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Exotic bloom: a slipper orchidtrom Bodella Purves’s botanical show at the City Art Centre

I FIRTH GALLERY 35 William Street. 225 2196. Tue-Fri I lam-5pm; Sat noon-4pm. Beaujolais landscapes Utitil to Aug. Seasonal paintings by artist Robert Innes. capturing the varied colours and textures of the French landscapes throughout the

year. I THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY 29 Market Street. 225 2383. Tue—Sat 9am—5.3()pm. Strii noon—5pm.

lisa Milroy and Yoko Terauchi Until 27 Jul. Travel paintings of Tokyo. Kyoto. Rome and London by Milroy. and a site- specific installation Air CHM/c by Terauclii. I HANOVER FINE ARTS 22a Dundas Street. 556 218l. Mon—Hi l().3()am—(iprn; Sat lI)am—4pm.

Regina Fernandes, lionel Playiord and John Watling Until 20 .ltil. Paintings in pastel. watercolour and gouache. featuring Italian cityscapes and Highland and Nortliumbrian Coastal landscapes. Also on show. bron/e sculptures by Valentin Znoba and marble by Mike Ctlit‘llCt‘tiss‘.

I JUDITH GLUE GALLERY ()0 High Street. 558 I866. Mon—Fri 9.3()am--9pm; Sat 9.3(lam—7pm: Stiii l()aiii--()piii. Mediterranean Inspirations Until in Jul. Work by artists and craftspeople inspired

by the landscapes. culture and lifestyles of

Italy. Spain and France.

Scottish Festival Twist Thurs 18 Jul—(i ()ct. Paintings. prints. glass. ceramics and jewellery. both traditional and contemporary by Scottish artists. in celebration of fifty festival years.

I KINGFISHER GALLERY 5 Northumberland Street Lane. 557 545-1. Tue—Sat l lam-4.30pm.

Brenda lenaghan BSW Until 20 Jul. New paintings of figures. animals and still lifes. plus a selection of the artist's hand- painted furniture. Also on show. three- dimensional sewn objects by Marianne

More-Gordon. and a spectacular display of

Mexican silverjeweller'y. Summer Exhibition Until t2 Jul. A wide range of work by final year students from

the Department of Architecture.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. 556 892 l. Mon—Sat lOam—5pm; Stiii 2—5pm. The home of a fine collection of works from the Renaissance to Post- IlllpI'L‘SSlUlllSlll. including Rembrandt. Degas and Van Gogli plus Antonio Canova’s beautiful sculpture The Three Graces. in residence at the gallery until I999.

Awash In Colour Until I-l lid. The first major exhibition of |9th and early 20th century American watercolours to be held iii Britain. Featuring works by Georgia 0' Keefe. Edward Hopper atid Winslow Homer.

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND George IV Bridge. 226 453 I. Mon ~Sat 10am—5pm; Stiii 2—5pm.

A Nation Divided: Scotland and the ’45 Until 3l Oct. The .lacobite uprising of l745/-I(i was one of tile most tttoillenlotis (and bloody) events in Scotland's history and. inevitably. the truth has been somewhat overshadowed by legend. “A Nation Divided' looks at the real story behind the Jacobites. Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Battle of Culloden through contemporary writings and illustrations. I NETHERROW THEATRE 43—45 High Street. 556 9579. Mon- Sat “lam—4.30pm. Tribute To Robert Burns Until 27 Jul. Etchings and drawings by Edinburgh artist Maureen Monteath to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the bard's death. I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75-79 Cumberland Street. 557 I020. Mon—liri I()am—opm. Annual Summer Show Sal t3 Jill—8 Aug. A mixed exhibition featuring contemporary Scottish paintings by invited artists sttch as Ann Ross. Joan Gillespie. Claire Banks and Charles Simpson. with new jewellery by Caroline Temple and painted wood by John Maltby. Lindsay Anderson and others.

I PORTFOLIO GALLERY 43 C andlemaker Row. 220 l9l l. Tue—Sat noon—5.30pm. Small World Until I Aug. New

photographic work by Martin Parr. confronting the increasingly contentious issue of tourism. and its effects on the environment and culture of popular holiday destinations. See review.

I RIAS GALLERY I5 Rtitlaiid Square. 229 7545. Mow-Fri 9am-5pm.

National Gallery at Scottish Art and Design Competition l'ntil 2 Aug. Architectural design entries for the National Galleries proposed new venue in Glasgow's George Square.

I ROGUES’ GALLERY 58 St Stephen Street. 225 5558. Tue-Sat Ham—ppm. High! Until 27 .ltrl. The second exhibition at Iidinburgli's all-new gallery specialising in contemporary cartoons features work by (iraham High. political cartoonist at The St'uixiiiuii.

I ROMANIAN CULTURAL CENTRE liirst Hoot“. loo Iliin Street. 667 3397. Tue Sat Illaiii~opm; Still 2 -5pm.

A Celebration Oi Summer Until so .Iul. An exhibition of work by two Romanian artists. with paintings on glass by Cristina Ciobanu and 'Hanging Gardens‘ by Geta Bt'etescu.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Inverleith House. Inverleith Row. 552 7I7l. Mon—Sun I0am-5pm.

bioSCIENCE In Scotland Until .it Aug. luteractive's the name of the game at this science and technology exhibition. featuring computer displays. videos. 3-D models and hands-on exhibits.

Postcard From New Guinea Until ls Jul. A fascinating exploration of the people and plant life of the tropical paradise of West Papua and Papua New Guinea.

I ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS 9 Hill Square. 527 lo-I9. Mon-Iii 2 ---Ipm. William MacGillivray Until 31 Get. An exhibition marking the bi-centenary of MacCriIIiy ray's birth. and celebrating his work as Conservator of the Museum at the RCS from l83l |8~II.

I ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings Gallery. Hill Princes Street. 225 I5()l. Mott—Sun ltlain—opm.

Karaoke (The Electric Geisha) Until 27 Sept. Drawing on traditional Chinese techniques and modern Western art practices. artist Ming Wong has created a series of paintings exploring the unllaggingly poptrlat bar room male of karaoke.

I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY Io Dundas Street. 558 I20“. Mon l-ri lilarii~opiii1 Sat Illaiii inii.

Summer Exhibition limit 1 Aug. New paintings by award-w inning artist Christopher Wood. capturing landscapes and still lifes with a near abstract quality; Ceramics by Douglas Davies inspired by his Borders home and the landscapes of Catalonia. and large silver neckpieces by Cynthia (‘otisens. Also on show. a wonderful collection of paintings by major Scottish artists including Peter llowson. .loliii Bellany. Barbara Rae and John Ilvriie.


a nation diVided Exhibition


Mon» Iii 10.00-17.00

Sat 10.00-17.00

Sun 14.00-17.00 Admission Free

MODERN ART Belford Road. 550 892 l. Mon—Sat l()am~5pin; Stiii 2—5pin. An impressive collection of 20th century art. including works by Picasso. Matisse. Henry Moore. Hockney and Bellany. plus a recently acquired selection of Dada and Surrealist paintings by Salvador Dali. Paul Devaux and Picasso.

Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) Until 22 Sept. £3.80 t£2.5t)). This major exhibition features some 220 works by the outstanding Swiss-born artist. including 85 sculptures. 4t) paintings and a large selection of drawings.

I SCOTTISH NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 556 892 l. Mon—Sat ll)aiii--5pm; Sun 2-5pm. A sttiiiiiiiig collection of portraits of famous faces from the lotli century to the present day. plus the national photography L‘tlllec‘lltill.

Speaking likeness Ulllll 30 Sept. The Portrait Gallery breaths life into some of its most iIIUstrious residents. with this unique exhibition of audio visual paintings. Not only can you see novelist Irvine Welsh. Labour leader John Smith or comedian Billy Connolly. but now you can hear them as well. including a soundbitc from William Gladstone dating back to I889.

I STILLS 23 Cockburn Street. 225 9876. Ttie—l-ri llani-(ipni; Sat Ham—5pm. Between Two: Suburbia/Plexus Until 20 .ltil. The first solo Scottish show by one of Germany 's most significant photographers. Thomas I-‘lorschuetz.

I STUDIO ONE II) Stafford Street. 226 58l2. Mon—Sat I(lani»-5..’i()pm; Stiii noon— me.

ark’i-tekt Until 27 .ltil. Limited edition lithographs. reproduced from Karen Macrae's pencil drawings of Edinburgh's New Town buildings.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY University of Iidinbtirgli. ()ld College. South Bridge. 050 22 l I. Mon-Sat |()aiti--5pm.

oavid Donaldson - 80th Birthday

Hunterian Art Gallery

University of Glasgow

We Got Rhythm

Images of Music St Dance

1 June - 3 August 1996 (closed 12 ~15 July) Mon - Sat 9.30 - 5.00pm

Admission Free 0141-330 5431

Extended public access supported with funds from Glasgow City Council


National Library of Scotland George IV Bridge

Edinburgh EH1 IEW

Tel: 0131-226 4531

The National Library exists to acquire and preserve the printed and manuscript record of Scotland’s culture

The List 12-251ul I996 53