Liv Tyler Tickets and Information

- - w - Index of shows in this issue ,h d t B t 1 St 1 0 . $2223 0t an S amng m er 0 UCCI S ea mg Festival Frontlines: at a glance highllghts page 12 Festival Top Twenty

Front Di House: Festival column, news and gossip 1 9am-1pm FESTIVAL FILM

Lil! I‘I'LILJBJL; 1';l'l.l 111.11 '.A.;


In a Headstate with Irvine Welsh 23 Short. Scottish and sweet 74 Women’s lives examined in Tree 23 Aardman reanimated 74 Jabberwocky captured 25 Breaking The Waves is swell 75 1pm-3pm FESTIVAL musu: A new look for juggling US mezzo soprano Michelle in Hie Hoc 27 DeYoung 79 Anne Fine’s Flour Babies 27 Moscow maestro Evgeny Kissin 79 Hollywood revisited 3D Battlefield Band in combat 81 ‘_ 3pm—6pm FESTIVAL ART < “I” Willy Russell's Scouse party 31 New Chinese an at Fruitmarket 84 m "I" I" swam” "an" John Dowie gets biblical 31 Visual treats from Demarco 84 Sabina! does she exist? 33 Paolozzi and Wiszniewski at an apm Talbot Rice 85 Multi-storey morality Mark 't in Everyman 35 Going Places goes to the _‘ Mark Baldwin takes the piss 35 Spiegeltent 91 Putting the dance back ‘:""9“\-§ Dealer's Choice wins the jackpot 40

into Gluck’s opera

8pm—10pm Orfeo. Page 15

Comedy top cats Evans and

Hughes 47 T b' M Ecl ' 47 . SligiiriigCSozll‘Nsyhineslorut 48 See the Festival mum—Late for free

()0de wars The Pod split open 63 . y . . Rich Hall cruises into town 63 page 24 and 25 The serious competttlon Making Love is lots of fun 64

behind the Perrier Award.


nongresrlvntarnmsws AND usrinnsé: l ' Scotland’s biggest dance

event discovers a rave . new world;

Page 17

Page95': *

A-Z of Martha

Guide to the tights-clad 7.7 _ pioneer of modern Réygegsglgfitzf dance.

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The List I6-22 Aug l9961