Piaf (ilaswegian singing star 'l‘erry Neason proy'es she really does liaye '.\'o Regrets'. as she returns to the role that made her famous ten years ago. lidith l’iaf in l’am (lems’ musical play. The show centres on the early years of the legendary l‘rench singer's career when she famously litiiig out with prostitutes. pimps and their johns. hefore joining tip with the l‘rench Resistance during World War 11. then descending into a hattle with drug aiid alcohol addiction and a penchant for yotiiig men. Whatta gal. (111101382 223 530 for more details. Kine '.\ Theatre. (Museum: l'ntil Sat 5 Apr. 7.30pm.

Ki/ie'x‘ 'I‘lic'iiln'. Iii/iIi/mre/i The S Sat 12 Apr (not Suns). 7.30pm1Wed/Sat mat 2.30pm.

Refuge (iei'da Steyenson directs Scottish company Stellar ()uines in the world premiere of Janet l’aisley's disturhing htit defiantly humorous play ahout fiye women and a teenage hoy seeking physical and emotional refuge from domestic yiolence. (‘all 0131 552 390‘) for more details.

'I'I‘UII ill/It’llll't’. (i/(Iyeritt Wed 9 Sat 1‘) Apr (not Mon 1. ts'pm; Sat mat 2pm. I’uiy/t'i'ArIs‘ ('i'nirt' Mon 21 Apr. 7.30pm. Marlin/er Arts Centre. Stir/rite l-ri 25/Sat 26 Apr. 7.45pm.

Shanghaied Well-loved Scottislt playwright l.i/. l.ochhead's company Nippy Sw'eeties perform her tale of four wartitiie evacuees. with adult actors playing the parts of children aged

seyen tw'ely-e. linen .llulum' in reyerse hasically. (‘all (‘ommunicado 'l'heatre (‘ompany on 0131 624 .1040 for more details.

.l/ui‘Rn/ii'rl Arty ('t'ltm', Stir/rile 1‘11 4 Apr. 1 1am.

A Wholly Healthy Glasgow Dressing Rooiti 'l'heatre ('ompany. recently founded hy playwright lain lleggie. aims to produce contemporary Scottish plays. kicking off with lleggie’s own comedy ahotit a (ilasgow health cltih. 'l‘wo old hands who really couldn't giy‘e a toss see their con scheme threatened when a new kid arrives on the hlock. an idealist who genuinely wants to achieve a rio- drink. no-sniokes. no-drugs. (no-fun) society. (21110141 774 0261 for more details. See New Shows. page 62. Are/tux 'Iilti'ull't'. (i/(isemr: \Ved ‘) Sat 1‘) Apr. 7.30pm.

'I'riit'i'ru' iii/IUHIIY’. Iftli/i/iiire/i Wed

23 Stiti 27 Apr. 7.30pm.

(‘iini/ieriiiiii/tl 'I'ln'ulri' 'l'httrs S May. 7.45pm.

l’iiir/i't‘Arix ('e/im' I‘ri ‘)/Sat 10 May. 7.30pm.



93.5 Hyndland Street. 357 3863. Booking also: ’l‘icket ('entre. (‘andleriggs see 'l‘icket 1.ink details ahoye.

Riverdance Workshop 11.30am lpnt iheginners); 1.30 3pm (intermediate). £6 (£4 1. led hy It’ii'eri/mn'e's datice captain ('arol I.eayey. these two workshops are desigtied to introduce participants to the hasic techniques of Irish traditional dance. as hrotight to the world's stage hy Riven/tun (' (see lidinhurgh Dance: I’layhouset. Booking is essential. yia Anita ('lark. 01-11 257 0104.

KING'S THEATRE Bath Street. l’hone

hookiiigs. 'l‘icket (’entre. (’andleriggs. see

'I’icket l.tiik details ahoye. [Access: l’l’A. l.. liacilities: W(‘. WS. 11. (i. (‘. Help: A. AA]

Arte y Pasion 't‘ue 8 Sat t: Apr. spin; Sat mat 3pm. £3 £17.50 iconcs ayailahlei. l'myersally celehrated exponents of flamenco. the l’aco l’ena Dance Company return to (ilasgow with art extiherant. sensual and technically superh trihute to the flamenco guitar. which comhines traditional song. dance atid niusic.

THEATRE ROYAL Hope Street. 332 9000. |.-\ccess: I’I’A. S'l‘. R. l‘actlities: W(‘. WS. H. (i. ('. Help: AA]

Romeo And Juliet t‘nnl Sat 12Apt'. 7.15pm; mats Sat 2.15pm/1‘hurs 1.30pm.

£3.50 £32. Scottish Ballet presents ('ranko‘s traditional interpretation of the enduring love story set to l’rokoftey's rich. sweeping score.

TRAMWAY 25 Alhert Driye. 2‘47 551 l. [Access: I). l’l’A. R. l‘acilities: W(‘. WS. 11. (i. ('1. Let Her Body Become A Living Letter l‘ntil Sat 5 Apr. Spin. £6 ( £4 i. (ilasgow - hased Victoria Beattie and her company (‘rush. return to crash around 'l‘ramway with more iii the yem of last year's strangely compelling pliystcal/yerhal/emotional otithtirst [flout/birds.

Bound To Please Thurs 10 Sat 12 Apr. Spin. l.loyd Newson's legendary physical theatre company return with their first piece since li/in'r.’lt'/1///e\. t'sing dancers aged from their 20s to their mid-50s. HUIIIH/ '1}; Please promises to he a hard-hitting satire on the world of mainstream dance. See preyiew. page 5‘).


ASSEMBLY ROOMS 54 (ieorge Street 'l‘icketline: 221143-19, [Accessz S'li. R. l'iacilities: W('. WS. (3]

Dancespringz Hi I t Apr. 3pm. free. 'l‘i‘aditionally hy iny itation only. this collahoration hetween Dance Base and Assenihly Aliyel offers a sneak prey iew of a numher of diyerse works in the making. featuring mime and tttoy'etttcttt to a Beethoven composition. classical Indian dance and contemporary and hip hop dance.

Tea Dance Wed 16 Apr. 2.30pm. £2. Dust off those dancing shoes as the exer- popular tea dance makes its April appearance with music courtesy of the 'l'ommy Wallace 'l‘rio.


13 2‘) Nicolson Street. 52‘) 6000. lAccess: 1.. facilities: WC. WS. AS. 11. (‘. '1‘. Help: A]

Romeo And Juliet 'I‘tie l5 Sat 1‘) Apr. 7.30pm; mats 'I’hurs 1.30pm & Sat 2pm. £4.51) £30 (£4.51) £271. See (ilasgow' Dance: Theatre Royal.

(ireenside Place. 557 2590. [Access: R. l..

liacilities: W(‘. WS. (3. (‘l

Riverdance The Show l'ntil Sat 17 May. £10 £30.50 (concs ayailahlet 8pm; Wed/Sat tiiat 2.30pm. 11 you‘ye houglit the yideo. the soundtrack and the hook of the show that went front a seyen-minute litiroyision filler to hecome the higgest- selling show of the Ulls now is your chance to see the real tliitig in all its exhilarating. foot-stomping glory on its first yisit to Scotland. Don’t hang ahotit though. the step-dance extrayagan/a had a £3 million adyance on the hox office hefore it opened arid the run has already heen extended once.

ST BRIDE'S CENTRE ()rw ell 'l'ei't‘ace. 346 1405. [.Access: l’l’A. 1.. ST. R. l'acilities: W(‘. WS. (3. (‘l

Guts And Grace tin J/Sat 5 Apr. 7.30pm. £6 (£4 ). Sheridan .\'icol's .IaI/ Arts Dance ('ompany giye a high- powered display of dance styles from street ftitik to hip hop to the lIashy pyrotechnics of the hig stage show s.


MACROBERT ARTS CENTRE l'niyersity of Stirling. Stirling. 01786 461081. lAccess: l’. I’I’A. |.. R. liacilities: W('. WS. 11. (i. (‘]

Diversions Dance Company wed ()fl‘hurs 10 Apr. 7.30pm. £7 (£3.50): apex £6 (£3). Wales' leading dance company returns with an exciting douhle-hill comprising Him‘ Don I! l-‘n'l an audacious dance-piece created hy Roy ('amphell-Moore. which explores the exhihitionist and the romantic w itliiti its all r and Siriiiteerr In The Nita/ii. hy Spanish choreographer 'l‘oni Mira which coiiihities the grayel-yoiced hlues of American singer 'l‘om Waits with a dark landscape of tlte stuff of life. including relationships. alcohol atid 'lreams.



Comedy is listed by date, then by city. Shows will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days beforemelication. Comedy listings compile by Claire Prentice.



The Stand'l‘he 'l'ron (‘eilidh llouse. Hunter Square. 220 1550. Doors open Spm lani (show runs 9 llan. At least fiye acts for £5 (£4. henefit only no student concessionsi. Weekly. .loliii (iillick. Doni ('arroll atid lack Weatherall hold their own at the popular comedy cluh while .latie Mackay is mistress of



Cosy Comedy Cafe .lay a Internet ('afe. 152 Park Road. 5 5“ 0T2". Doors opeti S30pm. £3. Bar open tiiitil midnight. following the success of the monthly comedy cafe. the gig ltas heen stepped tip to a fortnightly fixture atid switched from l-‘rtdays. To kick off this new set-tip. expect laughs a plenty from Marian Ktlpati'ick. .\'eil (iallaghei' i .\'oel's other hrothert and James Donlan


Club Brouhaha! (iilded Ballooti. 233 (‘owgate. 226 6550. 7.30 10.30pm. £4 (£31. A fortnightly feast of comedy from lllt‘ ltlttkct's ()1 the (illtlctl Hallottlt (‘omedy (‘trctnt offering stand-tip. iniproy. game shows. sketches arid late tunes for your amusement. The line-up tonight includes w aspish \'iy (lee. Day id Keay and (iortlott Brunton. 'l‘icket- holders w ill also hay e the chance to ground-test the talents of contestants in the first rounds of the BB(’ New ('omedy Awards. which take place as part of the Brouhahal show.


Stand-Up For Liverpool Dockers Arches Theatre. 30 Midland Street. 221 0736. 9pm (doors open S30pm). £5 (£2.50). Hay mg heeti all htit ignored hy the mainstream media since they were sacked nineteen months ago. 500 l.iyerpool dockers are finally getting some deseryed attention with this comedy henefit gig. 'l’he impressiye line- ul‘ hoasts Bruce Morton. Stti Who. \'iy (iee and .\lick l’arkin. with proceedings oyerseen hy l.thhy .\lc.-\rthur. Hay e a laugh atid support the cause. which at last seems to he gaining momentum and ptihlic support. w liile the Mersey side Dock atid llarhour (‘ompany are w iptiig the smiles off their faces.

The Comic Club Blackfriars l'nderground. Blackfriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 592-1. 0pm (doors open Spmt. £5 (£3.50). Weekly. Sunday night stand-up at the long-running comedy cltih. this week compered hy guest .\lartan Is'ilpatrick. The line-up includes Day id ls'eay. .liiiiniy Mooney and newcomer to the (tum. (‘lii/i Key in Spence. All this. together with a chance to see BB(‘ new comic hopefuls Alan Brophy and Adrian chlc.


Bruce's Big Night In Arches 'l‘ltcatt‘c. Au Midland Street. 221 0," 36. 8pm. £5 (£3). Big Brucie hosts this regular monthly slot which offers artists and audiences alike the chance of a ten-minute showcase to try out new material. taking iii eyerything from comedy to opera. In addition ll\ e music and a regular (ll-'1' spot ensure a yat'ied night.

Clutha Comedy Night ('ltitlta \‘aulis.

Stockw ell Street. 552 7'520.S.~15pm.

comedy THEATRE

0 wt." ‘j'l' “fi‘fi’fi

Libby McArthur, seen here in Refuge. Stellar Quines' recent production, is among the performers at Stand-Up For Liverpool Dockers, Glasgow, Sun 6 Apr

l‘ree. llaying kicked off last month. this new addition. to the comedy scene features spots from circuit regulars including Ray Mearns. \'iy' (ice. Gerry (irant and Billy Bonkers.

THURSDAY 10 Edinburgh

The Stand downstairs at Christie's. West Port. Information 662 .1467. 8.30pm 1am (show runs 9.30 11.30pm). At least four acts for £4 (£3 1. Weekly. At least six tried-and-tested htit relatiyely new Stand kids do the hiz with fiye-to-ten-minute slots. presided oyer hy compere Dave Williams. 'l‘onight. there‘s a Stand dehtit front circuit regular. scouser R. David.


The Stand The 'l'i'on (’eilidh House. Hunter Square. 220 1550. Doors open 8pm lam (show runs ‘) 1 1pm). At least ftye acts for £5 (£4. henelit only - no student concessions). Weekly. Scousers Brendan Riley and R. David provide the main acts tonight. with true life stories and improy. while foul-mouthed magician Reg Anderson adds variety to proceedings. Sharp-tongued regular .laite Mackay is the mistress ofceremonies and there's a ‘quality controlled' open spot



Ruby Slippers t-lasi Kilhride Arts Centre. ()ld (‘oach Road. 01355 261000. 8pm. £4 (£2 1. This comedy duo consists of musician lleleti Skiera and poet Donna ls'rachan. who currently writes atid presents ll'liu/n li’iim Siriiii'lu'r/y Jinn for (‘liildren's BBC. With support from Joe lleenan and .loon Broon. there'll be satirical ohseryations on life. love and Special Brew.


The Comic Club Blackfriars t'nderground. Blackfriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5024. ()pm (doors open 8pm). £5 t£3.50).'1‘he popular comedy club returns to form with more estahlished and tip- and-coming stand-ups for your pleasure. Back from her hols. regular compere Viy (lee will keep the laughter going. while the hill includes (iordon Brtinton. Neil Shackleton. (iary Hagan and a open spot from the delightful Suzanne l-‘rasier.


The Stand downstairs at ('hristie's. West Port. Information 662

4467. 8.30pm lam (show runs

9.30 11.30pm ). At least four acts for £4 (£3). Weekly. This unusually W’eegie- heayy night features anecdotes and ohseryations from John (Iillick. garrulous crack from lo Mackenzie and w'isecracks from Jim l.ayery. (‘atty Susan Morrison hosts the proceedings atid there's a dotihle open spot too.

.1 -l/Apr 1997 THE LIST 67