FILM index

FILM INDEX (()ntinued from page 32

Larger Than Life (I’( II IIIowaId I iaiikliii. I'S. I99’II IIIII \liiii'ay. .I.IIIL'.III(' ( I.II.II.II(I. I.iI the elephant 9i iiIIIIx I’opiilai tliciaptixt Jack (‘oicoiaii I.\IIIII‘ay I IiIlIei Itx IIIx IatlIcI ‘x ciictix elephant \cia. .iii.I .iIiIix to sell her to .i |I('.Iitlcxx llollywood .IiIiiIIal tiaiiIei' But on their )ouiney .Ici'oxx .'\IIIL'llcil. Jack hecomex a hcttei peixon 'I IIIx loosely plotted odyxxcy Ix diow ned in iIiiiIdIexx elephant woi'xliip theie are only so many tiiIiex you really want to xcc .I perloi'nniig pacliydei‘III xtand on mice Ich and the I‘exiiltx are truly dexpciate (Ilaxgow \iigIII IidIiIhiIi'glI ()(It'tItt

Leon I |\'I II In IIexonI. I'iance. l99-l) Jean Reno Nathalie I’ortiIIaIi. (Iai'y ()ldiIIaII I III iIIiiIx \Vheii IIIx neighbour's laiIIin ix wiped (IIII hy crooked cops on a hungch di'iigx IIIIxt. ice cool IIitiII.IiI I.e(IiI IIiIdx lIIiIIxcll looking .Iltci the sole \lll\ l\(It' twelve- ycai -old .\l.It|ii|de Iuc IIexxoiI'x IiIxt IiIiII III IfiIglleI ix. neverthelcxx. .I I‘lt‘ttc‘lt IiIIII III tciiIIx (It xty Ic. editing .iiid itx holdiiexx III xl(It'y and theme Il'x y'UIuI III xee llt.ll lItc‘ dIicctoI hax Iinally got over the all xty le HIM content ohxtaclc lzdiiIlIiirgII (‘aiiico

Liar Liar I I .‘ I I'I'oiii Shadyac. I'S. I997) .lllll ('.Iiicy. .leiIIIIIeI' I'Illy. .\iiI.iIIda I)(IIlI‘IlI‘L‘. iIIiiIx .'\llt'l the bewilderingly III IocIixed (II/III (iii) .IIiII (Iiii’cy (Icliyerx .I Iikcahlc. ctlcctive. htit decidedly iIIaiiIxti'caiiI comedy with a xet tip that‘s hlixxttilly xiiIIpIe a hiitliday wixh hy (lii'rey ‘s xtItt iIIeanx lawyer dad must stop telling hex ltIl' a inIgle day :\ \eiy workable xpi Inghoai'd Ior .lIiiI (‘ai'i'cy Ix iixual iepeitoiic (II play -dolI Iacial ticx and (‘tt(‘I;fL‘Ilc‘ xlttpxltck See lettltlt'e ('Illtl t‘e\ Iew. (Iciicial Ielcaxc.

LOVE And Death ll’( il (“'(Ituly Allen. IIS. I975) \Voody Allen. Diane Keaton. ()Iga (ieoigex-I’icot 85 iiIIIIx. I’IthIed xoiIIewlIei'e between 'I'IIe l'iIiIin Years (IIIIIIIIIIIM. .S':'('('/’('I I and IIIe Setto-(Rntnc Yeaix IxIII/IH' l/(I'.’.’. .I/(m/IIIHIIIH tIIIx ix one pai't (II

Woody 'x continuing neurotic i'oiiIaiIcing of Diane Keaton. only It‘s xet III Riixxia at the time (II the Napoleonic wai'x 'l'IIIx means lon (II ict'ei'ential gagx about great Ruxxian


Romeo and Juliet (12) 12.50, 3.35, 6.20, 9.10pm

Everyone Says

I love You (12) 1.25, 4.00, 5.45, 9.15pm

TWIN TOWN (18) 4.10, 6.55, 9.25pm

Mandela (U) 1.35pm


Kolya (PG) 1.10, 3.45, 6.35, 9.05pm

Twin Town (18) 4.10, 9.25pm Romeo and Juliet (12) 1.30, 6.55pm Everyone Says I IOVC YOU (12)

1.25, 4.00, 6.45, 9.15pm (Both not Tues)


34 THE LIST; I‘) May 199/

literature and a xct—piecc ICIxciIxteIiI parody. which Ix fun iI onI know what to laugh at. (Ilaxgow. (III.

M I IS) (I’i'it/ Lang. (ieiiiiany. I9” I Peter I.ori'e_ ()tto \Vei'tiickcn (Ittxtav (Iiuiidgeiix All undoubted claxxIc Iilled with xtuiIIIiIIg xcquencex that build to a harrow Ing climax :\ child IIIurdeI'eI' I I one) evadex the police only to he caught and tried by lIix Iellow c‘t'lltllllillx Sordid xuhlect matter treated with xtIiIIiIiiIg artistic vixion. with lorrc at lIIx iIIost chilling. yet strangely xy IIIpathetIc. hext. IidIiIhiirgh, I-iliiIhouxe.

Mandela (I’(ii (Jo .\IeiIneII/.-\ngiix (iihxon. l'S. I995) I I7 iIIIiIx .l’tllltlt'Itl Ix a ciiIeiIIatIc least for anyone who expouxed the cauxe. a textaiiIeIIt to the leader and hix life-long conIIIIitIIIeIIt. Although xlow -paced and lovingly xhot. It Ix an InIoi'iiIative documentary which \kllllllly blendx archive and cotttettipoi‘at'y Iootage with ItIteI'y Iewx. Difficult tI‘IIch. xuch ax the :\.\'("x dechIoiI to resort to armed xtruggle are iIIentIoiIed. hut It'x hard to Ioi'get that llle Ix an otticially xaIIctioned IiIIiI. lidinhurgh ('ameo

Der Mann, Der Sherlock Holmes War It“, .lltiii ll'lio lliiv .S‘ln'r/m/t [lo/mm Il’(I) I Karl IIartI. (IeI'IiIain. I937) III iIiIIIx. 'l‘wo small- time detectiv ex don deei‘xialkei' and cape to go [(I the Paris \VtIt‘Id I’iilll‘ where they 'I'e asked to solve a battling crime. A light- hearted thriller (ilaxgow, (il’l'. Iidinburgh, I’IIiiIIIotIse.

Der Mann lm Keller III/IV .l/(III III /'/I(' (Tl/(Ir (I’(i) (Joe May. (ieriIIain. l9l-1) (It) units. A geIItIeiiIaiI detective Icleai'ly modelled (III Sherlock Holmes) Invextigatex the caxe (II a hand (II criminals tiniIg to xtcal plans Ior a secret weapon ()ne III a ch'Iex oI ( iermaII xIlent Ieatui'ex starring Stuart Wehhx. I.i\e piano aecoinpaniment. (ilaxgow (il’l‘. Iidinhurgh. I‘IlmlIoIIxc Margaret's Museum I )5) I Moi-I Ranwn. (‘atIzida/lfK. I995) Helena lionham (‘ai'tetz Kate Nelligan. ('live RIIxxell. 95 mins. Based (III short stories by Sheldon (‘uri'ie. Ila/“$11113 .IIHH‘IIHI Ix set III the late |9~ltls III a windswept and isolated corner (If Nova Scotia, where Bonham (‘arter'x feixl} woman makes her on er promise not to work down the mines that killed her Iather and brother. Yex. the scenery Ix lovely and the music Ix evocative, but the feeling perx.xt-, that the predictable xtoi'y could have been xquee/ed Into a liaII hour See IeattIi‘e and review. lidiiIbIIrgII: l‘Ilnihouxe.

Mars Attacks! I | 3) (Jim Burton. [‘5. I996) Jack Nicholxon. (ileIIII (lose. .-\nnette Betting. I05 minx Take some 50x alien invasion IIImx. add the xtar hodycount of 70s dixaxter mov Iex. round It (III with the weird Imagination oI 'I‘iiII Burton. and you have tIIIx espenxive xci-Ii xpooI. 'IIIe Ii'l‘s literally are little green men. w recinIg havoc (III Iiarth while disparate hunchex of humans fight back, (iood gagx. great dexign and eye-popping computer animation. but it doesn't really connect ax a complete film. IidIIIhurgh: ('ameo.

Matilda (I’(i I (Danny I)e Vito. I'S. I996) .\Iara Wilson. Danny I)e Vito. Iimheth I)a\i(lt/,, 98 mins. (‘apturing the delicious

\\ ickednexs (If Rotild I)altl'x writing. director

He \'Ito fully e\ploits exaggeration and playful camera work to tell the tale (II a gil'ted child who uses her super brain to

Watching the detective: Carmen Ejogo and Eddie Murphy in Metro

II. .

outwit IIei' IIeglectIul paIenix ()Itxetting the lovable .‘ylatilda agaIIIxt a xei‘iex (II horribly Inflated had characters. the Iilm'x

einpow erIiig iiIexxage for children will appeal to the Iiiixchey Ioux kid III everyone (Ilaxgow ()deon ()uay. l'(’l (‘lydehank Mean Streets I IS) I.\lai'tin Scorsese: 11%. I973) Harvey Keitel. Robert de Niio. I)ayid l’i'oval, III) IIIIIIx lolly 'x liar Ix the haxe Ior tour young ItaIIaiI-.-\iIIerIcaiIx. whose Inci'eaxingly illegal activities lead to tragedy. \'i\ Idly ohxery ed character study which comhinex breathtaking technique with a pervaxive xenxe oI corruption Keitel and dc Niro give oI their very hext Iidinhurgh: I'lllllll()tl\t‘.

Metro I IN) IIIIIIIIlux (litter. [8. I996) Iiddie Murphy. \Iichael Rapapoit. Michael \Vincott. |I7 IIIIiIx Murphy 'x latext Ix crudely coiIIiIIerciaI. htit lacking III the humour and action that combined to such xuccexxliil ettect III IIIx earlier work Here IIe‘x a w Ixecracking hostage negociatoi' who xetx out to avenge the iIIuI'der (II a police colleague III prte of common sense and legal procedure No i‘ival tor the bext ltltI\ Iex III the xaiiie action-coinedy -thriller lield. (ilaxgow ()deoII ()Iiay. l'(‘l (’lydehank. Iidiiihurgh. I’(‘l

Microcosmos I I 'I I('latide Nui'idxany/Marie l’crennou. l'rance. I995) 75 units A xpecIal prey Iew (II tlIIx achaIIiIed I‘t‘ench docuiiIeIItary heIoI'c Itx opening next Ixxue. Imagine a Day Id Attenhorotigh xpecial (III the Iiixect world. blown up to aIIIa/Iiig scale (It) the big xcreen. ()ur perceptions about xi/e and time are altered by tIIIx xpectacularly' xlIot IIIxigIIt IIIto another universe. IiditIhIIrglI. I-‘ilIiIhoIIxe

Muppet Treasure Island (I’( i) ( Iii-Ian lIeiIxoiI. l'S/l,'K. I996) llllt (‘ui'i'yy Kevin Bishop, Billy (’onnolly. ltll iIIiIIs Young Jim IIaw inIx. along with IIIx friends the (heat (Ion/(I and RI/lo IIIC Rat go hunting for treaxure with (‘aptaIiI l’lint'x map. meeting up (III the way with Long John

Bedtime reading: Courtney Love and Woody Harrelson in The People vs Larry Flynt

Silv er ((‘uri'y I. and I'tI/IIL‘. Kermit. Miss Piggy et aI ax various Stevenson characters. I-aitlIIuI to the book. but hilarious III its e\traneoux details especially III the opening xectIoiI tIIIx is one time everyone can enloy' IIoIIy wood'x plundering (II British literature I-idinburgh. ()(leon.

My Fair Lady (I’(II (( Ieoi'ge (‘ttk‘oix US. I964) Res Ilttt'i'ixott. Audrey llephurn. Stanley Holloway. I75 ininx. Familiar xcreen adaptation of I.crner and Loewe‘x musical xlant (III I’vennilmn. notable Ior a catalogue (II great tunes. IIaI‘i'IonI'x somehow endearing half-spoken xinging, and ('ecil lieaton'x splendid costume dengIIx (especially III the racecourse sequence) (ilaxgow: (II-'I'.

Die Nacht Der Zwolf Niel)! ()f T/It’ Tina/re (l2) IlIanx Scheikart. (ieriIIany. I945) 100 units, :\ gigolo exploits a xet'Ies (II lonely women. and plots the death (II a wealthy older woman in order to win the contents (II her will (iiven the time and atiIonpIIere the Iilm was made under. It's no surprise that anyone xeeiI to act outhde the norm - like the protagonist aIId pai'ticuarly in a sexual way will he spotted by the authorities. (Ilaxgow. (Il’li

Naked ( l3) (Mike Leigh. I'K. I993) David 'l‘lIew lIx. Kati‘IiI ('artlidgc. I.ex|ey Sharp. I36 mins. Johnny. a cy meal drifter. wanders atound the homeless of London spouting a bitter philosophy. An episodic. bleak. btit hitingly funny portrait (II 90s Britain that quIers from a Iew characters who could only esixt III a Mike I.eigh world. Scenes of \L'\lI;tI violence may be difficult for some audience iIIeIiIbei'x to xit through. but the

v ll‘lllIIxtI perforiIIaiIce from ‘I‘liewlis is a xtunuer. (ilaxgow. (ii-"I.

Normal Life ( I8) (Johtt McNaughton. US. I996) Luke Perry. Ashley Judd. Bruce Young, It): mins. 'IIIe Intense relationship hetween es-cop (‘hris (Perry) and factory worker I’aIII (Judd) goes off the rails when he takes up hank robbery as means (II financing her concept (II the AIIIericaiI Dream. A character-driveiI study (II blue collar axpiratIoiI and alienation. this low-key lllt)\ ie hy the director (II Henry: I’urlrutl ()f .1 Serial KI/It’l' has fine pert'ormances by the two leads, Iidinburgh: l‘IliIIhouse.

The People vs Larry Flynt ( I 8) (Milos I’tII'lllillI. US. I996) Woody llarrelson, (‘ourtney' I.ove. I€dward Norton. I30 mins. Iiollowing the rise of pornography publisher |.arry' I’lynt from humble beginnings through court cases and an assassination attempt. The Pr‘Up/t' l'\ Ixirrv l’lvnr Is about a lot more than politics. That's not to dismiss the film's central argument that the right of free speech is absolute -— but It Is (‘ourtney Love as Hynt'x junkie wife Althea that you won‘t be able to take your eyes (III. (Ilaxgow; ()(Ieott Quay.

The Pillow Book (III) (I’eter (Ireenaway. l.’K/Netherlands/II‘I'ance. I996) Vivian Wu. Iiwan .\Ic(iregor. Yoshi ()ida. 136 mins. (ireenaway's distinctive style (II frames within Irames and test xcrolling across the xcreen reaches its zenith in this visual masterpiece. A Japanese model chooses her lovers on the strength of their calligraphic skills. and slowly she puts in motion a revenge plan against the man who ruined her father. Mc(}regor co-stars as a bisexual translator whose kit is more off than (III. but the graphic nudity Is sensually handled. Achingly gorgeous Images make for sheer cinematic poetry. Iidinhurgh: I’iIIIIhouse. Return Of The Jedi (I’(}) (Richard Marquand. US. I983) Mark IIaIIIIiIill. Harrison I’ord. (‘arrie I-‘isher. I32 mins. I-‘amily relationxhips are neatly tied tip in the final part of (ieorge I.ucas's original Star Wars trilogy. while the matinee-style action quota is kept high as the forces (II evil are vanquished at last. This is much more (II a kids film than the others as evinced in the cutesy Iiwoks -- htit the final confrontation between Luke and Darth Vader has more emotional Impact than anything else in the series. (ieneral release.

Ridicule (l8) (Patrice Ieconte. l-‘rance. I996) (Tharles Berling. Jean Rochefort. I-‘anny Ardant. 102 mins. A young engIneer travels to the court of Louis XVI to secure funding for a drainage project and discovers a cruel society where savage wit can open doors or slam them in your face. V‘rhal duels give the film a literate spark. and the portrait of a decadent world manages to