(festival art

Scottish showing of work by this significant Italian artist who during the I960S was one of the leaders of the ‘Arte Povera' movement.

I JUDITH GLUE GALLERY (it) High Street. 558 IXOO. Mon—Fri ‘).3()am-—‘)pm: Sat 9.3(lam—7pm; Sun l()am-opm.

Scottish Festival Twist Until (i ()cl. Paintings. prints. glass. ceramics arid jewellery. botll traditional atitl contemporary. by a variety of Scottish artists.

I KINGFISHER GALLERY 5 Nortllumberland Street Lane. 557 545-1. Mon—Sat llam—J..7tflpm.

Barbara Balmer Until (i Sept. Contemporary oils and w ater'c‘olotlrs featuring the landscapes of Spain and Italy. plus a selection ofstill lifes by accomplished artist Barbara Balmer. Also oil show. bronze and stone sculpture by Simon Manby. glass vessels inspired by the sea by Moray Miller and Spanish brooches by Rachel Mackte.

I KING’S THEATRE 3 Let en Street. 32‘) 484i). Mon-Sat l()atii---Spiti. Underground Theatre Until 3t Aug. Bold. dramatic paintings depicting the London Underground. by The City of l .eeds Young Artist of the Year. Angel Bowman. I METROPOLE COFFEE HOUSE 3} Newington Road. 6-18 490‘). Mon Sal 8.3tlam—late; Still lt)am—l()pm.

Fiona Macalister Until to Sept. l.andscape-lxisetl mixed media paintings by lidinburgh artist Fiona Macalister. inspired by the Meadows attd Waverley Slatiotl.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND 'l'he Mound. 556 892 l. Until ll Aug:

Mon Sat lilani—5pni; Sun 3—5pm. I l Aug» | Sept: Mon-Sat Itianr (ipm: Sttti llam- opm. The home of a line collection of works from the Renaissance to Post- Impressionism. including Rembrandt. Degas: and Van Gogh pltis Atitoiiio Canovtl's beautiful sculpture The Three Graces. in residence at the gallery until WW. '

Velazquez ln Seville Until 30 Oct. 9.4 (£3.50). Taking pride of place ill the Gallery‘s new wing. this tnajor exhibition of work by one of Spain's greatest painters is the first to examine the artist's early years ill Seville. Drawn from collections around the world. the show includes the famous work ‘An Old Woman Cooking rigs". and features many previously unseen works. See lectures.

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND Gc‘g'ge IV Bridge. 326 45.“. Mon—Sal loam—5pm; Stilt 2-5ptn.

A itltttott oitiitieti: Scotland and the '45 Until 3| Oct. The .lacobite uprising of l7-l5/-l(i was one of the iliost momentous (and bloody) events iii Scotland's history and. inevitably. the truth has been somewhat overshadowed by legend. ‘A Nation Divided' looks at the real story behind the Jacobites. Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Battle ofCulloden through contemporary writings and illustrations.

I NETHERROW THEATRE 43—45 High Street. 556 057‘). Mott-Sat “lain—4.30pm. The Tempest Until 3| Atig. A collaborative collection of etchings and collographs by Alan Chapman and Eleanor Symms. interpreting the major themes of Shakespeare's play.

I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75—7‘) Cumberland Street. 557 I030. Mon—Fri l()am—(ipm'. Sat l()anl-me.

Eye To Eve Sal Ill—2‘) Aug. Paintings. drawings atid prints by one of Scotland's most original artists. Willie Rodger ARSA RCtl. ,

A Beastly Show Sat l(l—3‘) Atig. Humorous figurative ceramic sculpture by l.attrance Simon.

it Music Be The Food 01 love Sttt Ill—2‘)

Aug. Taking Shakespeare's famous line as

their starting point. six of Scotland's leading contemporary artists celebrate 50 years of the Edinburgh Festival. with work by John Bellany. l.eon Morrocco. William Birnie and more.

James Grittin Sat Ill-2‘) Aug. A collection of new silver and gold jewellery.

I OUT OF THE NOMAD’S TENT 2 I St l.eonards Lane. 662 l(il2. Mon-Sat l()am—-5pm.

Peshawar To Samarkand Until 7 Sept. A collection of textiles. carpets and jewellery frotn Afgliatiistall arid Central ASlil.

I PHILLIPS (i5 George Street. 235 3266. Mon—l-ri Illam—5pm.; Sat l(lam—me; Stiii 3—5pm.

New Furniture Until 37 Aug. A celebration of recent British furmture with

work by over 3() furniture makers. young .

and old.

I OUEEN STREET GARDENS via IIL‘I'ltil Row. Info: 556 (il37. Mon» Sat l()am—Spm.

Outside Art Sat Ill—3| Aug. The Gardens opens its gates to the public for the first time. with this innovative display ofsite- specific sculpture by contemporary Scottish artists. '

I ROGUES' GALLERY 58 St Stephen Street. 335 5558. Tue-Sat llam—opni. Trog And Riddell Until 3| Aug. Lively atld entertaining work by two of Britain's top newspaper cartoonists on show at this new gallery dedicated to contemporary cartoons atid illustrations.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnverleith IIotise. ln\'el'leith Row. 552 7l7l. Mon—Sun l()am—5pm.

Callum lnnes Sill It) Aug-(i ()ct. ()ne of the Festival's vistial arts highlights takes place at the Botanic Garden this year. when work by the Turner Prize-nominated lidinbut'gh artist fills seven whole rooms of lnverleith I-lottse. l-eaturing both early atid recent works. the exhibition includes abstract paintings oil canvas. linen and paper. inspired by lnnes's current home on Séotland's east coast. See preview. bioSCIEthE In Scotland Until 3| Aug. lnteractive's the name of the game at this science and technology exhibition. featuring computer displays. videos. .i-l) models and hands-on exhibits.

I ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS 9 Hill Square. 527 l(i-l‘). Mott—Fri 2—-Iplll. William MacGillivray Until 3t ()et. An exhibition marking the bicentenary of MacGilIivray's birth. and celebrating his work as Conservator of the Mtlscum at the RCS from IXBI—IS-ll.

I ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings Gallery. l(X) Princes Street. 335 l5()l. Moll—Stilt l()am—(ipm.

Karaoke (The Electric Geisha) Until 27 Sept. Drawing oil botll traditional Chinese techniques. and modern Western art practices. artist Ming Wong has created a series of paintings exploring the unllaggingly popular bar rootn awe of karaoke.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY Princes Street. 335 (io7l. Until ll Aug: Mon—Sat l()am—5pm'. Stilt 2—5pm. ll Aug~l Sept: Mon-Sat l()am-(ipm: Sun I lam—(ipni. £4 (£2.50).

David Livingstone And The Victorian Encounter With Atrica Until (i ()cl. A fascinating illsiglit into the life and work of Scotland's most eminent explorer. complemented by George Rodger: The Atrican Photographs (see photography). See review.

I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY l(i Dundas Street. 558 l2(i(i. Mon-Fri l()am-(ipm: Sat Ilium—4pm.

Festival Exhibition Until 4 Sept. The gallery plays host to five Festival exhibitions this year. with new paintings by Alberto Morrocco. including some colourful clown images: glassworks by lteilto Multaide entitled 'l)r_v Landscape



HENRY MOORE Etchings and lithographs ‘/ h madden um

Ito Borkoloy WI. Gday, Laidm

3 August - 6 Soptombor 1996 New work by content ro Scottish and intomotioFizsl ry artists also on show

All prints are for solo



23 Union Street (opposite Hayhouu) EDINBURGH EH1 3U! tol: 03l657 2479 Stpportod by tho Scotttsh Arts Corner (rid City of Edhbugh COtncl


Glasgow Print Studio visits Edinburgh with an exhibition of the best in Contemporary Original Prints, Paintings and Jewellery.

9th - 3lst August 1996

29 Castle Street, Edinburgh EHZ Tel : 0585 216 076 Open: 10.30am - 5.30pm Mon - Sat

Sponsored by

Boy witb Carp (detail), John Byrnc

13 August - 1 September 1996 Mon - Sat 10.00 - 5.30 Sun 12.00 - 4.30 Admission £1.50 (75p)


43 Candlema’ker Row Edinburgh EH1 208 Tel 0131 220 191-1

The List 9- I5 Aug I996 OS