It‘s been hard. then. to separate the man from the dog collar. and the effect that the show has had on his life outside comedy is all too easy to see. ‘You know the way no matter how you‘re perceived. you sometimes fulfil the expectations of other people? Like if you're known as a wacky guy you‘ll start behaving wackin in front of them. despite yourself. And likewise. if you’re viewed as this stupid person. you start acting kind ofdumb. They're talking to you as if you’re dumb. and so no matter how hard you try not to. you just start to do dumb things. . . '

Whatever people have come to expect of him. however. O‘Hanlon has shown hitnsell to be far more than just yer average. run-of-thc-bleedin‘-mill sitcom star. His comedy. which tends to gently blend highly polished. ever-so-oflbeat observation with slick. surreal twists. has brought him to this year’s Fringe with a quietly satisfied air about him. ‘l'm very happy with the stuff I‘m doing at the moment.‘ he says. ‘And

‘lf you’re viewed as this stupid person, you start acting kind of dumb. They’re talking to you as if you’re dumb, and so no matter how hard you try not to, you just start to do dumb things . . .

I‘m looking forward to it all immensely. too. Edinburgh‘s always a good laugh.‘ His first solo hour of stand-up _will consist. he‘s quite sure. of ‘the usual sort of indulgent rubbish. Just talking about this and that. I suppose talking about the leisure society that we live in. but with a fair bit of whimsy thrown in for good measure. Ultimately. I seem to end tip in silliness. no matter what I try and do. Just nonsense.‘

Luckily for him. his uniqtte. uniquely-entertaining line in ‘indulgent rubbish‘ is never less than truly. madly. deeply funny. and the ‘(iaelic chartn‘ that‘s always tethered so tightly to the end of his name hasn‘t done him arty harm. either. But 0‘ Hanlon is just one of a host of Irish comics ready for this year’s Fringe. So what‘s his immediate. no-more-than-ten-words reaction to Sean llughes‘s name. for example? ‘Excellent but misunderstood.‘

And Kevin Gilded? ‘Brilliant. but even |a/.ier than me.’ “Graham Norton? ‘Lovely tnan. great.‘ Ed Byrne? ‘Really good. but far too cocky.‘ Jimmy Cricket? ‘Absolutely no interest whatsoever. sadly. but I‘m sure he‘s fine.‘ Jimeoin? ‘Excellent. one of the finest observational comics I‘ve ever seen in my life. but a bit too mainstream.‘ And Dylan Moran? ‘Brilliant . . . and the thing is. I’m not saying that I like all these people just because they‘re Irish. either. There‘s nothing patriotic about this. lt'sjust that the better people tend to end up in Edinburgh. anyway. so what you usually get are the very best. The very best in Irish stand—up.'

His plan for the next few years. though it heralds a loss for the stand-up circuit. does at least bring something more-than- intercsting to the book world . . . ‘Overall. I think I‘m one to write books.’ says O’llanlon. ‘If you really want to communicate things. us go! to be with books. Stand-up is just too cool a thing: no one ever believes a single thing you say. Evert the greats. the people with true integrity. they face that problem. These days you're too confined by the laddish culture that surrounds the pubs and clubs scene. If you want to say stuff. you've got to compromise too much in a club to get away with anything even remotely ‘wanky‘. The written word is just a far more comprehensive way of communicating ideas.‘ And so. your first book will doubtless involve the gag-a-second comedy topics of . . . '.’ ‘Violence. repression and anger. 'I‘ypical Irish book. really. Roddy Doer with jokes.‘

For the time being. however. Ardal ()‘llanlon‘s sights are set firmly on his stand-up. and The Fringe awaits him with sweaty palms and baited breath. It‘s pretty clear what ()‘llanlon has in store for Edinburgh. What Edinburgh has in store for ()‘I'lanlon. though. remains to be seen. ‘If there‘s one thing I really love about Edinburgh.‘ he says. ‘it's the way that despite all the media interest. it‘s still managed to retain some of its madness and charm.‘ Not -- and you're free to argue with tne on this one unlike Ardal ()‘llanlon himself.

Aft/(ll (fl/union (Fringe). '/'/t(' (ii/(led Bu/loou. lir/in/mrg/t. 0/3/ 226 2/5]. 9—-.t’/ Aug (not /3. I9. 25. 27). 8.45/11”: 25 Aug. 7.30m". £7.50 (£6.50).

if: FREELOAD fir


a“: F£§+NAL fir

Your chance to see some of the best shows in this year's festival! You may claim as many different offers as you wish, but only one pair of tickets per voucher. on a FIRST COME. FIRST SERVED basis. Please take the whole magazine along with you each time. All offers are subject to availability and the individual management's decision is final. Tickets should be picked up on the day of the performance in each case. ENJOY THE SHOWl


Free tickets on Friday 9 August at 8.15pm. Tickets should be picked up from the Gilded Balloon box office (Blair St) from 10am.

Ten pairs of tickets available.


Free tickets on Friday 9 August at 8pm. Tickets should be collected from The Terrordome box office (Leith Links)

from 10am.

Ten pairs of tickets available.


Free tickets from Friday 9 to Monday 12 August (inclusive)

at 9.15pm. Tickets should be collected from the Fringe Club box office (T eviot Row) from 10.30am.

Five pairs available per night.


Free tickets on Friday 9 and Tuesday 13 August at 10.20pm. Tickets should be collected from the Pleasance box office from 11am.

Five pairs available per night.


Free tickets on Tuesday 13 August at 11am. Tickets should

be collected from the Traverse Theatre box office from 10am.

Five pairs of tickets available.


SMALL TIME (8: Where's The Money Ronnie?). Free tickets for Tuesday 13 August

at 10.30pm in Filmhouse 1. Tickets should

be collected from the Filmhouse box office (Lothian Road) on the day.

FETISHES. Free tickets for Wednesday

14 August at 10.15pm in Cameo 1.

Tickets should be collected from

the Cameo box office (Tollcross) on the day.

Ten pairs of tickets available per show.

The List 9-l5 Aug l99617/