festival art

oeoiglan style: a iirork by levan ohogoshvttt, an artist troin Tblllsl, on show at lyw Gallery

at ‘liomage to Joseph Beuys'; a multi- media exhibition ot'conieiiiporary Bulgarian art: an installation by German artist U We Claus aiid a group show by sL‘lleltlt'S Kevin Dagg. George Wyllie and Gillian Murray (see Calton HilI entry). plus much. much more.

I THE DUNDAS STREET GALLERY (ia l)uiidas Street. 557 0363. Mon-Sat l0ani—opiii.

Ian Houston In Scotland Until 3t Aug. Landscape oil paintings by artist Ian Houston. inspired by Visits to the Western Isles ot' Scotland.

I DUNEDIN GALLERY 6 Hillside Street. 557 3753. Tue-I-ri I Iain—(rpm; Sat tlarn—--I.30pni.

The landscape Mix Until 23 Aug. Paintings and prints by established contemporary artist Shelagh Atkinson

\\ ho draws inspiration t'roin the landscapes ol‘ the Austrian Alps. the Highlands ol- Scotland and Southern Spain.

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART |.aurislon Place. 33| (i000. Mon—Sun l0ain—5pm. Festival Exhibitions Limit 3t Aug. I-‘iyc tll\'L‘l'\C \Iltiyy's till IiCA's galleries and studios this Festival:

Prayer AlltI Despair (see photography). Poetry 0! Place: The Art 0! William GCISSIBT (1894-1 A retrospective oi. landscape paintings and drawings by this lesser-knou n contemporary ot' Gilles. Networking Contemporary Scottish paintings. sculpture. prints and drawings by eleven accomplished artists including Barbara Rae and Gordon Munro. Children’s Fringe Poster Competition Tyyo hundred of the best entries tor this year's competition. “on by Edinburgh schoolgirl Dawn Iisley.

Postgraduate Students Work Painting. sculpture. tapestry and printmaking from the l‘)‘)() Postgraduate degree shows.


I THE EDINBURGH GALLERY |.\'a l)undas Street. 557 5337. Mon—I-ri I lam -5pm: Sat l0aiii-lpiii.

The Edinburgh Show Part II L’ntil 3 I Aug. A wide selection ol'diyerse paintings by Gallery artists. including Karen McIntyre. Joyce Cairns. Andrew Iiit/patrick. Geol'l'rey Squire. Martin Churchill. Hugh McIntyre and more. The Iidiiiburgli Shim Part I. a major eshibition ol' contemporary paintings. can be seen at The Merchant Company Hall. 33 llaiio\ er Street until I7


I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS WORKSHOP 33 Union Street. 557 347‘). Tue- Sat I0am—(ipm.

Henry MOOTC LittltI 7 Sept. liest kttoyytt I'oI' his sculpture. Moore had other talents. attttl this exhibition otcollogt‘apIts. lithographs and etchings l'eatiires some important examples l'rorn each stage ot hzs printmaking career. All \yorks are tor sale. ranging from a tew hundred to seyeral thousand pounds.

I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY STAFF CLUB Chambers Street. MorrSat ‘)arii~- lam. Visions Dt Six Until I4 Sept. Paintings and drawings by tour \yoriien artists. all in their final year at I'idinburgh (‘ollege ot~ [\I'I.

I EDINBURGH ZDD Ifritrance (‘oniplc\. Coi‘stoi'pltine Road. 33-1 ‘)I7 I. Mon Sat ‘)am—(ipiii; Sun 9.30am opni.

Tall Tales From The Zoo L'ntil () .sr-pi. lisuberaiit and humorous \yatercolotrr paintings by ai‘list-iii-residence at the /oo. Janice Gray.

I THE ELEPHAHT HOUSE 3 l (ieorgc l\' liridge. Inl'o: 0385 700405.

The Blackbird’s Song ttniit 3t Aug. An exhibition of paintings by artist Carol Carstairs \s Iio makes strong use ol' colour. texture and light.


Crescent. 33‘) L538. Mon-Sat l0arn~5pnr


Critic's Choice

(Tho Observer, The Guardian, The Listt

10 August —6 October

Inver'loitb House Royal Botanic Garden dain 10 - 5 admission free

Scottish Art 1995 Until 3| Aug. The I'LSL' present a wired selection ol paintings by Scottish artists for their WW) l-estiyal exhibition.

I FIRTH GALLERY 35 William Street. 335 3 I‘)(i. THC-I’ll Ham—5pm; Sat Haiti—4pm.

The Festival At The Firth linul 3! Aug. A \ ibiant collection ot'oils. \yatercolours and collages by sis \yoiiien artists.

I ERONTIERS GALLERY 35-1 (‘anongato Royal Mile. 55b 37‘“. Mon -~Sat l0am-(ipiii: Sun l--opiii

Scottish Painters limit 0 sepi. .-\n e\hibitroii ol'dra\y ings and paintings by .lacguelrne l’oyyci'. Nancy .\lcl\'cn/ic and Roanne (it l.\t)ltl.

I THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY 3*) Market Street. 335 3383 Mon Sun

I0.30arii 7pm.

Reckoning With The Past tiriiil 2s sepr. (‘onteriipoi‘aiy painting by t'il'teen artists from three centres ol- Cliiiicse culture - ('Iiina. Iloiig Kong and Tam an « highlighting the diyersity ol' “tilts produced \\ itliiii different social and political .sy stems.

I GALERIE MIRAGES -l(ia Raebui‘ti I’Iace. 3l5 3(i03. Morn-Sat l0arti-5.30piii. Festival Exhibition tiniil o Sept. A wide collection ot' ethnic arid designer ieyyellery tirade hour a \ai'rety ol materials including amber. pearl and marble. plus testiles. t'urniture. glass. iron and ccr'ariircs inspired by the Tat Malial and .‘ylogliul art.

I GALLERY 41 -ll l)tiriilas Street. 557 first). .\Ion Sat |0ani 5.30pm.

Festival Exhibition I'iiltl J sepi (’ontenipoiai‘y .rc'yycllei'y. ceramics. glass. \yood. automated toys and sculpttiie by m er 50 Ill\ IIL'tI ailists.

Experience lOot' Britain‘s most enjoyable art galleries and museums

- They're enough to brighten any day...

Collective _——mm

Terry Atkinson Histories Biographies Collaborations

Exhibition 7 - 3] August I996

The Collective Gallery presents a unique resource for the immediate sale of small-scale fine art work

by contemporary artists.

Also Edinburgh's best selection of art_magazines and a wide range of

artists' cards and postcards.

itom - 5.30pm Tues ~ Sat and 1-4 pm Sun day

22 - 28 Coc kburn St Edinburgh EH1 INY Tel: 0131- 2201260


\Tlht‘lllll ol Iraiispiiit

...and they 're l'ree

Ill-ll 337 3000

The List l(i-33 Aug 1096 87
