PERSONAL I Slim, long-haired, sexy i woman. 25. complete with

3(ls——5()s‘. for friendship. exploring and true love. Likes:

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| i are designed for individuals «ling _' 0.0 $3 3 Ln" PERSONAL (Box No is I Name ......................................................................... .. to meet other individuals. I ‘1‘“) :‘t'g‘gfiymg? 1" I 1‘" sus ' I d d in rice : ; We reserve the right to refuse ym. ap‘ r f u . .

u e p . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. any advcnigcn‘cm without Edinburgh “on”? The" Anvuc “"8398: £l0 for up [0 30 t , c‘phnmion me on a date I can’t refuse. Box I | . .‘ . . (

words plus 25p/extra word. I ................................................................................... .. i I Circulars. pmlmmunul ; 2134341388 raduate (35) Semi-display: £14 for up to : ........................................ .. Tel. ................................. .. . literature and offensive e m. ., ,. . 90 , , ., f 20 words lug SOP/extra l t material are not forwarded “*mf ‘mfm .mx Sum” 0

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I_——' ' " -"”‘—“— _’__ -__ _”— _ —_“-‘ ' '” ~_ IIIIIICI‘IIII. IU: . .4 ' , l - - I Wanted: unconventional

omen SECTIONS ! a [he 1...... l . . '

. ' . literate. arty companions for lineage: £6 for up to 30 I i k h, | , H , I three Glasgow bohemian words plus 25p per extra I ; .I Ia 9} '5 999'“ ““ng' l aristocrats (20s/30s word :.--._ .__-.__ ._....-_--.._.--.._-._ -»—— - “WW: I” P““§“’,”“‘°' “"glc' 5 male/female) bonhomie. witty s iOd' I . £10 f ' ; p”’”j“"?'?"." Hamburgh'mglc repartee. books. music. kitsch.

em ISI’ all- or UP to |——-—- ——-— —- ~-----~-~----,r-— ——- (36) seeks female LOIIIPJIIIOII “NS anarchy hricmhmc and 20 words plus 50p per extra ._ _ r ._ . __._ V (25—35) In share life‘s _ ; bung“ fun. 0w” mind word. : t “l;°””."‘°~‘- Ithimlgupprilu£239 i essential! Box No 290/l. . . . .-. .. ..__ __ ..__... .__ ..-..__- -__ ant reCIproca et. ox o -tt . I n '8 Ia also, I_ , .k, Display' £6 per single I ; . o p y . s anyone c .t. . i ' - I ma“ ma'e’ based Ed'nburgh t tmtur but still into occasional column cm. (3ch VA r. i 3 f 33. tall. slim. sophisticated. ' mlcpl;),ing‘gmwgq rm i0 ,md ' . ' I ' D D ' )' . . (Box no COSIS L6 cxml/ :' ' ' “T ' ' " “' ‘fmsi'li‘ili‘ 19"‘9'35'1 EH.” "‘"d‘ i haven’t played for a few years issue for non-Personal ads). I 1 “9"”. L'“ “""“‘.“L- '” but want to get into it again. r“ -~- "W" —" ' m" -~~ -- - * '--*— """*"-*—“"'" - M"- situation. but older . ,( q .‘ 'l‘ . _ l.___H '1 ((Illls) BOX N()..)0/... AWARDS i Which Section? , If?” '5'". 'E'YLL”“§:§‘N f I Open, attractive, loyal 0 88‘s “man I . l "ég‘mi‘ép‘ 0" "(’d'}. “3‘”. i intelligent. Edinburgh-based gAgcs Cass“ : HOW many ISSUES? i t "c 1013 )8" :::‘1‘I:L',l‘:‘ l woman \Vl.TM similar male. )l'tHHl e) et at ( st l e z . l

I . . . o . . SERVICES l Tick If you want a Semi-display ad CI tnore modest! Lelt wing. curry '

“HUS/MUSIC . , . . . . . .. addict (Glasgow. 40s. n/s. btiilt b .. P _ K. b k ,m

r o w. nt 21 B x No oblt ator tn ersonal I.) ! s . . .. .... . . .- . “Mm-W Fm - 1h 00 ; ~ ~ rmtess cusses : “Ck " V U " ° I 9 V p I g "I" 391:3“)! :3}; ‘L‘l‘l'i‘fitjlgf "“ d ; conversation. food. friends. HEALTH I i 5 ‘1 a " i S i wood-smoke. motorbikes. iokes. Imooucnous :ma' cm £_—_ “’"“E“".- “m N" 38"” Box No 290/3. Acnwnfis I Not required for I Saw You or Flatshare sum"? man’ 29 Hulk“ , ' ' I Pm'ess'onal Glasgow woman TRAVEL I “V'n‘m' -()‘30- You H '9‘“ 30s. seeks attractive. sporty. [:Lusmnfi : All adverts must be prepaid. Cheques and Postal Orders Ql'lC'lm; "Elf"? 1‘". '"US'C 11”" ! genuine. professional man. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' should be made out to The LISI LIII "’“d- “,“m d "kc ‘0 Shale any interested in theatre. music. vowmnv warm I 0f a“ 0' above. Please Wt'nc- dining out. affection and me. guy "I, sat l I enclose cheque/postal order/cash for £ __ Min-smoker please. lihoto ,mkmg {m lung mm GROUPS i‘pprCCI‘IICd 8”", N” "89/5' relationship. Photo appreciated. I SAW You I French speaking woman BOX Nu 390“

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music. seeks penpals interested

I I I I I Ohm “POW “won‘t Please I - -~ I ~ ' l tn genuine lrtendshtp. Music mm,“ cooking wine Cycling ‘o . .2 v ) ) l. . ' ' 'I ' I. h Q - . new “won L m1” (r 3“ l | ACCESS/“$3 card I * md} bk 3) 0r "01 f “h0 “I” 5U“! ottt. seeks handsome prol man : ’m her 110‘“ "CW5 Im'" GIG-“IN- (28—35) for friendship and fun. IHIS IS A I Number. I I l I Bl“ N" 289/“ _ Box No 290/5. DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT : ' ' ' I “meme, cosmopo'lta" . I Artistic female, 39 would I EXPII’Y date . “WWW “"95 “WSW. like to meet like minded. sexy. [I has a border a” [be Way I I conversation. nights out. seeks - attractive, funny man to enjoy round and we can include : Cardholder s Name ..................................................... .. . handsome, tan. professional mum-,0... cut-cs, wine, [00¢ your company '0g0- I (name and initials as on card) ; male (30—35) for friendship/ ' much“, friends, trawl, cinema Rates are £6 per single i Addrcgg l mmmcc- MIN have “"1055- f in lidinburgh. New York? Photo : . . I l o l o 0 o o e o n e I o I O o u c o o I I o o I u c n a a I I t o e I o o o e o o l t o l o a I o n I I l u o o o o o a o o o o o o o I o 00 t mmmum size 3 comm" cm, I (ll not as above) ......................................................... .. : oyvln ()VCI‘dl‘lil? rr;l;t(t);t7sense I Amantive maIe’ 32, 5" "Inlmum 305' £18lplusVATi- : 1 u mmum' m 0 "‘ ' ' looking for Dylan-lovmg. ................................................................................... ..

Springsteen-adoring female with good looks and sincere

IS swnatu'e i l personality. oh and no Tories It has a line above and below I Please. BOX N“ 390/]

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