y;_rt~tic' .\l_\iici the only thing the two Ixmtlx have 11‘. comiriorr ix their \\'elxlirrexx llow e\ er. (ioil _\ 'x tlel‘ut .lll‘tllli li’zt ‘../' /:/t:t wax .: le

and \er\ e ax l‘eloie. See feature

lunacy tor the eatx.

I Seahouse antl Hipster \‘e‘tt l\)tit\lll\. Sauciiiehall Street. ;‘2 “255. .St‘m L-l

IL.i ~.

I Flux, Force Ten Bob and Spleen Kitty; 'l‘trt'x \\'.th \Vali lltit. St \incerrt Street. 22l 52") Sillpm. £15“

I Calleine Cake Orchestra, Buzz .tna Fome Nice 'n' Sle;i/\. Saticlirelrall Street. SSS 0637. Uptyy

I Buzzbomb atttl Catcher ( crir Hat. Strathclytle l'iit\ei'xrt} l‘muir. lolirr Street. 552 lS‘)5. Spin. l'ree. Stu.leiitx air-l j'uextx (Hitcher ha\e a (l) xiitgle 'v\t:t'.rmn’ tlome the routitlx ttixt now

I Wayside and The Jessops the \u-nt. ()xwaltl Street. 22l i‘tlll “pm :2 5”

I TWiSt Of Fate and QTM R..:.'n.:!oT-..

(‘Iytle Street. Sit-t its 1.1 “put :2 ‘H

I Family Brian .ml Bhoda Tree 1‘22;

llrewliotixe. John Street. 552 ix“) "pm l‘l't‘t‘. -\ \til’llt (il,!\L‘t\\\ (it\lle‘:.‘t' xltowcaxe. K

I Shaker'rhe llail nit. watttztzttis litter.

332 210. 9.30pm. Free

I Captain 22, Black Stones and 357 The Rat Trap. l'tiion Street. 22l 7233. 8pm. L3.

I Peptone (‘at'e Borgia. New Street. l’aisley. SJS 6-138. lllpm. l‘ree.

I Clowndog 'l‘he Batctn e. Bruce Hotel. (‘til‘ttu Llll SII'L‘L'I. l‘ittsl Klll‘l'itlt‘. (H3552 2‘)"7’l. ltlpm. £3.

I Live Music (‘Itttw ‘Np. 'I‘lte l5tlt Note ttltm ttxltlthl. (ililSSl-Ul'tl Street. 555 HHS. ‘)iitit. ‘l‘li‘.

I live Music Ktlkennyx. .loliti Street. 552

3505. 9pm. l‘ree.


I People Like Us (Hire Royal. \\'ext Rt‘g‘lSlt‘l‘ Sll't‘t‘l. .550 -l l 2-1. a .illt‘ltl. Lift. Local l'einale xingei'-xorigwiitei' with backing iititxiciatix xhowcaxes her rock and l‘ltlL‘S material.

I The Little Green Monkeys \Vliixtle liinkiex. \itltlry Street. 557 5| H. ‘lpm. l‘ree. l-olk

I Seattle The Merlin. Morningsitle Roatl. .1-15-1.i2‘l.‘)piii.l-ree



I Maylest See xeparate lixtmgx.

I Whipping Boy (iaiage. Sauclnelrall Street. ‘32 ll2il "pm. £6. l)ttl‘liit'x l'mext take the xtage once more to \ent their xpleeti on w li;tte\ er the} xtumhle acroxx. l'l'tilllltlttll l'ergal .\lcl\'ee ix about the moxt intenxe tltitle you‘re likely to xee on a xtage lll|\ year.

I The Searchers, Swinging Blue Jeans and Billy J Kramer l’a\ ilioii 'l‘heatre. Rt‘lllit‘ltl Sll't‘t‘l. 552 ltS-lti. 7.30pm. £l2.5ll/’Clil.5ll. .-\ (itlx (itiltl ttigltt lt‘ttltll‘illg‘ the artixtx who brought you such gemx .tx '.\’eetllex .-\iitl l’iiix' and ‘llippy llipp} Shake‘.

I Telstar Ponies and Richard Youngs King 'l'ut’x \\'ali \Vah llut. St Vincent Street. 2| 52"”.S1llprn.{-1.5llfl‘icketx l'rom King 'l‘tit’x aritl .ltixt the'l‘rcket. Virgin. l'mon Street. 226 467‘). llappil} xwriitriiing against the (ilaxwegian curient. 'l'elxtat' l’onrex lt.r\e tranxcentletl their l'atrcltthexttue rootx to protluce e\periment.tl tli'oire workontx w ith a Krautiock ml'liience.

I Spacehopper .\te.tn Str‘eetx. "Ht.- litlt \titt‘ ‘tlti\‘.tt\t.lll\ I. (il;l\.\lt\l'tl .Slt'et‘l. .-<“ lo‘xS S illpm. L l. l’rolectn e ear co\eiiii;.'x out tor Spacehopper 'x xomc .ixxault,

I Sun Machine, Debut .tlltl Bomb Doubt \ice ‘zi' Sle.i/_\. Sauclnehall Street. iii not“ llpni

I Rollin’ Joe And The Jets \lc( 'llttlll-x. High Street. 552 2l ‘5. lilpm. l'tee. Rock ':t' it'll

I Blackwater Blues Band ‘t‘tte Hrewliotixe. lolm Street. 552 iSlll ‘lpm l'iee

Catch the best Music this fortnight. ROCK

I Sleeper Bit of a mixed reaction to the album The It Girl but enjoying chart success with the catchy single ‘Stile ()f The Century". That aside, Louise and co. come alive on stage and are well worth seeing. Burrtiii‘ltutds. (ilus‘gun; Sun 26 May; Queens Htill. lit/tnlmrg/i. Mort 27 MN)“.

I Ash and SOFT Dolls Young (average age l8) ln'sh, indie darlings on tour to promote their debut album /‘177 which kicks with powerful yoittht’ul arrogance. Willi support from hardened Welsh drinkers and guitar bashcrs.Btirmit'ltmds. (i/usgmi; 'Iitt’ 2851(1):


I Bob Broznan Raw. earthy blues. Vibrant hard—swinging early jazz and lilting Hawaiian-style picking on the wonderful National steel guitar and ukelele (honest). ('rt't't‘ Theatre. «’tyr. ll'al 22 May: I’lettsunt'e (ti/Hire! Bar. lit/tribtn'e/i. 'I'litir's 23 .-l.1(1_\'.


I New Noakes Quartet Paris-based l'usion outlit led by an Englishman play a new suite commissioned by l.uton‘s 33 Records irt (ilasgow. setting a line example ol‘ European ctr-operation in the process. lx’tinis/itn'n ilill(’tlll’(’. (Ilusgmt'. Fri /7 .Utl)‘.


I Turandot Pushed on the back of the chart success of aria ‘Nessun l)orina'. Scottish ()pcra‘s production ol Puccini's 'l'itrti/rtln/ is a splendid tale of lint? iii the ancient [East as the icy l’rincess 'l‘ttrantlot sets her three suitors ritltlles. 'l'lit’tim' Royal.

Glasgow; Sal IS .1111):


are pleased to welcome


to the Edinburgh Store at 6.00 pm on Thursday 30 May when she will be performing songs from her new SWEET/COOL album

125 Princes Street, Edinburgh 0131 220 2230

'l'hc l.l\l Wait) Ma} NW) 53