FOLK Fridays CLASSICAL I Finnegan’s Wake Victoria Street. 226 38l6. 9pnt—2am. Free. Live music. I Scrurty Murphy’s George IV Bridge. m 225 I68I. 9pm. Free. Live Irish music. . I Whistlebinlties N'd Ir I s ~~- . The following details are tor regular ' i > "m

. . . 9pm—Iate. Free. Live roots/folk bands. I a" sh . m ate listed by ci , the" by I North Sea Gas Balmotal llOlLl. I rtncts

Street. 9pm. Free.

“:7; nestidzmimz '{i'llbe "smut ll'lortded I Alan Hunter and Friends Waterloo Concerts are listed by date, then by city. t arm:- 0' a e z 3' 5.3": syppl'F . 0 Buffet. Waterloo Place. 9pm. Free. Classical 8: Opera listings compiled by "3- ° " 3"" W0" 95' "ms '5""95 I Wally Allen I-Insign Ltvart. Alan Morrison.

compfled by "Oman Chalme's' Lawnmarket. 9pm. Free.

I Sandy Bell's Forrest Road. 9pm. Free.

_ FRIDAY 28 SCots/Irtsh session.

asgow m saturdavs I la Boheme New Athenaeum Theatre.

Fridays .'.?.I‘.°Ef,..’3"i‘.fi;.”.‘:§fiftiii’tfiti'.‘$311?" sngv-goventmv533W- I Finnegan’s Wake 7‘) St Vincent Street. I Scrum Murphy’s (ieorgc iv lil'itti‘c. ,pin' " Thidis'th,‘ D, 8 Op?” ,48 49W 9 I . Ht, 3 g _ s g Depattmcnt showcases the talents of \ ~ - W” I“ J“ “"05- 225 l()8 I. 9pm. Free. Live Irish music. . . A , t . . - .. " I Vicuma Bat mid . WW “7 6040 . , ,_ ._ M, totttortow ttt Pt.tttnt s popular talc ot lt)\c 9 F.” g , t- .I '1. .- .‘aneganfis wake \ “in”! SW“ '7" among tlte struggling artists of I840s mafia calm “Mint” l0 N am“. P31 Its-H. Lot ts ran . IIS 1 scss(tt)ll. 3b if)..9pttl--..tll.l‘l. I‘ree. l_.tve Irish music. pads. ThiS pmduuion is directed by Mark Edinburgh Festlval Theatre, Mon 8 I razen ead I Cathtatt Road. )pm. I Whistlehmktes Nltldl‘V Street. Tinklcr Wm) rcccml “awd HI J! I Free. Irish bands. t _. . : v. ' .. - ' . ' . . . ‘. . y‘ 3‘” "m "‘ ISt olles’At Stx StGiI‘s‘ Cathedral _ )pm late I I'LL. l.l\c roots/folk hands. (hm, tor Scmmh Open - _ ,n 3 a L‘ 1 t I Pa'k 83" AILSYIL‘ SIIL‘FI- "Ci" KCIVI” I Ensign Ewart Lawnmarket. top of High I “sue scouishpowe' prams 0'1“va “'8” Slrcm‘ “fl 8‘7" 6pm Hcc' A . Park. 339 l7lh. 9pm. Free. Accot‘dton and mer op,” Hog. Live (“It tins”. I . reCttal by Katte Jack (soprano) and Davtd . 1.. Donald Mann“ ) H f ~- _ Royal Concert Ilall. Sauchtchall Street. 9m we” mm) “K3 N - I West End Hotel l aImetston I lace. 22> t t - m ,' - i“ p ' , I , 7.30pm. L4—Ll ) from _..7 SSI I. Tytng III I Lansd Ti H H ,l g J h o. s t d 3656. 9pm. Free. Accotdton music. with me 0 mm“ M (he Cl,“ ,0“. Jim owne ' o :"P 0‘“ t ‘i O n 5 a I" ays I a lo k -. . .. - §< 1t , . p 's‘ ' 5 ." Road. Corstorihine. 334 8235. 8 m. , , Ova 8. "““”.“"-‘ Sm“ 7 ~ )7“ I-esttval. ‘Jazz meets the symphony as - £6 <0 ‘- f l _, - p - I Finnegan 5 Wake 79 SI VInCL‘lll SII'CCI. 9pm-Iate. l‘l'L‘L‘. lllltH'lIlill \‘t‘SSltIll. Rm. Brown (double bass) 'Gmdv Tate " (1"?) nun Hun" “Cepuon' Th" In” ()plll. l‘IL‘C. l.l\'C l32llltlS. s d (drinns) and Julnes “lorrison ' "ulle SChchn' Brahlns‘ I mama vaults 5"”ka SW“- un ays (tt'umpet/trtnnbone/saxopltonel join the Hmdcmuh' Slmvmsw and Mom” 3.30-5.30pm. Free. ottntt-y/bluegrass. I Sandy Brechin and Friends Fnsign RSNO for lit-lines ()fl)ttke Ellington. 4 3 Pat“ 8? Algal? SIWCI- ()P'II- H39- I-lwart. Lawnmarket. top of High Street. I)i::lv Gillespie Fireworks, Portrait ()f s 0'18“ 1"“ WW“ '0"- 9~| Ipm. Free. Fine accot'dionist. 1mm .-trnt.vlmne attd a selection of jazz ._ Blaze" "cad C ("hum Road- 9pm “'99- I Whistlebinkies Niddrv Street. classics. Conductor for the eveninghis . LI“: bimfi-‘V 9pm--Iate. Ftee. Live roots/folk hands. Schifrin. a composer who has I "Mi" Pam." “'0 MCTCham-S' H0936. . V'cm'la 83' SIOCRWL‘” I Sand Bell’s I‘orrest Road. Afternoon recentlv hit ttew levels of hi with the We“ George S‘ICCI- lZ-‘iSPm- £3.50 (£3)- S'H/B'dt‘t' *SS2(()40 9 F“ ' p ' ~ "LU n steak. ~ - - 3 - P'"- “s- from Ipttt. Free. Session at the hack ol the remix version of the Mission: [Ill/)().\'.\'i/)/(’ AF‘mPC" OfChambcr mUS'C by Handel» s d muons folk pub mum. Vtvaldt. Kreisler. Gounod and Haydn. un ays pi sWR -. n I nnegans a e Vtcttma Street. ._._o . I Finnegan’s wake 79 8‘ Vincent 3"ch 38 I6. 9plll~2tlllli Free. Live music. 7 348 4989. 9pm Free. Live bands. lloyaIVOalt llllll'lllill‘)‘ Street. I0pm. _ I Choir 0' 8‘ Mars camed'm St Marv-S h I BlaCR all" "Otel Main Street. “06' Inmnml mum. “WUM' Cathedral. Palmerston Place. 225 6293: g Milngavie. 8.30pm. Folk club. \ 8 7.30pm. £5 from Queen‘s Halt. Usher I Marta Callas: la Divlna Festival I 39390“ Th“ Bilbbll)’ BOW-"ICE y Hall. Assentva Rooms. King‘s Theatre. Them” NICOISO" SW3“ 529 6000- Blackfriars Street. 9pm. Free. I The Wrigley Sisters Sandy Bell‘s. (mhcdml om'cc and on the door. AS pan 7. 1 5pm. £8.50 (£6.50). Former Director I Brazen llead Cathcart Road. Free. Live Forrest Road. 9pm. Free. Brilliant ()t'kne} Ufmc Cathedral Festival (33-301unc)‘ ofthe Edinburgh Intemational Festival. Irislt music 3—opm. and 8.30pm. twins on fiddle and guitar. me Choir and organist peter Backhousc Lord Harewood presents an appreciation I Victorta Bar Stockwell I Finnegan’s Wake Victoria Street. 220 team tip for a concert featuring music by or me life and career 0i. Maria can“. Street/Bridgegate. 8.30pm. Free. Session. 38 lo. 9pm—2am. Free. Live music. {our key composers of thc 30th century iHUSlrallng his talk Wilh “We” "9‘" film I Jlnty Mcointy’s Ashton Lane. 3—opm. I Whistlebtnkies Niddrv Street. 9pm- Bernstein‘s (.‘ltie/texter Psalms. Britten‘s and sound archives. Free. Ltve bands. late. Free. Live roots/folk hands. anm 7}: St Cecilia. Walton's cantata The I Park Bar Argyle Street. near Kelvin I Fiddler’s Arms Grassmarket. 9pm. Free. Tap/w and Tippcu'g [fjw Spiritua/t, 8 Park. 339 I7I5. 9pm. Free. Informal Instrumental session. . Highland music. I Tron Ceilidh House Hunter Square. High Street. 9pm. Free. Bluegrass ntgltt. . Sam nun Festival Theatre. Nicolson _ . Tuesdays maggow Street. 529 (1000. 7.30pm. 550—11050 I Finnegan 3 Wake 79 St thcent Street. (£4.50—1fi850). Between them Danish duo

I Organ Recital Art Gallery and

248 4989. 9pm. Free. Live hands. I Finnegan’s Wake Victoria Street. 226 g . ‘l '. H n k 5 % Uffe Savery and Martin Friis play over I Jinty Mcointy’s Ashton Lane. 9pm. 3816. 9pm—2am. Free. Live music. Nufililg' KL :Pl‘ljumu':'l 3690' "j 9pm l00 percussion instruments and draw [five Igtnds. I Green Tree Cowgatc. 9pm. Free. l‘ié‘l‘llg‘g‘r:[ELECESSBEE'Q’S Plays "0'" from a repertoire that spans almost three

c orla ar Briguait. 9 m. Free. lnstrtttttental. mainly Irish. ~ t: ' centuries. inclttdin s eciall 'arran ed Groups and soloists.c p I Whistlehinkies Niddry Street. I 8an scmi'ShIPower Glf'Si-mw classics and piecesgwiitten for themg. T d 9pm—Iate. Free. Live rootsd'olk hands. liq-F)“, L (grill 3?” Saigtligcill“:l Tonight’s programme includes music by

"es 3V5 I Patsy Mack Bannerman s Bar. ‘7‘" . Tom?” ‘. 3 '. t '2 I " Bach. Mendelssohn. Ravel and Steve I Finnegan’s Wake 79 St Vincent Street. Cmvgmc- 930W” H'L‘C- mil. will“ i)! :IECBPISmiB-“itmil {his YE“; . Reid‘- 343 4939 9me Free. Live bands. I Tron Ceilidh House Hunter Square. :lLS_l.ll\|H‘ljl (unis, '“Ttrgdrjvfiu ,‘l . . Jim, Mcmmy’s Ashton Lune. 9pm. High Street. Informal acoustic session. it‘llirl‘h‘l‘rt;1:633: h Btflclm) Frcc' sup "9' Wednesdays coitducts orchestra in. Bigei’s (farmer: Wednesdays _ I . Suite. Sltostakovichls Festival Overture / N S TR UM E N T SALES . The Show 33' “it Sim”. l-C'Ih- 9PM and Grieg s Piano Concerto. wtth soIOtst PA. + BACK‘UNE H/RE

I Finnegan’s Wake 79 St Vincent Street. Free. Session. Sim-n osbomt 21833;; t)‘Eiinttyljree. Live hands. I Tron Ceilidh House Hunter Square.

ll c n 3 Ashton Lane. 9 m. Hi 'It Street. Informal acoustic music. Slit: Jig. p I Flnnegan’s Wake Victoria Street. 226

lc or a ar Bri t 7ait. 9 m. Free. 38I6. 9 tit—2am. Free. Irish theme ttb Group. H: p with Iivi3 music. p Glasgow I Park Bar Argyle Street. near Kelvin I Whistlebtnlties Niddt'v Street. I Organ llecital Art Gallery & Museum. Park. 339 I7I5. 9pm. Free. Session. 9pm-Iate. Free. Live roots/folk hands. Kelvingrovc. 22I 9600. 2.30pm and

3.30 in. Free. Matthew Owens from the

Royapl Northern College of Music gives a I Finnegan’s Wake 79 St Vincent Street. I Sandy Bell’s Forrest Road. 9pm. Pmmcnadc COWS”- 248 4989. 9pm. Free. Live hands. Sessiott. Free. ' I lleltritlean Dumbarton Road. 9pm. I non ceinun nouse Hum.- squarc, Edinburgh Free. All traditional tttusicians welcome. High Street. 9pm. Free. ()rknev's Wrigley I Bel Canto Scottish National Portrait I Park Bar Argyle Street. 9pm. Free. I Sisters on fiddle attd uttitar. ' Gallery. Queen Street. 3pm. Free. Spend a Brazen lleatl Cathcart Road. 8.30pm. Free. I Whistlebinltles Nidcdt'y Street. summer‘s afternoon listening to English 0 737 ' 667 ' 824 1 Live bands 9pm—late. Free. Live roots/folk hands. Romantic part-songs by Elgar. Finzi. I Victoria Bar Stockwell Street. 9pm. I Finnegan’s Wake Victoria Street. 226 Parry. Vaughan Williams. Ireland and Free- L'Vc group-‘3 38l6. 9pm—2am. Free. Live music. Pearsall.

The List 28 Jun-I I Jul I996 53