All the best ' a What’s gingering up our lives this fortnight.

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Books: Will Self As hrs journalistic career 1‘», territwranly ohst Irrerl by a

:l'1Llilr‘l lwrorrrsntrtke, Self

concert rates on now; the publu NV The young actress who set pulses racrng across the world when she bagged oft th Ewan McGregor Rentor‘ an '.'.'.°.h m rmu rmvel Great/1pm Trainspotting can finally be seen In her follow-up film, when Ste/la Does Trucks recewes its Scot-flush premgere as oar: of \ ratr '1 ‘1er the flesh Ber

"‘.r"‘t‘: \,‘.'(' :s Am", ’54" Irrsmu,

Mayfest Determzned to escape her We as a prostitute tn London, Stella returns to Glasgow he," "50"(i lirlcize Hans [slathzesom above) and confronts her abusrve father, Advance word suggests l\4aCd().".al(l nuts '0 a to:;<_;n-n:;:--.n.Lneram- oe't’orrnance and CalHES the mOVIe. SCreenerter and noveirst A L, Kennedy will (liSCLLSS We ‘3'“ a‘te' the sc recmx‘r:

Ste/la Does THC/<5 Is screened as a gala prevrew at the Glasgow Wm Theatre on fin/rs J4} Ma; Mayfest Dance: Fuenteovejuna

'.’l ‘L'rlJ‘ljni'l‘t‘UI

"(ltw' ‘: \) lll‘; ’Z‘llilll‘) ’J l.t<l‘,”l{"rl \ wary": ‘tzt szr'rrwrt last T .'.':'.I". ‘.".-;= ::~'r-r:.:t"r- wt l‘l‘, u-t! Emir} .Tl'sifll'fi"l l)"; p. ' r | n l r V éu ~ mt y it o " ‘1" t1, " Ml: .(‘Hlll'v chCJ-t ) C) 'KAS\ (1' C. (, r.ur(v " c.) r. “(.3 I " {5 r‘ 0 -' ¢ 0 l"" O ' ’\.’ ‘pr"i 3'“ I?\ I descroec. or cc "temporary cm (s 7— s (1’7‘ )0 ; flu} |.(: ' t « r ' g 'y. 1 .r. (o o. . o N‘; g

comoosef's "‘ost admired txrotis, co'*‘n'r‘:r‘<; a or :mir‘r;

drama of DO‘ifzcs anc proence tutti" woos-rte :"e'ocizes (:f‘(} i" , "‘1', r

lyr‘1(.(ait)!‘.rasv"(; "xi/Mien :r‘ WOO, t"e oven“::71)“st'ets'“ ‘, [L ', " ' ' ' Mn; o ir‘l ct r r. «A '7 " -"'

at y Yg)‘(i)CfO\/l b \ k)LI\ (3C: (‘(l s) ()3) (1

comoany Opera On A Shoestr on, most 0‘ '.-."'ose

Beck s are young Scots Tosca 's o‘ :ectc-d ': Rooe'f tow, Scott-s“ ' "


'{4' " .‘f "'*,t;l;r', l]\.

I .-~ ' .. c c ,v ,' l' "0" ' ' x'. LI Tele\./rs;on s cort'o .er ()7 Ild"‘(:, 1' fire t t t~ 'o r: r); ' ‘° ._ ‘/-(. rt ‘1 I! v\(\ l’IV ar( l~l\‘:

" I' l\- I‘ ‘,\,‘,~ l ,‘,| ‘~" Cl '.st-r.a Du"-\'/O()(l:e Drctcxec ,' e'e (r (:e‘ 01L: H '5' "1:9" "7 " '1 l)':, m were

who srngs Scarrma at the Fa:T-;::lt show . .

'1‘ T"?! U:.'"l 'l‘rl‘KllY 1177‘. .'"‘vL*t l‘

Tosca rs at the C/t/zens’ Ynea "e Glasqoz'x, Tue lfs‘ 2? L. N 1m“ WW (Ex . , ‘y I r I, ', .x'.'\ ls pr»... ‘1‘ \rr,|\’ -!'.t\ .1 May (every second night Sat 2‘1 Ma}. ra/urr Mann um. ,t AM may 91!, at,” 11,3,“ {l

.3 fling" ll: v‘ "'j.:_'. T'ln

Mayfest Music: Resurrection Want

':.' "l ." :{tl'llw 's' .' r

""2: r""‘ ' :1, s’ " |'\|,. r. ,c'h ,\,.'...l," C “x, ,r .l H.

" . ;'(\A _)'\~ prl' \I' .. :(l‘tj .. "I "F- ,4, “Ur. no \i

Mayfest Art: David Shrigley r”, 3 -. at

ll"? \ "whirl." 13. ..-°.'l'li"l 1!. I v} Ll I l l' I}, ' ' 1 v t‘ v r'rlv , MO" Flanders " ' ' ' " =" r, ,‘( 3c. 1 ’,< 'v v Ho .ooc: s Ta-te o" t' e Da me. Detoe , .. h, , , , , , '\ ~ \' , v v N ‘\ n rout-t (:oc-s' ‘. on) a.ot:r c: the lotl‘. " "r r‘» ' °' 'v :r' (€-"T_.".' " as it} the save 'W‘anne" as ' p ' ' ' " . . 'et"e~t IT: aciaotatzo'i, and Rom" . 1;. : « f -‘ .<.oes . are t' e same elt'n ..’r. 84!, n :thxo'n c‘tlai'tres as Alex K-n * n , 5‘ ' ' ' QS‘O ' Mayfest Theatre. Peepshow D (El/(3C the r00 "‘ that verg‘o'n :"i"‘it:;r 2.". {xxx-gut ‘. my! tl‘r‘ zin- lr‘steacil Me “n "iters the stow o‘ .,. 3,,“ .. .r .. _,.,. re st; Ho‘s through a "eacttng or her ,;\ m . . f :tt .;".r't‘s‘-r" (l<(‘:"z?% to you've cacol‘fer MOrgan .~,¢ . 1 r, (t r Irr‘,.'-') n F'r>e"‘ari s1) encirci ms trendy new ' ' '1' ' . ' 2 f s‘ n " I C'eaclocas, .s t“‘e r‘a't'ato' o’ the tale r r ' 2 :..- v t ~ See oaoe 26 1.! sun u “my. Hum. . 1' t.

Moll Flande's ooes on (YE/73.29: release


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