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i words for your special

' with £5. We'll publish your to the lucky recipient, telling uncement in The List.

friend, then fill out the form o ._ fond words (anonymously of C,“ " them to look out for

v Your Valentine messages will be published in our issue that comes out on Thurs 6 Feb. v Cupid’s deadline for The List’s Valentine Page Of Love is Thurs 30 Jan, so get scribbling!


I enclose my message on a separate sheet. The card is to be sent to Address Postcode I enclose cash/cheque/PO (delete as applicable) for £5 0 Please debit my credit card number C] / / / Expiry date / 14 High Street Sauchiehall Street Edinburgh Glasgow M nam Y e EH1 1TE 62 3JD Address ' Telephone Postcode