Drowning by numbers: The Raft or The Medusa. After oéricault by Ian Hughes, one or eight artists, whose work features in The Borrowed Image at the City Art Centre. Edinburgh until Sat 29 Jun. Reworking the 1819 French original by oéricault, which caused an outcry when it was unveiled as it depicted the real-lite aftermath of a shipwreck, Hughes has added layers or pink tissue paper to give a present-day slant to 19th century historical painting

collection of paintings hy Earl Dawyck Haig ORE. accompanied hy decorative and unusual earthenware yessels by Sophie MacCarthy and jewellery hy- liilinhurgh (‘ollege ol- .-\ri graduate Anna Gordon.

I SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Bell'ord Road. 55o S92 1. Mon-Sat l0am~5pm; Sun 2 -5pm. An impressiye collection of 20th centttry art. including works by Picasso. .‘ylatisse. Henry Moore. Hockney and Bellany. pltis a recently acquired selection of Dada and Surrealist paintings hy S;in ador I)ali. l’aul l)e\'au\ and Picasso.

Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) Sat I Inn 22 Sept. £3.80 t £2.5tii, ’l‘his major cxhil‘itioti It‘ultll'c‘s some 220 works hy the outstanding Syy iss-horn .irtist. including S5 sculptures. ~10 paintings and a large selection ol'drawings. See l‘eature.


(‘ltlc't‘ll .Sll't‘c‘l. 55(3 S‘Dl

.\lon Sat Illatn 5pm: Sun 2 5pm. .»\ stunning collection ol‘ portraits of l'ainous laces from the lotlr century to present day. plus the national photography collection and a recently acquired lTIli century painting by Sir .-\nthony \an l)yck featuring two Irouse ol Steyy art princesses. lili/aheth and Anne.

I STILL 23 ('ockhurn Street. 225 USN). 'l‘ue l‘l'l llam opm; Sat llanr 5pm. Jonas Mekas t'uiit .s .Itlll. t-oriuei-ly one oi the drry rng torces hehmd New York's alternatry e lilm culture l‘rom the

l‘)5(ls S0s. \Iekas has extracted single l'rames t'rom his l'ilms and manipulated them to create a ne\\ genre that lies between filth and photography. See Lectures.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'niy ersin of r-zumisui-gti. ()ld cutie-gin South Bridge. 650221 I. Mon Sat 10am 5pm.

Human Circus l'ntil l5 .ltrrr. .\

retrospectiy'e oI prints spanning l‘)73--l‘)‘)5 hy ()rkney artist Robert Shaw. inspired by life on the island and the human condition in general.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 Hamilton Place. 225 7942. Mon-Sat 9.30am—5.30pm.

Lite In A Kitsch Living Room The .1 .Illll I Jul. The superhly-named Spairgle Sisters present an audio-yisual installation looking at the changing lace ol the modern household from the l‘)5l)s to present day.

I TORRANCE GALLERY 2% l)undas Street. 556 (i366. Mon Sal Ilatti (iptti. Mountains To The Sea t'iiiil l5 .qu. Dramatic coastal. seascape and mountain paintings by Kenneth Rohertson and Ken l~'erguson.

I WASPS GALLERY l’alt‘tolliall. oll Hamilton Place. 225 l2S‘), Tire Sat noon~opin.

‘in this the memory bank or our lives . . .’ l'ritil I .Iun. [)rawings. paintings and collages hy artist .lenny Smith exploring memory and the unconscious.

I GEORGIAN HOUSE 7 (‘harlotte Square. 225 2l(i0. Mon Sat Illam 5pm; Sim

2 5pm. See how the other hall hy ed ill this elegant ISth century New Town dwelling.

I GLADSTONE’S LAND l.a\\ nmarket. Royal Mile. 22o 5S5o. .\Ion Sat

l0am 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. .»\ superh example of home life in l'7th century ()ld 'l‘own lidinhirrgh.

I HUNTLY HOUSE MUSEUM 142 (‘anongate. 52‘) .1l43. .\lon Sat

lilam- (rpm. l-‘ree. Packed with historic artel‘acts. this museum tells the story of lidinhurgh's past and its people.

I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD 42 High Street. 529-1142. .\lon Sun Illam (rpm.

l‘ree. .-\ll manner of archive material and old toys relating to childhood through the ages.

I PEOPLE’S STORY to} ('anongale. 52‘) 4057. Mon Sat 10am (rpm. l-ree. 'l‘he sights. sounds and men smells ol lidinhiirgh l'olk from the 18th century onwards.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND 2 (‘hatiihers Street. 225 75H. .\lon Sat Illam 5pm t'l‘ue until Spirit: Sun

noon -5pm.

Art & Design .-\ hranil new gallery dedicated to exploring how and why items are made. leaturrng such yy rile-ranging cxhrhrts as an lilton .Iohn stage suit. a l‘Vils .~\l'ghan coat. a (‘harles Rennie Mackintosh liookcase and a iriodern oil can ll';lll\lUl‘lllc‘tl into a lamp. There's also the chance to step hack lll time and re-liy‘e the lashions. music and pastimes oi the 1950s. (\I)\. 70s and Slls. Pride & Passion: The National Burns Exhibition S .lun l5 Sept. The main cultural eyent in the calendar ol' Rohert Burns lit-centenary celelu'ations. l'eatnring manuscripts. paintings. artelacts. imagery and sound.

I WRITERS MUSEUM l.aily Starr‘s (lose. 52‘) -l‘)(ll. Mon Sat 10am (rpm. t'iee. .\ treasure-house or items relating to three ol Scotland‘s most lariioiis writers: Rohert l.ouis Steyenson. Roheit Burns and Sir \Vallet' Scott.



I MACLAURIN ART GALLERY Ro/elle l’ark. Monument Road. :\Iloyy'a_\. .\lon Sat l0am 5pm; Sun 2 5pm.

John Hubbard Sat l 30 Inn. New Scottish paintings hy (‘onnecticut-luirn. New \itil’k-Il'ullic‘tl Ltiltl l)iil'\L‘I-l\;t\eil ttl'llsl .liillll llultltard. created during \ isits to

.»\rgy llsllll’t'.

East Kilbride

I EAST KILBRIDE ARTS CENTRE Old Coach Road. liast Mains. (H355 261000. Mon—I‘t‘i lilam—lllpm: Sat/Sun noon--l()pm.

Dark Times 1985-1996 Until 9 Jun. A ten-year retrospective of striking. coIourl'ul work hy highly respected painter Douglas Thomson.


I MUSEUM AND ART GALLERIES High Street. (ll-ll SS‘) .‘il5 I. Mon-Sat

lilam— 5pm.

Discovering Japan Mon to Jun~10 Aug. An exciting new hands-on exhibition exploring Japanese society. language. art and design.


Lectures are listed by city, then by date.


Boxer Sat 1 .liiii. 2pm. l‘i'ee. C(‘A. (‘ultural historian l‘rancis McKee gives a gtrrded gallery tour of the current exhrhition.

Me, Myself, I 'l'hur's (i ,lun. 2~~1pm.£5 (tree). Protect -\hility. A seminar aiming to myolye artists with disahilities in the discussion of their

oyy it work. arid the pirhlics reaction to it. ('ontact lilisaheth (iihson (552 2822) to hook a place.

Chris O’Kane and Richard McKelvie Sat 8 Jun. noon -ipm. (ilasgow Iiilm Theatre. ’l‘he tyyo innoy'ators behind the new Scottish photography technique l’anomorph giy'e a public presentation.


The Immaculate Conception l'ri 3t May. l2.-I5pm. li'ree. National Gallery of Scotland. (iilly ('iretton discusses the work oi /.urhar;in.

The Great Lover l Mon 3 .lun. l2.45pm. l-‘ree. Scottish National (iallery of Modern :\rt. .\ltchael ('assin looks at the work of Max Iii‘nst.

Hew Dalrymple, Lord Drummore Wed 5 Jun. I2.-15pm. I‘ree. Scottish National Portrait (iallery. Staria Nenadic giy'es a talk on the work oi Allan Ramsay.

Jonas Mekas 'I'hurs (r Jun. ()pm. I‘ilmhouse. l.othian Road. 22S 2688. .\lekas presents his l'ilm RUIN/Ill.“‘('ll('(’.\' (,/' (l ./Ulll‘ll(‘\‘ to /.II/lllilllltl. followed by a discussion.

lrish Emigrant Landing At Liverpool l‘ri 7 Jun. l2.-l5pm. I‘ii'ee. National Gallery of Scotland. l’aul Rees looks at the Work of l’il'skitte Nicol.

Jonas Mekas Sal .s .Iuii. -I,.‘~(lpm. Stills (iallei'y. lix-director ol' the l‘ilmhouse and independent l'tlinmaker .Iim llickey in conyersation wrtlr Stills’ current exhihrting artist. Phone 225 US?) tor tlcltttls

Study Day Sat S .Iun. .-\ day-long look at 20th century sculpture. to coincide with lllL‘ Miitlt‘l'lt :\t'l (ittllc‘l'y is (itili'rmli'lll exhihrtion. ('ontact the National Galleries liducation Department for details: 556 .S‘)2l t‘\l. 2 l().

If Not . . . Hot Mom it) Jun. 12..15pin.l5ree. Scottish National (iallcry of Modern Art. Sandy Mol’l‘at discusses the work of liguratiye painter R. B. Kitiri.

Carnegie Haul \Ved l2 .lun. l2.-I5pttt. l-ree. Scottish National Portrait Gallery. .-\lan l-reeman giyes a talk.

The List 3i May-l3 Jun 1996 71