; Orders Scotland The Green

l Jackie Redding (Findhorn £4.50)

Chocolate carrots Incorporating the Vegetarian Guide To l




Guide to places to eat & stay

Scotland the Green £4 95 inc p&p

The Scottish Highlands And Islands, this idiOSyncratic book bills itself as the alternative goide to

'l-rairl so, it's true. The chocolate flavoured carrot has been riiaiiufactured along ‘.Vlil‘i the pizza flavoured 's,‘.\'er-tcrirn, the

vegetarian and vegan hideaways

In SCOlland 8“)an Up mm L Colour Vegan Cookbook

regions, each section leads vath a Rainbows and Well'es

rheese and onion brief description of the geogranhlcal £1695 inc pgp 7 01d Fishmarket Close

r'llllllll')‘.‘./“r and baked area and then lists the hotels, Edinburgh

'iieari flavoured peas guesthouses, cafes and restaurants I Tel 01854 655.282 ax 999 I ,h , i D-

Ammwmly mm are where veggies and vegans Wlll get a w'th cred" Car 5 ‘um am “nu r Monday to 'I hursday.

l)('((xlllllll’j increasingly warm welcome. The 82 different

suct essftil at avoiding entries contain all the information you na Mara Fndayi Saturday and Sunday eatiiiii their tireeiis In need to know about each place, listing open all day the loitri run, this is phone numbers, prices, Opening times veg' Guesmousea‘ Info' SeMce t l h i . . , . . . Lochbroom, Nr Ullapool e eP one .iarl news or. the health and sample menus as well as details on : Highmnds ~23 255 01.31 225 5428 front WYIll increased local amenities and attractions. The ' rates 'if rant er lieirir; information in the entries seem to have liiilzr-ti‘ to tie reasiiig veg come directly from the proprietors of tonsuriipt: iri each establishment and as such aren't

The lio/eii food shop ()hJOCllVO, it's a guide rather than a itelaiitl has (')lll(‘ up \Vllll the critical reView but useful nonetheless 3 t "iii ave «let mom to sell Other chapters are devoted to the , : :laviaired vegetables in the p horrors of the Scottish lnldgol mp , b a q «u E o k a hope that the pre- 2‘ intricacies of local dialect and the : | ' E tiiihest ('lll ‘.‘.’lll take to delicate matter of Sunday opening G L A S G 0 u I .

liieiii ‘.\’llll the relish that they iii'iiiiiallv reserve for wisps, hunters and sugar— ‘s-j)(l(lt".’l fix/2; drinks They're wl‘xfil: se’f over £500,000 ‘.‘.l‘lill ,i.‘ the fl'i'st in the next

times on the God-fearing island of


OtitWith the maior cities in Scotland, finding decent food, whether

2 5 years of traditional vegetarian or not, can he a headache This book will prove invaluable to those

looking to eat well Without eating meat The book can he purchased by phoning 01854 655282 With credit

'fz'ee li-rilth experts recommend eating itoiliui». inf fiiiit (ii 30'.) a day

““z-lt' it lllt' i' st t. areis have long card details or by writing to Flor l2 ASHTON LANE Tel 0141—334 5007 "vi-’lt‘il tiny, .irl‘..i :‘ and relzriiriiisly trot lornhaicih, Freepost lVl229, The

I. l the ("-l§?f)",’ il\'t‘ times a day Shore, Ardindrean, Lochhroorn, Nr

-.' i v'i'ei'. iis, healthy portion of Ullapool, Wester Ross, N23 28R

(Jonathan Trewr


r h" . 1 Y5) r q _ u 2 Ameriean Sandwieh (Gate , “Me It to I of Mariam mm " m" same fll‘fll prizes I'll ll! SITE“ W CPI. ITS" TIES! hrs. Over 30 different varieties prepared on speciality breads Illllfllllst m 0010110013“ if jigt’gf‘Terlcan Tuna 56"“ s-nnim mm mm éggziafigcazza lllllll’sm ilinunstsnim "turn": 35 Espressg & Muffins iiiiereiaiiisimi,iiiniii-ui|i 119mm sir-atrium Ill mm momma: if 5; Funky Music 10.00 pm 10.00 am 10.00 pm sGiCUacamO'e . ItllSllllttl lltlllllllt m =qu gl‘l Hummus & SP'CY Tofu ii can-n simi, lllllll‘ll m 101 nai- Strut m It: a mm mm m if i: ; a Sp: (eiraol 11.00 pm 11.00 001 11.45 pm KOsker Dill Pickle Bl: BllllIS IIGIIS lllitl: "III III * 3L; Lox 8t Bagel 2: tree-sire Place. [mum in rm Strut, Him :71 n rm strut, mm m Muffuletia mum siii llllllll mu m ,3; @032?“ Dog * fP-EPastrami on Rye 8.30 pm “In "I l" "1 Quintessentia American lillllfltllllts iiiiiirs nu ma Hill mini: nun .‘S‘. Eeubkenf 232 Paislzy iiui. 0mm :5 cusiimiusimt trim in am. mum if ITjngngs '99 0.30 pm 9.00 IIII 0.00 Ill : U: Unusually good. llllltls IIII 0 I'll“ nu u f V. Vegetarian specral llalhlIStmljlasgnu ulna-simian:an autumn-um . “(Wonderful , i'X-;Xtra mayo 10.30 001 Ill-Ill! IIII 10.00 In 1 Yankee SllflllIS ill IllllIIS Ill Ifllll III! {2: ZappaI mm: :5 ms straw imtn 221 . ' m m mm” 5 Open 7 days a week a - - - - 25 Parnie Street, Glasgow Mlll‘llall S SPICE“ E'Sflflblrll Wllll cola; fll‘lflllllfllfll Bl‘ lemonade. Orders by tel/fax 0141652 7999 Behind Tron Theatre

2-15 May 1997 THE UST103