Better Days Better Knights/Dear Janet Rosenberg, Dear Mr Kooning 1'11111 5.11 is 31:11.7..‘11111111. {111511. 1)11ul1le~111111111111 11'1‘11-1'111111‘11 1111:111‘11111pa111' 1511'1111-istate 11'111111111pl:11s1'1'1111181111111-1 1511‘1ing. [‘1‘1‘1111’1111'11 111 111'11'111 11111.1\.11111\an111 \eilson l1’1'tl1'r H.111 1s ';1l1e.111t1 meets» 111‘;1stst111'_1'.111111 11111111111111-.1s1s‘_ [)1'111' fit/11'! [1’111111/11'11' sttc‘c‘c'\\ .11 1111‘ l't.1\ 1‘1s1‘ tells 111-1111' relationship 11131111111 :1 11111111111-11ge11 \11‘111‘1' :11111111s1111111g l'emale :11111111'1'1'.

I (it'c‘c‘llsitlc‘ Place. 557 25911.1:\c1'ess:11.1..1~;11.‘ilities:\\'('. WS. (1. (‘1

The Phantom of the Opera 1'1111! sat (1.1111. .\i1111 Sat 731111111. 111113.11 111:11 231111111. ‘5 £27.51). 1.111111 \\41‘11l11‘1”s 111111‘k1111s11ng musical about the 111':111111111 opera smger :11111111e1lisl'ig111'e1111111ng composer hiding 11111 111 the s1‘11e1's 111-11111 the 1’ar1s 1 >p1'ra House.

I QUEEN MARGARET COLLEGE (‘111‘st111phme '1‘111'.111'e. ('11‘1'11111111 '1’1'1;.:1‘1'. .117 ‘15»111.

The Widow Of Clyth 111111 111 17111.11 731111111. {31:21:1'11‘s1111g111£1.1‘)\l's 1"111al Year (‘11111p.111_1 p1es1'111 1111411 1111111 1)11n.11d(‘.1111pl11'11's 111.11 1111111‘11‘1111e1‘el11 11‘1111l11g111‘111'\\ .\1l\1111 l’L‘c’l‘lL‘s Godspell11'1-1l :2 sat :5 11.11. 1531;111's1111ghtil.1‘111al 111.11- s11111c111s :11 QM go 111 1111 :11119 stage musical under the direction 1111.11111 11.11111


Sll‘c‘c‘l. 32991197. 1.-\1‘1.‘1‘.\si 1). 1.. 1‘111‘llillc‘si

"“11111111 {.1



\\’(‘. \\'S. H. (1. (I T. Help: .-\. .-\.-\| (.‘111se1131111s.

(Uncle) Vanya 1’11111 Sat 18 .'\1:1_1'.7.45pii1. U L"). The \Vrestling School return 11.1111 111111ar11 Barker 's s11111e1'si1e 1'1'11111‘k111g 111' (’heko1’s classic. 11} less than s1111tl} shitting :1 111:11111‘111111111‘111 111 the plot 111 :1 t_1pica| s11eep1111111agine11 111st111'_1‘. Barker 11111‘11s111‘;1\\111111'111‘1‘. 11111111. 111s small 111111111111111111111:11111111‘1'111111111‘i's k111111 to 1‘\p1'1'11111111111111'111111sc.

Song From A Forgotten City 11111 3: sar 25 \l:11.7.-1F[1111. U U). \1'1‘1s11c11111pai11 \'(‘11111111 1.1ke1111111iliatingdeleatat r11gl11.111e \Velsh national sport. as :1 s_111111111 1'111‘1111' nation's lost soul and shattered dreams in 1111s 1%.1!1‘1.1_\”s Ne11 Stages;1'11ar11-11111n111g111.11. 111'1t1en and 1111'1‘1‘11'11111 1f1111ai11Thomas. See p1'e1 11111. Pentecost Tue 28 .\1.11 Sat 1 11111. 74511111141 91.111111111111111: 111111.11‘1‘11111's 1-11‘1ting [1111111 7111 l1’1'1tseas11111s1111s 1111111'1111111111111'11111N111111e1'11111-land‘s Rough Magic 1116.1111‘ 1‘1111111.111_1'. \Vittten 111 Ste‘u. art Parker. 11 locuses 1111 1111‘ 1‘1‘111‘11‘sltt1’kLttll1111111111‘s1'1'111i'iall\ll'llic‘Ill 1111111111. See pre1 11111.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP 31 11.11111111111 1’1.11‘1'._‘2(15135. [.-\1'1"1‘ss. 1’1"\. ST. R 1'111‘111111‘s: \11’. \VS. 11. (1. (I Help: .\.~\] The Last Of The MacEachans 1111111

3‘1 8:1125 .\1:11..\'|1111. £11.51)1£.11..-\ 11111111'1‘11-11a1 tale 1111113111111111 names 111'11‘1‘11 11111 111 1111111“ settlers 111 1111s 111111 satiie 11'111111111sic and 1111111. 111‘itten and directed 111 John .\lc(11':1111.11111pe1'1'111111e11

“was .- . ‘3 “1.

\ . '9


The traditional approach to Chekhov goes out the window in Howard Barker‘s radical adaptation (Uncle) Vanya at the Royal Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh. until Sat 18

111' lili/aheth Macl .ennan 1'11r l-‘ree11'a1 Stage. See pre1'ie11'.

Virtual Morality Thurs 30 May— Sat 1 .11111. .\‘pm. {(1.50 1131. Young. tip-tor-it physical theatre 11111111 Kaos comhine 11111 texts dealing 111111 human isolation l.1'/1' (It [)11111 111 Xa1 1111‘ 1.eret and 5111111111111 '1' Morin/11111112 See pre1'ie11'.

I TRAVERSE THEATRE Cambridge Street. 32‘ 14114.1Access:1..1;acilities:1.. l‘acilities: \\’(‘. W8. 11. (3. (‘1 Closed Mutts.

Angels In America 1'11111 Sun 11) 311.11. 7..‘1()pm. Nib-11.111111 K11shner's Pulit/er Prize-“inning script looks at a whole

1 :11'1et_1' 111' social epidemics 1111111 America 111 er the last ten years. and 11'eain'ti11st talking hiolog1 here. l.argel_1' it's a 11111'1'1ing picture 111‘ the rise 111'1111' .~\111e1'ican right 111 11 hich parallel stories 11 ea1 e together tragments 111’s1111al1l1' tortured relationships. The style 111.1:1in Reekie‘s production 1111' 7:84 Theatre (‘ompan1 1spl;1_11111 :11111 tantastical. the result epic.

Faith Healer 111-1 17 8.11 25 .11111- 11't'ee pre1‘ie11'1‘ri l7).1\’pm. £7 1£.‘1.51l/£31. Direct from the Highland l-'1'.sti1:11c11111es .1111111‘k1 tale 1111111 the pen 111-Ireland‘s leading [11:11111‘1g111. Brian 1‘1‘ie1. 1'eat111'111g the highs. 1011's:11111111111g1’11its111'1111‘1111 the 111:111 1111‘ Fantastic 1-1'ank 11:11'111'.

11:11 elling sho11111an :11111 taith healer. his long-sttl‘lering 11'11'11 (irace and Cockney titanager 11711111. See pre1 1e11,

I MACRUBERT ARTS CENTRE l.'1111 ersity 111' Stirling. Stirling. 1117811 41111131. l.»\ccess: 1’. Pl’.-\. 1.. R. 1~11cilities: \\'(‘. 111911.111

Chance Your Arm 1111111 .111 .1111- Sat 1 11111731111111. £711.51 Sec('1ass1cal 1‘: Opera listings.

This section lists shows that are touring the Central Belt. There is a phone number for each company should you require more information.

I They’re Playing Our Song The 111111111111 'l‘heatre (‘11111pany re1'i1e 1111'11's11ccess8'111 touring production 111‘ Neil Simon's leelgood 1'11111at111c 1111111111 :11111111 :1 s111r1111' 1111 e 111:111‘111111111'1‘1111 a composer and a 1o1m:_1 \(1I1g111'111‘l'. 1‘111‘111111'1‘1111‘111'111ati1111 c;111.l:111e31111111111101.“ (111591101). .11/11/118‘11111/1 Hunt/'1'. Kirk1'11/1/1‘ Thurs 111 Ma}.

('11111/11'1'111111/1/ Theatre 111 17 8:11 111' Ma}; l’111f1/1'1‘ .1111 (‘1'11111' \11111 211 T111131 .\la1‘. Split.

Catch the best theatre this fortnight.

I Mayfest: The Trick Is To Keep Breathing Michael Boyd‘s parting gift to the Tron. where he's been artistic director 1‘111'111'er ten years. is this superb. line-tuned re1'i1'al 111‘ his adaptation 111‘ Janice Galloway‘s novel. See review. 'l'roh Theatre. (111111141111; until Sun 215.

I Mayfest dance: Carmen Live version 11111111 famous flamenco adaptation. directed 1111' 111111 by Carlos Saura and Antonio (iades. who also stars as Don Jose, hapless 1111-er 111‘ the sensual gypsy. See Mayl‘est preview [(11111 11‘ Theatre. (i/(M‘guti:

I Comedy: Bruce Morton’s 96 Comeback Special Bug—eyed Glaswegian surrealist refuses to stop splitting our sides. See Mayfest preview. THU! Theatre. (1111112011: 7111117118 'l'heutre. [ft/111111111111.

1 I Best Of The Rest season The Lyceum welcomes three 1111c 1'isiting companies from outside Scotland: England's Wrestling School 111 the latest Howard Barker pla). (Uncle) 11111111. 1.11111111'c11 111' Y (“11111111 1111111 Wales 111 Suite l-‘rom .»1 Forgotten (.‘111‘ and lreland‘s Rough Magic 111 l’e/iler'url. Sec preview. [1’111'11/ [.111'11111. lz'rlrlr/irrmh.

I Dance: Trisha Brown Company Triple-11111 from New York's doyenne 111‘experimental c11oreography. including her all-time biggest 1111.501 x11”, Reset. See pre1‘ie11'. Edinburgh l-‘r’stri'u/ Theatre.

I Mayfest comedy: Bob Downe Sydney‘s s)'nlhelic Sinatra returns for a night under the stars. See 11111111111 pre1'ie11. Rehtren' Ferry. (17111111111;

be found in the listings above.

Thursday 23 Friday 24

Saturday 25 Sunday 26

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow’s and Edinburgh’s main theatres, more information can

For events at Community Centres and other venues, see detailed listings elsewhere in this section. For details of cabaret and music events see appropriate listings. Performances shown in brackets are previews.

Tuesday 28 _Wednesday_29 Thursday 30

Monday 27





5111111s111ppc'l‘s 51111‘11s11111111‘ts


Show-stoppers 811.111 s111ppgi'\

\‘1'1‘ (‘1:1sst1‘al

Phantom. Phantom

Song 1"1'11111. . 811113: 1111111

illlic‘ 1.ll\l UT. .. 1111‘ 1.;tsl (11

1.1111111112111'1' 1.11111111‘.111‘t

See (Alasstcal \e: Phantom. Song 15111111.

The Last ()1. ..

15.11111 llealer

.\ 111-111111111 1'1111'11'111-1's .-\ 1111111111 111‘ l-‘oreigners A 111-111111111'l-'111'1'1gtie1‘s

Phantom. . Phantom

1’1'1111'1‘1 1sl

Phantom. . Phantom.

Pentecost Pentecost

—- \'11‘111;11.\1111‘;tlil}' %

The List 17-31).\1ay 1996 67