Some selected events ._

- - nse e an " ' - g - - , BANK OF SCOTLAND Harrisperfor 1'

The “inatmie' St. Gllesi _'= iiiaalrail

THE‘CONC 30th Decem; .1 mp... "i a...

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The sound and fire rk§~ ,

British Energy

5.30pm on 29th December from spectacular - RUN ,1?” H 3 * Parliament Square to calton Hill. HORSE MCDONALD, the 7" Vouche'r’s avadilable now. SCOTTISH FIDDLE '°°°e 5 *0 ORCHESTRA and-ASHLEY s ttihE Aid ~- ~- cosz Agoggggal / mac's AC'. t. I "

10.39pm 315t Déékmbgf:-'*:&e-' 4X - , I . w PrmcesQfiardens. - IN THE CATHEDRAL

With the Choir of St Giles and the Scottish Chamber Orchestra Br 55 Ensemble.

Still LL: 3.1.: uj Mgr/our CLUB NIT E

With Irvine Welsh, Alan Warner and Paul Reekie.

9.30pm 30th December, Traverse Theatre.


3:" Please note: The New Year Revels and . The New Revels - The Tartan Tear-Up are .é‘o‘

lit, 1 .urn'ey two hours) :9.- now both completely sold out. ridge and along the

. ai'sDay round trip was....m;;m;_to Edinburgh.

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Lothian and Edinburgh Enterprise Limited



'.- » v: .' Twp“ 1' I. T a “um-WM .. .‘

TICKETS from Edinburgh & Scotland Information Centre. Ticketline, TOCTA. CREDIT CARD HOTLINES: E&S Info Centre 0131 558 1072 / Ticketline 0131 220 4349 / TOCTA 0131 557 6969

calls cost SOp/min daytime rate. 45p/min all other times