[Edi nburgh cause: cram

Festival Exhibitions:

Prayer and Despair New Photographic Work by Pradip Malde

Poetry of Place The Art of William Geissler

Networking Contemporary Painting, Sculpture, Drawing Cy Printmaking


Children’s Fringe Poster Competition

Postgraduate Painting, Tapestry, Printmaking, 6t Sculpture

Open 1] - 31 August 10am - 5pm Festival Cale open daily

l.auriston Place. [Edinburgh EH3 9Dl: Tel: 0131 221 6032 Admission lirce

'l'he (Iollegt' aims to promote student t retitn it) til the Arts and the Em tioriment


Glasgow Print Studio visits Edinburgh with an exhibition of the best in Contemporary Original Prints, Paintings and Jewellery.

9th - 3lst August 1996

29 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 Tel 20585 216 076 Open : 10.30am - 5.30pm Mon - Sat

Sponsored by

Boy with Carp (detail), John Byrnc


\:I l‘lr‘

a nation d1V1dEd SCOTLAND ANDTHE'45


1 MARCH-31 OCTOBER 1996 Mon Fri 10.00-17.00

Sat 10.00-17.00

Sun 14.00—17.00 Admission Free

National Library of Scotland George IV Bridge

Edinburgh EH1 1EW

Tel: 0131-226 4531

The National Library exists to acquire and preserve the printed and manuscript record of Scotland’s culture


The first major survey of contemporary painting from mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong


45 Market St, Edinburgh Tel. 0131—225 2383

Open Tuesday—Saturday 10.30 am—5.30 pm, Sunday 12—5 pm Extended opening hours for Edinburgh International Festival (11—31 August): open 7 days, 10.30 am—7 pm. ADMISSION FREE


festival art


I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 3‘) Castle Street. ()585 3 llil)‘)7‘). Mon-Sat lt)arii—-5.3()piii.

Unique And Original Until .‘st Aug. The Print Sttrdio moves east tor the l‘estn al. with an exhibition of original prints. paintings and Jewellery.

I HANOVER FINE ARTS 33a Duridas Street. 556 3|ts'l. Mon -I‘l'l lt).3t);trii~(ipm; Sat llltlllt-Jplli.

12th Summer Festival Exhibition tintit 3r Aug. Paintings by m er (it) contemporary artists t'rorii around the world. including Bra/ll. China. India. Riissta arid the I‘SA. as well .is work by a w ide range ol' Scottish artists. Irom recent graduates to experienced artists.

I HAMILTON & INCHES S7 (-ieorge Street.

335 48%. Mutt-I'll ‘)am ~5prii (Sat


The Nation's New Silver [null 23 Aug. The last Scottish showing or this ltl.t_|t)l' collection ot’ riioderri silver. commissioned by The Silver Trtist t'oi‘ tisc iii government houses such as It) Downing Street.

I ISTITUTO ITALIANO OI CULTURA S3 Nicolsoii Street. Nit-l 3333. Mon- l‘i’i |I)arii~5prii.

Alighiero E. Boetti l.'iitil 31) Aug. The last Sc‘ttlllslt shim mg “I. work by this significant Italian artist who during the l‘lltlls \\ as one til. the leaders til the ':\rte l’oxei'a' riioveiiierit.

I JUDITH GLUE GALLERY I)“ High Street. 555’ ltSbo. Mort—lat ‘).3t)arii -‘)prri'. Sat ‘).3tl.rrii-—7piii; Sun Illaiii tiprii.

Scottish Festival Twist t‘ntil (i ( )ct. Paintings. prints. glass. cerariiics and |e\\ellery. both traditional and conteriiporary. by a variety ot‘ Scottish

I KINGFISHER GALLERY 5 Nortlitriiiberlaiid Street l.arie. 557 5454. Mon Sat |larir--~l.3t)prii.

Barbara Balmer Until o Sept. ('ontetiiporary oils and watercolours l'eatttr'ing the landscapes ot' Spain and Italy. plus a selection ol' still lllt‘\ by accomplished artist Barbara lialiiier. Also on show. broti/e and stone sculpture by Simon Matihy. glass sessels inspired by the sea by .\loray Miller and Spanish brooches by Rachel .\lacktc.

I KING‘S THEATRE 3 l.eveii Street. 33‘) JS-lt). .\Ioii Sat II).tiii-.\’prii. Underground Theatre t'nrit .‘st Aug. lioltt. draiiiatrc paintings depicting the London l'ndetgrotrnd by The ('ity of Leeds Young .-\rtist oI'Tlie Year. Angel Bowman.


New ingtoii Road. (MS 400‘) Mon-«Sat S3ttaiir late; Sim Itlaiii-ltlpiii.

Fiona Macalister ttntit to Sept. l.aridscape-based imsed media paintings by litltnbirrgli artist l'iotia Macaltster. inspired by the Meadows and \N'axerley Station.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. 550 393 I. Mon -Sat Itlririi—(iprii; Sun llaiii~liprir The home of a line collection ol‘ works limit the Renaissance to l’ost-Iiiipressionrsiii. including Rembrandt. Degas and Van Gogh plus Antonio (‘aiim a's beautit‘ul sculpture The Three Graces. in residence at the gallery tiiitil l‘)‘)‘).

Velazquez In Seville Until 20 ()ct. c4 (£3.50). Taking pride of place in the Gallery's new wing. this major exhibition of work by one of Spain's greatest painters is the lost to examine the artist's early years iii Seville. Drawn from collections around the worltl. the show includes the famous work “An Old Woman Cooking Iiggs'. and features many previously unseen works.

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND George IV Bridge. 336 453]. Mon—Sat Wain—5pm; Sun 3-5pm.

A Nation Divided: Scotland and the ’45 Until 3| Oct. The Jacobite uprising ol' I7J5l-Iti was one ot‘ the most tiioiiientous (and bloody) events in Scotland's history and. inevitably. the truth has been st)lllL‘\\Ili|l overshadowed by legend. 'A Nation Divided' looks at the real story behind the .lacobites. Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Battle UtCtllltXlL'll through contemporary writings and illustrations.

Alasdair Gray Until 35 Aug. Work by the riiulti-taleiited artist and author of Lunar/t. teattii'ing tests. iiiariirscripts. paintings. drawings and graphic desigtis.

I NATIONAL TRUST FOR SCOTLAND 3‘) Charlotte Square. Mott-Sun I lain—5pm. The Scottish Scene Until 3t Aug. Scottish land and seascapes by selected artists.

I NETHERBOW THEATRE 43-45 High Street. 556 ‘)57‘). Mon—Sat l()atii—-l.3()ptii The Tempest Until 3! Aug. A collaborative collection UI. etchings and collograplis by Alan Cllltplttilll and Iileaiior Symms. interpreting the major themes of Shakespeare's play.

I OLD TOWN BOON SI‘IOP Victoria Street. 335 ‘)337.

Italy And Scotland Until 3| Aug. Recent paintings or Italy and Scotland by Ronald \Vilstin.

I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75--7‘) (‘titiiberland Street. 557 |()3(). hl()ll--I;l'l lI)atii~(ipiii; Sat I()am~lpiii.

Eye To Eye Uiitil 3‘) Aug. Paintings.

draw rugs and prints by one or Scotland's most original artists. Willie Rodger ARSA R(i|.

A Beastly Show Until 3‘) Aug. Humorous I'igrirattve ceramic sculpture by l.ariratice Sitiioii.

It Music Be The Food 01 Love Utitil 2‘) Aug. Taking Shakespeare's famous line as their starting poriit. si\ ot' Scotland's leading contemporary artists celebrate 50 years or the l-Ldriiburgli l'estival. with work by .lolitt Bellany. l.eori Morrocco. William Iiiriite and more.

James Grittin Until 3‘) Aug. A collection or new silver arid gold jewellery.

I OUT OF THE NOMAO’S TENT 31 St Leonard's l.arie. (iti3 l(il3. Mon—Sat |()aiii--5piii.

Peshawar To Samarkand Until 7 Sept. A collection ol' te\tiles. carpets and iewellei‘y l'rom .-\t'ghatiistari arid Central Asia.

I PHILLIPS (i5 (ieorge Street. 335 3366. Mon-Iii It)arri--5prii; Sat t()am—-lptii'. Still 3 5pm.

New Furniture Until 27 Aug. A celebration ol' Britiin furniture. with recent work by over 31) l'urniture-makers. young and old.

I OUEEN STREET GARDEN via Hei'iot Row. Info: 556 (il37. Mon -Sat ll)arii--5pm.

Outside Art Until 3| Aug. The Garden opens its gates to the public for the lirst time. with this iiiriovati\e display ot‘site- specil'ic sculpture by contemporary Scottish artists.

I ROGUES’ GALLERY 58 St Stephen Street. 335 5558. Tue—Sat I lam—(1pm. Trog And Riddell Until 3I Aug. Lively and entertaining work by two ol' Britain's top newspaper cartoonists oti show at this new gallery dedicated to contemporary cartoons and illustrations.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN liiverleith House. lnverleith Row. 553 7l7l. Mon—Sun lllttlII-5ptll.

Calluni lnnes Utitil (i ()ct. One of the Festival's visual arts highlights takes place at the Botanic Garden this year. when work by the Turner l’rize-iioniiiiated l-Ldinbttrgli artist I’ills seven whole rooms of lnverleitli House. Featuring botli early arid recent works. the exhibition includes abstract paintings on canvas. linen and paper. inspired by liines’s current home

88 The List l6-32 Aug l‘)‘)b