New Visions Screening: I GRDSVENDR Ashton Lane. 339 4298. mount“ 14 International Zeitgeist 2 ( l5) Sun l3. Fri ll/Sat l2: 1. Lone Star ( l5) 2.30pm. 5.45pm. 6-7.45pm. 1. Jul! (PG). . Small Faces (15) 8.30pm. I VIRGIN CINEMA The Forge. Parkhead. 2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show ( I 2 ). 2. Kids Animation (U) l.30pm. 556 4282/4343. I VIRGIN CINEMA The Forge. Parkhead. Toy Story (PG) 3,3()pm_ The Nutty Professor ( I2). 556 4282/4343. Fallen Angels ( l5) 6.30pm. 8.45pm. m Courage Under Fire (15). Fri 11/Sat 12: . TUESDAY 15 gynaependenc: ( 12), Phone ctnema Ior details. ; (( ll?) 26.;l(])]ptll. 8.30pm. enomenon . . . ' 1 11. d 17 A Time To Kill (15). EDINBURGH CINEMAS 2. Kids Animation (U) l.30pm. Frlday 1 - "ts av I. t M St ndin 18 . . Toy Story (PG) 3 30pm Malilti iliiityil") g ( )' "mails are pm'is'ona' - "mine cmema Fallen Angels (.13.) 6.30pm. 8.45pm. See under Week 1 for details oi ticket “in”; (PC). ' l0 conllfln Plofllammeglld llmes- WEONESDAY 15 “west opening hom’ laci'mes “c' James And The Giant Peach (U) - ABC [‘O‘h'a" Road' ") 3030‘ 1. Small Faces ( 15) 2.30pm. The Hunchback Di Notre Dame (U). Igg‘la'nggt'aflgf'fo: ' lone Star ( l5) 5.45pm. 8.30pm. Saturday Kids Club (£1.50): a 9 ' 2. Kids Animation (U) 1.30pm. - Th 3 Pi u 10 I2 30 J3“ 5'” “’0’- Toy Story (PG) 3 30pm Details are provisional - Phone cinema e .wan r ncess( l" aln—, ‘_.. pm. r A "m to Kill (15). the "unchback. 6' "me name I [9%] (U) m comm" Plogmme and times” [3058‘ny Openlng‘ replaung fin 0f abm" Possibly opening. replacing one of above: 6 m m I A31; Clarksron Road. Muimnd. 633 Alaska (PG).i The Adventures 01 Pinocchio (U). ring" Angels ( I S) 8 4‘ W 2123' P ' jagaoggov e (U)' I CAMEO Home Street. 228 4 I41. TRURSDAY 17 ' ‘l The “I! '0 9330' ( '21 - . . . 5 l .340 .(.2() .9 Emma (t3). (U). :luflllillitl ) pm pttl l Pm hm 23:1):1111. 8.30pm. Phenomenon (PG)' . . , . ' leaving Las Vegas ( l8) Sun only. I.3()pm - - ' 5351 Ma“). Eliza“ (U) See also Glasgow Lates. and les Amants nu Pom New ( IS) Sun I gallsdsognzlmgtignxgé)‘: .30pm. ames n e I . 1.3.35 . . Possibly opening. replacing one of above: glam“ (pun; lzopm‘ 355p”). 6.25pm. 3 Fallen Angels ( 15) 6.30pm. 8.45pm. Jack (“3)- . 12 Rose Street. 332 8128. 9. 15pm. l I 58‘: FBMCENTBE saucmcmn Streel‘ FRIDAY 11 3. Stealing Beauty ( l5) not Sun. 1.40pm. 1 33- l59~- 7 1. lone Star ( l5) 2pm. 5pm. 8pm. IIDIIDW Reed (15)(1.5()pm. : I CAMEO Home Street. 228 4141. [D]. The. Nutty Proms“, (1")‘ 2. Tommy (15) 3pm. 5.45pm. Trainspotting ( 18) 4.20pm (not Stilt). Fri 11/Sat12: A "me To Kill ('5)’ 9.35pm and late. 1. Twelve Monkeys ( I8) ll.30pm and Jude (Isl See also Edinburgh Lates. Seven ( 18) L453”) Independence Nay Hz)‘ I DOMINION Newbattle Terrace. 447 ' last Man Standlng (I8). 2660 5.; Jane EV": (ml _ Courage Under Fire (15). ' Escape Fm" (m' . The Adventures Di Pinocchio (U). ' Poss1bly openlng. replacmgone of above: Jane Eyre (PG). The Adventures 01 Pinocchio (U). Multiplicity ( I 3). I cm call“ 0950" Re'mc'd Smelt I DDEDN Clerk street. 667 733mm 332 870]. 2'0].

Courage Under Fire (15). Multiplicity ( I 2).

Emma (U). Independence Day ( I 2). Phenomenon (PG ).

Courage Under Fire ( 15).

James And The Giant Peach (PG ). Phenomenon (PG).

last Man Standing (18).

Emma (U).

The Nutty Prolessor (12). suiptease ( )5 ),

last Man Standing (18). * ~ . ~ Multiplicity ( 12).

James A“ 7"? Glam P3?” .(Ul Antonia’s line (15) 8.30pm. The Hunchback Di Notre Dame (U).

Possibly openlng. replacmg tour of above: SATURDAY 12 [ndependence nay ( )3)

Alas“ (PG); 1, [one Stay ( 15) noon. 5pm, 8pm Possibly opening. replacing three of

A 60°" "We w)- Aardman Animation (U) 3pm. above:

Jack (I’Gl- . 2. German Avant Garde (12) 1 lam. Alaska (PG).

"‘9 WW" I" "‘3 w'llo‘” (U) New Visions: International Zeitgeist 1 Jack (PC).

See also Glasgow Laws. (15) 3.30pm. The Wind In The Willows (U).

I GALLERY or "0.05"" A." Qucc" Score (l8) 5.45pm. See also Edinburgh Lates.

Sum" '996' “96' , ., Antonia’s line (15) 8.30pm. I ST DRIDES l0 ()rwell Terrace. 346

New Vtslons Screenlngs m The I‘er sunny" 13 I405. 50p_ .‘g

Caller)": 1. Hell Is A City ( 15) and She ( 15) lpm. Casablanca (U) Fri II only. 1.30pm. ' '

50M“ 1‘5 51" 13-511! 19. “am—4 l5Pm- Tommy (15) 5.45pm, I UCI Kinnaird Park. Kinnaird Road. (16‘) 2. Jude (15) 11.45pm.

l GLASGOW FUN! AND VIDEO WORKSHOP Automate, Line ( t 5) 8,45,”... 071 1/669 0777. [1)]. 3. Trainspotting (18) 1 1.55pm.

3rd H90}. 34 Albion. Street 553 3630- 2, Lone Star ( 15) 5pm, 8pm Expected programme similar to Week 1. Thurs 17:

New VISIODS Slimming!“ MONDAY 14 Phone cinema Ior programme and times. 1. Leaving las Vegas ( I8) 1 1.30pm. MONDAY. 14 . . 1. lone Star ( 15) 2pm. 5pm. 8pm. POSSIIIIV Opening: Cinemas 2 3"“ 3 see F'i 11- llltelllallonal Zeltgelst 3 1-3-30Pm- 2, He" is A cny(15) and sue ()5) 1pm, Alaska (PC). I DDEDN Clerk Street. (167 7331/668 '“te'namna' ze'me's‘ 4 34W"- The Cabinet 01 Dr Caligari (PG) 8.30pm. A 800" Movie (U). 2 l0 1.

was”? ‘5 . . TUESDAY 15 Jack (PG). Fri 11/Sat12:

'Dlemallonal “"99"” 5 3-30—59'“- 1, Lone Star ( 15) 2pm. 5pm. 8pm (screen The Adventures DI Pinocchio (U). Phone cinema for details.

cinema 0' Transgression 1 6—7.30pm- 3) The Wind In The Willows (U). I ucl Kinnaird l’al'k. Kinnaird Road. 669

Cinema DI Transgression 2 8—9.30pm.

Georgia ( l8) 8pm. See also Edinburgh Lates. 0777. "mm?" ‘5 . 2. Mirrorball 2 (15) 5.45pm with Fn 11/Sat 12: lmematlonal zeltgeifl 5 1‘2-30P'll- introduction Phone cinema for details. International Zeltgelst 7 3—4pm. WEDNESDAY 15 sau' maintain (3'30T8'30pm‘ 1. lone Star ( 15) 2pm. 5pm. 8pm. . International Zeltgelst 8 9—l0.30pm. 2 Dead Man ( '8) 1 m LOIlIlall Road. 228 2688. THURSDAY 17 ° p FRIDAY 11

Packaged Bands ( 12) 5.45pm.

Imemat'onal zengelst 9 l—zpm' El Hazard (12) 8.30pm with illtrtxluction.

I. lone Start 15) 2.30pm. 5.45pm.

International Zeitgeist 1D 2.30—3.45pm. "mason 17 8.30pm.

Izgl‘lgggENDR Ashton Lane. Hlllhead. 1. Lone Star ( )5) 2pm 5pm 8pm. fallen Angelslgli) 3pm7. ()pm. .. ... . . _ 2. snaflug) 3pm. 11 onlas Inet . ). pm. pm. Provlstonal programme phone cmema 1c SATURDAY 12

Svengali and Trilby (PG) 5.45pm with discussion.

New Visions: International Zeitgeist 11 (IS) 8.45pm.

confirm times.

1. Jack (PG).

2. Courage Under Fire (15). See also Glasgow Lates.

1. The Hunchback Di Notre Dame [ 1939] (PG) 2.30pm.

lone Start l5) 5.45pm. 8.30pm.

2. The Wanderers ( I8) and The Warriors

I DDEDN AT THE OUAY Off Paisley Road (l8) lpm.

opposite Hairy Ramsden's. 418 Antonia’s line ( l5) 5pm. 7pm.

0| l l/0345. I CITY CENTRE DDEDN Rent‘teld Street. Fallen Angels ( 15) 9pm.

Expected programme similar to Week 1. 332 8701. SUNDAY 13

Phone cinema tor programme and times. Fri 11/Sat 12: 1. lone Star ( 15 ) 2.15pm. 8.30pm. Possiny opening: Phone cinema ior details. The Usual Suspects ( I8) (EFG) 5.30pm. AlaSIla (PC). I GLASGOW FILM THEATRE 12 Rose 2. The Hunchback Di Notre Dame [ 1939] A Soon Movie (U). Street. 332 8128. (PG) 2.30pm.

Jack (PG). Fri 11: Antonia’s line (15) 5pm. 7pm.

The Wind In The Willows (U). Mirrorball 1 (15) 10.45pm. Fallen Angels ( 15) 9pm.

I TRAMWAY Albert Drive. 422 2023. Sat 12: 3. The Bridge On The River Nwai (EFG ) Free. . Tommy ( l5) 10.45pm. 5.30pm.

The List 4-I7 ()ct I996 33